Good info Dave! Your assignment is to lock yourself in a room with a bunch of these guys, pull an all nighter,and brainstorm until you guys crack the 340
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Yes. Good, No mention of probable filler in the 340 though?
And, apropos of nothing at all…. You’re someone who mis-spells things, especially doubles, you have access to a dictionary, encrypting a message takes time and care, you know you need to disguise doubles – and yet there it is – "forrest".
Excuse me. Off-topic. As you were.
I have no wrath. I might, secretly, behind your back, point fingers at you and make funny faces and ask my friends why you are trying to make sense out of gibberish.
But really, I wouldn’t do that either!
We all waste our time away in different ways.
I don’t believe in monsters.