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'GOOD TIMES' Writing

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Posts: 1588
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Emotions run deep when it comes to the Z case. We all have to work together for our common goal, to research & learn as much as possible. POI’s bring out the hot buttons on a lot of people’s radar. Sometimes it’s best for some to just avoid the POI threads.
We can’t or shouldn’t bash others or their research, but a good debate is always interesting as long as its done in a fair way.
Myself, I never like to see anyone leave or get banned from
A forum as everyone has something to offer.
So W.C., deep breathe, stay calm, maybe even avoid this thread and continue your great research on Kane.
Sincerely, Zam*

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : August 21, 2013 4:52 am
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Back to your points- I don’t condone people like Loomis having their statements challenged without good cause. I don’t know enough about Loomis to know whether his character or statements should be challenged. If people are challenging his statements simply to strengthen the case against Gaikowski that’s a shame and is irresponsible. For me it’s simple, if you think Gaikowski was Zodiac, PROVE IT. People have been trying to do so for years, with no luck.

The only reason nobody has had no luck proving Gaikowski was Zodiac, morf, is because nobody’s run the guy’s prints or his DNA. And nobody has conclusively corroborated his alibis.

As for Loomis, his statements should be challenged simply because he is someone who might have reason to lie for Gaikowski. It’s basic detective work, man. Are you really going to let a suspect go just because his friend or his relative says he was out of town, without independently verifying that the guy really was out of town?

I’m posing all these questions not because I think Gaikowski is Zodiac. I’m posing them because I think that everyone proposed as a suspect should be properly ruled out; this has not been done with Gaikowski. On the contrary, I think the investigation into him has been extremely sloppy.

Posted : August 21, 2013 5:46 am
Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Maybe the second document is actually Richard’s handwriting. Bob L. told Tom that Gaikowski had an apartment on Telegraph Avenue near Moe’s Books — the address for Moe’s Books is 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley. I looked at Google Earth, and you can see storefronts with what appears to be apartments located above — this is next to Moe’s Books and 2478 is presumably one of the apartments upstairs.

Posted : August 21, 2013 8:26 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

For the record, the handwriting I posted is almost certainly NOT from Gyke, although it is presented as part of Mike B.’s blog about Good Times (he doesn’t imply that it is). The Diggers had several different printing incarnations including the Communication Company and the organizations were closely connected. The Diggers apparently printed a number of items for Good Times including their press pass.

I honestly found it somewhat annoying that any piece of compelling hand printing from Good Times was almost automatically attributed to Gyke because he was the editor for the newspaper. There were many people who contributed to that. The handwriting I’ve seen doesn’t do much for me but I certainly wouldn’t rule him out based on that alone. Obviously the timeline is crucial and seems to work against him but I also don’t think it’s been proven conclusively enough to rule him out.

For Zynchronicity points, I honestly enjoyed researching Gyke because there were so many eerie similarities to my own POI. There were at least acquaintances if not friends and Gyke apparently helped to archive his artwork. Both had associations with the Diggers, were short filmmakers in SF and were involved in the late 70s SF punk rock scene. Both had themselves booked at a police stations but neither, to my knowledge, were ever arrested. Weird…

Posted : August 22, 2013 6:22 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Emotions run deep when it comes to the Z case. We all have to work together for our common goal, to research & learn as much as possible. POI’s bring out the hot buttons on a lot of people’s radar. Sometimes it’s best for some to just avoid the POI threads.
We can’t or shouldn’t bash others or their research, but a good debate is always interesting as long as its done in a fair way.
Myself, I never like to see anyone leave or get banned from
A forum as everyone has something to offer.
So W.C., deep breathe, stay calm, maybe even avoid this thread and continue your great research on Kane.
Sincerely, Zam*

Good advice Zam, unfortunatly there is someone here who has brain fog ( I chose not to say idiot) who has announced to people on another Z site, that Welsh Chappie was banned from this site. Welsh Chappie chose to leave, he was not banned, so the person who was so delighted in spreading the wrong message to the host of another site, should be ashamed ! It is hard to believe just how imature some so called adults are .

Posted : September 17, 2013 11:34 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Thank you Sandy. Yes, I received emails from Tom V stating I had been banned from here so I had to reply and inform Thomas that, if nothing else, at least he is consistent….In being completely wrong and that just like he got it wrong declaring ALA was Zodiac (No really, no question about it, it’s Arthur Allen!), he’s also just as wrong in trying to claim I got banned. (I had to point out that people can read, and that the last post I posted before leaving was detailing the reason I, through my own choice, had decided to leave. Anyway, this was a long while back now but I only just saw this post here by Sandy and wanted to say thank you for telling the truth and speaking on my behalf when I was not active here.

(PS – Before I get jumped on and beaten up by several Mods for this comment, I am only doing exactly what Tom asked me to do, post a reply on here to him to ‘prove I am not banned’. So, there you go Thomas, this was just for you. Congratulations, you’re wrong yet again.) :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : January 15, 2014 3:43 am
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

Wow…that first pic is pretty spot on, especially the "d"…

Posted : December 29, 2020 11:54 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

It’s strange coincidence that Gyke can change his "quick" writing and his "careful" writing to look so like Z. His quick writing looks like most of Z letters (the "d", "s", "2", the use of the + sign). And that slow careful writing matches the Belli letter, IMO. Wow…I really have to go back and look at Gyke as a suspect. Plus, he’s a newspaper guy into movies. Hates the cops. Man, a lot of this circumstantial evidence looks good to me.

Posted : December 30, 2020 12:07 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

This thread getting bumped has allowed me to see the rantings of "Welsh Chappie" from years ago. No idea what he was referring to.

Posted : December 30, 2020 12:40 am
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

One of the most recurrent aspect of the Z letters is how he writes "th" in words such as "the" or "that" or "there". The way the t is often made very small, and its horizontal line quite low, as if really trying to avoid confusing it with a capital T. It’s how people usually learn to write it, but in his letters it is quite a common trait. I always look for that in letters claimed to be of his. Of course, comparing non-cursive hand writing is rarely an easy task.

Posted : December 30, 2020 12:44 am
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