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High Tech Family & Coed Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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The Robison Family was brutally killed on 6-25-68, near Good Hart, in Blisswood, Michigan, near the shores of Lake Michigan.

New info: Three hairs were found on the body of Shirley Robison, they did NOT match prime suspect Joe Scolaro nor any member of the family.

For the first time to my eyes, actual handwriting from the killer of the Robison Family. This note was put on the cabin to deter neighbors. It had to have been done by the killer.


Posted : October 3, 2013 7:47 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

So he made the first mistake – he had known the family name. If it wasn’t written obviously inside or on the house, the killer had known at least one of the victims. With pubic hair on Shirley, I’d start in her surrounding.



Posted : October 3, 2013 11:30 am
Posts: 8
Active Member

Thanks for the post QT, I’m interested in the Robinson case as it’s linked possibly to my POI. I hadn’t seen this written evidence.

I disagree that this note is however proof the killer knew anything more than what could be gotten out of a wallet or purse at the murder scene. Can’t ever hurt looking at who knew the victims though. . .

"If we don’t protect freedom of speech, how will we know who the assholes are?" –the Onion

Posted : October 3, 2013 12:35 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

True..question is, if he DID or actually COULD at all.


– no name on the door bell or postbox (if so)
– no open letters or envelopes with the family name inside the building (if so)
– no open ID cards or family names inside the house (if so)

..having killed all family members, would anybody explicitly GO afterwards to a drawer or jacket to look up the family name? I guess not..and even if – would a killer put the wallet back instead of just letting it drop somewhere on the floor? I mean the mess was big enough..as far as I know he even put three of the victims on a gas oven? Putting something back into the jacket of a dead person would not make that much sense after all..

All of the victims had been shot, so it might be time to leave soon after the murder..what about the neighbors around? Ok, the killer even took his time to write a quick note..which in fact seems to be written very quickly..

The killer had bludgeoned the couple before shooting them..presumably to make sure they were dead. It would not make sense to shoot anybody and then bludgeon them with a hammer. Question rises, who had been bludgeoned first, Shirley or Richard? What if someone had raped Shirley (the three pubic hairs), then he got surprised by Richard? Attacking him, he later may have bludgeoned Shirley as well (or already before trying to rape her). Then he went for the children and executed them. To let the crime scene appear as if it was not related to Shirley or Robert, he put three bodies on the oven to increase the mess.

IMO the attacker had known Shirley or Richard. Because of the pubic hairs found on Shirley, it rather seems not to be a business related (Richard) murder but a sexual orientated one (Shirley). Maybe the attacker just got surprised by Richard (and the children) while he was molesting Shirley. Irritating is the hint that her body had been posed intentionally so when the crime scene was discovered it would lead the police to think that the crime was part of a sexual attack. This indicates that Richard had been attacked first, what in fact could still be the case if the attacker had raped/tried to rape Shirley somewhere inside the house. Overall the pubic hair indicates a sexual interest in the crime, although the attacker possibly had known both, therefore later had moved Shirley’s body to fog this intention (aware that his interest in Shirley might have been known by others already).

So he took a hammer and killed or at least injured him, then he did the same with Shirley. Aware of the mess, he shot them to death and finally did the same with the kids, presumably because he was afraid of being known to them as well (or to prevent them to making a sketch).

Another question is, where the attacker had the hammer from. And he brought another weapon to the scene. Without the gunshots, I’d say it was a craftsman who had worked at the house. But bringing his gun with him, this homicide may be declared as a first degree murder. So if not a rape, this homicide was planned and had been performed to kill both, Shirley AND Richard.

http://mardilink.typepad.com/files/couv … idence.pdf



Posted : October 3, 2013 6:22 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Thanks for the interest and thoughts. Many of the bodies were put on heating ducts. Some of the bodies were stacked, as happened in Domingos/Edwards murder in Santa Barbara 6/4/63 and Bricca Family Murders 9/27/66 in Cincinnati area.

Compare the writing on the questioned origin envelope in the Bates case and on the cabin note.

The famous cartoony "P" on the Riverside envelope from 1966 (and never seen by the public until decades later) looks IMO very similar to the half completed "B" on the cabin note!

Any other similiarities or differences to this or other possible or confirmed Zodiac writing or writing from another case?


Posted : October 3, 2013 7:47 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Important background info and case details on the possibly related Midwest home invasion family present murders of Valerie Percy Illinois 9/18/66, Bricca Family Ohio 9/27/66, Robison Family Michigan 6/25/68. I will also look briefly at the murder of Dr. Sims, one of the nation’s top computer experts, and his family, in Florida on 10/22/66, probable Zodiac victim Cheri Jo Bates in California on 10/30/66, and Betsy Aardsma in Pennsylvania on 11/28/69.

Background info on the murder of Valerie Percy, daughter of former Bell & Howell CEO and Republican Senator Charles Percy, on September 18, 1966, in the Chicago suburb of Kenilworth, Illinois. A brutal home invasion murder by knife and blunt hammer like object. Its a lot of material, but you can follow the story as it developed, and I think it is very important to understand these 1966 murders to effectively examine the 1968 Robison murders.

http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/noto … index.html

Background info on a case possibly related to the Percy murder, happened just a week later and four hours away, September 25 -27, 1966, in the Cincinnati suburbs, brutal home invasion murder of Monsanto chemical engineer and father Jerry Bricca, mother Linda Bricca and daughter Debbie Bricca, all bound and fatally stabbed.


Thanks to AweShucks for help with the graphics work and side by side comparisons that will follow.


The following is information pertaining to the murder of Valerie Percy, which took place in Kenilworth, Illinois on September 18, 1966. Valerie Percy was the daughter of Charles Percy, the CEO of Bell & Howell, a leading manufacturer of cameras and business equipment. Mr. Percy was the Republican nominee for the US Senate. He went on to win the election.

And the time of Valerie’s murder, her twin sister Sharon was engaged to Jay Rockefeller, who later became a Senator.

The killer had a flashlight and entered the home by cutting glass. Valerie was stabbed 12 to 14 times and bludgeoned with a hammer like object in the head. The tragic case remains unsolved.



This suspect grew up and went to High School in Evergreen Park, Il. His family home was in Evergreen Park, though they moved to Iowa for a brief time in 1966, and later settled in Lombard, Il. So this suspect was very familiar with suburban Chicago, as that is where he had lived most of his life up until that point. In September of 1966 he was enrolled at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan but as he only had his thesis work to complete, was not required to be physically present on campus.

If you study carefully the above pictures I think you will agree he obviously bears a strong similarity to the suspect sketch in the Percy murder – long face, unusual slanted hair, puffiness under the eyes, prominent jaw, jutting chin, large forehead, hair frames the face the same way, large hawk like nose, general face structure, ears, lips, etc. The description from the stepmother Mrs. Percy – 5’8", 160 pounds – also is an exact match for this suspect.

This suspect is a convicted murderer. He killed at least three men that we know of for sure, and wounded over two dozen people. Most of those he attacked were , like Mr. Percy, involved in either the technological world and/or the field of big business.


In the summer of 1966, most likely late August/early September 1966, just weeks before the murder of Valerie Percy, he records a break through moment in his life. Out of despair and self described "acute sexual starvation", he records in his journal that instead of killing himself he will "really kill everyone I hate."

The people he says he hates and wants to kill are many, but they include two distinct groups. One group is what he calls "bigshots", and these include "scientists", "big businessmen" and "politicians". In his eyes Sen. Percy would clearly be a "bigshot", as CEO of Bell & Howell which makes cameras and business machines he would be somewhat like a "scientist" and certainly a "big businessman", and as the Republican nominee for Senate, a soon to be "politician".

The other group of people he hated and wanted to kill included love making "couples", "rowdy college students" and those college men and women he deems "promiscuous". Valerie Percy was a beautiful young college student and would fit into this grouping in his demented mind. I would ask you to please read carefully all of the following, from the government psychiatric report on this man:

In the summer after his fourth year [of graduate school, the summer of 1966], he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief. He decided to make an effort to have a sex change operation. When he returned to the University of Michigan [no earlier than May 1966 and most likely in late August or early September 1966] he made an appointment to see a psychiatrist to be examined to determine if the sex change would be good for him. He claimed that by putting on an act he could con the psychiatrist into thinking him suitable for a feminine role even though his motive was exclusively erotic. As he was sitting in the waiting room, he turned completely against the idea of the operation and thus, when he saw the doctor, instead claimed he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted. He describes the following:

"As I walked away from the building afterwards, I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do and I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me. I felt I wouldn’t care if I died. And so I said to myself why not really kill the psychiatrist and anyone else whom I hate. What is important is not the words that ran through my mind but the way I felt about them. What was entirely new was the fact that I really felt I could kill someone. My very hopelessness had liberated me because I no longer cared about death. I no longer cared about consequences and I said to myself that I really could break out of my rut in life an do things that were daring, irresponsible or criminal." [Psych Report] {Emphasis added}


That happened sometime in the summer of 1966, no earlier than May 1966 and most likely in late August/early September 1966. Probably mere days later, on or around September 3, 1966, bombs go off at the suburban Chicago house of Elmwood Park Mayor Elmer Conti and at a glass company on Paulina St. in Chicago. Within two weeks there is another attack on a home of an Illinois politician, this one far more brutal and lethal, and Valerie Percy is murdered on September 18, bludgeoned and stabbed 12 to 14 times. One week later (September 25 – 27) in suburban Cincinnati the entire Bricca family is killed. Jerry Bricca was a chemical engineer for the Monsanto chemicals and plastics company, his wife Linda was a former United Airlines stewardess, their daughter Debbie just four years old. Jerry was stabbed 9 times, Linda 8 times, even little debbie horrifically stabbed 4 times. They were bound before being killed.

The man who decided he could "really kill everyone he hated" in September 1966 was convicted murderer, math genius and bomb maker Theodore Kaczynski. The pictures above – which look so much like the suspect sketch in the Percy case – are of Ted Kaczynski. I would ask you to set aside for the moment the image of him as portrayed in the media as just a politically motivated terrorist against technology and business. That is only part of the truth.

His first confirmed Unabomber crime was in 1978, when he was 36 years old. Yet we know from research that the most active and violent period for the majority of serial killers is from their late teens to late twenties. And we see that Kaczynski reports the motivation, desire and ability to kill at least as early as the summer of 1966.

In 1966 he was a sexually frustrated and confused young man who resolved to kill those he hated, which included "bigshots" but also college students and young women. He later recorded a fantasy of mutiliating a woman’s face with a knife. He also wanted to – and did – kill "bigshots" like "big businessmen" and "politicians", and Bell & Howell CEO and soon to be Senator Charles Percy would represent those things to him, as well being a man associated with high technology through his company. And Mr. Bricca was a scientist working for a major corporation.

In September 1966, of course, Ted was officially enrolled at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. But his TA duties and course work were done, and his thesis almost finished. There was nothing to require him to be physically present at the campus. We know that sometime in the later Fall and/or Winter of 1966 evidence shows he went to California for job interviews at the University of California, Berkeley. Ann Arbor is only a four hour trip by car or train to Kenilworth, Illinois and a four hour trip by car to Cincinnati, Ohio. After his moment of being "reborn" in late August or early September and deciding to "really kill everyone I hate", he might well have not wanted to kill anyone near his listed residence in Ann Arbor, but instead return either to the area he had lived in most of his life and knew the layout of, suburban Chicago, and/or one which he had no known connection to, suburban Cincinnati.

Based on all the evidence I have gathered, I believe that it is possible Ted Kaczynski is the young man depicted in the sketch and that he killed Valerie Percy, and that he should also be considered a suspect in the Bricca slaying.


Press reports indicate that there were bloody palm prints almost certainly left by the killer on the staircase bannister of the Percy mansion, and at least one good fingerprint found on the cut glass. In theory, and hopefully in reality, the Kenilworth PD should be able to quickly compare these suspect palm and fingerprints with the ones on file for Ted Kaczynski.

Also, press reports indicate that some hair was found at the scene in Valerie’s bedroom that could be from the suspect (and which has no doubt yielded mitochondrial DNA, or as it is called, mtDNA) and that other items have been sent to test for possible nuclear DNA that could have come from the killers blood, sweat, saliva or skin cells. Two existing federal laws require Kaczynski to have DNA drawn, but he is among the thousands of convicts in the backlog waiting for this to happen. Several investigators are now requesting that it be done.


In looking at what the police thought was the possibly related incident of the attack on Sharon Bubes of Evanston, Illinois on 6/30/66 a number of things are of interest. The attacker entered at night, had a flashlight, struck her in the head with a hammer – all similar MO factors to the Percy murder. The Bubes attacker was described as being about 17 years old, 5’10", slim to medium build and wearing a green plaid shirt. All of which is a fair match to the description of the Percy attacker, and to Kaczynski himself. Kaczynski would have just turned 24 in 1966, but he looked a few years younger, as you can see in the pictures below.

The Percy attacker was also described as wearing a short sleeve shirt with a large checkered pattern. Going by both witness statements and pictures, Ted Kaczynski wore checkered pattern and/or plaid short sleeve shirts on a daily basis. That is what he wore virtually every single day in this time period. Every picture I have of him in that time period that is what he is wearing. You can look at these pictures for the shirts and also to see how the face and hair matches up with the suspect descriptions and sketch.


One of the main objections some people will make to the evidence about Kaczynski being the killer of Valerie Percy and/or the Bricca family – and I admit it is at first glance a reasonable objection – is that Ted was mainly known to kill with bombs, not up close and personal with a gun, blunt object or knife.

If at some point you talk to an FBI Agent, criminal psychologist or serial killer profiler, they will no doubt tell you that the majority of "distance killers", those who kill by bomb or poison, do not typically also commit "up close and personal" crimes with a gun, knife or blunt object.

First, even if studies of known cases show that majority did not also do personal crimes, there is a minority who did. Kaczynski had a unique pathology – a specific hatred of technology, business leaders and politicians (which shows up in his Unabomber crimes from 1978 to 1996 and also may have played in a role in the selection of the Percy and Bricca homes as a target), but also the general rage expressed in 1966, in which he wanted to kill "college students" and women. So Kaczynski may well be in the minority of distance killers who also kill up close and personal. Joseph Paul Franklin did bombing and sniper crimes, for political and racist reasons, but also killed women up close and personal, for sexual and rage reasons.

Second, there is evidence Kaczynski actually thought about and even did kill up close and personal.

The FBI states he actually did shoot and wound a miner with a rifle. In his journal that recorded in detail all of his bombing crimes, he also wrote of unspecified other crimes whose evidence he had destroyed and accounts of had burned or buried, because their revelation (in light of his growing reputation as a political terrorist and anti-technology activist) could prove "dangerous, embarassing" or "just very bad public relations." Certainly the brutal murder of a young college girl like Valerie Percy or the slaughter of the Bricca family would not be something he would want publicly known, when some on the fringes of the radical environmental and anarchist movements touted him as a hero of sorts.

He recorded a desire to kill people by "bomb or other means". He wrote fantasies about mutilating a women’s face with a knife and raping a woman in front of her husband. He spent a year and made a one shot .22 pistol from wood and junk parts that he wrote he intended to use as a "homicide weapon". As a one shot untraceable weapon, it would best be used in situations were the victim was immobile, such as being bound or asleep.

The first Unabomber crime was in 1978 – yet Ted wrote in 1971 about the society which he says has caused him "to rebel, as violently as I have."

He created a shoe device to leave false sole prints of sizes other than his own. That would not help for the known Unabomber crimes, but would for up close and personal crimes. The FBI records he had black and green canvas and denim HOODS and MASKS in his cabin – again, only suitable for personal crimes. He was a known peeper on love making couples, armed burglar, house trasher and arsonist.


Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer like object and knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by knife, 10/30/66

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – mailed on 11/28/66

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by knife, 11/28/69


Left: Valerie Percy
Middle: Cheri Jo Bates
Bottom: Betsy Aardsma


We know that it is most likely around late August/early September of 1966 when Kaczynski states he was "born again" and decided to "really kill everyone I hate." He states he was suffering from "acute sexual starvation" and that some of the people he wants to kill are love making couples, "college students" and young men and women. Looking at these cases we see possible links between them.

Note also that the Zodiac Killer is a prime suspect in the death of Ms. Bates, and that the interest in Kaczynski as a suspect for the Zodiac has been renewed and is ongoing. Kaczynski was in the SF Bay area at the time of the Zodiac murders, and like the Zodiac, wrote to newspapers demanding his words on the front page and was an expert in codes and bombs. On the three year anniversary of the discovery of the Bricca murders, September 27, 1969, the Zodiac attacked a couple at Lake Berryessa, CA, and bound them with rope before stabbing them. The woman, Cecelia Shepard, was stabbed 10 times and was killed.

Looking at the pictures of Valerie Percy, Cheri Jo Bates and Betsy Aardsma, there are clear similarities (and I think Linda Bricca and Cecelia Shepard would fit in here as well). All the girls are beautiful, with fresh faces and mid length hair. If perhaps not looking quite like sisters, they certainly look like they could be cousins, all from the same family.

All these women were in the same age range and all were college students. All were intelligent, charming, independent and assertive. All were "good girls" to use the language of the times. All lead clean lives with no clear suspects in their murders.

Percy and Aardsma were both graduate students. Percy had graduated from Cornell and was to start graduate school at John Hopkins; Aardsma had graduated from the University of Michigan and had just started grad school at Penn State.

It seems Ted Kaczynski had either actually or potentially crossed paths with each of these women, had a tie to the area they were in and was actually in each of the three different states they were in when they were killed.

* Percy’s Kenilworth home was within 30 minutes of where Kaczynski’s family home in Evergreen Park was located, and four hours from Ann Arbor, Michigan.

* Before enrolling at the University of Michigan, Aardsma visited and spent extensive time in Ann Arbor in 1966-1967, Ted’s last year there, they both shared an interest Native American Indian cultures and in politics, Aardsma was researching a mathematician when killed and most importantly a witness has placed Ted at the murder scene, in the Penn State library the day before the murder.

* Bates was killed in Riverside, California during the time that evidence shows Ted went out there in the late Fall/early Winter of 1966 to interview with the University of California, Berkeley, which also has campuses in LA and Riverside.

Percy was stabbed multiple times and bludgeoned in the head; Bates was stabbed multiple times and kicked in the head; Aardsma was killed by a single brutal knife thrust to the heart.


In particular, there are very notable similarities between the murder of Ms. Bates in California on October 30, 1966 (when evidence shows Kaczynski was in that state), and the murder of Ms. Aardsma on November 28, 1969 at the Penn State library (when evidence shows Kaczynski was there, at that library). In some instances there are also similarities to the Percy murder. University of Michigan graduate Betsy Aardsma, attending Penn State graduate school, was brutally murdered. Like the murder of Ms. Bates:

* The murder took place within one day of a major Fall Holiday (Bates Halloween, Aardsma Thanksgiving). (Percy near the Autumnal Equinox and Harvest Moon, Bricca and Shepard on the Norse Harvest Festival).

* The murder took place at or in a campus library (Bates at the library, Aardsma actually in the library).

* The weapon was a short knife, approximately 1 inch wide and 3 1/2 to 4 inches long. (I don’t know the length of knife used on Percy but a bayonet was found in the lake nearby, Bricca was killed by a 6 1/2 inch knife, perhaps a bayonet, and Shepard may have also been killed with a bayonet or bayonet sized weapon).

* The attack was brutal and the victims led clean lives with no obvious suspects. (Also true of Percy, Bricca and Shepard).

* In both cases taunting letters were sent after the crime. (A threat letter was sent to Charles Percy in May 1966, Zodiac letter sent after Shepard murder).

* A poem found at the Riverside college talked about killing a girl in a red dress, and Aardsma was wearing a red dress when killed. (Zodiac wrote a message on the car door where Shepard was killed).

After the Zodiac murder of cab driver Paul Stine in October 1969, and the release of the Zodiac composite sketch in early November 1969, the SF area would have been very hot for the Zodiac. It would be prudent for him to leave, and in fact, Ted’s brother David says Ted did leave California at that time and came home to Illinois. That puts him in the eastern half of the US and a days drive from PA when Aardsma is killed. Ted’s father was from PA. Prior to the murder of Aardsma, Zodiac claimed 7 victims – but in his Christmas letter to Melvin Belli he says he may take a ninth and tenth victim. Who was number 8? Could it have been Aardsma?

Most importantly, a witness picked out a picture of Ted Kaczynski as being present in the Penn State library the day before Aardsma was killed, acting strangely and perhaps wearing a wig.


You can see there is a similarity between Ted and a suspect sketch in the Aardsma case. And there are similarities between the Percy suspect sketch and the Aardsma suspect sketch, including the general face structure, prominent jaw, jutting chin, nose, as well as the same type of glasses.

Given that the attacker of Ms. Bubes and the killer of Ms. Percy were only seen briefly, in very poor light and at an unknown angle, certain aspects may not have been observed correctly. It is possible the narrowness of the face was slightly overstated. In addition, the murder of Aardsma was three years and two months after the murder of Percy. In that time frame, it is reasonable to speculate that as the suspect grew older he may have put on a little bit of weight in the face.

Given those two factors, as an experiment, I took the first and second suspect sketches in the murder of Valerie Percy and MODIFIED THEM BY WIDENING 18%. You can see them below and compare it to the Aardsma suspect sketch and the pictures of Ted Kaczynski in between them.


* It was mentioned that early on investigators from both cases considered the possibility that they were linked.

* Percy was murdered on September 18, 1966, while one week later, September 25-27, 1966, and just fours away by car, the Bricca family was slain.

* Awakened by noise, Mrs. Percy came into the room of her stepdaughter Valerie and then hit the alarm causing the killer to flee – but for that it may well have been the intention of the killer to murder everyone in the Percy family, just as everyone in the Bricca family was killed.

* In both cases the victims lead clean lives with no known suspects who would want to kill them, and in both cases robbery was not a motive.

* Both cases involved night time home invasion knife attacks against victims in their Midwest suburban bedrooms.

* Both cases exhibited tremendous brutality and overkill – Valerie Percy was bludgeoned and stabbed 12 to 14 times, Jerry Bricca stabbed 9 times, Linda Bricca stabbed 8 times, even little Debbie Bricca stabbed 4 times.

* Both Charles Percy (CEO of Bell & Howell) and Jerry Bricca (chemical engineer Monsanto) worked for large corporations involved in high technology.

* Bricca neighbor Dick Meyer said that Linda Bricca remarked that she knew Valerie Percy and had commented on her death.

* Both Valerie Percy and Linda Bricca grew up in wealthy suburban Chicago and had fathers who ran large companies.


Ann Arbor, Kenilworth and Cincinnati are all about equidistant on a map and form a triangle with equal sides.

Linda Bricca had been a stewardess for United Airlines, and her friend and fellow stewardess Lonnie Trumbull was murdered in Seattle earlier that same year. Trumbull’s roommate was beaten but survived, though she had complete memory loss of the event. Future serial killer Ted BUNDY lived nearby at the time and was suspected of that crime, but he denied it to the end, though he admitted to many others. Ted KACZYNSKI had a hatred for airplanes and airline companies. In 1979 he put a bomb on a jet flying out of Chicago and in 1980 he tried to kill the President of United Airlines with a bomb. But for many reasons, including geography, Ted KACZYNSKI would NOT be a strong suspect for the Trumbull murder.

The MO matches between the EAR/ONS and the killer of Valerie Percy include sometimes targeting lone females, entry into house at night, awakening victim with flashlight in their eyes, stabbing, brutal bludgeoning to face of victim.

Layout of the killers path in the Percy mansion.

Article on murder weapon.

From pootyxx:

This took place in Florida. Though it was more like a home invasion, the methodology reminded me of Z.

"Sims Homicide, October 22, 1966

Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell was the first deputy on the scene 31 years ago on October 22, 1966. At approximately 11 p.m., Dr. Robert W. Sims, 42; and his daughter Joy, 12; were found dead. Helen Sims, 37, was gravely wounded by two gunshots to the head. The older Sims daughters, Virginia, 17; and Judy, 15, were not at home; both were baby-sitting. Joy Sims had been gagged with a stocking and tied up. Her mother was found on the floor; both parents also were tightly bound. Dr. Sims was killed with one bullet to the head; Joy had been stabbed seven times in the chest and abdomen. Mrs. Sims, who had been shot twice in the head and once in the leg, died later at the hospital.

Officers gathering evidence found nearly 1,000 latent fingerprints. There was no sign of forced entry; however, the door lock might have been faulty. The absence of any struggle hints that the victims may have known their killer. More than one killer may have committed the murders. There was no evidence of a struggle in the home, and it would have been difficult for one person to subdue two adults and a child alone.

Anyone who might have information that would help solve this case is urged to contact the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, (850)922-3300.

Leon County Sheriff’s Office http://lcso.leonfl.org/ "

http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/Off … icide.aspx

AK – Wow that is amazing. Never heard of this case.

It has incredible similarities to the September 25/27, 1966 home invasion murder of the Bricca family in Cincinnati, Ohio and the September 19, 1966 home invasion murder of Valerie Percy in Kenilworth, Illinois.

Background info on the murder of Valerie Percy, daughter of former Bell & Howell CEO and Republican Senator Charles Percy, on September 18, 1966, in the Chicago suburb of Kenilworth, Illinois. A brutal home invasion murder by knife and blunt hammer like object.

http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/noto … index.html

Background info on a case possibly related to the Percy murder, happened just a week later and four hours away, September 25 -27, 1966, in the Cincinnati suburbs, brutal home invasion murder of Monsanto chemical engineer and father Jerry Bricca, mother Linda Bricca and daughter Debbie Bricca, all bound and fatally stabbed.


If you or anyone else find out anything more about this murder of the Sims family, please PM it to me or just post it here.

Look at this map – A is Kenilworth, IL scene of 9/19/66 Murder of Valerie Percy
B is Cincinnati, OH scene of 9/27/66 Murder of Bricca Family
C is Leon County, FL scene of 10/22/66 Murder of Sims Family


Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66

Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer like object and knife, 9/18/66

Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound with household objects and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66

Sims Family, Tallahassee, FL – Bound with household objects and murdered, 10/22/66

Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by knife, 10/30/66

Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – probably placed in mailbox on 11/28/66

Robison Family, Good Hart, MI – All family members shot, mother beaten with a hammer, 6/25/68

Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by knife, 9/27/69

Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by knife, 11/28/69

Dr. Sims was a government official for the State Education Department and ran the COMPUTER division, and apparently was a top "nationally recognized" computer expert.

Charles Percy was the Republican nominee for US Senate, and CEO of the high tech company Bell & Howell, that made camera’s and computer like business machines.

Mr. Bricca worked for the high tech chemical company Monsanto. Ted Kaczynski later wrote about his hatred for this company because they are and have been the leader in bioengineering and chemical treatments for agricultural and food. Ted Kaczynski suggested those who work for this company should be "hit" because to do that would be "hitting where it hurts" in terms of stopping the technological society.

Mr. Robison was a magazine publisher and looking to do a major expansion at a rural airport to create "computerized warehouse operations" and cultural centers. He then wanted to expand this idea across the country.

In his journal in 1966 Ted Kaczynski said he would now "REALLY kill" everyone he hated, including politicians, government officials, scientists, "big businessmen" as well as noisy love making couples, "promiscuous women" and "rowdy college students."

The older Sims girl looks somewhat like Cheri Jo Bates, and the younger one (who was murdered) has the same hair style as Valerie Percy.

The Sims family being bound with stockings, mens ties and socks in their mouth matches exactly with what a detective told me was done to the Bricca family.

The father of Cheri Jo Bates worked at the Naval Weapons Facility.

The Percy mansion and the Robison cottage are both on or near Lake Michigan.

The Shepard murder was confirmed worl of the ZODIAC, the Bates murder was probably/almost certainly ZODIAC and ZODIAC certainly sent letters to the newspaper claiming knowledge of the crime and asked his letter be published in the newspaper, and ZODIAC has been mentioned in newly published books as a suspect in both the Aardsma and Percy murders. In the Robison Murders a tipster sent in clues to a newspaper claiming knowledge of the crime and asked for the name ZODIUS to appear in the newspaper.

ZODIAC Caesar shifts to ZYNSKI with 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 20. ZODIUS Caesar shifts to ZYNSKI with 0, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.

Also, the Bricca Family murder was husband-wife-young daughter. Sims Family murder was husband-wife-youngest daughter. Both were brutal overkill stabbings, as was Percy murder, as was Robison murder, gunshots also in Sims and Robison cases. The Robison Family were shot to death. In Bubes, Percy and Robison a hammer was used. In Bricca, Sims and Shepard victims were bound. In Percy and Shepard an approximately FOOT LONG knife/bayonet was used.

The murder sites in Good Hart, Michigan (Robison Family 6/25/68), Cincinnati, Ohio (Bricca Family found 9/27/66) and Tallahassee, Florida (Sims Family 10/22/66) all are in an almost perfect vertical line on a map. Add in Kenilworth, Illinois (Valerie Percy 9/18/66) and State College, Pennsylvania (Betsy Aardsma 11/28/69) and they all form a rough cross, actually more like the Yggdrasil Symbol/Algiz Rune.

Judith Ann Sims – Not Home When Murder Took Place

Betsy Aardsma and Known and Possible Zodiac Victims (Done by The Foreigner)

Left: Valerie Percy
Middle: Cheri Jo Bates
Right: Betsy Aardsma

Another picture of Penn State grad student Betsy Aardsma, killed 11/28/69 and picture of Harvard grad student Joan Webster, killed 11/28/81.

Youngest Daughter Joy Sims Home Invasion Murder Victim 10/22/66 – Valerie Percy Home Invasion Murder Victim 9/19/66

Pictures, "new" to me and probably to others, from the Percy case.

Also, reading the notes of the doctor who lived next door, he said Valerie’s face was almost unrecognizable, it was damaged so badly. Made me think both of Cheri Bates being kicked in the face, just one month later.

What is interesting is that the Percy murder happens when Ted Kaczynski is in the Chicago area, and the Bates murder happens when it appears he is in California for job interviews.

Aerial view of Percy Mansion
Diagram of Killers Path
Sharon Percy, Valerie’s twin sister, at murder scene
Scouts search for clues

In reading the notes of the doctor who lived next door, he said Valerie’s face was almost unrecognizable, it was damaged so badly. Made me think both of probable Zodiac victim Cheri Bates being kicked in the face as she lay dieing just 42 days later.

What is interesting is that the Percy murder happens when Ted Kaczynski is in the Chicago area, and the Bates murder happens when it appears he is in California for job interviews.

Zodiac suspect Ted Kaczynski said he wanted to shoot motorcycle riders who made noise and then "kick them in the face while they lay dieing."

The killer of Bates said he "kicked her in the head", which is confirmed by the autopsy.

The nieghbor doctor said Valerie was unrecognizable because of the savage attack on her face.

In my opinion based on the evidence Valerie Percy was not killed by a professional thief and this was not the mafia. This was a sexual psychopath with a violent hatred of women.

See info and video on the neighbor doctor’s report here:

http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/loca … full.story

What I feel is the key part:

Running across the Percys’ front lawn and then inside, Hohf wrote, he "dashed" upstairs and, stepping into Valerie’s bedroom, "I saw immediately the figure of a badly battered girl, obviously dead. … ‘Oh no she’s dead!’"

She wasn’t breathing, had no pulse, and her eyes showed no signs of life.

She was so disfigured that Hohf wrote that he didn’t recognize her. Her nightgown was raised to her ribs.

"I told the officers, ‘She’s gone,’ and they warned me not to disturb anything further. My job was done for them."

AK – Just weeks before this murder, Ted Kaczynski descibes being "reborn from the ashes" with a new determination to "REALLY kill" everyone he hates. The Kaczynski family home was just minutes away from the Percy home, and Ted looks like the sketch. Did he do it? I don’t know but he should be investigated, and I gave the information and evidence to the Kenilworth PD, who were interested. Though I doubt they have the resources to properly investigate. A breakthrough on this case may not happen unless and until there is a breakthrough on another major case involving Ted, like Tylenol or Zodiac.

In the Valerie Percy case her nightgown was raised to expose her breasts but there was no sign of rape or even sexual molestation. She was stabbed in each breast, and with the multiple stabbings perhaps they formed something of a "V" pattern.

In the 1963 Santa Barbara possible Zodiac murder of Domingos and Edwards, Linda Edwards had her bathing suit cut away to expose her breasts, but there was no evidence of rape or even sexual molestation.

A new book claims Zodiac victim Celia Shepard was also stabbed in each breast and also possibly in a "V" shaped pattern. Is that known to be true?

This book also states that probable Zodiac victim Cheri Jo Bates, killed October 30, 1966, was stabbed in each breast, that confirmed Zodiac victim Celia Shepard, killed September 27, 1969, was stabbed in each breast and once in the abdomen, and a total of 24 times. The book asks the question if both Shepard and Percy were stabbed in a "V" shaped pattern.

The book may be stating a stab in each breast area and one in the abdomen as a "V".

The book is called "Corroborating Evidence III" by William T. Rasmussen

Published by Sunstone Press, ISBN 978-0-86534-583-6

This guy is a fairly well known true crime writer. I have for years liked his theory on the Black Dahlia case the best. It is also presented in this new book – that the best suspect is a Midwestern guy who spent time in Indiana, Ohio and Illinois, Jack Anderson Wilson, and that the Dahlia case may be related to similar "torso cut in half" cases and other murders in Ohio and Chicago, Illinois.

Anyway, in his new book he lays out a theory that the Zodiac may have killed Valerie Percy!

As far as I know, I was the first person to publicly post a theory that the Zodiac may have killed Valerie Percy.

He mentions a lot of things that I mentioned as similarities between the Percy murder and Zodiac, such as use of a flashlight to blind a person’s eyes, use of a long knife/bayonet, that first probable Zodiac victim Cheri Jo Bates was the same age of Percy, a similar look and killed 42 days later, possible letters in both cases, desire for high profile and publicity, horrible brutality against women, high degree of planning, etc., etc.

Morf alerted me that Mr. Rasmussen wrote to this site and stated that he wrote his book before seeing the site. Maybe he thought I was going to think he copied from me or even sue him? I’m not.

So thanks to Cimm, Dreamnine and AweShucks some of your ideas (and mine) are now in a published true crime book. Your royalty check is in the mail. Ha ha.

I told Morf to give him my email and to tell him I look forward to reading his book, it doesn’t surprize me that he saw some of the same similarities I did and that he should check out this link:

http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showth … cy&page=15

Mr. Rasmussen does not seem to know that a major Zodiac suspect had a family home minutes from the Percy mansion, had just two weeks earlier said he was going to "REALLY" kill everyone he hated including "bishots" like "big businessmen" as well as women and college students and was apparently in the midwest at the time of the Percy murder and in California at the time of the Bates murder. Maybe when he does a second print run or update on his book he can include this info on Ted Kaczynski.

Perhaps this book will help move the Percy case forward. I did send the Kenilworth PD the info, but I don’t know what if anything they are doing. I don’t think they have the resources to do what needs to be done. The Police Captain on the possibly related Ohio case of the Bricca murders called me on the phone to ask questions after I sent him info.


Posted : October 3, 2013 8:50 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter


Just when you think there is nothing NEW that can come out in the Zodiac case…

In a thread on Valerie Percy, I mentioned a book that Morf alerted me to after the author contacted him. The book is called "Corroborating Evidence III" by William T. Rasmussen. In the book he discusses the Black Dahila case, and a theory that the murder of college girl Valerie Percy in the Chicago suburbs on September 18, 1966 may be the work of the Zodiac Killer, who probably killed college girl Cheri Jo Bates on October 30, 1966.

He also discusses the murders of the wealthy ROBISON FAMILY on JUNE 25, 1968 in GOOD HART, EMMET COUNTY, MICHIGAN, at their summer cottage. Killed were Mr. and Mrs Robison, their 7 year old daughter Suzie and their three sons. Remember the attacker in the Percy case was seen by Mrs. Percy and fled after killing Valerie – his intent and plan may have been to kill the entire family. The Robison case has definite similarities to the Percy case. This Robison case also has many similarities to the murders of the Monsanto Chemical Company employee Mr. Bricca and his family in Ohio on September 25/27, 1966 and the murder of computer expert and State Education official Dr. Sims and his family murder in Florida on October 22, 1966. And perhaps also some similarities to the murder of Hughes aerospace employee Mr. Boles and his family in California on August 13, 1965, that Morf and others have looked at.

But here is what is very interesting.

The Detroit News had a secret witness program to get information on the case.

In August 1968 someone sent in a tip that said they had information on the case but in order to get it law enforcement had to place an ad in the personals classified. This is what the ad said – apparently the exact words required by the anonymous tipster:

DR. GUIDINI: Your prescription good.
However, need additional.



Remember this is 4 months before the Jensen/Faraday murder, and exactly a year before the killer called himself "Zodiac" in the letter of August 4, 1969.


The words share 4 of 6 letters.

From the wiki defintion of ZODIAC:

The term zodiac derives from Latin zōdiacus, which in its turn comes from the Greek ζῳδιακὸς κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos), meaning "circle of animals", derived from ζώδιον (zōdion), the diminutive of ζῶον (zōon) "animal". The name is motivated by the fact that half of the signs of the classical Greek zodiac are represented as animals (besides two mythological hybrids).

AK Wilks: The Latin term for Zodiac, "ZODIACUS", has the most similarity to the term used by the Detroit News tipster, "ZODIUS".

I had never paid much attention to this case, because the police said it was more or less closed, as they thought that Mr. Robison’s business partner, suspect of embezzlement, killed the family. Others have questioned how he could have been seen by witnesses in Detroit and made it in time to go to Good Hart to do the killings. The police said he may have hired a hitman.

But Rasmussen raises a new theory. He mentions reports that Mr. Robison, an opera fan and publisher of an arts and entertainment magazine called Impresario, was contacted by a mysterious possible investor named "Mr. Roeberts" or "Mr. Roberts", interested in the project of Mr. Robison to create "computerized warehouse operations and cultural support centers" at an airport in rural Oakland County, Michigan, and then at or near airports all over the country. There is a reported possible meeting in SAN FRANCISCO on June 4 – 7, 1968 between future victim Mr. Robison and the mysterious Mr. Roeberts, and another meeting in Detroit on June 13/14, 1968. The next meeting was scheduled for June 25, 1968, the day the family was killed. The strange Mr. Roeberts was reported to have a "monotone voice" with "frequent pauses". Sounds similar to the description of the voice of Zodiac.

The murders were horrible. The killer shot through a window with a .22 automatic to kill Mr. and Mrs. Robison and 7 year old Suzie. The killer then entered the home and shot the three boys. He then took a "carpenters hammer" and smashed the heads of the two females, Mrs. Robison and Suzie. HE THEN PLACED THE BODY OF ONE OF THE SONS ON TOP OF MR. ROBISON. This is very rare and is similar to the possible Zodiac crime of Domingos and Edwards, were the body of Linda Edwards was placed on top of Domingos. He then placed the body of Suzie ON TOP OF her brother. He then pulled up the dress and pulled down the undergarments of Mrs. Robison. Both Valerie Percy and Linda Edwards had clothes lifted to expose them. FINALLY HE COVERED MRS. ROBISON WITH A BLANKET. Domingos and Edwards were covered with a blanket.

Who was the mysterious "Mr. Roeberts"? Was this the business partner Joseph Scolaro, or an associate of his? Or was he a stranger to the Robison family?

It appears the person pretending to be "Mr. Roeberts" lived in the San Francisco area in the summer of 1968, because that is where Mr. Robison flew to meet him. Ted Kaczynski was a professor at U Cal Berkeley in the summer of 1968, and lived in the SF Bay Area. Ted had spent 5 years living in the state of Michigan while attending the University of Michigan.

Was this the work of the business partner and embezzler Joseph Scolaro, who later killed himself? Maybe, there was evidence to suggest he did it, and that is what the police think. If Mr. Robison suspected Scolaro of embezzlement, that would give Scolaro a motive to kill Mr. Robison. But the prosecutor did not file charges, citing lack of hard evidence. Scolaro denied doing the murder in his suicide note. And why would he kill the whole family?

Was this the work of a hitman hired by the business partner? Maybe, but the battering of the female faces and the strange posing of bodies is not usually associated with professional hitmen.

Could this crime be related to the 1966 Percy Murder and the "FAMILY MURDERS OF 1965 AND 1966" – BOLES, BRICCA and SIMS?


Ted Kaczynski hated airlines, airplanes and jet travel. He targeted airline officials and planes as the UNABOMBER (UNiveristy Airline BOMber).

In the 1960’s high tech was a small but growing field, and computers were new and just getting started. But each one of the fathers in these horrible murder cases – Boles, Percy, Bricca, Sims, Robison – had ties to high tech companies and/or computers. Ted Kaczynski hated computers and thought they would lead to the literal enslavement of mankind. He wrote in his journal that he wanted to kill "big businessmen", "scientists", "government officials" and "bigshots", along with "rowdy college students", women and couples.

Could this crime possibly be related to the Zodiac case?

Even if the murder was NOT the Zodiac, does the August 1968 use by the tipster of ZODIUS indicate that the tipster may have been Zodiac? If so, does that indicate a possible Zodiac connection in 1968 to the Midwest in general and/or Michigan in particular, in order for him to have heard about the case?

Ted Kaczynski had a family home in Illinois and had lived in Michigan for almost 5 years, between 1962 and 1966/part of 1967.

Astrology was popular in the 1960’s, but the more common terms to refer to it were astrology or horoscope. Not Zodiac. So I do find it interesting that a variation of the Latin term for Zodiac was used by a tipster in a murder case, who asks for a message to appear in the paper, as Zodiac did later.

Morf, and everyone, get this. Police reports say it was a .22 LR fired from a weapon with six lands and grooves with a right hand twist. Same as Santa Barbara 1963 Domingos/Edwards murder and Zodiac Lake Herman Road 12/20/68. I understand many weapons fit that, but still it is interesting. Weapon was thought to be an AR -7 rifle or .22 automatic maybe JC Higgins. There were also shell casings from a .25 automatic pistol.

Ted Kaczynski owned a .22 rifle and pistol, and a Raven .25 automatic pistol.

John Douglas said his study showed posing of bodies happened in about 1% of murder cases. Both SB 63 and this case have posing, including placing one body atop another. Both also have blanket placed over a body, and stripping of female clothes.

Mrs. Robison had her dress lifted, Valerie Percy had her nightgown lifted and Linda Edwards had her bathing suit top cut off.

On the flip side the business partner Scolaro owned a .22 AR – 7 and a .25 automatic. There is a circumstantial case against the partner. But no real motive. Despite looking hard, police and prosecutors found no evidence of embezzlement, and no charges were ever brought. Also Mr. Robison was killed with the first shot fired, fired from outside the cabin. There was absolutely no reason for Scolaro or a hitman to enter the house and kill the entire family.

But so far I have only seen reports of shots heard in the Robison cabin area at 8:30 PM or 9:00 PM. That creates the serious problem of how Joseph Scolaro covered 300 miles in about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It can’t be done.

But I do NOT know a lot about this case, I need to read the Rasmussen book and the Link book "When Evil Came To Good Hart." I understand Link explores all theories but concludes that the bulk of the evidence supports the theory that Scolaro probably did it (perhaps assisted by hitmen), while Rasmussen thinks Scolaro did not do it, and that the Robison case may be linked to the Zodiac, who he thinks may have killed Valerie Percy.

Many think "Mr. Roebert" was someone hired by Scolaro, but I have yet to see evidence of that. It does makes sense, if perhaps a little too elaborate. Also it was Mr. Roebert telling Robison that he had deposited $200,000 in the bank account that prompted Robison to call the bank and check his balance on 6/25/68, that led to the discovery that Scolaro had embezzled, mismanaged or lost a reported $60,000 in funds. So if Roebert was just a person hired by Scolaro, why would he tell him to do the one thing that exposes Scolaro? Doesn’t make any sense. But killers don’t always make sense, and they do make mistakes.

Roebert’s voice on the phone was described as "monontone", "frequent pauses" and "robotic". This is similar to the reports by police dispatcher Nancy Slover on the voice of Zodiac.

Mr. Roebert from San Francisco claimed to represent an organization called SUPERIOR TABLE. This memo was found on Mr. Robison’s office desk.

If Joseph Scolaro killed Mr. Robison and was behind the Mr. Roeberts persona, then he must have written the memo below.

Rasmussen claims that Zodiac may have killed the Robison’s. I have not yet read his book, so I can’t comment on his evidence for this, other than the interesting ZODIUS element and the few other things I and Kite have noted here.

If Zodiac did kill the Robison Family, than this "Mr. Roebert" from San Francisco may have been Zodiac, and this memo may be from Zodiac.

If you look at the name ROEBERT, there are *** under the letters "EBE". The letters "EBE" start the Unsolved 18 from the first Zodiac code.

I don’t know what "Computer Headquarters" is supposed to mean. It doesn’t sound like anything a real businessman would write, but more like a lay person’s conception of a business memo or a young person who likes comic books and James Bond movies. Or someone with an inflated idea of the powers of computers and their impact, either for good or bad. The ideas of world peace and unity are expressed in such terms that it seems not like idealism but mockery IMO.

The names of the other "members" of this group also seem fake – they are all common first names for men.

OK, Mr. Robison’s first name was Richard. So it appears that maybe this very strange memo adresses these men by their first name. Except "Peters" sounds more like a last name than a first name. The others could go either way, as first names or last names, and all have six letters – JOSEPH, MARTIN, THOMAS, PETERS. Weird.

KITE: Let me put some things together here:

*EMMET County, Michigan was given that name in 1843, named after Robert Emmet Irish patriot, died 1803(The same Robert Emmet possibly alluded to in the Zodiac Unknown 18(Robert Emmet The Hippie)

*ROEBERT is an angram for Robert E

*ROEBERT was from San Francisco? (We don’t know for sure, but that is where Mr. Robison went to talk to him, though it seems they may have never met face to face – AK).

*There is a statue of Robert Emmet Irish patriot in San Francisco

*ROEBERT has the EBE with dots underneath: EBE… begins the Zodiac Unknown 18 that can be considered an approx of Robert Emmet The Hippie: EBEORIETEMETHHPITI

*An anonymous tipster used the name ZODIUS concerning the Robison case

*ZODIUS can be Caesar shifted to ZYNSKI with (0,10,10,10,10,10)

*ZODIAC can be Caesar shifted to ZYNSKI with (0,10,10,10,10,20)

*Theodore J Kaczynski can be Caesar shifted to TEHIMIOHPERTTEEBEI(An anagram for EBEORIETEMETHHPITI) with the number string(033696336699669960)

AK, that alias of Ted Kaczynski as a youth: APIAS TUBEROSA is very similar, letter-wise, to SUPERIOR TABLE. Both are 13 letters long. Both have 10/13 letters in common: (SUPERIOTAB).

AK WILKS: It does seem that all the letters in APIAS TUBEROSA can also be found in SUPERIOR TABLE. But I am not sure if that is significant or not.

The author of the Superior Table memo, using a weird cursive typewriter font, does put *** under the "EBE" in the name "ROEBERT". And these murders did happen in EMMET County, Michigan. Though I doubt any connection to Robert Emmet, and I see "PITI" as more of a possible word then "HIPI".

Look at the famous unsolved 18 sequence, in the order given by Zodiac, and see where the letters for the name ROEBERT and EMET are:


Given the strong circumstantial case against Scolaro, I am not sure if we should consider these possible cryptic clues significant or likely coincidences. But the number and quality of them is interesting. As Goldfinger once said to James Bond "That is two times you have involved yourself in my affairs. Once is happenstance, twice coincidence. Three times is enemy action."


I do remember Ted Kaczynski talking about stringing wires and/or cables from tree to tree in nature areas, with the goal of maiming or killing the "noisy polluting" snowmobilers and motorcyclists he hated.

Can anyone direct me to a link or source that mentions those entries in Ted’s journal? I can’t seem to find it.

I ask because it appears in the weeks prior to the Robison Murders, in the same exact area, someone strung a cable from tree to tree over a dirt road, damaging a car. In this same time period a motorcyclist died, and some suspect he was killed by a similar type of cable.

This is a post from http://www.thegoodhartmurders.forummotions.com .

I cannot yet verify it as true, but I have no reason to doubt its accuracy. There was a motorcyclist killed right before the Robison Family Murders, and it was very close to the cottage. Mr. Robison did know the deceased. The fact that someone was stringing cables in this area is very interesting, in light of the fact that Ted Kaczynski recorded doing the exact same thing, with the stated intent to kill motorcyclists.

A new book "Corroborating Evidence III" by William T. Rasmussen contains evidence that the Zodiac Killer should be considered a possible suspect in the Robison Murders case, and one item of evidence is that someone, perhaps with inside knowledge of the case, sent a tip to police asking the name ZODIUS to appear in the newspaper as a signal. Ted Kaczynski is a leading suspect to be the Zodiac Killer, and had lived in Michigan for 5 years, from 1962 – 1967. Given his fondness for wilderness areas and hunting, he may well have explored this area of Northern Michigan, but that is speculation on my part.

http://thegoodhartmurders.forummotions. … hat-summer

Strange Events from that summer

warrior1978 on Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:13 pm

I guess I will tell my family’s story as it was relayed to me many years ago. Some of what I will write about was mentioned or alluded to in the two books I read about the murders, I do not know if any or all of it is the original police reports.

As my father and mother told me the story, the same summer the Robison family was murdered two strange things occurred to them. One summer afternoon they were driving along Lakeshore Drive (I believe or another nearby road) near Blisswood when as they came around a corner of the road, their vehicle hit an outstretched cable damaging the front end of the car. I believe my father mentioned there was oil in the road as well. They left the scene and returned a short time later with a police officer however the cable had been removed. A short time after this occurred, my cousin was killed in a motorcycle crash near Blisswood. This was mentioned in the book. Although he was drunk at the time, my father was convinced that the crash was not an accident and that cable that my father struck was intended for my cousin. I believe my cousin’s father (Chauncey) blamed Dick Robison for something or another as it related to the death of my cousin.

The same day or within a day or two when the Robison family was thought to have been murdered, it was evening and my parents were on the beach very close to the Robison cabin. As my father told the story, he and my mother were relaxing on the beach and my father was shooting at seagulls with a .38 revolver. It grew darker and at some point my father and mother saw a lantern in the woods. My father believing it was Richard Robison called out in the direction of the lantern, “is that you Richard?” and then the lantern went out.

I asked my father in he ever reported any of this to the investigators and he said yes. I’ve always wondered if his stories were ever considered or addressed in the police reports.


AK Wilks: Found a reference to Ted Kaczynski setting traps to kill motorcycle drivers, they sound very similar if not identical to what was found in Good Hart near the Robison cottage:

http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/199 … -unabomber

Book Links Unabomber To Sabotage

March 14, 1999|By New York Times

LINCOLN, Mont. – Theodore Kaczynski won notoriety as the Unabomber, the evil genius who mailed deadly pipe bombs to scientists and corporate targets.

But in this mountain village detective work is giving Kaczynski a new notoriety: as a pioneer for environmental sabotage. Starting in 1975, a decade before Earth First made “monkeywrenching” a household term, Kaczynski opened a local front in his one-man war against what he called the octopus of technology.

Roaming in a 25-mile radius from his cabin here, Lincoln’s environmental radical, according to several sources, booby-trapped motorcycle trails with wires strung between trees, sabotaged mining machinery with sand, burned logging equipment, poured sugar into snowmobile gas tanks and destroyed vacation cabins with ax blows.

The account of this 20-year trail of sabotage comes from two letters Kaczynski wrote from prison in January, an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a new book by a neighbor, Chris Waits.

In 1982, according to Waits’ book, Kaczynski smashed up a vacation home and destroyed a motorcycle and four snowmobiles.

One week later, two deputy sheriffs knocked on his cabin door. “I was so cool and collected in answering cops questions,” Kaczynski boasted in an entry decoded 14 years later by the FBI. Noting that the police never returned – and that his neighbors did not resume snowmobiling that winter – he wrote: “Who says crime doesn’t pay? I feel very good about this.”

JEM: Chris Waits, in his book "UNABOMBER The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski", has two undated entries from Ted’s journals:

At the end of Summer ’75 after the roaring by of motorcycles near my camp spoiled a hike for me, I put a piece of wire across a trail where cycle-tracks were visible, at about neck height for a motorcyclist. (Next summer I found someone had wrapped the wire safely around a tree. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone was injured by it.)

Summer ’77…I strung a neck-wire for motorcyclists along the divide trail above [location]. Later I found the wire was gone. Whether it hurt anyone I don’t know.

The two above entries are from page 206. On page 204 you can find an interesting entry from Ted’s coded journals. In this journal entry Ted talks about acts of vandalism he’s committed, and about being questioned by the police concerning crimes in the area and whether he’s had any problems with motorcyclists. He writes that he doesn’t think the police seriously suspect him, and that he’s pleased with how cool and collected he was while speaking with the officers.

DREAMNINE: From the Robison family murder thread on Topix, Mardi Link, author of When Evil Came To Good Hart writes:

Here’s what I know about the tripwire: I looked and looked and there’s no police report on it. The only official documentation on it is reporter John Clock’s notarized statement that he gave to Noggle (this whole statement is in the Petoskey Library file if anyone wants to read it in its entirety). However, some locals talk about it as if it really happened. The statement of this event in the book is a quote from Clock. My own opinion is that Monnie would never try to hurt anyone, especially his own son. If a tripwire were put across the road, I don’t believe that it was done by Monnie.

Now as to how the killer or killers got out of the house, you’re right, they couldn’t have gotten out the front door because of the unique lock mechanism, but the back door was padlocked from the outside. I believe that’s how he/they exited.

As for Roebert, I do have a theory on that. Since the book came out I’ve spoken with a retired polygraph examiner who said rumors that Howard Hughes was involved with Dick’s plans for cultural centers at airports were, up to a point, actually true. He sent a representative to Detroit to meet with Dick and Joe to learn more. That representative returned to California and told Mr. Hughes that the two men were too strange to do business with. Which, if you know anything about Howard Hughes, is really saying something. I think the big money man was HH; perhaps Joe knew he backed out of any association with Dick but didn’t tell him. Instead, strung him along and that’s why he had his neighbors make that mysterious phone call.Really though, who can know.

Did Joe act alone? This is the question that really vexes me. After I turned in the book but before it was published I had a little time on my hands and so I signed up for a 10 week class with my local police department called Citizens Law Enforcement Academy.(for those who are interested, I wrote an article about it here: http://www.northernexpress.com/editorial/feat.. . .) Each week we would learn another aspect of police work. Accident investigation, community patrol, jail life, etc. Well, after the section on handguns and shooting, I went up and had a discussion with the gun instructor. I laid out the crime scene for him, showed him the diagram, and asked if he thought someone acting alone could complete the entire crime. He said yes. There would have been so much panic inside the cottage that it would have been possible for all six people to have been killed by one gunman. Now, that doesn’t mean that’s what happened, just that one very smart, very experienced police officer thinks it’s possible. And, I do wonder if others were involved why the story never came out. Someone always talks, it seems. Either because they’re making a deal with the prosecutor or because they can’t live with the guilt. In this case, no one did so that may mean Joe acted alone and the details died with him when he killed himself.

Finally, why did Joe kill everyone? I think he wanted Dick’s business and if any of the Robisons were left alive, he would have had to share it or he would have not been able to buy it outright for such a pittance ($3,000). I also think Joe was a sociopath. Petoskey teacher Rick Wiles has done a lot of research on this and makes a good case for it where Joe is concerned. I heard from members of the extended Robison family that Joe sat next to them in the limo on the way to the funeral and even picked out the caskets and flowers and planned the ceremony. Pretty cold.

AK WILKS: Thanks Jem and Dreamnine. Jem I posted your info at http://www.unazod.com , and Dreamnine I will post some of yours there as well. Thanks again to both of you!

I am still studying this from all angles, and waiting for the books to get to my house. One saying Scolaro did it, the other saying it could be Zodiac!

Howard Hughes was involved with the Mafia, and Hughes assistant, who ran his affairs, was Robert Maheau, ex-FBI and ex-CIA, who worked with the mafia to assassinate Castro. But any connection between Hughes and Robison is not confirmed, and the only connection mentioned is a brief one were Hughes declined to do any business with Robison.

To me the mystery of who was the SUPERIOR TABLE, and who sent in the DR GUIDINI ZODIUS tips, are compelling and unresolved. So much points to Scolaro, yet he was never charged with embezzlement, the motive to kill the whole family seems weak and it is not clear how he travels 300 miles in 3 hours.

I don’t think there were a lot of people in 1968 stringing wires and cables between trees over dirt roads to kill motorcyclists. Just on the basis that there were such wires strung in Good Hart, Michigan in June, 1968, would at least raise the question of Ted Kaczynski possibly being in that area, in a state he had lived in for 5 years. Was he teaching the summer of 1968, or did he take the summer off? Does he have an alibi for June, 1968? And the next question would be "were there any other crimes in that same area in that same time period?" And here we have a murder of a family, with someone perhaps having inside knowledge sending in a tip with the requirement that DR GUIDINI and ZODIUS appear in the paper. Which Caesar shifts to ZYNSKI. And all the other cryptic clues, such as DR GUIDINI coming out of a Caesar shift from the name THEODOREJ.

KITE: I’m looking into some sections of the Unabombers Manifesto as a writing comparison. Of course, that is not meant at all to imply that the Unabomber is involved in a 1968 Michigan case or the Zodiac case, as they are unsolved cases, but just to compare some writings as an exercise in comparison. I have capitalized some of the words.

1968 Michigan case: (…the govern power of this world wide ORGANIZATION WHICH IS souly set on COMPLETE peace and UNITY among ALL countries of this EARTH.)

Unabomber Manifesto 163: (It would presumably advance towards its logical conclusion, WHICH IS COMPLETE control over everything on EARTH, including human beings and ALL other important organisms. The system may become a UNITARY, monolithic ORGANIZATION, or it may….)

1968 Michigan case:(…the govern power of this WORLD WIDE organization which is souly set on complete peace and UNITY among ALL COUNTRIES of this Earth. Each of the above mentioned directors will receive a complete organizational BREAKDOWN from Computer Headquarters.)

Unabomber Manifesto 196:(REVOLUTIONARIES might consider favoring measures that tend to bind the WORLD economy into a UNIFIED whole…….It will be easier to destroy the industrial system on a WORLDWIDE basis if the world economy is so UNIFIED that its BREAKDOWN in any one NATION will lead to its BREAKDOWN in ALL industrialized NATIONS.)

AK Wilks:


Well Zsearcher, Doranchak and most of the other critics keep complaining about anagrams. Well, along with Zsearcher’s find, here is another find by you that involves NO ANAGRAMS, NO SCRAMBLES, CORRECT SPELLING, CORRECT ORDER, LEFT TO RIGHT READ.

Of two aliases used by an informant even if he had nothing to do with the murders definitely used ZODIUS one year before ZODIAC, and who MAY have had inside knowledge of the case making him a suspect in the murders. Murders in which the mysterious "ROEBERT" from San Francisco put dots under the EBE in his name. And it is EBE that starts the Unsolved 18 in the first Zodiac code.


A………..Q……….S…………P………….(O)…….(D)……..(II)…….A………. Y.. (-10)




A January Detroit News article mentioning the August 1968 tip from an informant, who may have had inside knowledge of the case, and the informants message that he asked to be place in a classified ad.

The ad mentions ZODIUS, almost one year before the ZODIAC announced himself to the world. Both come from the Latin word ZODIACUS.

Body of Mrs. Robison covered by a blanket. The bodies of probable Zodiac victims Domingos and Edwards were also covered by a blanket. Like the bodies of Domingos and Edwards, the bodies of Mr. Robison and one of his sons were placed on top of each other. Former FBI Agent John Douglas says posing occurs in less than 1% of murders. Like Linda Edwards and Valerie Percy, Mrs. Robison had her clothing affected to expose her.

Police ballistics reports in the Robison Family Murders indicate a .22 with six lands and grooves, with a right twist. This matches both probable Zodiac victims Domingos and Edwards Santa Barbara 1963 and confirmed Zodiac murders 12/20/68.


Someone in law enforcement is actually doing something they told me they would! Cutting through the red tape and BS and trying to get something done.

My faith in humanity is restored…temporarily. Is it possible that some of these frustrating cold cases could be solved?

The brutal attacks on three American families – Percy, Bricca, Sims – between September 19, 1966 and October 22, 1966 – is terrifying and inexplicable. Dr, Sims was a nationally reknown expert in the just developing science of computers and an official in the Florida Dept of Education. Charles Percy was the CEO of a high tech camera and business machines company and running for US Senate. Gerry Bricca worked at Monsanto Chemical. On October 30, 1966, Cheri Jo Bates is murdered, like Valerie Percy a college coed.

Several years ago I contacted the police in the BRICCA Family murders, a horrible killing of a family in the Cincinnati area. The father worked for Monsanto Chemical, a company that was involed in genetic engineering of foods and of which Ted Kaczynski later said employees of this Monsanto company should be "hit hard" and "hit where it hurts". There is evidence Mrs. Bricca knew Valerie Percy, who was brutally murdered just one week earlier. The Bricca family was found dead September 27, 1966. Percy had been killed one week earlier in suburban Chicago, and Bates killed in California one month later.

I spoke to the Captain of the Homicide/Major Crimes squad for HCSD – which struck me was unusual – and he was very interested.

He called me on the phone after looking at my evidence, and I explained possible similarities and links between the Percy case, Zodiac and Bricca.

I explained to him that the 1963 Domingos/Edwards murders were a possible Zodiac crime, so that is probably what he is thinking of when he talks about the similarities of Zodiac stacking bodies and the Bricca case, with the female on top of the male. Anyone who is a member at ZKF you can inform them that Capt Zoellner is indeed refering to Domingos/Edwards as a possible Zodiac and perhaps in the context of information on a known serial killer and Zodiac suspect with Midwest ties (Ted Kaczynski) who was living in the Michigan and Illinois areas at the time of the murders.

I talked to him about TK and Zodiac, also about Ted Bundy (a friend of Linda Bricca from stewardess school had been killed in Washington state and Bundy has been mentioned as a suspect) and the EAR/ONS (similar home invasions and binding of victims).

Keep your fingers crossed they may have DNA.

http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … =81&t=1484

Article here:

http://www.local12.com/mostpopular/stor … 4CIig.cspx

"Captain Lloyd Zoellner says, "There was hair found in bedsheets in daughters bedroom, hair found in Linda’s hand and on the bed it could be from the suspect".

AK – Interesting, similar to Cheri Bates – hairs found in her hand.

"Detectives are looking beyond Cincinnati for that suspect. It’s taking them to a truly evil place. Detective Douglas Todd says "There is no sense of struggle in the house."

The murders seemed organized, down to the way Linda and Jerry’s bodies were posed. "Linda was placed on top of Jerry, he had a sock in his mouth. Both were tied by wrists. That order in which she on top of him is similar to characteristics of the Zodiac."

The zodiac was the California killer who used a symbol in letters to newspapers. He claimed he committed 37 murders. Investigators had only tied him definitively to seven deaths. The Zodiac killer usually targeted couples, mostly in middle class suburban areas, and beautiful dark haired women. He used precut pieces of rope and made the woman bind the man. That could explain how one killer controlled both Briccas.

Did a serial killer make his way to Bridgetown ? The answer may be in the science detectives could not have imagined in 1966. "We may solve this case." "

AK – This is no doubt based on the information I gave to HCSD that Domigos/Edwards is a possible Zodiac crime. The similarities include a couple is targeted, use of pre-cut ropes, theory that female was ordered to tie male, body of female is posed atop body of male, female clothes are partially cut or lifted to expose breasts. Similarities to confirmed Zodiac cases include overkill multiple stab wounds, use of long knife may be bayonet length.

Body of Mrs. Robison was covered by a blanket. The bodies of Domigos and Edwards were also covered by a towel, as were some victims of the EAR/ONS. Like the bodies of Domingos and Edwards, the bodies of Mr. Robison and one of his sons were placed on top of each other, and the body of Linda Bricca was placed atop Gerry Bricca. Former FBI Agent John Douglas says posing occurs in less than 1% of murders. Like Valerie Percy, Mrs. Robison had her dress lifted up to expose her, and Linda Edwards had her bathing suit top cut away.

In Percy and Robison the dresses/nightgowns were lifted, there was overkill stabbing or shooting and in Percy a long knife perhaps a bayonet was used, and a bayonet was found nearby in the lake. In Robison and in Bricca, the husband/wife/children are killed, and in Robison a person calling himself ZODIUS demands his words in the paper, and police say ZODIUS had inside knowledge of the case and may have been the killer.

ZANDER KITE first discovered the ZYNSKI/ZODIAC Caesar match up. It was then an uber-critic of the Kite-Wilks code work (Zsearcher) who noted that THeodore kacZYNSKI with 10-20-30 Caesar shifts to DR ZODIAC. Zander Kite, researcher from http://www.unazod.com , then built upon this noting that ZODIUS also 10/20/30 Caesar shifted from ZYNSKI, and myself AK Wilks noted that TH KACZYNSKI also 10/20/30 Caesar shifted to DR GUIDINI, the other name used by the ZODIUS newspaper tipster who may have been the Robison Family killer.

In all instances – ZODIAC, ZODIUS, DR GUIDINI – after the shifts the names appear in normal left to right, correct spelling, NO ANAGRAMS.

Speculative, but it looks to me like it is very possible that THEO KACZYNSKI wrote out his name in a Caesar grid matrix, saw DR GUIDINI, ZODIUS and also ZODIAC, and perhaps came up with those aliases in that way.

A January Detroit News article mentioning the August 1968 tip from an informant, who had inside knowledge of the Robison Family Murders of 6/25/68 case, and the informants message that he asked to be place in a classified ad.

The ad mentions ZODIUS, almost one year before the ZODIAC announced himself to the world. Both come from the Latin word ZODIACUS.

A………..Q……….S…………P………….(O)…….(D)……..(II)…….(A)………. Y.. (-10)

DREAMNINE: Well, this is good news…The fact that they’re mentioning the Zodiac case at all in that TV news article shows that LE have been thinking of all the possibilities, have taken on board what you told them, AK, and haven’t discounted anything. The emphasis does seem to be on the DNA and I didn’t know just quite how much physical evidence they still had from the Bricca case.

Perhaps the neighbour can finally be discounted as a suspect. I found that the most ridiculous claim: that a man can be law abiding all his life, suddenly get insanely jealous and wipe out an entire family, then go back to his normal life as if nothing happened, dying in retirement.

The connections between Percy/Bricca/Sims plus the timeline are too much to be ignored.

AK WILKS: I agree with everything you said. Also IMO Linda would not cheat in her home with her daughter there when her husband is due home from work. Police told me this is an open unsolved case and they said it is not closed under theory the vet did it. They were true to their word.

In Bricca and Sims socks were put in mouth secured by medical tape. Gerry Bricca’s father was a doctor in San Fran and he had relatives in Palatine Illinois.

Linda’s maiden name was Bulaw and she may have gone to Barrington HS in Barrington Hills IL while Valerie Percy went to New Trier HS in Winnetka IL. I don’t know how close those are or if they had some joint activities, sports or groups.

Bricca neighbor Dick Meyer says Linda commented on knowing Valerie and police say they probably knew each other.

Gerry Bricca was stabbed in the back while bound like Bryan Hartnell.

DREAMNINE: I decide to post some relevant information from the chapter on the Briccas in Queen City Gothic by J.T. Townsend:

The Weapon: An "intense search" was on for the carving knife missing from the Bricca home, Coroner Cleveland said based on the wounds, "it could very well have been the knife" used in the killings.

The Wounds: Linda Bricca was stabbed six times in the chest and side, twice in the head and twice in the neck. Jerry was knifed four times in the back, three in the neck, and twice in the head. Debbie was stabbed four times in the back – each time the blade went through her body, as if the killer held her by the neck and hacked. Both parents may have been bound with adhesive tape. A small piece clung to Jerry Bricca’s face and a sock had been stuffed in his mouth. Linda was sprawled across her husband.

The Motive: A grey area. Vogel repeated that it could have been a revenge killing, a sexual attack, or a robbery. While Coroner Cleveland insisted Linda Bricca had been raped, Vogel countered that "the coroner told me that she had recent intercourse before the killing."

The Time: Between 9pm Sunday and 6:30am Monday; but leaning closer to Sunday night. The victims’ digestion indicated that they had eaten not long before their deaths. Jerry was seen by two neighbors just before 9pm taking out the garbage, and there was no answer to a 6:30 am phone call Monday morning. Linda’s parents were confused about whether they had called Saturday or Sunday night at 9:30pm. If it was Sunday, the killer could not have been in the house when Jerry arrived home.

The Dogs: This bothered Vogel – the dogs locked away and strangely docile while the slaughter took place: "It is quite possible Mr. Bricca put the dogs in the playroom before opening the front door to let the killer in."

The Evidence: Markings on their wrists suggested the couple’s hands were tied with adhesive tape that was later removed. Some partial palm prints and fingerprints were found – Vogel didn’t know if they had been left by the killer, the victims, or investigators themselves.

The reconstruction: Vogel believed that Jerry and Linda were in the lower level playroom watching TV. His shoes were there, next to her folded laundry, and damp clothes were found in the dryer. Investigators learned Jerry usually put Debbie to bed – when he took her up to the third level, Linda was left alone.

Vogel speculated that someone watching from the patio chose this moment to enter the playroom. Asked if this "someone" was an intruder or a friend of the family, Vogel said it could have been either, or an "acquaintance." But he waffled: "I’m not saying either."

AK WILKS: Good info, thanks for posting.

I asked Capt Zoellner of the HCSD about the vet, the local suspect, and he denied that they had evidence pointing at him. He told me it is "an open, unsolved case, and that is how we are treating it." I see now he was being truthful. The scenario of the vet being at the home when Mr. Bricca arrived is false. So if the vet did this, perhaps because Mrs. Bricca called of the rumored affair or refused it, then he planned it, which makes even less sense to me.

On the other hand, a vet would know how to sedate dogs. But then again, so did Ted, he poisoned his neighbors dogs.

Yes JT Townesend is quite high on the local guy theory. Perhaps with a DNA recovery it can be proved or refuted once and for all. If Bricca evidence links to the Bates, Percy or Sims case, that would validate my theory.

Also, there is the incredible violence in this 42 day period. Both Mr. Bricca and members of the Sims family had socks in their mouths secured by tape. There is evidence Linda Bricca knew Valerie Percy. Percy, Bricca, Sims and Robison all had ties to the high tech worlds. And all the other evidence we have gone over, I won’t repeat it all here, pointing to Zodiac and/or TK as a viable suspect. And IMO the HCSD may have some other facts not known to the public backing this up, or I doubt they would have even mentioned Zodiac. In 2010 I gave the contact info for the investigators I had been in touch with on the Percy, Sims, Zodiac and EAR/ONS cases. I said if possible compare the evidence in the Bricca case to the evidence in these cases.

DORANCHAK: I can’t speak to the other details, but here is my analysis of the code work:

My recommendation is that you don’t mention these grid findings to authorities, because there is no reason to believe that they are intentionally placed or selected messages. I will explain why.

First, some definitions:

– A "shift group" is a set of numbers used to construct the Caesar shift grid. For example, {-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30} is a shift group.
– A "shift multiple" is the common factor shared by all the numbers of the shift group. For example, "10" is the shift multiple for the shift group {-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30}. "3" is the shift multiple for {-9,-6,-3,0,3,6,9}.

You claim that "APIAS TUBEROSA" appears in THEOKACZYNSKI’s shift group with shift factor 10. But:

1) APIAS TUBEROSA also appears in 9 other shift groups for THEOKACZYNSKI, for these shift factors: 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, and 24. (See http://zodiackillerciphers.com/ak/robison-1.txt )
2) APIAS TUBEROSA appears in 38% of randomly generated words, if we scan all shift multiples from 1 to 25. If we look only at shift multiple 10, then APIAS TUBEROSA appears in 6% of randomly generated words. (Go to http://zodiackillerciphers.com/ak and look at robison-2.txt through robison-51.txt)

Therefore, APIAS TUBEROSA appears purely by coincidence.

Your next claim is that the words GUIDINI, ZODIAC, and ZODIUS all appear in order (with no anagrams) when KACZYNSKI is shifted using shift factor 10. But:

1) More than 50 other six-letter words also appear in order, with no anagrams. Here are the top 50 in descending order of popularity in English: forces, studio, duties, tories, pursue, actors, versus, easter, denies, jersey, gasped, austin, fences, verses, guided, ponies, austen, dorcas, easton, euston, spence, venous, juries, wipers, zodiac, porous, tedium, ousted, podium, gaston, widens, dorigo, quiver, esters, purses, dorsay, gdynia, titius, pixies, torsos, auspex, furies, tenses, givers, guider, formes, ouster, jetsam, jencks, pudsey
2) You have cherry picked 3 specific words, but there are 50 other words to pick from above. This forms a "deck" of 53 "cards". There are 23,426 ways to make a hand of 3 cards from this deck. You have only considered one way.
3) If I generate 200,000 random words, only 4 of them produce all three words (GUIDINI, ZODIAC, and ZODIUS) in order with no anagrams. By your logic, this is rare enough to be of interest to you. (see http://zodiackillerciphers.com/ak/all-three-in-random-words.txt )
4) But let’s look at the list of 50 other words above, and choose "gasped", "quiver", and "torsos" as sufficiently Zodiac-like. If I generate 200,000 random words, NONE of them contain all three words with no anagramming. And yet all three appear in the grid for KACZYNSKI, with no anagramming:

== kaczynski ==

Match: gasped (gasped), Shifts: -30 0 -10 -10 -20 -10 null null null , Group: -30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30
Match: quiver (quiver), Shifts: -20 20 -20 -30 -20 30 null null null , Group: -30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30
Match: torsos (torsos), Shifts: null null null 20 -10 30 0 30 10 , Group: -30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30

5) That means my three words were intentionally placed or considered, by your logic. However, all of the 23,426 ways to pick 3 words can be shown to be similarly rare. Therefore, you’d have to conclude that all 50 words were intentionally placed or considered. But this conclusion is ridiculous, because every 9 letter sequence of letters in addition to KACZYNSKI will produce many words in order with no anagrams. Here are 3 examples, produced from the names Alexander, Nathaniel, and Sebastian: http://zodiackillerciphers.com/ak/words-found-in-names.txt Each of those names produces many possible words.
6) I’ve only considered the appearances of six-letter words and names. More words and names are possible if we consider other lengths.

Therefore, there is no evidence to support your claim that 3 specific words were specially considered by your suspect.

AK WILKS: Thanks. Very interesting.

I probably will not mention the Apias Tuberosa, as your work shows too high of a random chance happening and Ted may have selected that name by a process other than 10 based Caesar shifts. I have learned from experience that dropping bad information or even information or evidence that may be good but is very speculative increases the chances the police will evaluate the good evidence you are submitting. I have had some success when I follow this policy, as seen in the Tylenol and Bricca cases, also with some investigators on Zodiac as well.

Doranchak: "3) If I generate 200,000 random words, only 4 of them produce all three words (GUIDINI, ZODIAC, and ZODIUS) in order with no anagrams. By your logic, this is rare enough to be of interest to you. (see http://zodiackillerciphers.com/ak/all-t … -words.txt) ."

AK Wilks: OK, you say by "my logic", but isn’t this rare enough by anyone’s logic? Out of the 200,000 words you looked at, the four that worked, I do not recognize any of them. The fifth word is KACZYNSKI. Someone wrote to the newspaper using GUIDINI and ZODIUS, and later as ZODIAC.

"Kaczynski" is a word that 10 base Caesar shifts to these three words, something that only 1 out of 50,000 or so words can do.

This strikes me as compelling! I am leaning towards focusing on the ammo matches (both Zodiac LHR, SB 63 and Robison had .22 LR Super X six lands and grooves right twist), MO matches, body stacking, other case matches, the use of ZODIUS with its similarity to ZODIAC, and evidence of possible Zodiac and/or TJK links to other midwest murders like Percy and Bricca. I am also leaning towards mentioning at the end the GUIDINI/ZODIUS caesar shift info, with a summary of my thoughts and your thoughts and a link to your data.

If anyone else has any thoughts, please let me know.

So I will not include Apias Tuberosa, and the GUIDINI/ZODIUS/ZODIAC shifts will be mentioned briefly but not be the focus. If they request more info on the shift element I will of course provide it, but it seems better to just mention it briefly as one item, but focus on the weapon, ammo, MO, target and psych matches. Also, frequently police have told me that they are not experts in code and don’t understand the finer points of it. Sometimes they indicate they can pass along something of particular interest to their code unit.

So that is probably what I will do, I think. If any one has any thoughts please let me know.

Doranchak I appreciate your analysis. I think by dropping the weaker elements and de-emphasing the code shifts, it will lead to a better or more credible submission, and a better chance of them actually looking at the other evidence and contacting the Ohio police and other agencies involved. At the same time, they will have a brief summary of the name and code info, so if they or the code unit want more it can be provided.

I personally still think this is compelling, but I am close to it, and you do show the larger context of why this type of analysis might be less interesting to authorities. Thanks.

The Kaczynski name 10 base Caesar shifts to all THREE aliases used by major newspaper writing spree or serial killers in 1968/1969 – GUIDINI, ZODIUS and ZODIAC.

You show that happens by chance just 0.0002% of the time.


Posted : October 3, 2013 8:51 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

In some good news,

…the Zodiac Killer/Domingos-Edwards murderer has been mentioned as a suspect(s) in the Ohio Bricca family murders of Sept. 27, 1966, based in large part on information I provided. The Bricca Murders fall into an incredible series of horrorific killings that happened in the fall of 1966 : Valerie Percy, Chicago area, September 18 1966; Bricca Cincinnati area September 25 or 27 1966, Sims Florida October 1966, Cheri Bates California October 30 1966. (Also looking at the Robison murders, Michigan, June 1968, with the tipster/killer calling himself ZODIUS and bodies stacked).

http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/play … ?wpid=5435

There was some confusion when the detectives noted the similarity of bound male and female bodies placed atop each other in the Bricca case as being similar to the Zodiac Killer. In fact they were referring specifically to the possible Zodiac crime of the Domingos-Edwards murders. I did explain, briefly, the evidence both for and against the Zodiac being responsible for this case, I think the detectives just adopted a shorthand of considering it a Zodiac case for purposes of comparison. Thanks to duckking2001 for clearing up the confusion over at http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com .

The detectives also noted similarities that do pertain to a confirmed Zodiac case which also involved a knife attack on and a male – female being bound, with the female likely ordered to tie the male, and it happened to Hartnell and Sheperd on September 27, 1969, which is exactly three years after the Bricca bodies were found on September 27, 1966.

Based on evidence and information I provided, and other supporting evidence that they found, the Zodiac Killer/Domingos – Edwards murderer have been mentioned by police there as a suspect(s) in the Bricca Family Murder Case of September 27th, 1966. They are also open to possible ties to the nearby September 18, 1966 murder of Valerie Percy and the later similar MO of the California murders of the EAR/ONS Golden State Killer.

Work on the case continues and I applaud the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department, the Ohio Attorney General and the FBI for keeping an open mind and not giving up.

Work continues on these murders which happened in the Woodhaven subdivision.

The Hamilton County Coroner has sent recovered DNA to the FBI.

http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/cor … ricca-case

The Robison Family was brutally killed on 6-25-68, near Good Hart, in Blisswood, Michigan, near the shores of Lake Michigan.

New info: Three pubic hairs were found on the body of Shirley Robison, they did NOT match prime suspect Joe Scolaro nor any member of the family.

For the first time to my eyes, actual handwriting from the killer of the Robison Family. This note was put on the cabin to deter neighbors. It had to have been done by the killer.

Compare the writing on the questioned origin envelope in the Bates case and on the cabin note.

The famous cartoony "P" on the Riverside envelope from 1966 (and never seen by the public until decades later) looks IMO very similar to the half completed "B" on the cabin note!

Any other similiarities or differences to this or other possible or confirmed Zodiac writing or writing from another case?


Posted : October 3, 2013 9:01 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Thanks for the interest and thoughts. Many of the bodies were put on heating ducts. Some of the bodies were stacked, as happened in Domingos/Edwards murder in Santa Barbara 6/4/63 and Bricca Family Murders 9/27/66 in Cincinnati area.

Compare the writing on the questioned origin envelope in the Bates case and on the cabin note.

The famous cartoony "P" on the Riverside envelope from 1966 (and never seen by the public until decades later) looks IMO very similar to the half completed "B" on the cabin note!

Any other similiarities or differences to this or other possible or confirmed Zodiac writing or writing from another case?

The "P" you are refering to is IMO not a "P", it is a "B"

The message IMO says: "be back by 7-10" , and it is probably just part of a message.

And AW, may I ask were you got the info on this handwritten note and that the 3 pubic hairs did NOT match the suspect Joseph Scolaro ?
I’v tried to find it on the web but no luck, so could you please post a link?
Thanks in advance:)

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : October 3, 2013 9:28 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

The "P" you are refering to is IMO not a "P", it is a "B"

The message IMO says: "be back by 7-10" , and it is probably just part of a message.

I agree.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : October 3, 2013 11:26 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

In some good news,

…the Zodiac Killer/Domingos-Edwards murderer has been mentioned as a suspect(s) in the Ohio Bricca family murders of Sept. 27, 1966, based in large part on information I provided. The Bricca Murders fall into an incredible series of horrorific killings that happened in the fall of 1966 : Valerie Percy, Chicago area, September 18 1966; Bricca Cincinnati area September 25 or 27 1966, Sims Florida October 1966, Cheri Bates California October 30 1966. (Also looking at the Robison murders, Michigan, June 1968, with the tipster/killer calling himself ZODIUS and bodies stacked).

http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/play … ?wpid=5435

There was some confusion when the detectives noted the similarity of bound male and female bodies placed atop each other in the Bricca case as being similar to the Zodiac Killer. In fact they were referring specifically to the possible Zodiac crime of the Domingos-Edwards murders. I did explain, briefly, the evidence both for and against the Zodiac being responsible for this case, I think the detectives just adopted a shorthand of considering it a Zodiac case for purposes of comparison. Thanks to duckking2001 for clearing up the confusion over at http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com .

The detectives also noted similarities that do pertain to a confirmed Zodiac case which also involved a knife attack on and a male – female being bound, with the female likely ordered to tie the male, and it happened to Hartnell and Sheperd on September 27, 1969, which is exactly three years after the Bricca bodies were found on September 27, 1966.

Based on evidence and information I provided, and other supporting evidence that they found, the Zodiac Killer/Domingos – Edwards murderer have been mentioned by police there as a suspect(s) in the Bricca Family Murder Case of September 27th, 1966. They are also open to possible ties to the nearby September 18, 1966 murder of Valerie Percy and the later similar MO of the California murders of the EAR/ONS Golden State Killer.

Work on the case continues and I applaud the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department, the Ohio Attorney General and the FBI for keeping an open mind and not giving up.

Work continues on these murders which happened in the Woodhaven subdivision.

The Hamilton County Coroner has sent recovered DNA to the FBI.

http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/cor … ricca-case

The Robison Family was brutally killed on 6-25-68, near Good Hart, in Blisswood, Michigan, near the shores of Lake Michigan.

New info: Three pubic hairs were found on the body of Shirley Robison, they did NOT match prime suspect Joe Scolaro nor any member of the family.

For the first time to my eyes, actual handwriting from the killer of the Robison Family. This note was put on the cabin to deter neighbors. It had to have been done by the killer.

Compare the writing on the questioned origin envelope in the Bates case and on the cabin note.

The famous cartoony "P" on the Riverside envelope from 1966 (and never seen by the public until decades later) looks IMO very similar to the half completed "B" on the cabin note!

Any other similiarities or differences to this or other possible or confirmed Zodiac writing or writing from another case?

As you can see above, I said it was half completed B in my post. It looks unusual like the P.

Some of my info is from communication with persons involved in these cases.

But the basic info on the pubic hairs is at www.unsolvedhomicide.com .

I know this a lot of material, but all I can say is police have named Zodiac as a suspect in the Bricca murders, and he is being looked at in some of these other cases like Percy and Robison, and some of the evidence is quite impressive IMO.


Posted : October 4, 2013 7:50 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Will give this a closer read AK, one thing I see to start, you’re comparing that letter in the Percy case to the letter in the Bates case,(the big P),which I strongly believe WAS written by the real Patricia Hautz.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 20, 2013 11:36 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Thanks AK. I will look through my detective magazines and see if I can find an article about Jane Britton’s murder. Hopefully there will be one, we’ve had good luck with other murders you’ve been looking into, especially fortuitous was coming up with a picture of the Piercy knife.


Posted : November 21, 2013 12:11 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks Morf and Seagull. I just noted in passing the similarity between the Robison note and the Riverside envelope I now don’t think it is likely important. I do think it is important that the Robison killer called himself ZODIUS in the summer of 1968.


Posted : November 21, 2013 12:42 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Very interesting AK.

It’s so horrifying to see the list of those young women. It’s almost more bearable to think it was one person, rather than having that many psycho killers on the loose.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : November 21, 2013 3:29 am
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