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Riverside Parade Video and Video of Ross in Binghamton?!

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I don’t want to be tedious with linking videos but I find them interesting so I’m sure some of you will too!

First, this is a 1966 Riverside Parade video. Video quality is terrible. It’s interesting in general, though. Of note, Ramona High School Band plays in the parade. There is a Ross shaped blob with glasses on sitting on the courthouse steps over a lady’s shoulder around .13 seconds in that could have wing walkers on (and Ross’s hairline) but obviously it is impossible to identify with the quality of the video. FWIW the girl’s body language to his left is all about getting away from him imo. At any rate, enjoy Riverside 1966!


Second video says it’s Binghamton in 1965. Board members, I don’t know what to make of this!!

I know it sounds ridiculously implausible – i’ve been trying to talk myself out of it for a few days now – but a guy wanders close into the frame around .18 and I’m nearly positive it IS Ross Sullivan. Unfortunately, he doesn’t look directly at the camera and he is so close the shot is cutting off the top of his head but if you time it like a ninja you can hit a good two or three frames before the cut at .20 where you can pause and see the side profile very clearly. Ross has a distinct mouth where his bottom lip protrudes out a bit. Same mouth as Ross. This guy also has: same cheeks, same chin, same nose, same glasses, same eyes, same ears, same facial arrangement. This is 1965, so the video says, accuracy of that could be questioned, which would make Ross about 24 and this doesn’t fit at all with how I understand Ross’s timeline. I’d actually welcome you timing up a pause on the frame and telling me I’m crazy! If you want to go further down the rabbit hole, I can’t quite get a great image of the book he’s carrying but I can tell that it appears the back of it is facing us and it is a smallish book that is white with a red spine. I can’t find a picture of the back of it, but, just sayin, from what I’ve seen of the 1967 Laffin Codes & Ciphers, under the dust cover is an 8×5, 170ish page white book with a red spine. Please shoot this down so I can go back to my comfortable Ross Sullivan timeline haha!


Posted : December 18, 2018 8:27 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

I’m still lost with why people think Ross Sullivan could be the Zodiac? Hadn’t he gone nuts and fat, and wasn’t he in a mental institution when Stine was shot?

Posted : December 18, 2018 9:00 pm
Posts: 154
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woah woah woah! Wasn’t one of the Z descriptions having a royal or navy blue zipper/parka jacket?

Posted : December 19, 2018 12:58 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Witnesses at the Stine scene provided this description: “White Male Adult, in his early forties, 5’8", heavy build, reddish-blond ‘crew cut’ hair, wearing eyeglasses, dark brown trousers, dark (navy blue or black) ‘Parka’ jacket, dark shoes.” This description was subsequently adjusted for the SFPD composite sketch which published this description: WMA 35-45 years old, 5’8" Reddish brown hair, Crewcut, Heavy Rim Glasses, Navy blue or black jacket.

Posted : December 19, 2018 1:36 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

…"down the rabbit hole, I can’t quite get a great image of the book he’s carrying but I can tell
that it appears the back of it is facing us"…

Look at it in keyframes. Fingers appear to be placed in a hole, more suggestive of a stiff
paper bag. Diagonal stripe seen just below top left of bag suggests a gift type bag.
(Interesting that elsewhere, the video concentrates on exterior of Phils Gift Shop;
https://philsgiftshop.bridgecatalog.com … did=156880

…"and it is a smallish book that is white with a red spine."
That ‘red’ is possibly an artifact of colour bleed on the film emulsion – for comparison view
the keyframes around 00:21, look at the ‘red’ on the top of the white object a different man
is carrying, at the same time look at the ‘red’ on the top of the white vehicle moving in the
lower left bottom of the frame – see how it disappears, it is easier to then see and understand
that that ‘red’ is just an artifact.

Posted : December 19, 2018 9:16 pm
Posts: 154
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Thanks. That makes sense. At points I did think it might be an envelope because it appears to bend in his hand a bit. I thought it may be a book cover or plastic covering over the top as well. The way his hand is it makes a lot of sense that it’s through a hole in a bag. It’d be hard to have that hand position holding a book.

Posted : December 19, 2018 9:55 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I’m still lost with why people think Ross Sullivan could be the Zodiac? Hadn’t he gone nuts and fat, and wasn’t he in a mental institution when Stine was shot?


There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 21, 2018 10:32 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I don’t want to be tedious with linking videos but I find them interesting so I’m sure some of you will too!

First, this is a 1966 Riverside Parade video. Video quality is terrible. It’s interesting in general, though. Of note, Ramona High School Band plays in the parade. There is a Ross shaped blob with glasses on sitting on the courthouse steps over a lady’s shoulder around .13 seconds in that could have wing walkers on (and Ross’s hairline) but obviously it is impossible to identify with the quality of the video. FWIW the girl’s body language to his left is all about getting away from him imo. At any rate, enjoy Riverside 1966!


Second video says it’s Binghamton in 1965. Board members, I don’t know what to make of this!!

I know it sounds ridiculously implausible – i’ve been trying to talk myself out of it for a few days now – but a guy wanders close into the frame around .18 and I’m nearly positive it IS Ross Sullivan. Unfortunately, he doesn’t look directly at the camera and he is so close the shot is cutting off the top of his head but if you time it like a ninja you can hit a good two or three frames before the cut at .20 where you can pause and see the side profile very clearly. Ross has a distinct mouth where his bottom lip protrudes out a bit. Same mouth as Ross. This guy also has: same cheeks, same chin, same nose, same glasses, same eyes, same ears, same facial arrangement. This is 1965, so the video says, accuracy of that could be questioned, which would make Ross about 24 and this doesn’t fit at all with how I understand Ross’s timeline. I’d actually welcome you timing up a pause on the frame and telling me I’m crazy! If you want to go further down the rabbit hole, I can’t quite get a great image of the book he’s carrying but I can tell that it appears the back of it is facing us and it is a smallish book that is white with a red spine. I can’t find a picture of the back of it, but, just sayin, from what I’ve seen of the 1967 Laffin Codes & Ciphers, under the dust cover is an 8×5, 170ish page white book with a red spine. Please shoot this down so I can go back to my comfortable Ross Sullivan timeline haha!


Riverside video to blurry. NY video, lips do look a bit like Ross. I don’t think Ross had a mole on his face and that guy does

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 21, 2018 10:37 am
Posts: 84
Trusted Member

Did Ross have some connection to Binghamton?

Zodiac was a screwup. He left behind five breathing victims, two survivors, bootprints, possibly fingerprints and palmprints, tiretracks, eyewitnesses, and earwitnesses. If the APB had gone out for a WMA he would have been locked up in ’69.

Posted : December 21, 2018 3:39 pm
Posts: 154
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Yeah, I couldn’t decide if that was a mole or a pimple. Thought experiment though: if it was Ross why would he be there in 65? Has anyone ever checked crime reports in that area during that time?

Posted : December 21, 2018 6:53 pm
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

Did Ross have some connection to Binghamton?

Ross’ father was the director of the YMCA in Binghamton NY in the 1950s.
Ross attended school in Binghamton NY, there are school year books with Ross’ photo, google it.

Posted : December 21, 2018 10:25 pm
Posts: 154
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MIght have found something significant looking back at these. I’ve zoomed in on the Riverside parade video and I think I’ve got the purse Cheri Jo was carrying when she was murdered with the woman in the video next to the Ross shaped blog. If you are interested I’ll link a blog article I just did with screenshots for you to have a look at since I’ve never been able to figure out how to post them here.


Posted : July 12, 2019 1:43 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Quick question: What is wrong with you?

Posted : July 12, 2019 2:52 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Quick question: What is wrong with you?

It’s called pareidolia.

Posted : July 12, 2019 7:29 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

That NY video is interesting. The guy has the same "fish lips" as Ross.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 28, 2019 9:13 am