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Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

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Posts: 172
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BTW, I think you’ve done some fantastic work on TK.

Posted : December 19, 2013 5:25 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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BTW, I think you’ve done some fantastic work on TK.

Thank you! Very much appreciated.

Last question , since all or most of what you described involves power tools, what is the value of a face shield if you have no electricity?


Posted : December 19, 2013 5:50 pm
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

BTW, I think you’ve done some fantastic work on TK.

Thank you! Very much appreciated.

Last question , since all or most of what you described involves power tools, what is the value of a face shield if you have no electricity?

Not sure. Might have used it for some chiseling on something. Other than that, not much that I can think of.

Posted : December 19, 2013 6:26 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks. Otay! A face shield such as the type found in Ted’s cabin could provide the odd straight boxy structure for the Zodiac hood. Others have speculated that Zodiac may have had a welding mask type thing underneath the hood. Its odd that Ted had a face shield, but no power tools and no electricity anyway!


Posted : December 20, 2013 12:41 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

BTW, I think you’ve done some fantastic work on TK.

Thank you! Very much appreciated.

Last question , since all or most of what you described involves power tools, what is the value of a face shield if you have no electricity?

Not sure. Might have used it for some chiseling on something. Other than that, not much that I can think of.

Thought of another reason he may need a face shield. Mixing chemicals.

Posted : December 20, 2013 5:30 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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IMO some of the most overwhelming evidence is the many, many shared words, phrases and handwriting styles of Zodiac and Kaczynski. Take a little time and read what follows, an edited presentation of some of the strongest matches.


Z = Zodiac K = Kaczynski/Unabomber

Z = I hope you enjoy your selves when I have my Blast. Jolly Roger Card.

K = For these reasons, I want to get my revenge in one big blast. GX18-2003F, p. 11.

Z = At the moment the children are safe from the bomb because it is so massive to dig in & the triger mech requires much work to get it adjusted just right. Belli Letter, 1969.

K = Its no fun having to spend all your evenings and weekends preparing dangerous mixtures, filing trigger mechanisms out of scraps of metal …. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = I gave the cops som bussy work to do to keep them happy. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = This seems to us a thoroughly contemptible way for the human race to end up, and we doubt that many people would find fulfilling lives in such pointless busy-work. Unabomber Manifesto, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman & the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo. To prove I killed them I shall state some facts which only I & the police know. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.

K = To prove that we are the ones who planted the bomb at U. Of Cal. last May we will mention a few details that could be known only to us and the FBI who investigated the incident. S.F. Examiner Letter, 1985.

Z = The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = And it doesn’t appear that the FBI is going to catch us any time soon. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof. Seven-Page letter, 1969.

K = The FBI is a joke. New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass … July 31, 1969 Letter (Chronicle).
This is the Zodiac speaking. Numerous correspondences, 1969 through 1971.

K = This is a message from the terrorist group FC. New York Times Letter, April 24, 1995.
This is a message from FC. Tom Tyler Letter, June 30, 1995.

Z = I promised to punish them if they did not comply, by anilating a full School Buss. But now school is out for the summer, so I punished them in another way. Mt. Diablo Letter, 1970.

K = The people who are pushing all this growth and progress garbage deserve to be severely punished. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = By the way it could be rather messy if you try to bluff me. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.

K = A special case of Theorem (b) was proved (in effect) in [6, proof of Theorem 6] by means of a rather messy lemma. T.J. Kaczynski. Boundary Functions and Sets of Curvilinear Convergence for Continuous Functions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 141 (Jul., 1969), 107-125, p. 124.

Z = [Called a violent movie] "deplorable".

K = [Called OKC bombing] "deplorable".

The ones above are some that I considered most compelling and a few of my own. The entire list and analysis by Doug Oswell is excellent and can be seen here:


I do think the shared word usage of Kaczynski and Zodiac is remarkable, and totally unlike what we see in any other Z suspect. No other Z suspect has anything approaching the number of matches.

AK WILKS: This presumably fake letter from skyjacker DB Cooper points the FBI in the direction of left wing revolutionaries, a favorite target of Ted Kaczynski. I have presented evidence that Ted may have written letters in the Judi Bari bombing case which pointed the FBI and the left wing environmentalists towards looking at right wing Christian extremists as being behind the bombing.

Hmm could Ted Kaczynski have faked a "DB Cooper" letter? Both "DB Cooper", Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski have a similar blocky style.

(Found by JEM.)

Zodiac 408 Code: DANGEROUE
Unabomber Code: YESTERDAE

Both Zodiac and Kaczynski have a code in which in order to increase difficulty of solution they change the last consonant (S, Y) in a word to the vowel "E".

In the Bates confession letter, it says "This letter should be published for all to read it. It just might save that girl in the alley. BUT THAT WILL BE UP TO YOU. IT WILL BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE, NOT MINE".

In the Kaczynski Utah letter it says "When I contact my new friend summer of 1988 and he tells me you have kept your nose clean you will have nothing to fear. IN OTHER WORDS, YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS."

In both letters, the criminal puts the responsibility to the reader "That will be up to you" and "Your fate is in your own hands". The criminal tells the reader what to do "publish this letter" and "keep your nose clean". If they don’t the threat is there for more murders, but it is up to the reader.

Very unusual, very specific and very similar.

We all know that Ted Kaczynski eluded capture as the Unabomber for 18 years, and that the FBI had a 25,000 name suspect list that did not include his name. But Ted Kaczynski’s downfall, what led to his capture, was that he used certain very specific and odd words and phrases that virtually no one else used. David Kaczynski recognized these words and phrases used by the Unabomber as ones that his brother Ted had used. This included the phrase "cool headed logician." It also included Ted’s unique phrasing of the old cliche "You can’t have your cake and eat it too" as "You can’t eat your cake and have it too."

Similarly, when we look at the words and phrases of the Zodiac, many very specific and unusual, we see that Ted Kaczynski often used these exact same odd words and phrases. This first example was discussed first by Doug Oswell, Linda and Kite, but I don’t think it has been examined in depth.

Six months after the abduction and presumed murder of Nevada resident Donna Lass, the Zodiac sent in a card thought to hint at her murder. The card included the very odd phrase "AROUND IN THE SNOW". The card seems to imply that the dead body of Donna Lass can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW.

The phrase is odd. Normally we might expect to hear that a body is "IN THE SNOW", or "ON THE SNOW", or "OUT IN THE SNOW".

Thus the term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" is very unusual. [Patinky and others have said this term is used in Kentucky].

In his new book Technological Slavery, on page 400, Ted Kaczynski discusses hunting rabbits and states that after shooting a rabbit it can be found bouncing "AROUND IN THE SNOW."

Both the Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski use the odd term "AROUND IN THE SNOW" to refer to where a body may be found.

There are many, many other examples.

Zodiac: Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.

Kaczynski: "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer…". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.

Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Zodiac: "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.

Kaczynski: "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Zodiac: BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.

Kaczynski: BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

Both commented on their bounties.

Zodiac: ‘I am mildly cerous as to how much money you have on my head now?’ and ‘What is the price tag now?’.

Kaczynski: ‘25,000 dollar reward offered. Rather flattering.’

People will tell me sometimes "Oh here is a person who said "rather messy", and sometimes I say "no longer", and someone else said "around in the snow". What is interesting is that both Zodiac and Ted Kaczynski used dozens and dozens of the same words and phrases, and some are not very common, like "rather messy", "around in the snow", "contrary to what police say", "evidence only I and police know", etc.

Some new finds by KITE:

I don’t know if this has been brought up before or not but Kaczynski wrote, concerning the price of a Christmas card:

(I bet it doesn’t cost them a nickel to print the damn thing.)

Zodiac wrote:
(When I hung the phone up the dam thing began to ring and that drew his attention to me and my car.)

Here’s an interesting comparison between a Unabomber letter(4/24/95) and a Zodiac letter(11/9/69, 7 pages).
Zodiac: (I shall NO LONGER ANNOUNCE to anyone when I comitt my murders)
FC: Why do we ANNOUNCE our goals only now…
FC: Since we NO LONGER have to confine the explosive…

Gary Greenberg noted that Ted Kaczynski would often sign his letters with a large "Z" underneath the signature.
He wondered if this was like a "Mark of Zorro". I have never seen anything to indicate Kaczynski would have been a fan of those old adventure films. Ted also told a psychiatrist he had an "obssession" with a "Ms. Z" during his gradute school years, though no evidence suggests he had a relationship with any woman, let alone one woth a last name starting with a "Z". Was "Ms. Z" his codeword for Zodiac? Ted also spraypainted a Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, at the campus of a target. The Algiz Rune translates to English as the letter "Z". In a yearbook Ted indicated his "mark" was two crossed lines inside a circle, suggesting a rough early prototype of the Zodiac symbol. Is the large "Z" under his name meant to conjure up Zodiac?

Zodiac often but not always did a 3 stroke "k", Kaczynski often but not always did a 3 stroke "k". Zodiac often did a 5 stroke "m", same as Ted. Other matches include the checkmark "r", short caps and bottom on the capital "I" and frequent cursive looped back on the "d". Look at Ted’s "k" in "Park" – a clear 3 stroke. Morrill said few people in the general population do 3 stroke "k" or 5 stroke "m" so those would be things he would look for. I also blew up the Ted letter to the boy.


From Doug Oswell, the Application Bio by Kaczynski to the U Cal Berkeley, December 1966.

The writing looks particularly Zodiac like to me, compare it to the Belli letter.

TAHOE 27: You have always provided nice comparisons AK!

Ted’s writing has always been closest to Zodiac’s than most others, imo.


Thanks to GLURK who made an effort at transcription that seems very good! Broken into paragraphs by me for clarity, emphasis on "mildly attractive" added by me and any help on the few unknown words is appreciated.

Ted Kaczynski Journal:

"proved that my ego was serving a (unknown) over sex,
But this was a bitter and painful pride, because I wanted very
badly to have a girlfriend. Thus, I regretted afterward having been
cowed by a pretty girl.

The very strength of my desire for girls
made it much harder for me; I didn’t find it hard to be friendly
with a girl whom I found only mildly attractive. But in any case, I
didn’t understand when or how to * ask for a date. In high
school. my personal situation was such that I learned
about dating conventions, and, being Largeley isolated socially at Harvard,
I never understood any such information there, either.

Also, the fact that I had no interest in most of the common **
entertainments meant that it was hard for me to think of any
place where I could ask a girl to go with me. Dancing
and (unknown) with
utmost contempt.# Movies bored me.

I might add that, while some men seem proud of their sexual activities
with women and regard it as proof of their virility, I have
never looked upon sex ******* or the "conquest" of women
as something to be proud of. To me it is nothing to take pride
in any more than eating
candy, watching television, or
any other soft pleasure.

On the contrary, I’ve always considered
sex a weakness. Thus, while pride and ego helped me to steel
my will to overcome, say, a mathematical problem, pride and ego
did not steel my will to overcome my shyness with girls.
Let me illustrate all this with a few examples. When
I first got to Harvard, there was a good-looking Miss Beer who used to"

IMO the thinly disguised envy of the sexually active and the expressed dislike of sexual activity, of men who brag about their conquests and virility, fits PERFECTLY with the MO of the Zodiac killing young couples in spots known for making out or sex.

KITE noted some word and phrase matches to Zodiac.

Kaczynski using "MILDLY attractive", in my opinion, is a good stylistic comparison to Zodiac using "MILDLY cerous" [Zodiac My Name Is Letter/Code 1970].

Kaczynski, second page of FC (Ted Kaczynski) to Earth First letter: …and COUPLED WITH THIS the trait of hypersensitivity….
Zodiac, Map Bomb Letter 1970: The Map COUPLED WITH THIS code will tell you where the bomb is set.

I noted that on the journal page discussing Harvard Ted uses the term "busy work" which was also used by Zodiac as giving the police some "busy work [Zodiac Stine Letter, 1969].

And I noted the following from the Ellen poems and letter. Ted makes reference to "fat ass", a term he also used in a letter to a former employer, while Zodiac said the police better get off their "fat asses" if they want to catch him [Zodiac, LA Times letter, 1971].

Ted also uses the word "nasty", which Zodiac used in saying he would do something "nasty" [Zodiac Exorcist Letter 1974].

Second page of Earth First letter (Appendix). Uses Zodiac term "coupled with this" start of third paragraph:

Ellen poems and letter. Uses Zodiac terms "fat ass" and "nasty":

Journal page on Harvard. Uses Zodiac term "busy work" end of fourth paragraph.


Posted : December 28, 2013 10:55 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Take the time to read the above post and discover who was Zodiac.

Every page I read of Ted’s writing I find more word, phrase, style and hand writing match ups.

I will post more tomorrow. Happy New Years everyone!


Posted : January 1, 2014 4:11 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Happy New Years everyone!

And to you and your’s Ak.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : January 1, 2014 4:18 am
Posts: 116
Estimable Member

Good work.

Happy New Year everyone.

"If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl."

Posted : January 1, 2014 3:43 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks Trav and Dreamnine. Rose Bowl today! Happy new year to everyone.

I think Ted K is the Zodiac. Period. Aside from Bruce Davis, who I think cannot be Zodiac, he is the only major named suspect who is a convicted murderer of strangers, obsessed and skilled in bomb designing and code creating, was in the area at the time and was known to write letters to newspapers bragging of killing and demanding his words be published.

I don’t know what more to do. Or what I can do.

Look at more of the shared words, phrases and styles of Ted K and Zodiac, most found by the excellent research of Doug Oswell, some others by myself, Jem, Linda or Kite.

Z = In that epasode the police were wondering as to how I could shoot & hit my victims in the dark. August, 1969 Letter.
K = Well, never mind that stupid episode anyway. GX18-20104, p.22.

Z = The one thing I ask of you is this, please help me. Belli Letter, 1969.
K = But the point is this: If there is such a solution, no one at present seems to know just what it is. 1971 Essay.

Z = It is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerou anamal of all. To kill something gives me the most thrilling experience. Three-Part Cipher, 1969.
K = I drove up to Humboldt county for deer hunting…. deer hunting is very exciting. Turchie Affidavit, Addendum, 1996.
He knew how to protect himself from heat, cold, rain, dangerous animals, etc. Unabomber, Manifesto, 1995.

Z = The S.F. Police could have caught me last night if they had searched the park properly instead of holding road races with their motor cicles seeing who could make the most noise. The car drivers should have just parked their cars & sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover. Stine Letter, 1969.
K = For example, a variety of noise-making devices: power mowers, radios, motorcycles, etc. If the use of these devices is unrestricted, people who want peace and quiet are frustrated by the noise. Manifesto, 1995.
When I see a motorcyclist tearing up the mountain meadows … I want to kick him in the face while he is dying. GX-2003F, p. 11.
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski are annoyed by and comment on motorcycles making a loud noise.

Z = I shall (on top of every thing else) torture all 13 of my slaves that I have wateing for me in Paradice. Some I shall tie over ant hills and watch them scream & twich and squirm. Others shall have pine splinters driven under their nails & then burned. Others shall be placed in cages & fed salt beef untill they are gorged then I shall listen to their pleass for water and I shall laugh at them. Others will hang by their thumbs & burn in the sun then I will rub them down deep heat to warm them up. Others I shall skin them alive & let them run around screaming. The Mikado Letter, 1970.
K = I hadn’t previously been troubled by rats around here, but I just discovered that my pack has been chewed up so badly that it is nearly ruined … This means some deadfalls are going to be set. I hope I catch one of those [expletive] alive–I will torture it to death in the most fiendish manner I can devise. Journal entry, July 31, 1974.

From Doug Oswell http://www.unazod.com :

Z = 2 cops pulled a goof.Seven-Page letter, 1969.
K = The FBI is a joke.New York Times letter, 1995.

Z = As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say. Seven-Page Letter, 1969.
K = Contrary to what the FBI has suggested, our bombing at the California Forestry Association was in no way inspired by the Oklahoma City bombing. New York Times Letter, 1995.

Z = The Map COUPLED WITH THIS code will tell you where the bomb is set. Map Bomb Letter 1970
K = and COUPLED WITH THIS the trait of hypersensitivity. FC to Earth First letter

Z = police better get off their fat asses if they want to catch me. Zodiac, LA Times letter, 1971.
K = She had a fat ass. Ellen poem.

Z = do something "nasty". Zodiac Exorcist letter, 1974.
K = this "nasty" affair. Ellen letter.

Z = Suggests body can be found AROUND IN THE SNOW. Pines Card 1971.
K = Suggests after shooting a rabbit its body can be found "AROUND IN THE SNOW." Technological Slavery, on page 400.

Z = Police should have "sat there quietly waiting for me to come out of cover." Zodiac Stine Letter, October 13, 1969, to SF Chronicle.
K = "I went down there and watched, from cover, a guy with a bulldozer…". Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski, by Chris Waits and Dave Shors, p. 278.
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski descibe hiding from and watching enemies behind forestry as from "cover", a military term.

Z = "was a negro about 40 -45 rather shabbly dressed." Zodiac Letter of August 4, 1969, to SF Examiner.
K = "their homes looked shabby". Technological Slavery, p. 397.

Z = BE SURE TO PRINT the part I marked out on page 3 or I shall do my thing.
K = BE SURE TO tell us where and how our material will be published and how long it will take to appear in PRINT once we have sent in the manuscript.

Z = ‘I am mildly cerous as to how much money you have on my head now?’ and ‘What is the price tag now?’.
K = ‘25,000 dollar reward offered. Rather flattering.’
Analysis: Both commented on their bounties in a boastful way.

Z = DANGEROUE. 408 Code
K = YESTERDAE. Unabomber Code
Analysis: Both Zodiac and Kaczynski have a code in which in order to increase difficulty of solution they change the last consonant (S, Y) in a word to the vowel "E".


Posted : January 1, 2014 9:25 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Just a head’s up, there is a TEDK documentary on CNN tonight, starting at 9pm eastern

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 2, 2014 5:59 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

From http://www.zodiackiller.com/SuspectKaczynski.html:

Criteria used to eliminate Kaczynski as a Zodiac suspect were fingerprint comparison, handwriting comparison and the placement of Kaczynski away from California on five Zodiac dates of activity

What do you make of that statement?


Posted : January 2, 2014 8:12 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Just a head’s up, there is a TEDK documentary on CNN tonight, starting at 9pm eastern

Thanks Morf. I was still Rose Bowling! Anyone catch this? Anything new?


Posted : January 2, 2014 8:37 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
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From http://www.zodiackiller.com/SuspectKaczynski.html:

Criteria used to eliminate Kaczynski as a Zodiac suspect were fingerprint comparison, handwriting comparison and the placement of Kaczynski away from California on five Zodiac dates of activity

What do you make of that statement?

For $500 you could get a certified "document examiner" to rule in or out Ted Kaczynski, Jack Tarrance or most anyone else, depending on what you are looking for. The questions should be who is the examiner? How long have they been an examiner? Are they a court certified expert? What is their training? What significant cases have they done and been proven right? Or wrong? What materials did they have access to to make the comparison? Do they have a bias for or against a suspect?

In 1996 an SFPD handwriting person, whose credentials and training I do not know, took a very brief look at Zodiac and Kaczynski, but not having all of the Kaczynski writing that we have today.

The handwriting "expert" did not have much of Ted’s writing like we do now, but even so, while he could not declare a match he said Ted Kaczynski could NOT be ruled out as the author of the Zodiac letters. Allen and all other suspects were ruled out. And so called "experts" aside, anyone can see that there are incredible similarities between the handwriting of Zodiac and that of Ted Kaczynski.

Every so often someone brings up the fact that they have heard that Kaczynski has been "cleared" of the Zodiac crimes. Nobody can produce a quote from the SFPD or FBI officially "clearing" him. But people often refer to this entry on the Tom Voigt website:

The convicted "Unabomber", Kaczynski shares certain characteristics with the Zodiac killer:

1) Kaczynski lived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s.
2) Kaczynski exhibited the ability to construct bombs.
3) Kaczynski communicated with the news media after committing murderous acts.

While compelling, I believe these similarities are simply the result of an imitative Kaczynski being heavily influenced by Zodiac. Additionally, Kaczynski was cleared of any involvement in the Zodiac crimes by both the FBI and the San Francisco Police Department. (Criteria used to eliminate Kaczynski as a Zodiac suspect were fingerprint comparison, handwriting comparison and the placement of Kaczynski away from California on five Zodiac dates of activity.)

AK – What is the truth?

First of all, we should remember that Gary Ridgway was officially cleared of being the Green River Killer…years before DNA proved he WAS the Green River Killer!

Police and the FBI are not infalliable.

Secondly, you can find all kind of things on the internet – doesn’t mean they are true.

That site is run by Voigt, and while he has made significant contributions to the case in the past, he now IMO tends to promotes his POI Gaikowski and distort information about other suspects.

Ted’s fingerprints were only compared to those found in the cab, which many doubt Zodiac left his prints in. Allen’s prints didn’t match the cab prints either, yet police still got three search warrants for him.

The handwriting issue is dealt with above.

The dates away nonsense comes from Ted’s brother David.

Ted Kaczynski has a new published book out called "Road to Revolution" aka "Technological Slavery". It has many Ted essays on technology and some interviews. As you know, Dave Kaczynski has stated his memory that Ted left California after quitting Berkeley and starting in the fall and/or winter of 1969, primarily stayed on and off with his parents in Illinois for two years, with some trips out west to look for land.

If true, this would present, not insurmountable, but very serious issues for Ted being Z. It would create the same problem you have with Gaikowski being in Albany NY at the time of the Bates murder and letters – the suspect would have to be repeatedly traveling across country to do it.

The possibilities:

1. Dave is right and Ted is not Z

2. Dave is right and Ted was Z, and did travel long distances across the country, as he did when he was the Unabomber.

3. Dave is intentionally covering up for Ted being Z.

4.(Most likely) In trying to remember events of 25 years ago, when Dave was in fact a student at Columbia in New York, and for which Dave himself often says his memory is "hazy", "vague", "dream like", "not sure", etc., he simple got it wrong, and in fact other than a brief holiday visit or two, Ted did NOT spend any significant length of time in Illinois during the key 1969 to 1971 time period when there was a lot of Z activity.

Now I found (and others might have found it before me I don’t know) a reference in Ted’s psych report where the shrink, reporting what Ted is telling her, says that after leaving Berkeley in June 1969 Ted "spent approximately two years trying to locate wilderness land out west."

So if that apparent statement from Ted (through the shrink) is correct, than Dave is wrong, and there is not a major timeline conflict for 69 to 71. It doesn’t PROVE that Ted was in California, but as we know he was looking for land in the Montana area, and according to Dave, Canada and northern California, it certainly puts him within a one day driving distance of California if not always in California itself for the Zodiac murders and mailings from Fall 69 through Fall 70.

And a while back Doug Oswell found this significant bit of information: In the interview in the new book "Road to Revolution", Ted in fact directly says that he didn’t go back to Illinois after leaving Berkeley until the winter of 70-71, and he just spent the winter of 1970-1971 in Illinois. This actually matches a lull period in Z activity. So to me this is a significant find, confirmation of the psych report, and effectively refutes the second hand knowledge "vague, dream like" memory of Dave.

Meaning there is no evidence Kaczynski was "away from California" on 5 key dates of Zodiac activity.

To me the shared word/phrase usage and the handwriting matches are incredible.

Gary Greenberg noted that Ted Kaczynski would often sign his letters with a large "Z" underneath the signature. He wondered if this was like a "Mark of Zorro". I have never seen anything to indicate Kaczynski would have been a fan of those old adventure films. Ted also told a psychiatrist he had an "obssession" with a "Ms. Z" during his gradute school years, though no evidence suggests he had a relationship with any woman, let alone one woth a last name starting with a "Z". Was "Ms. Z" his codeword for Zodiac? Ted also spraypainted a Yggdrasil symbol, also known as the Algiz Rune, at the campus of a target. The Algiz Rune translates to English as the letter "Z". In a yearbook Ted indicated his "mark" was two crossed lines inside a circle, suggesting a rough early prototype of the Zodiac symbol. Is the large "Z" under his name meant to conjure up Zodiac?

Zodiac often but not always did a 3 stroke "k", Kaczynski often but not always did a 3 stroke "k". Zodiac often did a 5 stroke "m", same as Ted. Other matches include the checkmark "r", short caps and bottom on the capital "I" and frequent cursive looped back on the "d". Look at Ted’s "k" in "Park" – a clear 3 stroke. Morrill said few people in the general population do 3 stroke "k" or 5 stroke "m" so those would be things he would look for. I also blew up the Ted letter to the boy.


From Doug Oswell, the Application Bio by Kaczynski to the U Cal Berkeley, December 1966.

The writing looks particularly Zodiac like to me, compare it to the Belli letter.


Posted : January 2, 2014 8:37 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

If Ted were the Zodiac killer, why as an educated man who had no problem spelling correctly choose to misspell words in the Zodiac letters?
You show correctly spelled words of Ted’s in comparison to Zodiac’s misspelled words. Also, I’m sure you have commented on this, but TK is a good Zodiac
suspect, have you made efforts to talk with Ted directly AK, have you written letters, etc. to him?

Posted : January 2, 2014 10:59 pm
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