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Interview with Schoolmate of Ross

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Hey morf, if you talk to Allan again could you ask him if Ross ever dressed in drag. Weird question I know, but I was reading something about Ross possibly staying at the YMCA in San Fran, and I remember looking into any events near the San Fran Y back in that time, and there was a riot between police and a group of cross dressers at a cafe. I looked through all the links I could find to see if there were any pics. There were, but nobody that resembled Ross. Several of the group were arrested, but I could not find a list of names. Long shot I know, but some believe Z may have lived a "secret alternative lifestyle."

I don’t recall details of the riot, but I think it was really close to the YMCA. I probably posted about it on here somewhere months ago so I will do some digging.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : April 2, 2015 9:32 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

If you want to take the word of a serial killer, you can go so far as to say that Z verified the sketch himself when he stated, "I look like the description passed out only when I do my thing, the rest of the time I look entirle different."

Something somebody would say to make police think he didnt look like that.(even though he did)

Also, regarding Fouke, he was very sure about the detail of Zodiac’s hairline, he went into great detail, and said Zodiac had a specific widow’s peak hairline. The sketch is based on both Fouke’s, and the Kid’s description of Zodiac. They changed and adjusted it until it looked right in their minds, and for better or worse, it looks exactly like Ross. People have argued, it wasn’t fat enough, very well then, make it fatter, and it would still look like a fatter version of Ross. There simply is no way around it, for better or worse, that sketch looks identical to Ross, and anybody that would challenge that, is in denial.

Now,it’s important to point out that while the sketch and hairline on the sketch both look like Ross, Fouke’s accounting of height and age is off from Ross. Still, if Sherwood was right, how many guys that once spent time in the RCC library, looked exactly like the sketch? My guess is, not many.

Fouke also said Larry Kane looked like the composite, who IMO doesn’t look anything like Ross or the composite imo. Fouke sometimes makes me go :x

I’m starting to learn this about Fouke, too! Grrr.

Posted : June 1, 2015 9:53 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Hey morf, if you talk to Allan again could you ask him if Ross ever dressed in drag. Weird question I know, but I was reading something about Ross possibly staying at the YMCA in San Fran, and I remember looking into any events near the San Fran Y back in that time, and there was a riot between police and a group of cross dressers at a cafe. I looked through all the links I could find to see if there were any pics. There were, but nobody that resembled Ross. Several of the group were arrested, but I could not find a list of names. Long shot I know, but some believe Z may have lived a "secret alternative lifestyle."

I don’t recall details of the riot, but I think it was really close to the YMCA. I probably posted about it on here somewhere months ago so I will do some digging.

Whoa interesting idea! Good catch friend!

Posted : June 1, 2015 9:54 pm
Posts: 7527
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Allan is not taking or returning my calls. When I first spoke with him a few different times, he was gung ho about whether Ross could be Z, and was even talking about a documentary about Ross etc. I think something changed his mind after the Ratter.com article about Ross in which Allan was interviewed. I was disappointed that Allan back tracked on a couple things he told me over the phone.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 1, 2015 10:05 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Major bummer :( well to be fair I can understand how this all must be shocking/crazy for him to deal with. I sure hope he comes back and helps with more info on Ross. It would be a great help. I’m thankful you got in touch with him and that he did come forward with something. That takes a lot of guts.

Posted : June 1, 2015 11:06 pm
Posts: 7527
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Major bummer :( well to be fair I can understand how this all must be shocking/crazy for him to deal with. I sure hope he comes back and helps with more info on Ross. It would be a great help. I’m thankful you got in touch with him and that he did come forward with something. That takes a lot of guts.

We will see.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 1, 2015 11:29 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

He’s probably facing the very real possibility that his friend murdered innocent people. No doubt this must be very hard on him.

That aside, it probably doesn’t help that his name is now part of the Ratter, Click Bait, Porn Fetish site. To Allen, it must be horrible to see your name associated with a site set on murder glorification. Even the comic book like appearance of the site, and claims that Z was an anti-authority, anti hero (see Tom V riot gear article) instead of the sick psychopath, and murderer he was.

Allen should at least know that you (Morf) are a legit Zodiac researcher, and many of us are.

I just think the Ratter stuff did more harm than good as far as the public perception of this case is concerned.

Posted : June 2, 2015 7:25 am
Posts: 7527
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He’s probably facing the very real possibility that his friend murdered innocent people. No doubt this must be very hard on him.

That aside, it probably doesn’t help that his name is now part of the Ratter, Click Bait, Porn Fetish site. To Allen, it must be horrible to see your name associated with a site set on murder glorification. Even the comic book like appearance of the site, and claims that Z was an anti-authority, anti hero (see Tom V riot gear article) instead of the sick psychopath, and murderer he was.

Allen should at least know that you (Morf) are a legit Zodiac researcher, and many of us are.

I just think the Ratter stuff did more harm than good as far as the public perception of this case is concerned.

It may have,but Allan won’t respond to ask.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 2, 2015 2:45 pm
Posts: 92
Trusted Member

I would bet he has had a few more convos through today, since that last History Channel episode…haha…the camera depicted in the newspaper photo is an old news style camera with turrets for lenses, and the sound part of it is/was not likely attached while shooting. If it were attached it would make production tediously apparatus driven and was not the way any films were made in student classes until the CP16 or Cannon Scoopic were manufactured. All sound then would have been recorded double system, however for a student film that cost a reported 175 dollars (that doesn’t pay processing charges even in 1959), it was likely shot silent with any sound built and tracked later, and the two picture and sound reels screened on an ‘interlocked’ classroom system, so that a finished film with optical soundtrack was most probably never made. What he may have in storage is the edited, double spliced workprint without audio, which can still go through a projector. The other factor to consider is whether the film was shot on reversal or negative 16mm filmstock, something he would surely remember because editing camera original is much less expensive than negative, however, hot splicing could not have been achieved, another clue to what he may (or may not since you say he walked things back) have in a locker.

Posted : December 17, 2017 10:36 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Check this out! An article written by another actor from the movie Ross was in. Interesting read.

https://www.racmonitor.com/high-school- … ery-ending

Maybe someone else can try to contact this guy. Here is his email address:cbuck@medlearnmedia.com

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : January 18, 2021 2:45 pm
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

Hi all. I am the person he referred to as contacting him in the article listed above. Morf and I both have contact with him. Knowing him, it would be appreciated to not have people reach out directly to him about Ross. It’d be best to funnel questions through Morf or I, if you would please.

I had a couple conversations with him regarding Ross. The highlights are:

* Deja Vive was never finished because they ran out of money. There probably isn’t any footage left.
* It was about a beatnik.
* The picture in the newspaper was taken in Allan’s garage where they had built a cafe set.
* He remembered Ross as a "funny, curly haired fellow" and remembered Ross as beefy "like he coulda played on the high school football team".
* He didn’t remember Ross having an accent but stopped suddenly after that and said firmly "if Ross Sullivan was speaking to you, you knew it was him, I can tell you that."
* He said that Ross really got into his role and asked a lot of questions about his character’s motivations.
* He thought he might recall that Ross could get angry if things didn’t go well but knowing now what he knows about Ross he wasn’t sure if his memory was being clouded.
* He didn’t have any writing from Ross.
* He was a casual acquaintance of Ross and didn’t know a ton of things about him just that he liked him.

Posted : January 19, 2021 12:33 am
Posts: 7527
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Topic starter

Hi all. I am the person he referred to as contacting him in the article listed above. Morf and I both have contact with him. Knowing him, it would be appreciated to not have people reach out directly to him about Ross. It’d be best to funnel questions through Morf or I, if you would please.

I had a couple conversations with him regarding Ross. The highlights are:

* Deja Vive was never finished because they ran out of money. There probably isn’t any footage left.
* It was about a beatnik.
* The picture in the newspaper was taken in Allan’s garage where they had built a cafe set.
* He remembered Ross as a "funny, curly haired fellow" and remembered Ross as beefy "like he coulda played on the high school football team".
* He didn’t remember Ross having an accent but stopped suddenly after that and said firmly "if Ross Sullivan was speaking to you, you knew it was him, I can tell you that."
* He said that Ross really got into his role and asked a lot of questions about his character’s motivations.
* He thought he might recall that Ross could get angry if things didn’t go well but knowing now what he knows about Ross he wasn’t sure if his memory was being clouded.
* He didn’t have any writing from Ross.
* He was a casual acquaintance of Ross and didn’t know a ton of things about him just that he liked him.

good info thanks

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 19, 2021 9:24 pm
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