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Paranormal Gaik
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Paranormal Gaik

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I would like everyone to know that I did not plan to be on the show. I went to Martinez with Zamantha and Ricardo, to meet with Clyde who said he wanted to talk to me. While I was there he said that he was falling behind and wouldn’t have time to talk, so we were just going to watch the show on the side lines.

I go to these things in hope of meeting people that might have a bit of helpful information about the Zodiac case.

It wasn’t until just before the show started, that I heard I was expected to be on with Tom. I had no idea what I would talk about , I certainly was not prepared for it. I had the copy of the costume that was put in my car in Napa to show Clyde, and to discuss the case with him, in hopes of getting some help with the evidence I have .

Until you can walk a mile in my shoes, don’t try to be judge and jury. Being thought of as crazy is one thing, but that is better I think than being ignorant.

Posted : August 14, 2014 8:44 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Being thought of as crazy is one thing, but that is better I think than being ignorant.

Damn right, Sandy. And if you’re being thought of as crazy (which I’m sure you are by many, that’s pretty much inevitable) you’re in good company.

I’ve read your story both here and elsewhere and I do believe I have been able to gather the most of it. I think you’re truthful. I have no reason to believe you’re making any of this up. However, I do believe you have a tendency to present what you have experienced in flashes, so to speak – a tendency to bring forward isolated facts and instances in a way which is bound to leave many folks a bit bewildered.

That’s just my take on it, though. I also think that – perhaps – you may have misinterpreted certain things, given that you have developed an idea over the years (and with good reason, no doubt) about the nature of what has befallen you.

I have some questions for you – but I will send them per PM first and then we may continue the discussion in a more appropriate thread.



Posted : August 14, 2014 9:34 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

The host was the whacky one!

I don’t know if he did it for show or he really believed what he was going through, but….whoa!

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : August 14, 2014 10:31 pm
Posts: 185
Estimable Member

Hi Sandy, I have to admit that you did seem bewildered and there were many moments when both you and Tom seemed like you were losing the thread. Which I would have done, as well. By that I mean, I could almost see the quizzical looks on your faces and hear it in your voices. Tom seemed to sidestep numerous times when the guy was looking for confirmation or "to get his take" on it. I wonder if Tom regrets being on there? It drove me crazy how often the guy kept getting details wrong- and amping up the fear and the dark vibe out of whole cloth. He reminded me of the Ghost Adventurers guy, the muscle-bound nerd who always bellows "COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELVES!" I felt like it really showed a lot of disrespect to the families- making it into a boogeyman story instead of the tragic real-life mystery it actually is.

I know from listening to the other shows that Tom knew what was happening beforehand- they were going to Martinez for a ghosthunt. That was made really clear. And again, I believe in ghosts. Wholeheartedly. I just know that you lose credibility when you let it overlap into other realms it has no business being in. Maybe a private quiet tire-kicking trip to Martinez if you really believe- but a radio show? It just seems that is something that is bound to cast a poor light on Tom, despite all the many years on this case he has devoted.

As for your own story I reserve judgement, I am not as deeply familiar with the circumstances, and was not speaking specifically about you. I just think nothing valid can come from a publicly paranormal approach in this case. I.e., a radio show. I do know the fact that you found that replica hood in your car before you really knew about Zodiac has always intrigued me.

Posted : August 15, 2014 6:13 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

It’s inevitable but I’m personally pretty gutted about some of the sensationalist crap that now accompanies this case.

Raising awareness and appealing for new evidence is great, but the more a distant part of history this case becomes, the more it seems to attract desperate, money making charlatans who want to have 5 seconds of perceived fame and a few dollars off the back of some poor murdered young people.

I’m sorry but there’s a moral line to be drawn with a horrific murder case and there’s a growing number of halfwits on the wrong side of this, whether they are trying to make a buck out of saying daddy was Zodiac, having a Halloween show to chat to the murderer’s dead ghost or selling mugs and posters about the case to pay for a new car.

Posted : August 16, 2014 3:03 am
Posts: 183
Estimable Member


I my mind Mr. Giakowski was framed as a suspect by three kooks. The real shame is that he wasn’t around to defend himself.

Posted : August 16, 2014 3:45 am
Posts: 185
Estimable Member

It’s inevitable but I’m personally pretty gutted about some of the sensationalist crap that now accompanies this case.

Raising awareness and appealing for new evidence is great, but the more a distant part of history this case becomes, the more it seems to attract desperate, money making charlatans who want to have 5 seconds of perceived fame and a few dollars off the back of some poor murdered young people.

I’m sorry but there’s a moral line to be drawn with a horrific murder case and there’s a growing number of halfwits on the wrong side of this, whether they are trying to make a buck out of saying daddy was Zodiac, having a Halloween show to chat to the murderer’s dead ghost or selling mugs and posters about the case to pay for a new car.

Yep. Even tho I am new to the online community I have been a lurker for a long time and I actually chose this board specifically because it seemed less devoid of those aspects than the rest. Certainly the paranormal has NO business being in a murder investigation. And when it is, as in psychics who help the police, they are terribly circumspect about it. As is fitting.

In related news I recently downloaded a podcast interview with Deborah Perez. :? I mean, I knew her story was false, but wow. That whole interview lasted 50 minutes and not once did the interviewer ask her "so what’s your evidence?" It was mostly "how do you process these facts and still love your dad?" They were practically having a General Foods International Coffee. It was all handholding and Lifetime-Channel pathos. I am figuring out that if a therapist is involved with their "lost memories" hoohah you better bar the door and put on your waders, cause its gonna get deep with BS.

Posted : August 16, 2014 4:26 pm
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