Well I have a genius level IQ as well so maybe I can get something out of him.
And lol that TK has ALA as his POI (so to speak) ha
Well I have a genius level IQ as well so maybe I can get something out of him.
And lol that TK has ALA as his POI (so to speak) ha
Yes blame Allen! Ted relying on law enforcement!
In response to the DNA request in the Tylenol Killer case, Ted refused and stated that partial DNA profiles can match to an innocent person. Which is what someone who is guilty might say and do.
I wish you luck and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have and give any advice and tips I can.
What political ideals do you think you and Ted share?
I wish you the best of luck, and I would say that if you manage to get some correspondence going, and don’t just start out with "ZODIAC!!" to begin with, as Oswell did, you may get somewhere. I’d strongly suggest not even mentioning Zodiac at first, but I’m sure you know that.
It will certainly take more than one letter and reply to get anywhere.
EDIT: If you choose to send money to him for postage, etc. you cannot just mail cash. Must use "MoneyGram." See here:
http://askville.amazon.com/contact-info … d=13408479
I don’t believe in monsters.
When I first saw Doug Oswell’s letter to TK, I had to laugh. Oswell made no attempt whatsoever to speak to Ted like a fellow human being, build a rapport, or even pretend to have any understanding of another person’s feelings. It was an accusation sent as a letter. I’m not surprised at all that Ted later called him a "kook." And, oh, here’s 5 bucks for your time, LOL. Ridiculous.
So yes, I think a softer touch is in order. I don’t personally believe that Ted was Zodiac anyway, but the guy is in prison for the rest of his life, and I expect that he would respond to friendly communication. I hope you do follow through, PinkPhantom. Thank you for doing this.
I don’t believe in monsters.
Thank you Glurk for all of the important information and the tips. They are much welcomed and certainly necessary.
I definitely agree with all of your points. Furthermore, I do agree that there must be a more understanding and "human" approach when corresponding with TK. A landmark of TK’s personality profile (and what possibly lead him astray) is that he is a paranoid personality. Naturally this leads me to believe that he has issues trusting people and ideologies. For this reason a consistent and unvarying dialogue will have to appear genuine and without deception. Certainly any conversations regarding his crimes will come about much later after I hopefully gain trust and much of the initial corrospondence will be my appearing interested in learning his ideals (and building up his ego). We must remember that at one time he may have been interested in teaching as a professor and he was indeed an assistant professor for 3 years or so. He likes the idea of teaching his ideals.
Thanks again Glurk. Hugs.
Yes thanks for giving this a shot.
I think Doug’s approach, perhaps a little too blunt, was to simply give Ted a chance to refute the evidence. Not to try to gain his confidence or trick him, but just to offer him a chance to show an alibi. If Ted had a solid alibi for a confirmed Z crime, then any suspicion he was Zodiac is gone.
Pink Phantom I am asking what political ideals you think you and Ted share? I ask because having studied him for years, looking at rare records and documents, interviewing people, etc., I think I have pretty good insight into his political and social views. I would be glad to share this info with you, it might help you formulate your approach to him.
Ask him about movies. Ask if he’s seen The Exorcist or Badlands. Ask him about the Mikado.
I have a hard time thinking that TK was anywhere near as into movies as Zodiac. He wrote that movies bored him.
Ask him about movies. Ask if he’s seen The Exorcist or Badlands. Ask him about the Mikado.
I have a hard time thinking that TK was anywhere near as into movies as Zodiac. He wrote that movies bored him.
He did discuss some movies he liked. He also wrote that movies are one of the most powerful forms of communication, an effective way for the industrial society to get its messages across to the masses.
And like Z, Ted was a fan of opera, in particular Wagner’s Ring Cycle. And like Z, he may be the only other serial killer who put clues, hints and references to opera in his writings to police and media.
You also have to understand that TK created personas, red herrings and false sponsors for his crimes. He was worried his PHD education would come across in his messages to law enforcement. So he intentionally misspelled words, used incorrect grammar and did other things to seem non college educated. Like saying "the author of this book says any college educated person can easily learn to use computers. Well what about the rest of us?" Later the real TK and his anti-technology views increasingly took center stage, and he was less active in his deceptions. Which directly led to his identification by his brother and eventually arrest.
And it worked. For years the FBI profile on the Unabomber was he was a non college educated, blue collar worker fired airline mechanic.
TK also adopted personas as a Utah local resident who hated local attorneys and business owners, a U Cal Berkeley professor working with another real professor to make bombs, an Iranian student and a Christian fundamentalist.
The Zodiac may have been another persona of TK. Having some features of things he really was interested in, like codes , opera, hunting, radians and circles. With a lot of false things added, like being a Riverside student who was turned down by Cheri Bates, a SF resident (by mailings postmarks), a movie fan, a gun nut, interested in astrology, etc.
Ok – I was looking at a post on Tom’s board the other day and under a thread entitled: WAS THIS ZODIAC’S TEMPLATE?. Someone had noticed that the numbers on the key attached to one of the watches in the ad "spelled" CAB 1E . I then noticed that the time on the watch was 10:11…the date Paul Stine was murdered. I emailed Tom about it and then there was some discussion about how stupid it was and meant nothing…now the thread seems to be back to it having some possible meaning.
Ok…so then someone just posted a picture of their own personal Red Point Professional watch.
I am SURE someone noticed this before … but take a look at the symbol on one of the hands on the watch!(I am not using the stock pic from Tom’s poster – since the symbol is a bit obscured in that one) It’s a "peace sign". The peace sign and the Z symbol on one watch! Put them together and you have TK’s symbol. Here is a stock pic showing the watch hand much better.
Tom has just informed me that the watch PICTURED was not available until 1989. Perhaps both symbols were on a Zodiac watch back in the 70’s though.
Thank you Tom!
What you refer to as Ted’s symbol does have a similarity to the Zodiac symbol in that it is crossed lines inside a circle. It does look like an upside down peace symbol. It is called the Yggdrasil Symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune. Like Zodiac, Ted left his crossed lines inside a circle symbol at a crime scene.
The thing on the watch hand here:
http://forums.watchuseek.com/f74/what-c … 72488.html
Looks like a Mercedes-Benz logo to me. A peace symbol looks like this:
Just sayin’… Since they are both quite different. Other than being radii inside a circle.
I don’t believe in monsters.
On the origin of the Mercedes star symbol:
The three-pointed star was supposed to symbolize Daimler’s ambition of universal motorization – “on land, on water and in the air”. Over the years, various small additions were made. In 1916, the tips were surrounded by a circle, in which four small stars and the word Mercedes were integrated, or alternatively the names of the DMG plants at Untertürkheim or Berlin-Marienfelde.
http://www.daimler.com/dcmedia/0-921-61 … 0-0-0.html
On that note, I just sent an email to customer services at Zodiac (watches), asking for any information they might offer on the origin of the symbol. I suspect it’s just some kind of basic representation of the zodiac circle (but it doesn’t seem to be any obvious historical precedent for it) – and it may well be that the present-day people at the company have no idea about the origin. Anyway – if I hear anything interesting, I’ll report back (and post in a more appropriate thread).
Her is a link showing the similarities. If you point that hand straight up – it will give you part of the TK symbol. Sorry – it was late for me last night when I posted and I wasn’t very clear in my post. That link looks like a hot mess – but it should work. I can’t get to the website from here to give credit for the work. Perhaps it’s yours AK?
Her is a link showing the similarities. If you point that hand straight up – it will give you part of the TK symbol. Sorry – it was late for me last night when I posted and I wasn’t very clear in my post. That link looks like a hot mess – but it should work. I can’t get to the website from here to give credit for the work. Perhaps it’s yours AK?
Yes I put that together with Doug Oswell creating the Unabomber symbol based on his interview with Prof Hill, intended victim of the Unabomber, who saw the symbol.
Just like the zodiac, Kaczynski used crossed lines inside circles as a signature and drew crossed lines inside a circle at a crime scene.
Kaczynski had a life long interest in, almost obsession with, crossed lines inside circles.
1. He signed a yearbook with his "mark" – crossed lines inside a circle.
2. He spent several years of graduate study and his PHD dissertation on the boundary functions of circles, in particular dealing with the unit circle, which looks like the Zodiac symbol.
3. At the campus of a Unabomber target, he spraypainted the Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, along with the letters "FC" and "Anarchy". The Anglo-Saxon translation of the Algiz Rune is "Z"! It consists of, once again, crossed lines inside a circle. The Yggdrasil is the World Tree, but it also stands for "tree of terror; gallows", and the Algiz Rune also means to "wound severely; to mark with blood."
And a close up on his signature with the crossed lines inside a circle.
Close up on Unit Circle, Zodiac Symbol and Unabomber Symbols