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Z13 key has arrived…
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Z13 key has arrived!

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Well done to Dave on the 340, fantastic news. Dave, it’s Roger M by the way. You know who I am.
Now, seeing as Dave has given you the 340 I might as well give you the Z13 key.
Whether Zodiac was joking around when he gives you this name or he is naming this person as himself or an associate is unclear. I just know it’s the right name. I’ve given you the key, the name is known to many people and is famous from 1969. His name ties in with what many of you have been discussing about Dave’s findings in the past few days.
Solve the anagram yourselves. Those who know will know.

Posted : December 14, 2020 4:26 am
Posts: 51
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I give up.

Posted : December 14, 2020 4:39 am
Posts: 1352
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3218 possibles.

Posted : December 14, 2020 4:39 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Bobby Beausoleil was arrested a day before the Z13 arrived at the Chronicle. Strange coincidence if nothing else.

Posted : December 14, 2020 4:43 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Well done to Dave on the 340, fantastic news. Dave, it’s Roger M by the way. You know who I am.
Now, seeing as Dave has given you the 340 I might as well give you the Z13 key.
Whether Zodiac was joking around when he gives you this name or he is naming this person as himself or an associate is unclear. I just know it’s the right name. I’ve given you the key, the name is known to many people and is famous from 1969. His name ties in with what many of you have been discussing about Dave’s findings in the past few days.
Solve the anagram yourselves. Those who know will know.

Please don’t state stuff as fact when it’s NOT

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 14, 2020 4:45 am
Posts: 36
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Bobby Beausoleil was arrested a day before the Z13 arrived at the Chronicle. Strange coincidence if nothing else.

Is it? Is it a coincidence he was arrested the day before and his name just ‘happens’ to fit in the Z13? Is it a coincidence that it’s in the same state, the same year and the Manson family were committing murders around the same period?
Is it a coincidence that after the 340 was solved by DO, there are phrases in the plaintext that are in common with the Manson family LIFE IS DEATH or DEATH IS LIFE?
Just how many coincidences does it take?
It decodes into BOB BEAUSOLEIL perfectly, I’d like to see any subject that decodes into any individual that was prominent in the same time period, the same year, the same state and the same subject matter of murder. Show me just one?
I was hoping you’d all spot my errors but you didn’t pick up on it. Let’s look at it again one last time before you pronounce another sentence.
K ciphertext is S plaintext taken directly from 408.
N ciphertext is E plaintext taken directly from the 408
A ciphertext is L plaintext, its reverse L in 408, buts its plaintext to ciphertext 408 L-A, he’s playing games.
I’d look elsewhere for the rest of the key, it’s somewhere!
The odds of K-S, N-E, L-A, 1969, California, murder, BOB BEAUSOLEIL arrested in the same period, connected to Manson, LIFE IS DEATH, DEATH IS LIFE in the 340?
BOB BEAUSOLEIL fits into Z13 perfect? The odds?
Instead of passing everything off as coincidence just look at things objectively. The Zodiac is playing games, nothing in the 340 reveals any more information other than he might have played chess. This is no different, BEAUSOLEIL cannot be the Zodiac because of the dates but the Zodiac may well know BEAUSOLEIL and BEAUSOLEIL may well know who the Zodiac is. It may be enough of a lead.

Posted : December 14, 2020 7:56 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

The problem with short ciphers, as the code experts with tell you, is that countless solves can be derived from them. It’s kind of a dead end. I’m not trying to be dismissive of your hypothesis, just constructively critical.

http://zodiackillerciphers.com/wiki/ind … _Solutions

Posted : December 14, 2020 8:32 pm
Posts: 36
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The problem with short ciphers, as the code experts with tell you, is that countless solves can be derived from them. It’s kind of a dead end. I’m not trying to be dismissive of your hypothesis, just constructively critical.

http://zodiackillerciphers.com/wiki/ind … _Solutions

I appreciate your input and I know how difficult short ciphers are, there can be a million and one solutions. BUT, those solutions need to have a direct or indirect correlation to the case, the time period, subject matter of the case and location.
The K-S and N-E in the cipher are a good starter, the L-A may be a little tenuous but it’s there none the less. It’s always a good start to have something concrete to work with.
I don’t think that both events of the arrest and Z13 are a coincidence, in fact I think they are unmistakably linked to one another, just days apart.
The fact that BEAUSOLEIL’s name can be so easily seen in the Z13 is no coincidence either, it drops into place far, far too easily for it to be coincidence especially with K-S and N-E from the 408.
Something seems to be going on here and there is an whole web full of data linking the Zodiac to the Manson Family. I now fully believe Zodiac knew BEAUSOLEIL and named him in Z13 after he was arrested, either as an act of malice or an act of humour. But I also now believe that BEAUSOLEIL knows who the Zodiac is.
It’s been 51 years, the FBI still don’t have a name but if I were them I’d take what ever information I could get, not every crackpot solution with tenuous links to the crime but a genuine possibility.
This is the first time I’ve seen a name, from the era, from the same location, with the same subject matter actually fit into Z13, whether people on here think it’s tenuous or genuine is besides the point, it may be a lead and if I was a cop I’d just have a little closer look at it. There is nothing to lose.

Posted : December 14, 2020 9:26 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

As I said in another thread, law enforcement did consider a link between Zodiac and the Manson Family and conducted investigations to that effect, especially after the Lake Berryessa stabbings which shared characteristics with the Tate-Labianca murders. Plus some of the former Manson cult members became informants and gave extensive evidence, but nothing about Zodiac showed up. Plus geographically it was a six hour drive between the two cases. But nobody knows what a DNA identification could eventually reveal about Zodiac.

Posted : December 14, 2020 9:57 pm
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As I said in another thread, law enforcement did consider a link between Zodiac and the Manson Family and conducted investigations to that effect, especially after the Lake Berryessa stabbings which shared characteristics with the Tate-Labianca murders. Plus some of the former Manson cult members became informants and gave extensive evidence, but nothing about Zodiac showed up. Plus geographically it was a six hour drive between the two cases. But nobody knows what a DNA identification could eventually reveal about Zodiac.

We can only guess at this juncture of whether the Manson family and Zodiac are connected but I’ll tell you something. The Zodiac must have known about the Manson motto life is death or death is life because the public did not know about it until well after the Z340 was mailed. If Dave is correct with his 340 solution then the Zodiac is definitely tied in with the Manson family IMO.
That’s two ties in a week that I’ve come across, Dave’s Z340 and my Z13. Coincidence? Personally speaking, I don’t think so. Something is going on here, something sinister.

Posted : December 14, 2020 10:06 pm
Posts: 229
Estimable Member

If he wanted people to reach this z13 solution, BB’s name, and he wasn’t BB, then why make it an anagram? He must have known that an anagram could never be proven to be the solution. If the Manson family was involved why would they name one of their own?

Posted : December 14, 2020 10:08 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

My poi is still my poi!

As I have posted here or at other sites as well, I met him in 1970. His initials are BB (BMB if middle name included). He was a very intelligent person and worked in computer programming in the early days. There is way too much to go into here but I have been posting on this site and following news since approx. 2009 in hopes the Zodiac would be caught and it would not be my friend.

One of the things that jumps out at me again after reading this is the memories of one day at the beach (sometime after Oct. 1970 when he moved to Corona del Mar, Ca.) when we were discussing programming among other things while sitting on the beach.

I asked him to show me some examples as I was interested in perhaps learning it as a career change. (I was working as a social worker and the job was very stressful).

He took a stick that was in the sand and wrote out the exact letters and symbols of the unsolved portion and asked me to guess what it was. (He was very fond of guessing games.) I couldn’t make anything of it after some time and many guesses so he finally explained how it stood for his Middle and last name. I do not wish to reveal this here but think I did p.m. Tom Voigt and Sandy Betts with it some time ago (within this or last year).

My boyfriend went into some detail about this and explained that his last name is found in a famous literary work.

As I was reading at this site one day some years ago now, one day my memories started flooding back like a bolt of lightening as I suddenly recalled the day at the beach and his explanation which matches the letters and symbols exactly.

I will be happy to provide these details to any appropriate LE agency or other person if needed. My poi worked at major companies in executive positions that required security clearances.

Posted : December 14, 2020 10:38 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

I just checked my messages and see that I sent a PM to Tom Voigt on 2/15/20 re. The Voice of Zodiac.

In it, I revealed my poi’s name and other details.

I never heard anything back from this. So if Tom still has it and is interested, he may wish to review. If not, I can try re-sending.

Posted : December 14, 2020 10:53 pm
Posts: 36
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If he wanted people to reach this z13 solution, BB’s name, and he wasn’t BB, then why make it an anagram? He must have known that an anagram could never be proven to be the solution. If the Manson family was involved why would they name one of their own?

Because the Zodiac has played games right the way through this mystery. He’s never ever been straight down the line about anything. Look at the 340 that Dave’s solved, He’s spelt paradise backwards. Look at the letters he sent taunting the public and press, threatening to blow up kids on buses etc. The post cards are deranged, this man is deranged from start to finish.
You are dealing with a psycho who is possibly linked to psycho cult. He may have named BB as a joke thinking no one would ever find it being an anagram. There could be a lot of reasons why he may have done it but one thing is for sure, BB is very easily found in Z13, it’s not hard to find and it fits perfect so IMO it has validity because of the reasons explained earlier in this thread.

Posted : December 14, 2020 11:07 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Morf13 I just forwarded the pm I’d sent to Tom Voigt back in Feb. to you.

If you read my friend’s obituary on Legacy.com, you will see his picture as well as a lot of biographical information you may wish to follow up on.

He was on the yearbook committee IIRC at his college and I was able to locate a picture of him. He graduated from college in 1960 and then from UCBerkeley in 1962.

I am also on Facebook and have some old pics of us there. My friend would tell me I looked like Cheri Jo Bates when news about her would come up and I could not see it at that time. So one day he showed me newspaper clippings he had tucked away in a book in his bookcase that had her pictures which was just one of the many things I thought was very odd. I was rather naive in those days and just thought he’d been reading the book and put the clippings in there to be sure to show me and liked that he was pretty neat and organized!

Posted : December 14, 2020 11:17 pm
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