How about these errors:
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer … e-23189453
I can guess what ‘he said’.
This isn’t a humorous thing, but it is random… I was following the Snowden story and the plane from Bolivia that got diverted, and came across this site:
I was not aware that you could watch live air traffic in real time. There are a lot of low altitude flights over my home, so I find this interesting
I don’t believe in monsters.
This isn’t a humorous thing, but it is random… I was following the Snowden story and the plane from Bolivia that got diverted, and came across this site:
I was not aware that you could watch live air traffic in real time. There are a lot of low altitude flights over my home, so I find this interesting
That is so fricken cool.
EDIT: I’m checking out the cockpit view of an Easyjet from Liverpool to Aldergrove and it’s coming in to land.
Somehow, this actually aired on American TV:
Dumbasses all the way around.
Check this out…funny stuff:
The Colbert Report –
Because comedic relief is good. If your post doesn’t fit anywhere else, it will fit here. I’ll start.
Now this is my type of humour. I literally burst out laughing when reading "Man killed to Death" lol. That quote instantly reminded of the statement one of the characters makes in the ‘Naked Gun’ movie, "Now I am going to kill you until you die from it." See! Look at the level to which we have now sank!
I will have to ask that this thread refrain from anymore posting of childish jokes! This is a serious week for me, I am appearing on American Idol doing a duet with my father’s only brother who was born with only one arm and one leg and it’s always been his dream to sign live on American Idol with me, his nephew, I hope you will support us and vote for us. We are second on and will be introduced as "Tonight, all the way from the U.K, and singing live are…. Simon and Half-Uncle!"
Rite that’s it! Get a Mod to this thread this instant so I may report myself for being in charge of a laptop while unfit due to having the mental age of Seven!
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
This animated image is nuts. Because, um, it’s not really animated. Or is it? Please first click on image to see the full version.
I don’t believe in monsters.
Ah, thanks glurk, THAT explains it! It’s not me, it’s the wallpaper.
I will always and forever more think this post from concerning shell casing positions is one of the funniest random comments I’ve ever read:
Re: Front or back?
Postby Quicktrader » Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:47 pm
Thought long about that..1st: One single shot from distance to the rear of the car
2nd: Attacker walking around front of bystanding car, shoots David from behind in his head.
3rd: Next is a shit in direction of Betty
4th: Possibly forcing her to lay down, placing multiple shots in her back, mentions his ‘skills’ later.Truth is, without mg its impossible to place 5 shits narrowly on moving, injured subject.
Forgive me QT.
When in doubt, don’t.