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You’re welcome, Enigma. The parallels between Oscar and Gaikowski are interesting, although they would not have been very apparent back then.

Posted : September 23, 2014 6:15 am
Posts: 143
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You’re welcome, Enigma. The parallels between Oscar and Gaikowski are interesting, although they would not have been very apparent back then.

This Oscar guy is definitely intriguing, especially with the IP addresses seeming to mostly come from the San Fran area. And his style of wording things…just sounds eerie! :?


Posted : September 23, 2014 7:54 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

I agree wuth your opening theory statement xenigma4x , except for putting it in a safe deposit box

have you seen this page ? the bottom paragraphs
http://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-new … ll-hallows

Posted : September 23, 2014 10:34 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Now this is a very interesting find! OMG, I think for sure that tablet belonged to Cheri.

I also have in my possession an old business card from my poi with notes he wrote on the back in his tiny, miniscule printing. At my first effort to decipher them, I thought he’d written something like "Indocin 325 mg" and that he was picking up his mother’s arthritis medication. This was after I’d seen the movie and starting reading at this site. I saw the discussion about the Riverside file and after looking closely again at the card, see that he wrote "Imdocin" and then the numbers.

I would have to look for the card to get the exact numbers (I saved it) but wondered if (assuming the worst case scenario) he were involved, had written a note to himself referring to the RPD case file number as the numbers were off by only one digit!!! OMG, I almost collapsed at the computer when I saw this.

Cleverly, he could have reversed the letters (instead of writing "I’m in doc # / / /" so anyone finding it would just assume it was Indocin. Giving him the benefit of the doubt and thinking I was losing my mind and spending way too much time on this, thought otoh he could have mistakenly printed an "m" for the "n".

Posted : September 24, 2014 1:43 am
Posts: 143
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Topic starter

I agree wuth your opening theory statement xenigma4x , except for putting it in a safe deposit box

have you seen this page ? the bottom paragraphs
http://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-new … ll-hallows

Holy crap! :o

Ace, was it you that found this tablet?


Posted : September 24, 2014 4:17 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

That is the sketch I had done in june this year by a KC crossroads artist contrary to the article report …communication break down I guess.

Posted : September 24, 2014 5:11 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Could you please fill us in with more details?

I gather you just left this where you found it? From the video, all I saw was a long motorcycle ride on a country road.

How did you happen to find the notebook? Were you walking along or driving? Where was it in relation to the trees and the road? What about it caught your attention? Did you think to go back later and keep it if it was still there since you were afraid Zodiac might be lurking closeby? Was this in Kansas or Missouri (not that it would make an iota of difference)?

Did the hair and fingernail appear stuck accidentally on the notebook or did it look like it had been put there as perhaps a "souvenir" and taped down?

Posted : September 24, 2014 5:24 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

It was found up a trail off the trail ,mtn. bike- hike trails. in view of the road in 64146
I would rather not say exactly where as 1st for obvious reasons I say it is one of the most dangerous places to be in KC. still
It was for me .

BTW the guy who taped the vid has nothing to do with it IMO, just a great winding road at least untill the boulders fell and closed it to the N

OKay i’ll tell more of what I remember
first this was IMO a tablet sold to the school by scholastic with a lower blank cover so the school ‘s art dept would stamp the design of their choosing . it was IMO for art as it was unlined and oversized from notebook paper 1 1/2 " and the 100 pages? were of a lt. gray construction paper , they were made to tear out . Some oddities about it that caught my eye then were the 45 cent badge adheared to the cover was a stamped convex tin gold plated thing and the edges of the pages were guilded like a bible . this tablet in recent times would cost 6-8 $ I think the student who did it was trying to show off all his skills for a possible job in the publishing business.
She had math homework 15 pages most graded ,like this tablet was handed in to be graded then handed back one grade was a E++
IMO because of the 66-67 date maybe only 100 or so were produced at a time and very few survived many years after.

as for the blood stain it was as though it dipped in a pool of blood ,caked on at the spine more like it was removed after the blood congieled, at the top was a matt of tangled hair i saw some that looked like pubic hair .
I have thought about the congieled blood , to me the only explanation is he went back hours later to the scene pulling it from the pool of blood .
below that a yellow nail that tore away from her jaggedly and was into the cover ,it had to be she was holding on to it securly and was ripped from her hand tearing the finger nail and imbedding it in the cover .
The other shocking thing was a 3/16 lock of her lt brown to blond hair was placed in the bood stain ,it had been ripped out with the scalp still attached .
other items zodiac took from his victims were in this satchel.
Stines wallet ,cab keys shirt piece , a very nice trifold black wallet with a burgandy makers tag -very bothersome , that had conciderable money ( i know the nearly exact denominations 1 unique bill) that was Hartnells and keys too.
Yes i had heard of the zodiac killer and remembered it from 69, but did not know the storys details ,victims names etc. untill 2010
The most disturbing items in the satchel that had ?? 2-3 hundred items I think large to very small; were what I thought were business cards a 6 " stack was tyed to gether another stacked but loose ,they were a irregular size for business cards and some in the middle were worn on the sides ,I picked them out and found them to be 60’s 70’s drivers licenses the ones with out a picture from all over the US the outher stack had many plastic type with pic IMO over a hundred all together .
The sketch of the tablet is key, I was a kid in 66 and in KC there is no picture of this tablet on the net , how could I describe it to the tee unless I had it in my hands .
I have tried many ways to contact people who could help but never get a response well almost none any way there not telling me anything .
i saw the Berkeley Cal KTVU piece and emailed their PD and today I had 4 KCPD cars survieling my home or trying to send me a message ,all my rides are bugged i go anywhere in KC metro and the local police follow ,run stunts at times , and worse . I am not to be held responsible for the jet fuel used in the copters .
I am the author of The Police Shall Never Catch Me

Posted : September 24, 2014 6:43 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Wow! This is amazing!

However I am puzzled by your comment that you were a kid in ’66. Was that when you found this or was it in 2006?

If you left this satchel there, what do you think became of it, especially if it contained money?

I am very curious about the business cards and drivers licenses. Do you recall what companies were on the card or any names? Were the drivers licenses all for the same person or various persons and were they male or female?

If the Zodiac dumped his evidence there, then these licenses could have belonged to his victims or they could have just been made up for identity theft imo or he could have gotten them in an attempt to change his identity.

What seems strange is why Zodiac would have left all this for someone to find. I’d think he would have burned it or dumped it in a lake or buried it or disposed of it piece by piece in various places/states if he really didn’t want to keep it.

Posted : September 24, 2014 7:26 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

2006 August or Sept. possibly a year earlier 05
This satchel was left in a place few would go off a trail ( this part of the parkway is hilly trees and brush with bike /hike trails) and I think he left it there shortly before I got there and he was returning very soon . IMO he took it to or had the satchel in the park hidden and wanted to view it’s contents again ,he was not discarding it . I returned 2 days ? later and it was gone . this place in the park was his base of sorts ,while he was in the park.
the picture if her in the library shows her looking at the back of this tablet I think .
I thought at 1st the stacks of drivers licenses were business cards ,but as I studied them found they were old drivers licenses.
this is not new news the book is 3 years old, but the better sketch is . a few members here have one .
I think maybe only a few alum of RCC 66-67 may remember it unless they kept one tablet .
I cannot remember items like this from 77 when I graduated .
I am not selling the book presently . ama-zone gives you the run around and steals the profits .

Posted : September 24, 2014 8:31 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Thanks Ace! This is spine-tingling and I can just imagine how scared you must have been!!!!

Of course it sparks more questions in my mind such as how long were you there? It sounds like you went through this and examined everything pretty carefully.

What was going through your mind as you looked at this bag? What would you have done if suddenly you heard the rustling of leaves or someone suddenly appeared from behind a tree?

Since these were old drivers licenses, I’m thinking they may have belonged to Z. Do you recall the name that was on them? Was it the same name or different ones? Do you recall the states that issued them and the dates or any other information on them?

If you sell your book, I would be very interested in buying a copy after reading this.

It does sound like the bag was left and the person who left it was planning to return. Were there any places nearby he could have walked to such as a restaurant? Where do you think he could have been? And you were right if you returned and it was gone two days later! Again, what did you think then? I’m thinking you can easily get to this spot if you want to and am curious if you’ve gone back after the second trip when you found the bag gone and what if anything you might have seen.

Any missing persons or cold cases in this area?

In thinking about this, imo whoever left it must have felt pretty sure it would be safe there but then why leave it and not just take it with him wherever he went as by 2005 or 2006, he probably could have bet that nobody would suspect anything since so many years had gone by and if anyone saw it and questioned him, he could have just made up some story such as it belonged to a friend or relative of his.

Did you see any footprints or tire marks around? How do you think the person who left it got there?

Posted : September 24, 2014 9:17 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Sorry but just had another thought!

If there was a really good psychic around that was used by LE, it might be interesting to consult that person about this and take them to the location!

Also, might be good to check for any buried bodies around there!

Posted : September 24, 2014 9:22 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Ace was nice enough to send me a copy of his book about this, what was it Ace, 2 years ago? I have to go back and read it again to freshen up on it. As I recall, without saying a lot, Ace has a Suspect in mind. Ace did you ever gather up more info on this person?

Ace, you should reach out to somebody at the RCC Library and get help in identifying this as Bates case related or not. Maybe they can tell you if this is legit or not? I also know somebody that attended RCC around the same time as Cheri, she may be able to help.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : September 24, 2014 9:27 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

hi morf I have never quit trying but do not get much of a response
so far I have tried to contact many LA and SF Cal’ news papers TV stations, all the big ones and some tiny ones .
recently I found a site for the RCC alumnie Asso. they would be ideal to investigate they even have an Riverside Co under sheriff on the board I emailed and called but but not much interest I guess .
I should mention I have talked to KC FBI 2 times in 2010 and 2012 and emailed 2 times and KCPD once,.
so I am not kidding around I assure you.
i have to break for lunch I’ll edit in more

Posted : September 24, 2014 9:38 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

FWIW, I graduated from college in 1966 and still have some of my textbooks and blue books but then I tend to save things. IMO there would be a very good chance that others would as well and the bookstore might be helpful in identifying this tablet.

I don’t recall ever having a tablet like it or seeing one but the general lettering looks familiar.

Since you say it had construction paper and gold around the edges, it does sound like something that would be used by the art department. Perhaps someone in the art department would recognize it, especially any retired art teachers or students from then. Otoh, the gold around the edges could have been added by whoever bought the tablet just to personalize it.

Oh, I just remember that the Timex watch found had paint on it! I wonder what color the paint was? If it was gold, then maybe the watch belonged to Cheri and she wore it while spray painting the edges of the tablet. The watch was thought to belong to Z and was for a small wrist but maybe it really belonged to Cheri and Z realized it had come off during the fight and went back to look for it thinking it might have his fingerprints on it or might have stopped at the time of the murder!

It seems odd though that Cheri or whoever would use such a tablet for math homework. I’m remembering how hard freshman year in college was (for me at least) and the courses I took and wonder why Cheri would have been taking any math courses then, especially calculus since her goal was to become an airline stewardess (as they were called then). Imo, it would be more likely for her to enroll in an art class but she could have done both and had several of these tablets and just used one for math.

Could her transcript from RCC be obtained? The school records should show exactly what courses she was enrolled in.

It gives me the chills to read about the math textbook as my guy frequently talks about his background and love of mathematics, particularly calculus. He also spoke of having been a teacher when we met and were getting to know each other. At first, I thought he meant he had worked as a certificated teacher but he said it was as a teaching assistant and at UCB IIRC. He also bragged he was so good at it and had done some private tutoring for a girl in high school in her home. She was having trouble in math and her parents wanted her to go to college so hired him to tutor her. He said he took advanced math and chemistry at Long Beach State College while on a leave from his job as he hoped to go to medical school.

I’m also now remembering the alumni reunion in connection with Ross Sullivan (sorry to go ot) but am thinking maybe someone from the reunion would remember this tablet.

Posted : September 24, 2014 10:08 pm
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