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X=Z? Pros and Cons

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One of the big cons for Mr. X, for me, is the RCC poem. I know it’s not entirely conclusive, but if you think that poem was written by Z, then it’s hard to imagine Mr. X hopping into the library to write it, even if he may have had reason to be in Riverside that day.

Posted : July 20, 2015 5:40 am
Posts: 838
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Hi Nick,

If I were to tell you that KQ was running around saying that we were under invasion from little green men in 1947, you’d say I was crazy, right? If I said a few years ago that Bill Cosby was a serial rapist, you would have said I was nuts. KQ reported on the little green men in 1947 but he couldn’t possibly have written the desktop poem? Sure.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : July 20, 2015 7:33 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Hi Nick,

If I were to tell you that KQ was running around saying that we were under invasion from little green men in 1947, you’d say I was crazy, right? If I said a few years ago that Bill Cosby was a serial rapist, you would have said I was nuts. KQ reported on the little green men in 1947 but he couldn’t possibly have written the desktop poem? Sure.


Being nuts doesn’t give a person access to a community college library, or reason to be there. Was KQ taking classes at RCC? Was he involved with the school at all?

By your logic, I could say, "If I told you in 1980 that O.J. Simpson would butcher two people, you’d think I was crazy. Therefore, Ross Sullivan is Z."

Posted : July 20, 2015 7:40 pm
Posts: 276
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Hi Nick,

If I were to tell you that KQ was running around saying that we were under invasion from little green men in 1947, you’d say I was crazy, right? If I said a few years ago that Bill Cosby was a serial rapist, you would have said I was nuts. KQ reported on the little green men in 1947 but he couldn’t possibly have written the desktop poem? Sure.


Being nuts doesn’t give a person access to a community college library, or reason to be there. Was KQ taking classes at RCC? Was he involved with the school at all?

By your logic, I could say, "If I told you in 1980 that O.J. Simpson would butcher two people, you’d think I was crazy. Therefore, Ross Sullivan is Z."

All I got from what Mike was saying is that just because something may seem off the wall at the time, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It’s a valid point. We tend to overlook good suspects because they don’t fit ALL the criteria, or it would mean we’d have to stretch our version of our theoretical Z a little. He doesn’t have to be a stocky, blue colar, youngish man with a military background and a definitive widow’s peak just because that seems like the most obvious possibility.

Posted : July 21, 2015 4:53 pm
Posts: 7527
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Con- if he was indeed the Man seen by Palisetti walking his dog the night of the Stine murder, he would not have had time to change and get his dog as Palisetti was only a moment behind him after the murder.

Con- I have not seen a lot of writing from Mr X, but most of it does not look like Z in my opinion

Pro- Was in Riverside the date of the Bates murder supposedly,and I think that case is connected to Z, or at least the Riverside desk poem & Bates letters

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 21, 2015 5:08 pm
Posts: 643
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All I got from what Mike was saying is that just because something may seem off the wall at the time, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. It’s a valid point. We tend to overlook good suspects because they don’t fit ALL the criteria, or it would mean we’d have to stretch our version of our theoretical Z a little. He doesn’t have to be a stocky, blue colar, youngish man with a military background and a definitive widow’s peak just because that seems like the most obvious possibility.

What I’m hearing you and Mike say is, basically, ANYTHING is possible. But what I cannot picture is a successful car importer somehow, for some reason, deciding to go to the Riverside Community College and take the time to write a poem on a desktop. Can you or anyone present some plausible reason he would do so?

And as Morf says above, there is no way Z can be seen by Foulke, and then reappear moments later, cleaned, dressed, with dog. Unless there is a way for a person to be in two places at once, KQ has an airtight alibi.

Posted : July 21, 2015 5:26 pm
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Just an aside, but anyone who goes to the newspapers with an alien/ flying saucer story, to me, screams of someone who is craving media attention, even at the cost of their reputation. It’s hard to deny he has some affinity with seeing his name in the papers. KQ liked publicity.

Posted : July 21, 2015 5:33 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Just an aside, but anyone who goes to the newspapers with an alien/ flying saucer story, to me, screams of someone who is craving media attention, even at the cost of their reputation. It’s hard to deny he has some affinity with seeing his name in the papers. KQ liked publicity.

So does Kim Kardashian and a few million other people. What does that prove regarding KQ? Craving attention does not mean he can defy the laws of physics and duck between two houses, then a minute or two later reappear, dressed completely differently, walking a dog.

Posted : July 21, 2015 5:40 pm
Posts: 7527
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I don’t think MrX was Z, so i don’t want to weed thru tons of pages for answers, but was it proven he was the Guy with the dog, because if so, that rules him out in my mind. Again, a cop was right on Zodiac’s heels, within a minute of him. Simply put, there’s no time for MrX to have run home, cleaned,changed, and grabbed his dog(don’t forget,Fouke saw Z, and he was not running). And if MrX was Zodiac, why would he come out of his house if he made it home? It doessn’t add up to me. I like Mike R’s idea of looking thru Letters to the Editor for clues to Zodiac’s ID, I just don’t agree with the Guy he came up with as a Z suspect

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 21, 2015 6:06 pm
Posts: 276
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Just an aside, but anyone who goes to the newspapers with an alien/ flying saucer story, to me, screams of someone who is craving media attention, even at the cost of their reputation. It’s hard to deny he has some affinity with seeing his name in the papers. KQ liked publicity.

So does Kim Kardashian and a few million other people. What does that prove regarding KQ? Craving attention does not mean he can defy the laws of physics and duck between two houses, then a minute or two later reappear, dressed completely differently, walking a dog.

I never said or implied even that it did. If anyone has ever read any of my posts, I’m pretty adament that I think KQ was involved but not the actual shooter. I have waded through the suspects and to me it is clear that KQ has the most circumstantial evidence tying him to this case. I am still open to the idea that KQ had nothing to do with it, but out of all the POIs that have been offered up over the years, he’s been the most intriguing, especially in terms of being driven by publicity.

Posted : July 21, 2015 6:29 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Just an aside, but anyone who goes to the newspapers with an alien/ flying saucer story, to me, screams of someone who is craving media attention, even at the cost of their reputation. It’s hard to deny he has some affinity with seeing his name in the papers. KQ liked publicity.

So does Kim Kardashian and a few million other people. What does that prove regarding KQ? Craving attention does not mean he can defy the laws of physics and duck between two houses, then a minute or two later reappear, dressed completely differently, walking a dog.

Agreed Marshall. Although I don’t know enough about this POI to definitively rule him out. Unless there is a DNA rule out all bets are on the table as to which POI out there is Z IMO. I have no clue who Z is, but I like to entertain ideas with many of the POIs. Can’t put my finger on just one yet, but Ross is up there for sure.

Posted : July 21, 2015 7:22 pm
Posts: 541
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The idea that the killer came for the races, caught sight of a pretty girl in a VW, followed her, disabled her car, waited and killed her ….. all of that is simple and makes sense. My point is that the poem is the outlier in this particular simple explanation. But I would agree with Mike that it is not inexplicable.

Posted : July 21, 2015 9:14 pm
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

In favor of KQ …. in John Douglas’ profile of Jack the Ripper, it basically says they may well have spoken to JTR near a crime scene without realizing it.

Posted : July 21, 2015 9:21 pm
Posts: 415
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The idea that the killer came for the races, caught sight of a pretty girl in a VW, followed her, disabled her car, waited and killed her ….. all of that is simple and makes sense. My point is that the poem is the outlier in this particular simple explanation. But I would agree with Mike that it is not inexplicable.

except the belief is she went to the library around 6:00PM and left around 9:00PM. the killer would have to have seen her go in (to know which car is hers) and then waited around for three hours. that seems really particular for someone who didn’t know her.

Posted : July 21, 2015 9:44 pm
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

The idea that the killer came for the races, caught sight of a pretty girl in a VW, followed her, disabled her car, waited and killed her ….. all of that is simple and makes sense. My point is that the poem is the outlier in this particular simple explanation. But I would agree with Mike that it is not inexplicable.

except the belief is she went to the library around 6:00PM and left around 9:00PM. the killer would have to have seen her go in (to know which car is hers) and then waited around for three hours. that seems really particular for someone who didn’t know her.

Right. Didn’t KQ have other things to do at that time? My guess would be, had he been even a remote suspect at the time, he would’ve easily been able to provide an airtight, legit alibi. He was a busy man.

And it is generally believed that Cheri DID know her killer since she went off with him to a secluded place. KQ doesn’t make any sense for Riverside, he makes zero sense for the desktop poem, and at the Stine crime scene, I consider the very short time frame between Foulke seeing Z and Pelisetti interviewing KQ to be the proof. You just cannot explain that one away.

Posted : July 21, 2015 10:29 pm
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