… 81837.html
Darn, I wanted to solve it after I got done with the Zodiac Killer mystery.
Ah, the old merchant marine suspect ploy! Is the guy who thinks he’s solved it a defrocked attorney by any chance?
Ah, the old merchant marine suspect ploy! Is the guy who thinks he’s solved it a defrocked attorney by any chance?
A retired police detective, I think.
I believe he was still fully frocked.
Or I assume so, anyway.
bet he could solve the Z340 too.
here’s a comment that pretty much sums it up, as if needed.
5:59pm on Mon, 23rd September 2013
In holding with Mr. Marriott’s theory, this merely explains his supposition of how the enigma (mystique) of how Jack the Ripper was created. As he admits; the murders still took place in the Whitechapel district, and many of the murders still remain unsolved. His “discovery” is nothing more than a conjecture that was previously explored by many, that the name “Jack the Ripper” was fabricated by a washed up journalist and a newspaper heading for bankruptcy, and that media sensationalism escalated the notoriety of the Ripper lore. Trevor Marriott’s detection or revelations are not original, nor do they demonstrate an epiphany or offer closure to the case of Jack the Ripper. Like the other 300 plus authors before Trevor Marriot, the search for the truth and closure in the London Whitechapel murders and the identity of Jack the Ripper continues.
His "tour" includes a date in my home town next month. I’m almost tempted to go but I ‘m not sure I could sit for two hours without groaning loudly or wanting to raise objections and ask questions every 5 mins. Wouldn’t want to spoil it for the other 5 people who bought tickets (actually it’s 52 so far).
I’ve seen the TV programmes on this and, well, it’s a theory like so many others. Still, might be an interesting ‘Halloween’ type activity to do of an evening. Thanks for posting G.
Trevor Marriott’s book (Jack the Ripper: the 21st Century Investigation) is actually a very solid piece of writing, one that I heartily recommend. His theory that Jack was a merchant seaman is also a good one; it was only when he started to pinpoint a very specific merchant seaman as the Ripper that his credibility went out the window (Marriott’s man, Carl Feigenbaum, is clearly not our boy Jack).
Just out of curiosity, in your collective
opinions what is the likelihood that Z was inspired by JTR?
Just out of curiosity, in your collective
opinions what is the likelihood that Z was inspired by JTR?G
IMO yes Zodiac was very likely inspired by Saucy Jack (and also the NY Mad Bomber).
Many have noted points of similarity between the Zodiac and Jack the Ripper, and have wondered if the Zodiac was inspired by or copied some aspects of the earlier famed serial killer, who also wrote taunting letters to the police and left graffiti at a crime scene. Both Jack the Ripper and Zodiac demanded their words appear in the newspaper without changes or edits. Both spoke of removing "female parts".
Zodiac also used other similar words and phrases as Jack the Ripper – JTR spoke of his "funny little games", while Zodiac spoke of the "game"; both JTR and Zodiac taunted the police would "never catch" them; both signed a letter "Yours Truly"; JTR said in a letter he would have the "good ole times" again while Zodiac talked of the "good times" he had in Vallejo; and a man who may have been Zodiac abducting a coed in Riverside in November 1966 spoke of the recent murder of Cheri Jo Bates and said it was safe for the coed to be with him as "I’m not Jack the Ripper".
Just out of curiosity, in your collective
opinions what is the likelihood that Z was inspired by JTR?G
I beleive he was inspired by Charle Whitman on Aug /1/ 66 when he received hours of TV coverage.
Ace – that’s an interesting observation….
I don’t think this German bloke was our guy; I do think Z was "inspired" by many many sources, including JTR. Hes was derivative. And smart about it.
Only one of the Ripper letters was the Ripper’s work, in all likelihood (the one with the kidney). Those that taunt and mock the way Zodiac did were hoaxes. Still, Zodiac couldn’t have possibly known that.
Only one of the Ripper letters was the Ripper’s work, in all likelihood (the one with the kidney).
I think that’s one of the more likely scenarios too, yes.
Those that taunt and mock the way Zodiac did were hoaxes. Still, Zodiac couldn’t have possibly known that.
I’m not sure what you’re saying there, Nacht.
No, he wasn’t around in 1888, but yes, like the rest of us he could have known the history of the JTR case and concluded that hoax letters don’t half pep up murder enquiries – and newspaper coverage, yessum. It wasn’t a new idea in the 60’s.
He might even have thought the Goulston Street graffito inspirational enough to have used the idea again, writing on a car door at Berryessa, eh? FWIW.
The only thing Saucy about this news story is the Dish telling it…voom… voom…I really didn’t hear a word she said… really…I had to play it over again, I’m not complaining that I had to watch them; I mean her, no, not at all.
I thought she was a Tranny at first and I didn’t like the round face and the Gypsy necklaces, then I realised she couldn’t read the autocue, and then I realised she suffered from permanent hissssssing sssssibilance all over the place. Dan, you can do better.
(I saw her first!)
This is my reply on this matter. Zodiac most likely read-up on all sk. After all, why be just one. When you can be many.
I will try to look-up this round face Gypsy woeman with a neaklaces.
The only thing Saucy about this news story is the Dish telling it…voom… voom…I really didn’t hear a word she said… really…I had to play it over again, I’m not complaining that I had to watch them; I mean her, no, not at all.
I thought she was a Tranny at first and …
If my Granny looked like that, I wouldn’t have pushed away so hard when she tried to kiss me on the lips…
P.S: No offense, but you Brits sure have some funny expressions. So what do you call your grampa?