Oppenheimer? Same Oppenheimer with Berkeley labs?
which brings you to superfudge
I did some brand research myself, thinking that the 7VF symbol on the Halloween Card could have been a cattle brand.
You may have already seen this, but see the Cow Butts thread over at ZodiacKiller.com: http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/3 … Xi-AflViko
It includes all of the California cattle brands that were similar to the symbol in 1969, and there are a few that resemble the crosshairs symbol as well.
None are an exact match to the 7VF symbol with four dots included.
I just noticed this ‘7VF’ interpretation of the symbol. Could it have something to do with the Navy’s Fighting Squadron SEVEN (VF-7)? It was deployed February 18, 1946 – March 1946 off the coast of California.
"VF" meant "Heavier-than-air Fighting Squadron," nomenclature that arose when the Navy also flew dirigibles.
From Wikipedia:
The USS Hancock departed for her second Magic Carpet voyage, embarking 3,773 passengers at Manila for return to Alameda, California on 20 January 1946. She embarked Air Group 7 at San Diego on 18 February for air operations off the coast of California. She sailed from San Diego on 11 March to embark men of two air groups and aircraft at Pearl Harbor for transportation to Saipan, arriving on 1 April. After receiving two other air groups on board at Saipan, she loaded a cargo of aircraft at Guam and steamed by way of Pearl Harbor to Alameda, arriving on 23 April. She then steamed to Seattle, Washington on 29 April to await inactivation. The proud ship decommissioned and entered the reserve fleet at Bremerton, Washington.
Here’s the squad’s patch:
I know next to nothing about the military, so it could be totally unrelated.
Oppenheimer? Same Oppenheimer with Berkeley labs?
which brings you to superfudge
just for clarity in a muddy pool.
Jason is spelt out on Zodiacs month clock. J un A ug S ep O ct N ov
JASON was also nuclear reactor built in England.
Jason was also an organization (advisory group) in California for smart dudes in the math field associated with nuke stuff radar and the likes.
superfudge is supposed to be a terminology used in nuclear crap.
superfudge was used as a clue in a taunting letter to Tim Millers father of a murdered girl, sort of Z related by some..many years ago.
all off topic but a little interesting with oppenheimer coming into play
PS don’t go looking it up too much or you will hear the sound of a blackhawk copter over your roof
Personally I think it was just a really detailed attempt at making another "Zodiac" symbol. It’s a long Z with an angular C on the right of its tail. The O,D, I, and A missing are represented by the 4 dots in the middle. It’s that simple.
p.s. Leaving dots to represent the number of missing letters is commonly used in Epigraphic texts
The angular C, as you call it – I’m not sure I’m seeing that. It’s not obvious at any rate. If the main part of the symbol is a Z, it seems more obvious to interpret the part on the right as an F.
What that part does resemble, unquestionably and with no need for any creative interpretation, is the corresponding part in the cattle brand symbol. The whole thing looks very much like that cattle brand for my money.
But who knows what…whoever sent that card…had in mind.
Three symbols, all denoting the same name? Why not, I guess. If it was Z, we know he was obsessed with promoting himself, so it makes some sense on that level.
However, if the idea is that this new symbol represents some kind of development, we can’t ignore the fact that he never uses it again (as far as we know).
Three symbols, all denoting the same name? Why not, I guess. If it was Z, we know he was obsessed with promoting himself, so it makes some sense on that level.
However, if the idea is that this new symbol represents some kind of development, we can’t ignore the fact that he never uses it again (as far as we know).
Well yes because the symbol only needs to be used under the sign of Scorpio IMO. It was a special symbol to represent him during the sign of Scorpio on that specific occasion. Also, the constellation of Scorpio is a long angular line with two points at the right end to represent pinchers.
You don’t see a squared "C" on the right side? Ok well I can see how it could be considered both an F and a C. Maybe people thinking it was an F is what threw it off though.
Tick tock wtf
I have insinuated nothing. this off topic thread should live in the zodiac month time clock theory .. All of the above was discussed in there. I was only adding your link of Oppenheimer to the equation.. I am not sure why you have a bee in your bonnet. I take no credit for anything I don’t look for credit, nor need any or want any. If I have offended you I will apologize when I figure out how I did it. And 41 ..hey that’s a lot. So not sure What I stole just yet. Currently I am a thief with no booty it seems. Maybe my lack of social media skills is prevailing or a misinterpretation of your/mine/our communication skill sets
And the Larry thread has nothing to do with this. It has run its course. Take a copy and use what you need in another thread.
You don’t see a squared "C" on the right side? Ok well I can see how it could be considered both an F and a C. Maybe people thinking it was an F is what threw it off though.
I do see it – sure. It’s just that "squared C" isn’t the first thing which springs to mind when looking at it.
See, my problem is this: I can buy that he signed the missive with three symbols (one regular Z, the well known Z-symbol and this new representation of his name) – I have no trouble buying that, as such. But why didn’t he just opt for a regular, rounded C? Why the squared one, which makes it harder to get what he’s trying to say? If you’re right, this symbol isn’t some sort of elaborate clew pointing to…whatever (which so many have theorized about over the years). It’s just his name – again. But why opt for a new symbol which is considerably less intelligible than the two others? And why didn’t he just draw something like this:
That looks like a C. What he opted for looks more like an F – I think most people would agree with that. Now, he liked puzzles, but this isn’t really a puzzle – if you’re right. It’s just a signature.
As for astrology, I can’t comment on that. Do you believe that something astrological in nature compelled him to draw that symbol – that exact symbol – so that a squared (rather than a normal) C would have been absolutely necessary?
Ok, so I have compiled a set of brands for some of the more oddball characters Zodiac used in his ciphers. It is not comprehensive as I have not been able to get my hands on an earlier version of the brand books I am using, nor may they all be in brand books. I have always been of the mindset that the symbols are brands that were most likely in a personal, hand written brand book. This book was most likely made by someone in Zodiac’s personal life, such as a father/grandfather, etc…
Anywho….here are the brands:
And now the two that really did it for me.
Now I searched all over for this one because there are some with the "8" not touching the circle, which in the brand world is completely different from the "8" touching the circle as Z’s did….this was the only instance of it I could find.
And finally…..
Now we all know the one on the bottom as being Fred Harman’s brand, but the "bar" below never sat well with me since that would make it a completely different symbol. The one on top however is from another Ranch. This ranch also has a matching "K" brand associated with it the way Z drew it in his ciphers.
Now all of these alone would be quite odd to find in a single book to me since they are, for the most part, symbols only known to ranch branding. These were all in a 1938 Colorado Brand Book. The last symbol, from the Halloween card, was from the ranch of a man by the name of Bernard C. Killin. He also held a "K" brand at the same time. Killin is not my POI, but I think Z had some relation to Killin’s family, either by friendship, worked for them, or was somehow related to them. This would also give Z some kind of connection to Colorado.
As a side note, here is a bit about Killin:
Politically our subject has always unswervingly supported the principles of the Democratic party, and has frequently been called upon to serve in various official capacities. In 1873 he was elected sheriff of Douglas County, which at that time comprised Elbert and Douglas Counties, but when the division was made he resigned and was elected superintendent of schools in the former. He held that office for fourteen consecutive years, with the exception of 1884 and 1885, serving until 1892. Several times he has been elected justice of the peace, and was also appointed on the state board of stock inspectors by Governor Waite. Fraternally he is prominent, being the oldest and one of the best-informed Masons of Elbert County; he became a member of that order in February, following his twenty-first birthday, at Wauseen, Fulton County, Ohio, where he took three degrees. He has since taken the Scottish Rite, up to and including the thirty-second degree, being a member of Union Lodge No. 7, of Denver; Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.; Colorado Commandery K. T.; No. 1 El Jebel Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He is also a charter member of the Odd Fellow Lodge at Elbert, of which he has filled a number of the chairs; and a charter member of the Yeoman order, at Elizabeth, of which he is foreman. Mrs. Killin is a charter member and secretary of Lodge No. 29, W. R. C., of Elbert County, and is a member of the S. O. O. B. Society No. 1, of Denver, an auxiliary of the Knights Templar. Our subject is of genial disposition, a pleasant companion, and has many friends in the various communities in which he has lived.
But then there is also an even closer match to another brand for the Halloween card symbol…and that is from a different rancher altogether as well.
Thoughts anyone? I am sure you can see how this is driving me a bit nuts because I don’t have more time to look into all of them yet the matching is really quite ironic and I am unable to let go of believing Z’s ciphers are based on livestock brands.
The K and 8 are obvious if one has rose to that level in ZODIACS GAME ………IF YOU WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I have compiled a set of brands for some of the more oddball characters Zodiac used in his ciphers. It is not comprehensive as I have not been able to get my hands on an earlier version of the brand books I am using, nor may they all be in brand books. I have always been of the mindset that the symbols are brands that were most likely in a personal, hand written brand book. This book was most likely made by someone in Zodiac’s personal life, such as a father/grandfather, etc…
Anywho….here are the brands:
And now the two that really did it for me.
Now I searched all over for this one because there are some with the "8" not touching the circle, which in the brand world is completely different from the "8" touching the circle as Z’s did….this was the only instance of it I could find.
And finally…..
Now we all know the one on the bottom as being Fred Harman’s brand, but the "bar" below never sat well with me since that would make it a completely different symbol. The one on top however is from another Ranch. This ranch also has a matching "K" brand associated with it the way Z drew it in his ciphers.
Now all of these alone would be quite odd to find in a single book to me since they are, for the most part, symbols only known to ranch branding. These were all in a 1938 Colorado Brand Book. The last symbol, from the Halloween card, was from the ranch of a man by the name of Bernard C. Killin. He also held a "K" brand at the same time. Killin is not my POI, but I think Z had some relation to Killin’s family, either by friendship, worked for them, or was somehow related to them. This would also give Z some kind of connection to Colorado.
As a side note, here is a bit about Killin:
Politically our subject has always unswervingly supported the principles of the Democratic party, and has frequently been called upon to serve in various official capacities. In 1873 he was elected sheriff of Douglas County, which at that time comprised Elbert and Douglas Counties, but when the division was made he resigned and was elected superintendent of schools in the former. He held that office for fourteen consecutive years, with the exception of 1884 and 1885, serving until 1892. Several times he has been elected justice of the peace, and was also appointed on the state board of stock inspectors by Governor Waite. Fraternally he is prominent, being the oldest and one of the best-informed Masons of Elbert County; he became a member of that order in February, following his twenty-first birthday, at Wauseen, Fulton County, Ohio, where he took three degrees. He has since taken the Scottish Rite, up to and including the thirty-second degree, being a member of Union Lodge No. 7, of Denver; Chapter No. 2, R. A. M.; Colorado Commandery K. T.; No. 1 El Jebel Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He is also a charter member of the Odd Fellow Lodge at Elbert, of which he has filled a number of the chairs; and a charter member of the Yeoman order, at Elizabeth, of which he is foreman. Mrs. Killin is a charter member and secretary of Lodge No. 29, W. R. C., of Elbert County, and is a member of the S. O. O. B. Society No. 1, of Denver, an auxiliary of the Knights Templar. Our subject is of genial disposition, a pleasant companion, and has many friends in the various communities in which he has lived.
But then there is also an even closer match to another brand for the Halloween card symbol…and that is from a different rancher altogether as well.
Thoughts anyone? I am sure you can see how this is driving me a bit nuts because I don’t have more time to look into all of them yet the matching is really quite ironic and I am unable to let go of believing Z’s ciphers are based on livestock brands.
Can someone please learn how to decipher such obvious clues??????All you pro Blah Blah Blahs……..you have all failed miserably…..Whow mucho edumacacion?????Profailures?????Profilers?????AUSIPRO RULESSS!!!!IN SEARCH OF THE LOST
Zodiac counted the cows.
IF Zodiac had completely, entirely, exclusively made up all of the symbols he used in his ciphers.
(And I think he did)
Someone, somewhere, would find them all again. In a book. Or books. Or many sources. As we see here.
I don’t think it means a damned thing.
Circles, squares, triangles and letters are pretty basic things.
I don’t believe in monsters.
Yes, most, if not all, of the symbols he used are either basic ones which you’ll find in countless sources – or will greatly resemble symbols which it isn’t that hard to dig up.
The merit of the theory rests on what the OP calls "oddball" symbols, as far as I can see. If one can demonstrate that Z used several symbols which are not just geometric shapes (or similarly commonplace) and which are all used as brands – then that would be compelling, IMO. Not conclusive by any means, but genuinely compelling.
The standout brand is the Halloween symbol, as mentioned. Problem is – among other things – that it isn’t used in any of the ciphers.