My name is Rodrigo and I’m portuguese. Portugal is the most western country in Europe and it’s not part of Spain. In the 16th century Portugal had colonies in 5 different continents and is the only european country that had it’s capital outside of Europe, in Brazil.
About myself I started to follow the Zodiac case after I saw the movie and became interested in the codes. I don’t have any theory about the killer. My father didn’t do it, for sure!
I like to believe that the 340 is solvable. Didn’t work much on it recently, I’m just following the news.
Bem vindo Rodrigo!!!
Welcome Rod
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Welcome to this forum, Rodrigo!
Hello Rod, So nice to have you here. I am also Portuguese and very interested in what you think about this case?. In fact I think the 340 cypher is partly in Portuguese and you can help with that . But that will be for another thread. Glad you are here !!!!