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Gaikowski's Writing Samples

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Show me a sample of a 2 from Z with a loop in it…

I don’t think there is one.

The numbers look closer then the letters, but I still cant see a match that jumps out at me.

I’ve seen way better matches for the numbers – Mazzy’s poi for instance

Here’s San Fran for comparison. Note how unique RG’s l/c r is and it’s diff from Z’s. RG’s is on the bottom.

I have a question:

Did Gyke write insure for $500.00 dollars at the top of the page and if he did, look at the S for insure look familiar to anyone…


Good question. The "r" looks like his to me but I just don’t know. It also looks like the same pen
did it. It is also written on another page and the ink looks a little darker to me.

Some More Gaikowski.

Example of Gaik’s handwriting from 1954

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 13, 2013 2:35 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

K, s, d, Y, L, f…all very different. The numbers match quite well, could be accidentially. Ruled out imo.



Posted : April 13, 2013 2:57 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

K, s, d, Y, L, f…all very different. The numbers match quite well, could be accidentially. Ruled out imo, although he still has the ‘th’ close together.



Posted : April 13, 2013 2:58 am
Posts: 7527
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The letter K from Gaik looks like none I have ever seen Z use,not even close. The number 2 by zodiac was like a Z, where Gaik has a overlapping curl to his. Way more differences than similarities in my opinion

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 13, 2013 7:06 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

I’m thinking of writing a book on Gaikowski as a Zodiac suspect. Here is chapter One.

"Once upon a time there was a man called Richard Gaikowski, who worked as an editor. Richard was out of State and Country during Zodiac activity so it isn’t him, and every one lived happily ever after.


(PS, best seller there without question) hehe.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 27, 2013 4:24 pm
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Richard was out of State and Country during Zodiac activity so it isn’t him…

Until we find his passport, none of us can make that conclusion.

Posted : April 29, 2013 12:33 am
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

I’m thinking of writing a book on Gaikowski as a Zodiac suspect. Here is chapter One.

"Once upon a time there was a man called Richard Gaikowski, who worked as an editor. Richard was out of State and Country during Zodiac activity so it isn’t him, and every one lived happily ever after.


(PS, best seller there without question) hehe.

Sounds a winner to me! I honestly think Gaikowski is a lousy suspect,take away Blaines insane acid damaged ramblings and I am not seeing anything that suggests he is Z.No disrespect to anybody who has him as a favourite POI, but It annoys me the way this guys name has been dragged through the mud.

Posted : May 1, 2013 8:04 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Richard stated in a letter that he spent a week in Northern Ireland in January (1969). His February 1, 1969 article in the Knickerbocker News references events that happened during that last week of January — so the article corroborates his letter. Maybe it makes sense that he lost the passport since it does nothing in terms of an alibi.

Posted : May 8, 2013 5:15 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

I’m thinking of writing a book on Gaikowski as a Zodiac suspect. Here is chapter One.

"Once upon a time there was a man called Richard Gaikowski, who worked as an editor. Richard was out of State and Country during Zodiac activity so it isn’t him, and every one lived happily ever after.


(PS, best seller there without question) hehe.

Sounds a winner to me! I honestly think Gaikowski is a lousy suspect,take away Blaines insane acid damaged ramblings and I am not seeing anything that suggests he is Z.No disrespect to anybody who has him as a favourite POI, but It annoys me the way this guys name has been dragged through the mud.

So. Gaikowski’s handwriting’s not a good match, no-one can place him at any crime scene, he’s a radical homosexual magazine guy (an interesting demographic for a serial killer of – mostly couples), and since police looked at him and dismissed him (that’s correct isn’t it? That’s how his name got out there?) we might presume – if we were presumptious – that his fingerprints don’t match anything. I wonder if he had a gun collection and an ex-military background? :roll:

Posted : May 8, 2013 12:34 pm
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

He did have a military background, as a matter of fact. He was an Army medic.

The fact that Gaikowski makes references to events in Northern Ireland in one of his articles cannot be used as evidence that he was actually there. Come on, guys, it’s basic detective work – you cannot take a suspect’s statements at face value until they’re independently corroborated (by someone who isn’t the suspect’s friend and might cover for him, I might add). Some of the methods used to rule him out are ridiculous.

Posted : May 9, 2013 1:13 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Mid-November, 1968 — Albany letter from Gaikowski mentioning first snowfall there.

Jan. 25 to 31st, 1969 — Gaikowski in Ireland covering sectarian violence for a week.

My point about the passport is that it would do nothing to explain where Richard was between November, 1968 and the last week of January, 1969. In the Albany Sojourn article, he tried to make it appear that he was in Europe in the fall of 1968 — "I felt burned out and left The Knickerbocker News at the end of September and headed for Europe to lick my wounds." I went back and re-watched the Mystery Quest episode with Richard’s friend, and he talked about how the letters "seem to show" Gaikowski was not in California when the December, 1968 murder happened. If anything, I think the letters cast even more suspicion on Gaikowski.

Posted : May 9, 2013 4:43 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

He did have a military background, as a matter of fact. He was an Army medic.

He was, Nacht? Well then he fits the very broadest of the criteria, I guess.
Wait a second, though…. we know the Zodiac was ex-military, because….?
Is that it?

Posted : May 9, 2013 1:24 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Richard was out of State and Country during Zodiac activity so it isn’t him…

Until we find his passport, none of us can make that conclusion.

Gaikowsi was a viable suspect and nothing really came to light to rule him out. Then, Bob Loomis came foreward and appeared to show Gaikowski was out of State, and then Country, during known Zodiac activity. Then it seems, in the face of this evidence, certain people at a certain website started to clutch a the preverbial straw by stating that Bob Loomis evidence is not worthy of anything unless we can find and view Gaikowski’s passport to confirm he was out of the Country. For me personally, the fact he wrote letters from Albany, NY and then Europe is sufficent for me to suggest Gaikowski was out of Country.

And, about 4 Months ago, I was in the chat room of a well know web site dedicated to this subject, and the owner of that web site stated to me that Bob Loomis had now recanted his original claims and letters as evidence. Being Highly skeptical I asked the person to confirm "Are you stating as a fact, on the record, that Bob Loomis has now recanted his claims, and the letters as evidence, and changed his story?" I didn’t get a reply to this question dispite asking several times. The fact is, Bob Loomis hasn’t recanted anything he stated. The web site’s owner then, after I refused to stop asking him to confirm his statement, simply angrily declared ‘Bob Loomis is not credable" before, once again, banning me from the chat room because I had dared to ask questions that challenged what he was claiming.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 11, 2013 8:05 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

And also, it was accepted that LE had DNA from one of the Zodiac’s letters, and this was never questioned. Then, when DNA obtained from Gaikowski was compared against the DNA obtained from the Zodiac Envelope and came back as ‘Negative’, it was then declared by a certain website that "Gaikowski DNA result does not match Zodiac DNA". Then, this comment quickly disapeared and when many asked why, it was explained by the site owner that there was no DNA match because no Zodiac DNA existed in the first place, even though it is accepted that Arthur Allen had been ruled out because it was determined his DNA didn’t match without anyone questioning this. Then it changed to something along the lines of ‘Well, the DNA sample is not reliable because it may have been contaminated’ etc etc. Then we get to Bob Loomis and his evidence, where Loomis says, quote: " I have letter from him (Gaikowski) in 1968, when the Lake Herman Killings occured, that indicate that he was in Albany, and not out here on the West Coast. It would be impossible for him to be at Lake Herman comitting murders, when he was, in fact, back East" He also comments regarding one of Zodiac’s ciphers and the appearence of the word ‘GYKE’ in the middle clearly visable and states "One of the things is that there is supposedly ‘GYKE’ in one of the Zodiac Letters. Dick Gaikowski did indeed call himself Gaik, but it is not spelled the way it is spelled in his usage, he always spelled it, as in this post-card (shows post-card to camera) GAIK, and not GYKE."

To me, and this is simply just my own opinion, the above claims and ignorance of evidence is clearly just clutching at straws and refusing to accept that your pet little suspect, is not Zodiac.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 11, 2013 8:32 pm
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Sept. 1968, letter from Richard to Bob announcing move to commune in New York state

Sept. 28, 1968, Richard’s last published article at the Knickerbocker News — "Pledge Flag, Teacher Told."

Nov. 13, 1968, first snowfall in Albany area — letter from Richard to Bob mentioning first snowfall.

February 1, 1969, article titled "Civil Rights, Sectarianism Rock North Ireland," appears in Albany Knickerbocker News, authored by Richard Gaikowski

February 13, 1969 — first letter to Bob from Europe. Richard writes, "I was over in Northern Ireland for a week in January where I did a couple of articles for the K-N on civil rights struggle there…stayed…in Belfast and they introduced me to an IRA veteran who in one of his many battles with the authorities had lost an eye…"

Chappie, the above time line is what I have gathered from my own research as well as Bob’s letters from Richard. Passport or not, I have to respectfully disagree on the matter of Richard’s whereabouts in December, 1968 being addressed/solved.

Posted : May 11, 2013 8:40 pm
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