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Jon Benet Ramsey
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Jon Benet Ramsey

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Hi QT, I agree it was written in the house – I’m just saying I think it’s very unlikely the family wrote it.

I wonder why there is no detailled information about the timeline. Regarding LHR we not only know the times people passed by but even how precise their clocks at home had been running. And JBR? Nothing..



Posted : February 4, 2020 11:57 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Hi QT, I agree it was written in the house – I’m just saying I think it’s very unlikely the family wrote it.

I wonder why there is no detailled information about the timeline. Regarding LHR we not only know the times people passed by but even how precise their clocks at home had been running. And JBR? Nothing..


The entire case was as if it was done by the Keystone Cops. So poorly done from the very start. All that the investigators knew,was about what time JonBenet was put to bed. The thought that she was put on a cold basement floor, would slow down everything that normally happens to a body The pineapple found in her tummy should have told the investigators about when it was eaten? They were so focused on the family , that they didn’t look past them. I would like to know what the size of the footprint was? Is there a picture of the painted red heart on her palm? How many times did investigators say that the Zodiac wrote like a woman? ( Many times) I don’t see anything in the 3 pages that looked feminin to me
The person who made the 911 call on Dec 23rd 1996 ( The night of the party) was Fleet White, who said he called 911 by accident. He had asked to use the phone to order some medication for his mother and had made several calls. Fleet was also the person who went downstairs with John to look for JonBenet.

Did you know that in January 1997 when John announced that he would go back to work, there was a call made to Access Graphics, saying that if they let John come back to work, the caller would kill people at Access Graphics!

Posted : February 5, 2020 2:47 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Did you know that in January 1997 when John announced that he would go back to work, there was a call made to Access Graphics, saying that if they let John come back to work, the caller would kill people at Access Graphics!

That would indicate towards one of his fired employees, who didn’t want to meet him in the office (if still there) nor wanted him to get his bonus (thanks Sandy for this information).


Small side note: The ransom letter started with the words ‘Listen carefully!‘. As if John had not ‘listened well’ before. But that note is not an audio tape. An anonymous author would usually have written "Read carefully" or "Watch out" instead of "Listen carefully", wouldn’t he? This imo also clears the parents of JBR somehow, as it is rather unlikely that somebody writes to himself, even in a fake letter, to ‘listen carefully‘ as it is somewhat impersonating. Everything is possible but I think the author felt misunderstood by Mr. Ramsey when speaking to him e.g. days before the incident.

At ~4:30 it is mentioned that the garrotte was made of a broken handle of Patsy’s paintbrush:


Weird case.



Posted : February 5, 2020 7:39 am
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

deep rabbithole for JBR case:


the website is a mess, but has a lot of primary info

Posted : February 5, 2020 8:41 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

deep rabbithole for JBR case:


the website is a mess, but has a lot of primary info

Yeah that site is very dated. But probs easily the best site for information with this case.

Posted : February 5, 2020 9:33 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Small side note: The ransom letter started with the words ‘Listen carefully!‘. As if John had not ‘listened well’ before. But that note is not an audio tape. An anonymous author would usually have written "Read carefully" or "Watch out" instead of "Listen carefully", wouldn’t he? This imo also clears the parents of JBR somehow, as it is rather unlikely that somebody writes to himself, even in a fake letter, to ‘listen carefully‘ as it is somewhat impersonating. Everything is possible but I think the author felt misunderstood by Mr. Ramsey when speaking to him e.g. days before the incident.

I know I sound like a nut case at times, but why am I the only one who sees so many things that are so Zodiac like in this case?

Zodiac writing "This is the Zodiac speaking", is close to Listen carefully ! Both are as if they are talking and not writing. Am I the only one who also sees the writing is very much like Zodiac’s? The same check mark r the D’s ,U,M,w, and the k’s some being a three stroke k? The writer has a shaky hand like some of the later cards sent by who may have been Zodiac, like the Eureka card and the 2010 card. In one of those cards not sure right now which one it was ,but the umbrella "a" has the same squared off top to the "a" as in the Ramsey note. ( The trolls will have a field day with this post LOL)

Posted : February 5, 2020 10:54 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

Has anyone else heard of Gary Stephen Krist?

My jaw is sort of on the floor having just found out about his kidnapping of Barbara Jane Mackle in 1968. He had an accomplice: Ruth Eisemann-Schier


They wrote an incredibly long ransom note that EERILY echoes the tone and pacing and instructional nature of the JBR ransom note.

He did go to jail for this crime but was released and free well before 1996, and only in his early 50s when JBR was murdered.

Text of the Mackle ransom note:


Sir, your daughter has been kidnapped by us and we now
hold her for ransom. She is quite safe, if somewhat
uncomfortable. We offer no proof of our possession of her
at this time. It will arrive by mail in a few days. Barbara is
presently alive inside a small capsule buried in a remote
piece of soil. She has enough food and water and air to
last seven days. At the end of the seven days the life supporting
batteries will be discharged and her air supply will be cut off.

The box is waterproof and very strong-fiberglass reinforced
plywood-she has little chance of escaping. The box is in an unusual and lonely place. She has no chance of being accidently stumbled upon.

Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. If you pay the ransom prior to seven days,
we will tell you of her whereabouts. Should you catch the
messenger we send to pick up the ransom, we will simply
not say anything to anyone and ergo Barbara will
suffocate. The messenger knows only one of us and he will report to us via radio from the pickup site. We will
immediately know his fate.

Should you catch all, of us we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again-she will die. As you can see, you don’t want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death. The police may allow you to have a free hand prior to the return of your daughter
should you be so callous as to contact them. If you ask the police to advise you in this matter please be aware that
their very presence will scare us off. We can see no way for you to secure the safe return of your daughter other than to obey instructions explicitly.

1) Although we will always anticipate the involvement of the police in this situation, be assured that if your communication with them or their actual presence is detected, we will break off negotiations with you immediately. We have tied into several
of the possible means of communications that you have with the police and feel that you will be unable to contact them without our

2) The ransom will be $500,000 in recently issued $20 bills. Here are the requirements you must meet in this matter:
The notes must not be older than 1950 issue.
No more than ten notes must have consecutive serial numbers; ie., the notes must have a great variety of serial-numbers and not be merely shuffled.
The notes must be Federal Reserve notes of standard configuration.

No more than one-half of the notes may be uncirculated.

No form of marking on the bills is acceptable. Please note that the bills will undergo a minimum of eight hours of intense examination before we allow you to have knowledge of the subject’s whereabouts. We have planned a series of 44 tests on a large representative of the bills. These tests include every chemical and physical test of any remote applicability.

No omission, shaving, spotting, cutting, counterfeiting, irradiating, ad nos will go undetected.

3) The bills should occupy no more than 400 cubic inches and thusly fit into a standard large suitcase of inside dimensions 31.5" longx18.75" highx6.25" deep. Purchase such a suitcase and lock the bills inside.
When you have the money in readiness, call all the Miami
area major newspapers and place the following ad in the "personal" section of the classified advertisemsnts:

"Loved one-please come home. We will pay all expenses
and meet you anywhere at anytime. Your Family."

Prepare your car for a trip and on the night of the ad’s first appearance we will call you at home after midnight to advise you of where you must go to deliver the money. You must be the one to deliver the money, Robert. You will dress yourself in an all-white outfit. You must use the Lincoln to deliver the money.

In order to prevent the instructional call being traced it will be very brief and no portion of it will be repeated. If the phone rings more than three times or the connection takes longer than 15 seconds we will not contact you. You will have a limited period of time to make the rendezvous so you should be ready to leave your house within one minute of receiving the phone call in order to be within the time limit. You will proceed to the area of the meeting within the legal speed limit as if you were in no hurry. We will not meet you if you fail to show within the time limit which is only a short time longer than you will require to drive to the pickup site. Any unusual police activity or other activity in the area of the pick up will cancel the appointment.

When you arrive at the pick up site you will know it by a signal of three short flashes repeated continuously from a flashlight directed at the windshield of your car. When you see the signal you will stop the car and immediately take the suitcase toward the light. The light will be mounted on the top of a box. The suitcase should be placed within the box. You will then return to your car and proceed back up the street, in the direction from which you came and go home.

Any deviation from this outline will result in your death.
Our messenger will have you in his sights from the time you leave your car. Within twelve hours after you deliver the money you will receive another call advising you of your daughter’s whereabouts. A letter will be sent also to insure the findings of your daughter.

Posted : February 27, 2020 11:18 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Wow, That has to be the longest ransom note ever!

The tone is a bit different than the Ramsey note though.

Posted : February 27, 2020 11:34 pm
Posts: 132
Estimable Member

I think it’s VERY similar in tone.

It follows the same formula of "If you do X, then Y will happen" "If you do not do X, then Z will happen"
It hits on all the same points as the Ramsey note –
– 1 – that you will follow our instructions to achieve your goal
– 2 – that you will provide an exact amount in exact denonimations
– 3 – that "we" are familiar with how the police operate
– 4 – that "you" will be watched the entire time

It it also the kidnapping of a daughter from a wealthy family AND it was done by two people – which I’ve always considered a possibility in JBR – in the sense that the ransom seems dictated and refers to a group.

Posted : February 28, 2020 12:36 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Isn’t that the basic words used in most ransom notes?

Posted : February 28, 2020 3:42 am
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

I think it’s VERY similar in tone.

It follows the same formula of "If you do X, then Y will happen" "If you do not do X, then Z will happen"
It hits on all the same points as the Ramsey note –
– 1 – that you will follow our instructions to achieve your goal
– 2 – that you will provide an exact amount in exact denonimations
– 3 – that "we" are familiar with how the police operate
– 4 – that "you" will be watched the entire time

It it also the kidnapping of a daughter from a wealthy family AND it was done by two people – which I’ve always considered a possibility in JBR – in the sense that the ransom seems dictated and refers to a group.

right, but they actually kidnapped someone. no one kidnapped jon benet. leaving that note after killing her makes no sense. why leave extra clues?

Posted : February 28, 2020 7:11 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I believe the killer had every intention to kidnap her. That the ransom note was written from the paper and pen found on the desk before they came home. If the killer was at the open house a few days before and was the person who dialed 911 as a test to see how long it would take the police arrive? He could have taken the pen and paper at that time and wrote it where he was staying or lived? My gut tells me he wrote it while they were away and that he did hide under the bed that Lou Smith found was disturbed. There was also papers in or on that desk that had information about the money Mr Ramsey received. So the killer could have used that amount as a ruse to throw off the investigation?

Posted : February 29, 2020 4:24 am
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

I believe the killer had every intention to kidnap her. That the ransom note was written from the paper and pen found on the desk before they came home. If the killer was at the open house a few days before and was the person who dialed 911 as a test to see how long it would take the police arrive? He could have taken the pen and paper at that time and wrote it where he was staying or lived? My gut tells me he wrote it while they were away and that he did hide under the bed that Lou Smith found was disturbed. There was also papers in or on that desk that had information about the money Mr Ramsey received. So the killer could have used that amount as a ruse to throw off the investigation?

once he/they killed her and knew they weren’t going to kidnap her why leave the ransom note which only serves as further incriminating evidence? the parents would have looked much guiltier without the ransom note.

Posted : March 2, 2020 10:06 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I don’t have all of the answers, yet you want me to speculate and then question it? The proof is in the pudding so to speak. The note was probably put on the stairs before she was killed, because the intention was to take her. They or he didn’t want to take the chance of being seen going back into the area of the stairs, so it was left there.

Use Common sense for the answer!

Posted : March 3, 2020 2:14 am
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

I don’t have all of the answers, yet you want me to speculate and then question it? The proof is in the pudding so to speak. The note was probably put on the stairs before she was killed, because the intention was to take her. They or he didn’t want to take the chance of being seen going back into the area of the stairs, so it was left there.

Use Common sense for the answer!

i’m trying, which is why i questioned your conclusions.

Posted : March 3, 2020 6:57 pm
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