Obviously the confirmed victims are confirmed for a reason so they are definite. I personally can’t see him having a hand in a murder that he didn’t take credit for, unless it was possible to connect him personally to the victim, in that sense I see him keeping tight lipped, but otherwise this guy was a total maniac and if he did any of the other possibles then he’d have definitely taken credit for them. I don’t think he did the Cherry Jo one either because he only took credit after it was suggested to him and to my knowledge didn’t prove any knowledge of the incident that wasn’t in the papers.
I also have a hard time with his proclamation that he wouldn’t tell anyone anymore when he committed a murder because I feel the temptation would have been too great, only the odd serial killer has been able to show a ton of restraint and gone silent for decades. But I also have a hard time in believing he didn’t commit anymore murders after the fact, so I’m stuck in catch 22 with my thoughts.
I believe only 5, but in a poll I set up, so far of 180 people that replied most people think 37+.
I believe only 5, but in a poll I set up, so far of 180 people that replied most people think 37+.
It REALLY depends on where you announced the poll, and who was open to vote… I’m sure voters in Zimbabwe would answer differently than residents of Southern California, etc.
I don’t believe in monsters.
On my site, available to all and sundry, on the internet. Can’t get fairer than that.
I believe the Zodiac killed Cheri Jo Bates, David Faraday, Betty Lou Jensen, Darlene Ferrin, Cecilia Shepard, Paul Stine and Donna Lass. So 7 in total. I would have to say that I am absolutely shocked by the number of people who believe the Zodiac killed 37+. There is absolutely no evidence for it beyond the Zodiac’s statement.
Well, for me, 5 for sure. Possibly Lass & Bates. Can’t forget Domingos & Edwards. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a couple more mixed in. I think he may have killed that Latino couple in June 67 in Alameda County. But,I have to choose a number of 5, but willing to bet the over
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
yea i think morf has a good number there..Z was not a great killer..Z had the marketing package though to the max..Z would have been one hell of a marketing guy..sold fear..and did a helluva job at it..the hole picking off the kiddies bouncing off a bus is one great ploy by the Z..really worked up the entire area after that..smart move on Z’s part..whoever Z is he had to laughing his butt off over what he accomplished..back to topic..5 sounds good to me..but 10 (give or take) may be at the max
And who would they be? Is your five here separate to the ‘confirmed’ victims or do you believe that one of the couples wasn’t a Z job?
And who would they be? Is your five here separate to the ‘confirmed’ victims or do you believe that one of the couples wasn’t a Z job?
No, nothing fancy. Just the canonical or "confirmed" ones.
Could he have killed more? Sure. I wouldn’t base any theories on that assumption, though.
Had to think on that one a minute. Is it Cecilia or Stine? Cecilia isn’t it?
Four for me. (No Bates, no Stein).
Wow. I am finding all this very fascinating.