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Melvin’s connection…
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Melvin's connections

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Posts: 183
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Don’t stop on the twig Ruby, go a little
father out on the limb.
Who did Jack Kill?
Keep going!

Mr. Lawton,
to answer your question,
Robert Oswald.
Will you stop now?

Posted : February 3, 2015 6:17 am
Posts: 186
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Don’t stop on the twig Ruby, go a little
father out on the limb.
Who did Jack Kill?
Keep going!

Mr. Lawton,
to answer your question,
Robert Oswald.
Will you stop now?

If you were Bryan H.
Would that be your question?

Or would it be, get me that LP.?

Blind Bat

Posted : February 3, 2015 6:26 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

I ran out of beer today. So I figured I’d check out the OPORD site, secure in the notion that my unexpected surplus of brain cells would keep me from going completely brain dead… and I could get a good laugh. But alas, the Zodiac Killer no longer seems to be one of their "high priority" topics. Matter of fact, I couldn’t find any past or present Z discussion at all. Did Farmer finally decide that it had gotten too silly even for him? But more curious, has anyone from the OPORD gaggle found their way here? I’m running out to get some more beer.

Posted : February 3, 2015 7:22 am
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

So, um… OJ did it?

The question is, newspapers
articles. Do you have any on Sadie’s confession.

The public thinks the Zodiac had ties to
I don’t!
A Manson member?

Again, (if you’re bored) look at the crime scenes!

Killers have been know to copy past crime
Which means, there might be a crime scene
lay-out that matches the Dec. 20, 1968 crime
And that would mean, Herman rd. killing
was not the original blueprint, but a
duplicate from an original.

You have thought of this before?

Blind Bat

I believe if Z was to mimic any crime scene it would be The Moonlight Murders. We know he didn’t mimic JTR’s crime scenes although I believe he was a big fan and did in his writings.

Posted : February 3, 2015 11:08 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I ran out of beer today. So I figured I’d check out the OPORD site, secure in the notion that my unexpected surplus of brain cells would keep me from going completely brain dead… and I could get a good laugh. But alas, the Zodiac Killer no longer seems to be one of their "high priority" topics. Matter of fact, I couldn’t find any past or present Z discussion at all. Did Farmer finally decide that it had gotten too silly even for him? But more curious, has anyone from the OPORD gaggle found their way here? I’m running out to get some more beer.

I grabed a 30 pack! and if I was to go on OPORD I would need something stronger then alcohol! :mrgreen:

Posted : February 3, 2015 11:10 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member
Topic starter

So, um… OJ did it?

The question is, newspapers
articles. Do you have any on Sadie’s confession.

The public thinks the Zodiac had ties to
I don’t!
A Manson member?

Again, (if you’re bored) look at the crime scenes!

Killers have been know to copy past crime
Which means, there might be a crime scene
lay-out that matches the Dec. 20, 1968 crime
And that would mean, Herman rd. killing
was not the original blueprint, but a
duplicate from an original.

You have thought of this before?

Blind Bat

I believe if Z was to mimic any crime scene it would be The Moonlight Murders. We know he didn’t mimic JTR’s crime scenes although I believe he was a big fan and did in his writings.

Possibly, and makes sense too!

Ever wonder why the Phantom left a black and red flashlight at one of the crime scenes?
I guess the same reason the killer
of the three Girl Scouts at Camp Scott in 1977 June 12th in Locust Grove Ok. left a red one next to the body of Lori Farmer.
Possibly the same reason
S.B.T.C left one on the Ramsey’s
counter the morning JonBenet was murdered!

Nicole was murdered on the 12th June too.

Did you know that phrase on the Ramsey ransom note
(use that good southern common sense of yours)
can be found in the trial transcript of…
The State of Oklahoma vs. Gene Leroy Hart?

That would be a lot of reading to find that celebrated phrase.
Here’s a short cut to it, around in the rebuttal area.
I guess beer is cheaper than trial

"Zodiac and paper trail"

paper trail – the written evidence of someone’s activities.

The Zodiac and Jack the Ripper’s motifs running through their crimes
are their written letters.
Their murders were weaved together with their writings to the press and police.

Jack mailed in a piece of kidney in a box.
Zodiac mailed in a piece of bloody shirt in…
Both bragged about their exploits.

Saucy Jack had a dripping pen letter.
"The dripping pen of Jack"

Zodiac had a dripping knife letter.
"The dripping knife of Zodiac"

Perhaps they both had an insatiable fetish for writing.
I guess one might say they wrote
to the public.

They both killed 5?

Reporters/journalist like to see their stories in the papers.
Even if their buried on the back pages.

Camp Scott photo

Killers handwriting found in cave
near Camp Scout on 17, June 77
Graffiti written in black felt pen like the graffiti Zodiac wrote on the car door in black felt pen.

Writing on car doors and cave walls is still graffiti.
The Bubs don’t teach this in Washington.

Blind Bat

Posted : February 4, 2015 8:31 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Yeah, well – that’s interesting, I suppose, in a general sort of way. The problem is precisely that it is general, though. Killers of a certain ilk like to write letters, they like to leave clues behind, they like to copy other crazy killers – it’s all part and parcel of their "thing".

Even not so crazy killers may end up using what seems like a blueprint – consciously or not. There is bound to be some similarities between unsolved murders that fall into a certain category – this isn’t surprising.

Looking for all manner of similarities or superficial connections may easily lead one astray, to something far beyond a rational assessment of the facts (and there are facts, after all, in the Z case) – something like a word association game, almost.

Posted : February 4, 2015 10:33 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Yeah, well – that’s interesting, I suppose, in a general sort of way. The problem is precisely that it is general, though. Killers of a certain ilk like to write letters, they like to leave clues behind, they like to copy other crazy killers – it’s all part and parcel of their "thing".

Even not so crazy killers may end up using what seems like a blueprint – consciously or not. There is bound to be some similarities between unsolved murders that fall into a certain category – this isn’t surprising.

Looking for all manner of similarities or superficial connections may easily lead one astray, to something far beyond a rational assessment of the facts (and there are facts, after all, in the Z case) – something like a word association game, almost.

Exactly Norse. Many of these murderers are cut from the same cloth. "Look at me".

Led astray? No doubt about it. When Jonbonet Ramsey and Nicole Simpson get brought into the mix, that is an understatement.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 4, 2015 10:40 am
Posts: 186
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Your right!
Why should I give meat to dogs!

Blind Bat

Posted : February 4, 2015 11:13 am
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

Meat? Dogs?
Have you even thrown us a bone?
No one knows WTF you are
talking about.

I don’t!

Maybe, if you wrote
like a (normal) person.

You would be (accepted) better.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : February 4, 2015 11:44 am
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

Your right!
Why should I give meat to dogs!

Blind Bat

Actually, I get what BB is saying. A few people do think there’s a possible connection to Ramsey and a Z copy cat or even the Z.
What BB is saying is why should he keep posting these "possible" Z like findings to non believers. Not saying I believe, but I’m open minded to listen.
Like I said, to those not into BB’s posts, we’ll just ignore as there’s plenty of other posts you may or may not like in other threads.
Continue on BB.


If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : February 4, 2015 11:57 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

People are not going to just ignore his posts. If Blind Bat is going to post, people are going to question and even argue whatever it is they are posting. Goes with the territory.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 4, 2015 12:08 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

It’s not really a question of belief, though, is it? At least I hope not.

I don’t see many here who have come out and discouraged BB from posting his ideas. Many have expressed some annoyance over his cryptic manner of expressing them, however – which is very different in my book.

But fair enough. I guess we can just stay away from the thread(s). I didn’t think it was simply a question of what one "likes" or not, though. I thought the idea of criticizing other people’s ideas – or for that matter the way in which these are expressed – was very much part of the deal. Discussion, in a word. If the only alternatives are praise or silence, then what’s the point?

But I get the message.

Over and out.

PS That was a bit melodramatic – but hey, some drama spices up the dreariness of a winter’s day, no?

BB’s posts may be regarded as spicy too, by all means – but A) he called us dogs and B) if people think he’s serving up tripe along with his choice cuts, then they’re going to say so. That can be regarded as constructive criticism, by the way – rather than petty attacks on someone who simply has a different take on the case. The latter isn’t what’s been going on here, though – it’s clearly something else.

Posted : February 4, 2015 12:15 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Me I like bb. But I like cryptic crap ( no offence bb ) not that he takes offence to anyone or anything. I have read some of his other work and it’s good.. Big problem is time.. I ain’t got the time to work his stuff out and I am trying my hardest to make my poi not fit And the code bits keep getting in the way and Jalvie stuff is getting interesting also.. so I’m missing a bunch of bbs posts. And Norse its summer here. So It’s BBQ Beers and cheers.

Posted : February 4, 2015 1:23 pm
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

Blind Bat, a modest
word of advice for you: think
horses, not zebras. 8-)

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : February 4, 2015 5:16 pm
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