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Zodiac Buff!

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Please let me formally introduce myself…..My name is Mighty Quinn. To put it in a nut shell, I’ve been fascinated with Zodiac as long as I can remember. As a kid when my friends were watching cartoons and doing normal things kids were supposed to do, I was doing the opposite. I would wonder off to the river and try and usually succeed at building a dam.I would always try to climb the highest tree, or build an underground fort. I guess looking back I definitely never "fit in"with people my age.I was always more interested in listening to "grown ups" talk.Damn,I sure must of asked a lot of questions. Like most here, I have always been fascinated with any unsolved mystery. There is one huge difference with regard to Zodiac although. As far as we know he brought an entire city to it’s knees. One man held San Francisco in the palm of his hand. Truly a gigantic task and he seemed to have pulled it off with ease. People wearing buttons? FrontPage headlines of any and all newspapers? A public relations mastermind to put it mildly. I’m really baffled as to why he didn’t have all the radio stations playing his favorite tune on a nightly basis?I mean come on….he could of had a marching band at his command if he so desired.All movie theaters shall be free,stay open all night and only comedy’s will be shown…oh ya and don’t forget free butter popcorn for all the kiddies.Well that’s it for now folks.At this point I don’t think Zodiac will be caught and in all honesty it’s probably better that way.

Posted : June 16, 2015 1:23 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Well Mightyquinn, welcome. I hope Z is caught or identified, but think it’s unlikely

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 16, 2015 2:26 pm
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

Welcome Mighty Quinn,

I would always try to climb the highest tree, or build an underground fort.

It’s amazing you are still alive! :)


Posted : June 16, 2015 2:55 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

There would be a better chance of catching Zodiac , if SFPD would do something about the DNA they have inside of the gloves found in the cab. Or touch DNA on Stine’s shirt and inside of the pockets where Zodiac did put his hands . They could get a full DNA profile if they would do more . Now there is a way to check for eye and hair color of a suspect and if a person is African American or Hispanic etc.

Just to have that information on Zodiac, would eliminate many suspects and get us closer to a viable suspect.

I watched Forensic Files the other night and saw that the DNA information showed that the perp had light hair and blue eyes and was from a European descent . The suspect saw that on TV about him and turned himself in.
I doubt Zodiac would do that, but it would sure make him squirm .

Also on that same program, finger prints were checked in the national data base against a print they had on a murder suspect.
It wasn’t found there , but it was found by a Det. who checked 92 other places for a print comparison and found a match. The suspect had been printed for a minor offence, which would not be put into the data base, just as I have said for many years now.

I still believe that Zodiac can be caught before he dies, if only LE would look closer at the evidence.

Posted : June 16, 2015 7:56 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

I still believe that Zodiac can be caught before he dies, if only LE would look closer at the evidence.

I take your point, Sandy – in general. There might be something there, in the available evidence, which has not been looked at with modern eyes (and technology).

But we don’t know whether the gloves were his (unlikely, IMO) or whether he actually left any useable DNA on Stine’s shirt or in his pockets.

Posted : June 16, 2015 8:18 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Welcome MQ.

We must thank the media for any hyped-up glorification Zodiac received.

I’ve talked to many people who lived in the Bay Area at the time, my parents included, who didn’t think twice about the guy. Many just thought he was some crazy punk and didn’t walk around in fear of him.

LE certainly had to take note, but he didn’t have the power he liked to think he had.

I grew up in the Bay Area and never even heard of him until the late 80’s and most of the people I knew hadn’t heard of him either…maybe when the movie came out.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 16, 2015 9:12 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Zodiac was talked about a lot in Vallejo /Napa area and believe it or not they still talk about him there.

I remember one afternoon in the early to mid 90’s , I went to the wharf in Vallejo to have lunch and over heard two waitresses talking about a customer who was in earlier that day . The one waitress said to the other, that she thought a older looking man she had waited on was thee Zodiac.

I am sorry now that I didn’t ask her why she felt he was Zodiac and what did he look like ?

Posted : June 23, 2015 12:23 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I still believe that Zodiac can be caught before he dies, if only LE would look closer at the evidence.

I take your point, Sandy – in general. There might be something there, in the available evidence, which has not been looked at with modern eyes (and technology).

But we don’t know whether the gloves were his (unlikely, IMO) or whether he actually left any useable DNA on Stine’s shirt or in his pockets.

Some feel the same way as you do about the gloves, but with further investigation is was learned that after each shift, the cabs were gone through and cleaned. So it is highly likely that the gloves belonged to Zodiac.
The gloves were covered with blood , so I hope that no one tried to put them on to see how they would fit ?
My bet is that he still wears a size 7 glove.

Posted : June 23, 2015 12:33 am
Posts: 20
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Zodiac was talked about a lot in Vallejo /Napa area and believe it or not they still talk about him there.

I remember one afternoon in the early to mid 90’s , I went to the wharf in Vallejo to have lunch and over heard two waitresses talking about a customer who was in earlier that day . The one waitress said to the other, that she thought a older looking man she had waited on was thee Zodiac.

I am sorry now that I didn’t ask her why she felt he was Zodiac and what did he look like ?

WOW…..The Sandy Betts….makes an appearance on my Intro thread…How cool is that boys n girls :D .Aren’t you like Zodiac Folklore Royalty or sumpin’?Lol.I know you’re probably like :roll: oh heck who is this freak? Other than being a Zodiaphile….really, I’m harmless. ;)

Oh yes…I can definitely see Zodiac coming back to present day Vallejo.Munchin’ on some fish n chips…remembering those poor people who had the unfortunate luck of having had crossed his deadly path.Sippin’on a Flat Tire ale r two thinkin’ back/reliving the moments and the women that went to the slaughter. Man…he sure was one crazy dude. Did he really throw that lady’s baby out of the window?Sheesh!Talk about cold blooded? I can totally see him in any of those restaurants telling a waitress that he is The Zodiac Killer. Just to see their reaction and hoping to scare the shit out of them.
Well Sandy….If you ever go back and see that waitress do me a favor….ask her if he left a tip?Thanks

Posted : June 25, 2015 11:59 am
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

WOW…..The Sandy Betts….makes an appearance on my Intro thread…How cool is that boys n girls :D .Aren’t you like Zodiac Folklore Royalty or sumpin’?Lol.I know you’re probably like :roll: oh heck who is this freak? Other than being a Zodiaphile….really, I’m harmless. ;)
Well Sandy….If you ever go back and see that waitress do me a favor….ask her if he left a tip?Thanks

Careful here, you need to control your sarcasm.


Posted : June 25, 2015 6:29 pm
Posts: 20
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WOW…..The Sandy Betts….makes an appearance on my Intro thread…How cool is that boys n girls :D .Aren’t you like Zodiac Folklore Royalty or sumpin’?Lol.I know you’re probably like :roll: oh heck who is this freak? Other than being a Zodiaphile….really, I’m harmless. ;)
Well Sandy….If you ever go back and see that waitress do me a favor….ask her if he left a tip?Thanks

Careful here, you need to control your sarcasm.


Thanks for the warning NIN but I wasn’t being sarcastic at all!!!!!I have enjoyed Sandy’s posts here and on other boards for years.I think that’s enough for now.

Posted : June 25, 2015 11:57 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Oh thank goodness when I first read it I took is as a wonderfully put together nice compliment, then I saw Nin was protecting me. ( Thanks Nin)

I thought my Leo ego just thought it was a nice compliment and being blonde I sometimes miss insults LOL.

Thank you very much for the flattery , you made more than my day you made my year !

Posted : June 26, 2015 4:45 am
Posts: 20
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Oh thank goodness when I first read it I took is as a wonderfully put together nice compliment, then I saw Nin was protecting me. ( Thanks Nin)

I thought my Leo ego just thought it was a nice compliment and being blonde I sometimes miss insults LOL.

Thank you very much for the flattery , you made more than my day you made my year !

Hi Sandy. I kinda figured my post may not be interpreted correct? I can remember your posts going way back…many moons ago.I was asking if the man at the Wharf left a tip because imho,the simple little things like that can speak volumes about a person?Further…the amount of the tip would also be important.Simple identifiers…part of ZEE PUZZLE.
Anyhoot..You’re a blonde and a Leo…I sure don’t want to make you mad.Lol.We know who the life of the party is in your camp :) It’s funny that you mentioned hair color because I was just coming home from the beach and noticing how my hair is changing from sandy to blonde once again and if it gets any blonder I’m going to have to change my D/L.Of course if you buzz your head like I do then I guess it doesn’t matter much.

Well….enough about me.Sandy here is your Horoscope for today.
Play the lottery today, Leo. The concept for you is profit with no effort. The windfall will come when you least expect it. The less you try to shape things, the more they will generally flow in your favor. Enjoy the day and don’t sweat the details. Things will work themselves out. People may be quite emotionally charged, but don’t let their behavior throw you off balance.

Profit with no effort…How funny is that?Reminds me a poem I once read?Do you consider 5 one of your lucky numbers?Doesn’t the number 5 have a part in creatition/fertility?I believe only the Emperor of Japan was allowed to wear a five toed dragon.Do you follow the Zodiac signs?Hey….if you win the lottery with 5’s don’t forget about the MIGHTYQUINN…LOL.

Posted : June 26, 2015 5:26 am
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

Thanks for the warning NIN but I wasn’t being sarcastic at all!!!!!I have enjoyed Sandy’s posts here and on other boards for years.I think that’s enough for now.

I guess I just didn’t get your sense of humor then..and yes, it’s enough for now. :D


Posted : June 26, 2015 5:48 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

MIGHTYQUINN"s quote :Profit with no effort…How funny is that?Reminds me a poem I once read?Do you consider 5 one of your lucky numbers?Doesn’t the number 5 have a part in creatition/fertility?I believe only the Emperor of Japan was allowed to wear a five toed dragon.Do you follow the Zodiac signs?Hey….if you win the lottery with 5’s don’t forget about the MIGHTYQUINN…LOL.

The number 5 has been my lucky number most of my life, 5-55 was my first childs birthday. My shoe’s ,dresses,and ring size are all size 5 and I am 5ft tall.( No joke )
I am a 3 in numerology, so I get along with most people.

Sense you enjoy my posts , I have just added most of my story about my suspects and how it has affected my life on the
"Sandy’s POI thread". I would like your feed back after reading it. (The story starts on page 9)

Yes I do still follow the Zodiac signs ,if I win the lotto with 5’s you are in!

Posted : June 26, 2015 6:38 am
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