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Symbols and letters 340 Key

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I don’t remember if it has already been said and noted, sorry, but , I remembered that the ciphers 408 and 340 , have 54 and 63 symbols respectively . Multiples of 9.
In the decoding in period 19 in the first two parts, the jumps between the symbols are 9, except for the errors in the second part, possibly in the author’s transcription.

Here, in numbers, the jump of symbols, from 9 to 9 in the first part of 17 columns and 9 rows. The counting is simple, 1…10…19, until the nineteenth (period 19 obviously), and starts again 2…11…20.
Basically what I want to say is that the 63 symbols bring in themselves the number 9 as a clue, or did, because the team deciphered the code




         1    10	19	28	37	46	55	64	73	82	91	100	109	118	127	 136 145
	137	146	2	11	20	29	38	47	56	65	74	83	92	101	110	119	128
	120	129	138	147	3	12	21	30	39	48	57	66	75	84	93	102	111
	103	112	121	130	139	148	4	13	22	31	40	49	58	67	76	85	94
	86	95	104	113	122	131	140	149	5	14	23	32	41	50	59	68	77
	69	78	87	96	105	114	123	132	141	150	6	15	24	33	42	51	60
	52	61	70	79	88	97	106	115	124	133	142	151	7	16	25	34	43
	35	44	53	62	71	80	89	98	107	116	125	134	143	152	8º	17	26
	18	27	36	45	54	63	72	81	90	99	108	117	126	135	144	153	9


Posted : March 31, 2022 6:09 pm
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Posted by: @marcelo-leandro


The name “HOLT” appears in the plain text of the z408 mirror, in one segment when read in period 19 (the path used for decoding the z340), perhaps a reference to Tim Holt, which was linked in the wonderful topic. https://forum.zodiackillerciphers.com/community/10-27-70-halloween-card-sent-to-paul-avery/found-it-by-fire-by-gun-by-knife-by-rope/


Some time ago I posted something about the 408 cipher in columns in which FIRE, GUN appear diagonally, as well as the word EGYPT, in a way, appears in a similar reading to period 19.



I did the trasnposition of the text of the first 12 lines of z408 in columns ( keeping the dimensions of 17 columns ) , curiously , the name “HOLT” appears too .
(I marked some interesting words)
Sharing .




Posted : April 22, 2022 6:44 pm
Posts: 17
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Posted by: @marcelo-leandro

I did the trasnposition of the text of the first 12 lines of z408 in columns ( keeping the dimensions of 17 columns ) , curiously , the name “HOLT” appears too .
(I marked some interesting words)
Sharing .



@marcelo-leandro Interesting finds. Maybe I’ve just been staring at z13 for too long but the pattern below the word “SING” in the transposed cipher also stood out to me:




z13 for reference:


I wonder if the 3 circled 8s in z13 are a reference to the 3 sections of 8 lines each in the z408.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by jay
Posted : April 24, 2022 11:39 am
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Interesting observations !
Look at the section you highlighted


(Z13: AEN——-NAM)

See that in the plain text of the 408, you can read NAME, formed from the fragment “because man”, reading from bottom to top. reading from bottom to top

It is plausible that the “3 circles of 8” refers to the 408 in its three sections .
thanks for the great observations


Posted : April 24, 2022 5:04 pm
jay, jay and jay reacted
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Posted by: @marcelo-leandro


Interesting observations !
Look at the section you highlighted


(Z13: AEN——-NAM)

See that in the plain text of the 408, you can read NAME, formed from the fragment “because man”, reading from bottom to top. reading from bottom to top

It is plausible that the “3 circles of 8” refers to the 408 in its three sections .
thanks for the great observations

Yes, good point about “NAME”! And thanks for adding the image by the way; it makes it much easier to see the pattern. If we allow reading words in reverse (as in the accepted z340 solution), we also have “IS” under “NAME”; i.e. “NAME IS”.

Posted : May 4, 2022 8:50 pm
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Hello ,
Hope everyone had a great new year !!!

Sharing something not very relevant, but curious.
I noticed that when we mirror the Z 408, the last name “POE” (from Edgar Allan Poe) appears, in the first line, and also in diagonal reading in period 19, which as we know is the reading used brilliantly by the guys to break the Z 340.
Whether this was a hint or not, we have no way of ever knowing.



Posted : January 7, 2023 5:08 am
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I don’t know if I’ve already posted something about , but here we go.
We have the final frequency of the Z408 , with 18 letters.
EBEORIETEMETHHPITI, which , at least until today, has not been some sense or more solid solution .

We have Z 13 (my name is)
with 13 symbols

Using the keys of the Z408 and Z 340 in the common symbols in the Z 13, we have 18 letters (4 symbols of the z13 were not used in the z408 and z340 cyphers)

i.e. something like this:

Together and without space:




In common , discarding the symbols without solution , we have in common
Both have 18 letters of length
Both have 09 vowels and 09 consonants
Both have 05 letter E


Posted : February 7, 2023 6:46 pm
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Nothing relevant per se , but I always share .
Regarding the Z13 again ,
I observed that, except for the symbols that have no key that is derived from the decoding of z408 and z 340, because they are not present in both, we have 18 letters, and we have in Z 13, 8 alphabetic symbols, having therefore, 26 letters of length if joined, the size of the alphabet and the double of the z13 code, which as we know, by “coincidence” begins with the symbol A and ends in N (AbcdefghijklM)
let’s see:

 A  b  c  d    e  f   g  h   i   j  k l    M








Posted : February 12, 2023 5:12 pm
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Posted by: @marcelo-leandro


Wow , very interesting study ,tank u !!! ? 

Yes, indeed, there is no way to know, without a deeper mathematical study, how much this phenomenon “QWERTY” is coincidence or something intentional, really, this escapes my capacity to analyze.

Well, I guess you must have seen my other posts in the old community (alias the new site is beautiful, magnificent).

For example
(Observe the image)


The code Z13

Observe the image
Note that, the keys 408 and 340, given the beginning of the first symbols, have adjacent keyboards (and to the left, like the position of the letters on a typewriter keyboard.

But yes, this may just be “noise” and not necessarily a pattern.





Digging up this old post .
The ‘QWERTY pattern’, typewriter.

I noticed that the symbols, in a symmetrical way on the Z 13
NKMN , too, are neighbors on the typewriter keyboard .




Posted : February 13, 2023 8:04 pm
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What sad news! (Morf is removing his Zodiac forum)
It was here (or at the old board)that the boys met and exchanged ideas that resulted in the 340 solution.
It’s a lot of interesting and historical material around the subject.
But , I understand the reasons . In a way I will no longer interact on the subject , face that I do not frequent other boards .

It was nice, hug to all


Posted : April 14, 2023 8:28 pm
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In my researches to possible sub texts in the ciphers of the zodiac, I found interesting, and curious, the word “WANK” diagonally, just in the segment of the message, of sexual connotation, “IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF WITH A GIRL”.
It appears next to “FIRE” diagonally.
I made a simple transposition in columns , keeping the dimension of 17 columns and 24 rows .

Interesting that , “get your rocks off” , according to Cambridge, means , “to have an orgasm”.

Today , for sure , zodiac , would be what we know as INCEL, or Red Pill



Posted : August 13, 2023 7:28 pm
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