Welcome to the all new Zodiackiller.net web forum, formerly Zodiackillersite.com
FIRST OF ALL, AND VERY IMPORTANT: If you were already a member at Zodiackillersite.com forum and try to login here at the new forum, your user ID is the same, but your password likely will not work. You MUST use the ‘lost your password’ or ‘reset your password’ option that pops up when your login attempt fails. Follow the steps, and then you should be in business. You should be able to use the same password as you had on ZKS at that point, or a new password.
For brand new users of the forum that sign up, you register and choose a password for the first time as you normally would do.
FOLLOW ALL RULES AND LISTEN TO MODERATORS AND ADMINS, NO EXCEPTION! You can and will be banned if harassing others, not following rules, and ignoring Mods & Admins.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer