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Lake Berryessa Theories

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This a good point, on previous occasions he’d gunned people down in the dark and then left in haste. On this occasion he knew that he’d be spending a lot of time with the victims, exposed in broad daylight. He may well have worn the hood in case anyone else saw him, or in case a victim survived. Previous victims had survived and given a description. Imagine if he hadn’t worn the hood, we’d have a precise description.

At the previous crime scenes, he attacked the victims at night and stepped into his vehicle. At LB, he had to hike 500 yards back to his car in daylight. There was a much greater risk someone would see him.

Zodiac was a screwup. He left behind five breathing victims, two survivors, bootprints, possibly fingerprints and palmprints, tiretracks, eyewitnesses, and earwitnesses. If the APB had gone out for a WMA he would have been locked up in ’69.

Posted : December 30, 2020 5:42 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Bryan Hartnell stated that the assailant wore a black hooded mask made of a cloth material, covering his entire head and shoulders, reaching down to the waist. On the front of the four cornered mask at the chest area was a white circle (3 x 3 inches in diameter) and a symmetrical cross. He would further elaborate on the design of the crosshairs, as well as later in the 2007 Zodiac documentary, stating "It looked like it was made with a machine or with some degree of care- it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint. It was proportional".

Why would a copycat killer meticulously sew on perfectly symmetrical crosshairs onto a carefully crafted costume, when he had no intention of leaving anybody alive to report it? If the crime had been committed by a copycat, then imitating the Zodiac Killer’s writing on the car door and subsequent phone call should have sufficed. He could simply have disguised his features with a mask, balaclava or plain hood.

The Zodiac Killer had murdered three and seriously injured a fourth person at this juncture, and had bathed in the spotlight of numerous newspaper articles in his name. This must have fed his egotistical nature, and in his own mind, elevated him to another level of self-aggrandizement. The idea that he would then carefully craft a costume befitting of such an infamous and feared villain, doesn’t seem that far-fetched. Would a copycat spend this much time creating an elaborate costume bedecked with crosshairs, when nobody was going to be left alive to report their observations to police? It would be a pointless waste of time. A copycat would have just reproduced the handwriting on the car door and made the payphone call. The Zodiac Killer, on the other hand, had every reason to adorn himself with a costume befitting of the man he thought he was.

I don’t know why so many people question that attack. The M.O., the handwriting, etc match.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 31, 2020 5:00 am
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

Bryan Hartnell stated that the assailant wore a black hooded mask made of a cloth material, covering his entire head and shoulders, reaching down to the waist. On the front of the four cornered mask at the chest area was a white circle (3 x 3 inches in diameter) and a symmetrical cross. He would further elaborate on the design of the crosshairs, as well as later in the 2007 Zodiac documentary, stating "It looked like it was made with a machine or with some degree of care- it wasn’t just scrawled on with white paint. It was proportional".

Why would a copycat killer meticulously sew on perfectly symmetrical crosshairs onto a carefully crafted costume, when he had no intention of leaving anybody alive to report it? If the crime had been committed by a copycat, then imitating the Zodiac Killer’s writing on the car door and subsequent phone call should have sufficed. He could simply have disguised his features with a mask, balaclava or plain hood.

The Zodiac Killer had murdered three and seriously injured a fourth person at this juncture, and had bathed in the spotlight of numerous newspaper articles in his name. This must have fed his egotistical nature, and in his own mind, elevated him to another level of self-aggrandizement. The idea that he would then carefully craft a costume befitting of such an infamous and feared villain, doesn’t seem that far-fetched. Would a copycat spend this much time creating an elaborate costume bedecked with crosshairs, when nobody was going to be left alive to report their observations to police? It would be a pointless waste of time. A copycat would have just reproduced the handwriting on the car door and made the payphone call. The Zodiac Killer, on the other hand, had every reason to adorn himself with a costume befitting of the man he thought he was.

I don’t know why so many people question that attack. The M.O., the handwriting, etc match.

Absolutely! It was his way of bringing his villain to life. IMO a natural progression.

Posted : December 31, 2020 7:27 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

1 theory
The girls at Beryesa should be considered the best witnesses in the case. Saw him in broad daylight. 20 feet away. I suspect the reason they haven’t been taken seriously is because they didn’t describe Arthur Leigh Allen or any other police suspect.

If true, One of the most important things, IMO, that gets left behind is that they thought he was good looking. These are Jordan Peterson numbers, IIRC: Men think 60 percent of women are pretty. Women think about15 percent are physically attractive. Doing back of the envelope math, less than 1 out of every 300 men would have three women say he’s good looking.

Posted : January 5, 2021 5:23 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

1 theory
The girls at Beryesa should be considered the best witnesses in the case. Saw him in broad daylight. 20 feet away. I suspect the reason they haven’t been taken seriously is because they didn’t describe Arthur Leigh Allen or any other police suspect.

Not sure why you say no one took them serious. They took a full report from all three. I and some other have doubt it was Zodiac they saw because they described the guy in what sounds like a full sized sedan and the tire tracks at the scene indicate a smaller more sporty car.

What I’d really like to know is, what did the couple who were in that parking area see that day. Their names are in the police report, but there’s nothing about the police speaking to them or what they saw.

Posted : January 5, 2021 8:07 am
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

In addition to what Richard Grinell argued clearly, the fact that, unless mistaken, the Zodiac passed "exist" as "persona" only with the letters of July 31. I mean, how would someone else be "absorbed" by the case itself in such a short time ?? !! Okay, it’s possible, but unlikely, sometimes the simplest answer is the answer. That of being someone else who committed the crime makes something simple into something complex.



Posted : January 5, 2021 5:58 pm
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

The evidence is what it is. We have a stalker at Lake Berryessa who remains unidentified and was good looking according to the witnesses he stalked. He has never come forward. We don’t know who he is despite his face being on TV and in the newspapers. The probability of two stalkers independently operating in Lake Berryessa within a short time frame of each other in close proximity to each other around the time of a serial killer homicide is low because serial killings are rare. That is why coincidences are unlikely. This wasn’t a random stranger seen walking about the place. This is clearly a stalking incident.

Then we have a sighting of the Zodiac at Presideo Heights by a cop and several other witnesses. This Stine composite can’t be squared with the Lake Berryessa stalker so well. There are differences. However serial killers can often be chameleons especially if a composite gets out there. So in two weeks can you lose some weight and get a crew cut and put on a pair of glasses? I think yes.

After Stine, he now has a ton of problems. There are two composites out there of Zodiac in thin mode, tubby mode, short hair mode, and medium length hair mode. Where do you go from there? Shaved head and beard? Moustache and long hair? Entirely depends on his ability to look like that at work and at home. My guess is that the Zodiac was not able to do that in their occupation.

So did the Stine killer rapidly lose weight in two weeks and get a haircut? Yes. Eat far less and exercise.

If that is not the case, then you have two Zodiacs because the independent killer idea is highly unlikely.

Many faces of Ted Bundy

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : January 5, 2021 9:02 pm
Posts: 767
Prominent Member

The evidence is what it is. We have a stalker at Lake Berryessa who remains unidentified and was good looking according to the witnesses he stalked. He has never come forward. We don’t know who he is despite his face being on TV and in the newspapers. The probability of two stalkers independently operating in Lake Berryessa within a short time frame of each other in close proximity to each other around the time of a serial killer homicide is low because serial killings are rare. That is why coincidences are unlikely. This wasn’t a random stranger seen walking about the place. This is clearly a stalking incident.

Then we have a sighting of the Zodiac at Presideo Heights by a cop and several other witnesses. This Stine composite can’t be squared with the Lake Berryessa stalker so well. There are differences. However serial killers can often be chameleons especially if a composite gets out there. So in two weeks can you lose some weight and get a crew cut and put on a pair of glasses? I think yes.

After Stine, he now has a ton of problems. There are two composites out there of Zodiac in thin mode, tubby mode, short hair mode, and medium length hair mode. Where do you go from there? Shaved head and beard? Moustache and long hair? Entirely depends on his ability to look like that at work and at home. My guess is that the Zodiac was not able to do that in their occupation.

So did the Stine killer rapidly lose weight in two weeks and get a haircut? Yes. Eat far less and exercise.

If that is not the case, then you have two Zodiacs because the independent killer idea is highly unlikely.

Many faces of Ted Bundy

Bundy didn’t attack or murder a man. Did he ?

Posted : January 5, 2021 9:05 pm
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I don’t think so. My point is that serial killers can change how they look.

This is the same guy. DeAngelo.

The one of the right was for the Maggiore murders. Not even linked as an EAR crime. Investigated by Ray Bondi (the guy who caught the Sacramento Vampire Richard Chase).

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : January 5, 2021 9:08 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

If that is not the case, then you have two Zodiacs because the independent killer idea is highly unlikely.

I do not rule out the possibility of two involved, because it would make sense for one being thin and the other fatter, and that is not something that has not already happened. One dominant and the other dominated, which one may have killed the other in the end. Nobody knows for sure, so you can speculate about it.
Well, that is another story.


Posted : January 5, 2021 9:44 pm
Posts: 608
Honorable Member

If that is not the case, then you have two Zodiacs because the independent killer idea is highly unlikely.

I do not rule out the possibility of two involved, because it would make sense for one being thin and the other fatter, and that is not something that has not already happened. One dominant and the other dominated, which one may have killed the other in the end. Nobody knows for sure, so you can speculate about it.
Well, that is another story.

Yeah, there is no problem at all with multiple serial killers cooperating. Examples galore. What there is a problem with is the idea of copycats working independently. That’s hard to defend. Cooperating, possibly yes. Independent, probably no.

I can show a video with Zodiac detectives saying they could be looking for more than one person. So even they were aware of the possibility. Why might they go the duo or more route? I think it has to do with the things we are seeing. Also, there is forensic evidence that isn’t matching. They can’t match latents for example. Palm prints. Phone palm prints. Zodiac Exorcist letter has palm prints. Other prints we can write that off as contamination… or they don’t match because the Zodiac is more than one person. Then there is the handwriting in the letters. Wouldn’t surprise me if they alternated each letter in each word or alternated words. If two people have a fake style then that’s four possible patterns. 2 x (true and fake).

Would it really blow our minds if there were two Zodiacs cooperating. No. It would make heaps of sense actually.

Is there hard evidence for two Zodiacs? Probably not. Soft evidence? Maybe.

www.zodiachalloweencard.com has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.

Posted : January 5, 2021 10:47 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member


Its more plausible than an independent impersonator, for the reasons already explained in relation to this (having been an copycat)


Posted : January 5, 2021 11:14 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I do believe there are two working in tandem, possibly related like perhaps cousins? Yesterday I re-read an interview with Bryan Hartnell on Sept 28th 69 in the hospital. He spoke about the voice of the attractor having a drawl that some mistake for an accent. Bryan did not say it was an accent! Also yesterday I found a note about an interview with Darlene’s sister Linda. She told the interviewer, that the man Darlene feared had a half-frozen face ( Those were her words). I have been saying for years, that the man I got away from in Vallejo in 1968 has a slightly paralyzed face on one side, is that not the same thing as what Linda described?

The idea that this suspect has a paralyzed face, he talks out of one side of his mouth, so it sounds like a drawl like Bryan said. Others have said that Zodiac spoke in a muffled voice and was hard to understand. That is true of the man who has called me, he sounds as if he has food in his mouth! He talks in a monotone voice because he is trying to enunciate each word slowly. We know he speaks slowly from other witnesses who have heard his voice.

Also in the Bryan Hartnell interview with Napa PD, he said the hood looked like a black paper sack. That happens to be what was planted in my car on Sept 28th or 29th 1969. Bryan asked if the story was in the paper yet? The detective said that Napa did not have a Sunday paper, that would be Sunday the 28th. I found the killing costume in my car either on the 28th or 29th. For those of you who still think it was put there by a copy cat, can you explain how a copy cat would know what it looked like before it was even in the news?

I keep harping on my suspect fitting everything we know about the Zodiac, including his letters to me which are a match to Zodiac’s printing. DOJ told my detective that they know Zodiac has a lazy eye. That is one other thing that is a match to my Honcho suspect. He is who I believe did the Lake B crime and his buddy RH may have been the Paul Stine shooter? Honcho also has a slight limp, which is more pronounced when he first gets up from sitting, it lessens as he walks. He favors one leg, which I think was mentioned by the teens at Lake Berryessa? I work every day on trying to get Honchos full name, all I have is his first name is Anthony aka Tony. That he worked at one time for a construction company in Benicia named Lathrope Construction. It’s less than two miles from the Lake Herman Rd crime scene if that means anything? I need some help by LE to check what I have for a DNA match to what they have. What I have been saying sounds too good to be true, but it true and needs to be checked out!

Posted : January 20, 2021 11:19 pm
Posts: 25
Eminent Member

I do believe there are two working in tandem, possibly related like perhaps cousins? Yesterday I re-read an interview with Bryan Hartnell on Sept 28th 69 in the hospital. He spoke about the voice of the attractor having a drawl that some mistake for an accent. Bryan did not say it was an accent! Also yesterday I found a note about an interview with Darlene’s sister Linda. She told the interviewer, that the man Darlene feared had a half-frozen face ( Those were her words). I have been saying for years, that the man I got away from in Vallejo in 1968 has a slightly paralyzed face on one side, is that not the same thing as what Linda described?

The idea that this suspect has a paralyzed face, he talks out of one side of his mouth, so it sounds like a drawl like Bryan said. Others have said that Zodiac spoke in a muffled voice and was hard to understand. That is true of the man who has called me, he sounds as if he has food in his mouth! He talks in a monotone voice because he is trying to enunciate each word slowly. We know he speaks slowly from other witnesses who have heard his voice.

Also in the Bryan Hartnell interview with Napa PD, he said the hood looked like a black paper sack. That happens to be what was planted in my car on Sept 28th or 29th 1969. Bryan asked if the story was in the paper yet? The detective said that Napa did not have a Sunday paper, that would be Sunday the 28th. I found the killing costume in my car either on the 28th or 29th. For those of you who still think it was put there by a copy cat, can you explain how a copy cat would know what it looked like before it was even in the news?

I keep harping on my suspect fitting everything we know about the Zodiac, including his letters to me which are a match to Zodiac’s printing. DOJ told my detective that they know Zodiac has a lazy eye. That is one other thing that is a match to my Honcho suspect. He is who I believe did the Lake B crime and his buddy RH may have been the Paul Stine shooter? Honcho also has a slight limp, which is more pronounced when he first gets up from sitting, it lessens as he walks. He favors one leg, which I think was mentioned by the teens at Lake Berryessa? I work every day on trying to get Honchos full name, all I have is his first name is Anthony aka Tony. That he worked at one time for a construction company in Benicia named Lathrope Construction. It’s less than two miles from the Lake Herman Rd crime scene if that means anything? I need some help by LE to check what I have for a DNA match to what they have. What I have been saying sounds too good to be true, but it true and needs to be checked out!

Do you consider the fact that man whom Darlene was afraid of did NOT kill her?

Posted : January 21, 2021 1:32 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

She feared him for a reason, everyone who met him felt he was creepy, he followed her everywhere like he has me and her sister Pam. The man who killed Darlene is the same man who stalked her sister Pam and myself. He is a suspect in the highway 4 murders during the 80s and 90s. He has been IDd by a few who got away from him. The problem is we don’t know his last name? So the police have their hands tied until we can find out his real name. He just happens to be a serial killer!

Are you a poster on the Reddit site?

Posted : January 21, 2021 7:52 am
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