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Kane FOIA Success, full criminal background!

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I am also surprised at the Jewish connection being made based solely on the right-to-left reading of the Hebrew language — seems a loose proof point, at best. That said, I have always like Kane as a POI.

Posted : April 13, 2014 10:50 pm
Posts: 180
Estimable Member

Request to any Mod….

As you can see, I’ve deleted the earlier, far lower quality uploads of the documents as I have now scanned them and posted them in the more recent posts in the thread. Is there anyway one of the mods, for continuity purpose and to tidy up the thread a bit, can take these scanned docs now on Page 8 of this thread, and then delete the posts where I say "Post deleted as better quality scanned documents now uploaded later in thread" and place these docs there instead?

Do you have photoshop at all? if you did you could scan the files and make them into a pdf.

Posted : April 14, 2014 2:03 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Me too Murray….
I knew Kane had been arrested numerous times, I just didn’t know how many until Welsh released his FOIA info. My first thought in seeing the numerous arrests was…..Would a guy who has been busted so many times in his life, right up to about the time of LHR 12/20/68, turn into a bold serial killer who would taunt the cops that he is very clever and can never be caught? It does seem that around 1969, he changes his ways and no longer gets busted for lesser crimes, in fact doesn’t ever get arrested again.
The other thing that jumped out at me was the numerous states he was arrested in. He was moving around a lot more then I ever realized. In studying serial’s many do just that, commit their crimes and then leave the area. Makes it harder for LE to track them.

Posted : April 14, 2014 3:57 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Sandy has previously found records that Kane was actually born to Sarah (nee Kane) and Morris Klein in NY. Larry has two arrests on his rap sheet where the charge is listed as ‘GL’ which, according to ‘The Criminal Records Definitions and Abbreviations’ is an Abb. for Grand Larceny. Found this:

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 14, 2014 7:21 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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No idea if that is Kane’s father but he has the correct name, in the correct City, and charged with the same crime that Larry himself would go on to be charged with, Twice.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 14, 2014 7:23 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Thanks, as soon as I began re-reading through the cipher it hit my memory bank. The 3 8’s, the reading from right to left. Memory fade here. I was surprised that the FBI would include that as a point of fact, as a cipher. As much as I’ve liked Kane as a suspect taking those 13 characters and saying it says my name is Kane, never made sense to me. One can make those 13 characters say lots of things. the best one could call it would be a word jumble, not a cipher. I was just surprised the FBI would address it that way.

Hine’s didn’t make a 4 word phrase ‘My Name Is Kane’ out of the line of code, it was two, ‘Name Kane.’

But yeah, can’t argue with there being many different theories and idea’s on the code’s message. I mean one possibility that jumps out straight away is the possibility the code isn’t hinting at a ‘KANE’ but at a ‘DEAN.’

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 14, 2014 7:52 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Me too Murray….
I knew Kane had been arrested numerous times, I just didn’t know how many until Welsh released his FOIA info. My first thought in seeing the numerous arrests was…..Would a guy who has been busted so many times in his life, right up to about the time of LHR 12/20/68, turn into a bold serial killer who would taunt the cops that he is very clever and can never be caught? It does seem that around 1969, he changes his ways and no longer gets busted for lesser crimes, in fact doesn’t ever get arrested again.
The other thing that jumped out at me was the numerous states he was arrested in. He was moving around a lot more then I ever realized. In studying serial’s many do just that, commit their crimes and then leave the area. Makes it harder for LE to track them.

Regarding the highlighted text: It is a good point made and one that several people point to as ‘Evidence’ that Kane isn’t Zodiac and reasoning, quite fairly and understandingly, that this man can’t even peep in a window, or physically assault someone without being caught for having done so and yet, he then goes on an almost year long murderous rampage and manages to avoid capture by several Law Enforcement Division in and around the North Bay area? Please… That’s just not realistic!

I openly admit that the point is a fair one to make. However, the people who have made this point to me in argument against Kane seem to do so by believing that Zodiac was what he claimed he was, some sort of super criminal, this genius with unmatched skill of avoiding detection using his superior intellect and a bit of stealth to do so. They seem to have bought into the mythical Zodiac, a criminal who remains unchallenged by any other as the No.1 nemesis of any and all Law agency who was so adapt and criminally gifted, he was simply ‘too clever for them.’ Now that is a character that Hollywood may be only to happy to create, but the Character in real life is not a crack proof genius that is simply too clever for the rest of the World to capture, not at all. Yes it’s true he never was captured, but that was not because of his genius at all, because here is the reality about this ‘Crack Proof’ genius…..

10.00pm, Oct 11, 1969. Location: Pacific Heights area of the Richmond District, S.F, CA.

Zodiac has just pulled the trigger and executed a cabbie in the street. Not just in a street either, no no, but right at a 4 way intersection and increasing the potential of being seen, or have a pedestrian stumble across the scene, by a factor of x4. This is of no interest to the Genius because he’s more interested in tearing off pieces of Paul’s shirt. Then after he’s accomplished this, he decides to take some time to wipe down the exterior of the cab on one side, and then slowly walks around to do the same on the other. After all, what’s the rush, there may be a man slumped inside the car with blood pouring from his nose and mouth, but being captured is out of the question so he has no cause for concern.

While Zodiac has been enjoying himself ripping up dead mens garments and making sure the cab is nice and clean on it’s exterior and, basically, minding his own business, a few teens across the street don’t seem to be aware that this man is crack proof or too clever for the rest of us and one has dialled 911 and relayed to the operator what is happening at Washington & Cherry Street intersection, a report that is quickly passed on to officers out on patrol.

Zodiac is almost finished cleaning the cab when all of a sudden he hears in the not so far off distance, a police siren suddenly activate that seems the blue meanie’s prowl car is coming along Washington Street. No problem for the Genius, he will simply outsmart the idiot police by walking off down Cherry Street, what intelligence this man has! Anyway, turns right at the top of Cherry and onto Jackson Street and starts descending the hill. In the midst of congratulating himself on having evading one of the pigs on Washington, he walks straight into the open arms of another blue meanie that is responding on Jackson Street. Fear not, this is nothing to be concerned about, he will now simply stop, turn to his left, and walk up some steps thus throwing the police into confusion. Genius, who would have thought of that! Police drive by, Zodiac’s legacy is now complete.

Now some may claim that his own criminally expert stealth skills was the reason he was not caught in San Fran if they wish, but i would argue that this man is by no means your criminal genius. In my opinion his brag of "Police shall never catch me because I have been too clever for them" has one incorrect word within it, and that a far more accurate claim would be "The police shall never catch me because I have been too lucky for them."

According to R.O’s in Presidio Heights, they were given the suspects description as BMA, Black Male Adult. Now unless someone can convince me that it was Zodiac himself who called in and offered the description to the police in order to throw them off his tail then I would Zodiac’s miraculous escape that night can be described as him having his numbers come up on the lottery. Because just like the odds are staggeringly against you winning the lottery jackpot, it is also so unlikely that an accurate description of a White Male Suspect will somehow get broadcast as that of a Black Male Suspect. And to prove the point, I am not aware of any other example of something similar happening.

What he was was very egocentric and extremely arrogant, and that’s probably why he didn’t feel the need to get away quickly from that cab because, in his mind, he has a mental picture of the crime and probably following his own script and is simply too arrogant and wrapped up in his own need to pull off the perfect crime that he doesn’t even account for any outside influence derailing his perfect little plan. I would imagine that he truly was shocked and stunned when he heared Pelissetti switch on is siren on Washington and then that shock turn to abstract fear and panic as he realises that several feet in front of him and approaching quickly is another responding police car.

The idea of Zodiac being the perfect nemesis for Law Agencies due to him being the criminal genius is a myth. That which has become the Legend of ‘Zodiac’ can be likened to the legend that is ‘Billy the Kid.’ Billy, fastest gun in the West, the Ultimate Gunslinger, and a renegade that had 21 victims on his list, one victim for each year of his life having been ambushed and killed at 21 himself. Reality, Billy wasn’t a gun fighter who could be seen staring down anyone who dared to challenge him, both with hands ready to draw their weapon from it’s holster with the winner being whoever is the quickest. Billy didn’t kill anywhere near 21 people either as the legend would have you believe, and the few he did kill were not in some showdown ‘one on one’ draw and shoot battle, but actually in self defence or against those who were incapacitated or not expecting or ready to be confronted by a gunman. Dead at age 21, shot by Pat Garret in a dark room after Billy had crept into the room whispering "Who’s there?" That’s what all great gunslingers of the West did, creep into a room unarmed and whimper "who’s there?" The outlaw was so untouchable that he didn’t make 22.

The point i make here is, there is the story of the Legend of ‘Zodiac’, and then there’s the story of ‘Zodiac.’ In the first, he’s portrayed as some sort of Evil Superman, able to achieve that which the rest of us mere mortals could never. In the latter story, the more accurate and true account, he’s one lucky SOB.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 15, 2014 6:21 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member


I only pointed it out as something that passed my mind as I read his arrest record. Would a man do what Z did if he had a previous rap sheet like Kane’s? For those who say well Kane couldn’t even be an effective Peeping Tom, what if his one arrest for that offense represented 10,000 times that he did it successfully, and in those he raped a 1,000 times and was never caught for any of that? That would then make him a very effective peeper. And all must admit, that when speaking of the Z case, which started on 12/20/68, Kane is as clean as a whistle for the remainder of his life. Maybe that was the genius of it. I don’t know. What the arrest record showed me is that Kane was a very active criminal, many more victims then his arrest record shows. Those are just the times he was caught. And I wasn’t ever aware that he moved around so much, and again the arrest record would be just the tip of the iceberg in showing how much Kane moved around the country. We know many serial’s do just that.

Posted : April 15, 2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member


We can cite all the after the fact, facts we wish, but at the end of the day, through all his arrogance, and ego, he was right. LE couldn’t catch him. As much as that pisses us all off, he got away with it. He rubbed the pigs noses in it and not a thing they could do about it. LE even saw the guy and still couldn’t catch him. Imagine if Z were to write a letter today what that letter would say, and how much arrogance would be in that letter. but at the end of it all, he was right.

Posted : April 15, 2014 7:59 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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We can cite all the after the fact, facts we wish, but at the end of the day, through all his arrogance, and ego, he was right. LE couldn’t catch him. As much as that pisses us all off, he got away with it. He rubbed the pigs noses in it and not a thing they could do about it. LE even saw the guy and still couldn’t catch him. Imagine if Z were to write a letter today what that letter would say, and how much arrogance would be in that letter. but at the end of it all, he was right.

Bay your missing the point. Zodiac was right inasmuch as the police will never capture him, but it had nothing to do with him and his self proclaimed greatness and everything to do with the mistakes, bungles and sometimes sheer incompetence of those tasked to capture him. He had plenty of help in avoiding being identified by those who were themselves trying to find him because:

Napa Sheriff Dave Collins takes report from a dying Cecelia Sheppard at the scene in which she tells him she saw the man as he came down the hill and before he put the hood on and gave a description of what the man looked like. Dave Collins decided not to put this into any report, the fact that a killers face and his features were given to authorities is something that Collins said out of his own mouth "I didn’t think it was important." If I had a list of the most ridiculous claims ever made by someone about something then Davey boy would sit on my list in position No.1 at the top.

San Fran’s very own Donald Fouke would have us all believe that a White Male matching the suspects description being seen turning into and then walking toward a residence is of no importance to anyone at all. So combing just these two examples alone we can decipher from it that What a suspect description is and what he looks like facial features wise, and where he may potentially live, is of absolutely no interest or importance to the police at all….even thought they are trying to find him.

In Paific Heights Zodiac was there, right in front of them in all his majestic glory and just as he himself probably thought that this is it it’s all over for me, someone somewhere has decided to broadcast to all responding units that the suspect to BOLO for is A Black Male. And on and on it goes.

Bay I wasn’t disagreeing with or criticising your comment, I am merely pointing out facts about what happened in the course of Zodiac being investigated and how these things are extremely fortunate for Zodiac and allowed him to remain at large and it was not, as he claims, because he’s too clever therefore crack-proof.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 15, 2014 10:01 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

Welch Chappie –
We think you were really onto something! Harvey Hines has been rolling over in his grave with yur hot and cold detective work. Guessing you’ve given up on Lawrence Klein/Kane/Kaye/Barton/Cane by now? Is it just becuz he is dead and gone now? Have you moved to yur own website or… please let us know. Thanks- Sunsetsully

Posted : March 15, 2015 12:18 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Welch Chappie –
We think you were really onto something! Harvey Hines has been rolling over in his grave with yur hot and cold detective work. Guessing you’ve given up on Lawrence Klein/Kane/Kaye/Barton/Cane by now? Is it just becuz he is dead and gone now? Have you moved to yur own website or… please let us know. Thanks- Sunsetsully

Sunsetsully , Welch Chappie and I are friends , he has not given up on Kane at all , in fact he has much more interesting information on Kane , he isn’t posting here any longer is why you haven’t seen him posting.

Below is the site where you can see his progress on Kane.


Posted : September 2, 2015 6:46 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

Today I received back extensive information on Kane from one of my many FOIA requests regarding him. The U.S D.O.J has sent me copies of his full and complete arrest sheet, along with much much more!

15 pages in all, and having had a brief once over, his arrest record lists each arrest under the name he was using at the time of arrest. He was arrested in numerous States, under numerous alias’s. Here are the State’s in which he was arrested, the date of each arrest, and the name which he was using while arrested. (I shall post the actual Documents when I can access a scanner.)

10-18-46: Larry Kaye. L.A, CA

9-22-47: Lawrence Klein, Hackensack, N.J

8-25-49: Lawrence Kaye, Albany, NY

8-26-49: Larry Kaye, Mineola, NY

6-16-52: Lawrence Kaye, PD, NY

5-24-54: Lawrence Barton, Poughkeepsie, NY

9-5-59: Lawrence Kaye, Hattiesburg, Miss

9-10-61: Lawrence Kane, Alameda, CA

12-3-63: Larry Kane, Palo Alto, CA

9-5-64: Larry Kane, Oak Brook, IL

9-5-64: Larry Kane, Wheaton, IL

3-27-65: Lawrence Klein, Menlo Park, CA

7-11-66: Lawrence Kane, Miami Beach, FL

8-29-68: Lawrence Kane, Redwood City, CA

10-1-80: Larry Cane, Placerville, CA

More to come soon….

I’d like to clarify (firstly) that I’m not a proponent of Kane as a suspect. I have, however, accumulated an exhaustive collection of documentation on Kane and the trajectory that his life followed. If it’s okay, I’d like to share some of this material as a supplementary to the above. I’ve also collated these documents, in addition to many others, into a Wordpress site, which can be accessed at the following address – https://lawrencekane.wordpress.com

Newspaper articles pertaining to the 1952 burglary arrest –

The Utica Daily Press. June 19, 1952.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. June 17, 1952.

The Schenectady Gazette. July 07, 1952.

The Long Beach Press Telegram. June 23, 1952.

The Schenectady Gazette. June 24, 1952.

The New York Daily News. June 17, 1952.

The Sarasota Herald Tribune. May 16, 1953.

The Chicago Tribune. May 29, 1953.

The New York Daily News. October 04, 1953.

The Utica Daily Press. January 26, 1954.


1954 arrest –

The Poughkeepsie Journal. June 13, 1954.

The Poughkeepsie Journal. July 09, 1954.

1949 Albany and Mineola arrests –

The Freeport Daily Review. August 27, 1949.

The Albany Times-Union. August 27, 1949.

The Freeport Daily Review. August 31, 1949.


1946 Los Angeles arrest –

The San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune. October 22, 1946.


1949 Utica arrest –

The Utica Daily Observer. November 29, 1949

The Utica Observer-Dispatch. December 17, 1949.


1947 arrest –

The Bergen Evening Record. September 23, 1947.

The Bergen Evening Record. October 08, 1947.


Posted : August 13, 2018 3:21 am
Posts: 9
Active Member

Kane’s use of the name ‘Barton’ apparently stemmed from his relationship with singer and radio personality Eileen Barton, to whom he was once engaged. Eileen Barton was best known for her 1950 hit song, "If I Knew You Were Comin’, I’d’ve Baked a Cake." She was co-star of the Frank Sinatra Show beginning August of 1944, and was also a regular feature of Sinatra’s Paramount Theater act.

(Credit: Rex Strother, https://www.flickr.com/photos/rstrother/5291736729/in/photolist-8Y5zgd-hJJ5iF-9NV9fn-8QypXu-94BwYa-eENwA1)

The Toledo Blade. August 05, 1946.

Herald Journal. August 29, 1946.

He also dated French actress and cabaret singer Denise Darcel.

The Long Island Journal. April 21, 1952.

The San Antonio Express. April 30, 1952.


Posted : August 13, 2018 3:47 am
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

Thanks Welsh Chappie for your dedication, digging all this up on Kane. Kane sure was a busy guy. I know some of the old timer Z Sleuth’s found him really interesting.
Thanks tmills for posting.


If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : August 13, 2018 8:39 pm
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