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Zodiac identified…..
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Zodiac identified… 😀

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Hi all,

I think I identified Z, but don’t worry as there still is the cipher to crack.. ;)

Zodiac’s name is ‘Paul’. In his 7/19/78 letter starting with ‘I am in control of..’, Z claims

I have my name on the bottom of the lid with the scotch tape

Well, at that time – no matter if metal tape or not – scotch tape might still have been sold like this:

On the ‘bottom of the lid‘ is indeed written a name – Paul. Not enough? Darlene Ferrin had mentioned a ‘Paul’ being the guy she had seen murdering someone. Police had searched for this ‘Paul’, however could never locate him. This somehow confirms the theory that Z had given his name in connection with the scotch tape as mentioned.

http://www.crimezzz.net/serialkillers/Z … killer.php

Please, don’t bash me too hard on this..any suspects named Paul? Here is a so far unrelated extract of the 1966 yearbook of Ramona High..



Posted : July 12, 2013 1:35 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

The letter mentions friction tape, not scotch tape.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 12, 2013 3:35 pm
Posts: 7527
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By the way, I have a 1970 Vallejo directory, and there is no Paul Whitcomb listed in it. If you are interested in pursuing the friction tape/chess set angle, I do know of a guy that looked similar to the z sketch and was heavily involved in chess bouncing around CA, he even has a chess event named after him in Riverside.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 12, 2013 3:42 pm
Posts: 367
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The only suspect called Paul that leaps to mind is the Vallejo cop named Paul Petri.

Posted : July 12, 2013 5:28 pm
Posts: 5315
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Wasn’t "Paul" a pseudonym used by Graysmith?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 12, 2013 10:23 pm
Posts: 2598
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By the way, I have a 1970 Vallejo directory, and there is no Paul Whitcomb listed in it. If you are interested in pursuing the friction tape/chess set angle, I do know of a guy that looked similar to the z sketch and was heavily involved in chess bouncing around CA, he even has a chess event named after him in Riverside.

Interesting…pm possible? Haven’t seen the letter online, is it accessible somewhere? As far as I know the letter mentioned both.. Thx

And have read somewhere that its typewritten…

QT – The Z identifier ;/

Honestly, away with the jokes..if the letter mentions friction tape, later scotch, then bottom of the lid..no other name’d be possible, would it?



Posted : July 12, 2013 10:34 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member


The man, well, boy in this pic is similar to the mystery man seen in Dee Ferrin’s photo. I don’t know, but sometimes it seems that all one needs to be a suspect is horn rimmed glasses, lol. I mean I say this with total respect for anyone’s posts and ideas and mea no offence but the one thing that people seem to easily overlook in the Zodiac description is the consistent weight and/or build. Mike Mageau: He (shooter) was Heavy Set. Bryan Hartnell: Stout, he looked kinda heavy. Don Fouke: Medium to Heavy build – Barrel Chested.

And there are two schools of thought as to age range. Some have the opinion he was younger, mid 20’s to early 30’s, while others think he was older, mid 30’s to mid 40’s. The facts are that the people who described Z as young, possibly in his 20’s all did so from voice recognition alone, with Mageau being the exception yet Mageau’s first reply to two questions in the first interview were as follows: RO: ‘Do you know who shot you?’ Mageau: ‘No’. RO: RO then asked Mageau to give a description of shooter and Mageau replied ‘I Can’t’.

The people who actually saw Zodiac’s face without having had a torch shone in their eyes half blinding them, or weren’t looking at him wearing a hood, but actually got a clear, unobstructed look at him described him as older, 35-45.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 13, 2013 4:35 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

By the way, I have a 1970 Vallejo directory, and there is no Paul Whitcomb listed in it. If you are interested in pursuing the friction tape/chess set angle, I do know of a guy that looked similar to the z sketch and was heavily involved in chess bouncing around CA, he even has a chess event named after him in Riverside.

Interesting…pm possible? Haven’t seen the letter online, is it accessible somewhere? As far as I know the letter mentioned both.. Thx

And have read somewhere that its typewritten…

QT – The Z identifier ;/

Honestly, away with the jokes..if the letter mentions friction tape, later scotch, then bottom of the lid..no other name’d be possible, would it?


I seem to recall seeing it, maybe in the Graysmith book? Cant remember. Will look for a copy of it,I think it was typed, not handwritten. Chris Y has a nice writeup on his site-

I will PM you the name of the guy from Ramona HS, that was heavily involved in chess, and had a chess event named after him in Riverside.

Here’s an old discussion (some posts)between you and I:

CJB, here fourth in the first row, Lee Corbin with wavy dark hair wearing glasses two rows behind her

All names mentioned simply for better picture description, not necessarily connected to the case.
http://www.classmates.com/yearbooks/Ram … Term=Bates


morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac – identifiable? Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:51 am

You are heading down a dark road if you are looking at people just bcause they are wearing glasses. Lots of dead ends!

By the way, one of the names you mentioned above,I previously looked into,(wont say which one)NOT because he wore glasses,but because he lived in the SF bay area. In addition, he was a major chess player,heavily involved and even had a chess league or event named after him in the Riverside area. In one possible zodiac letter, the writer mentions that he has ‘friction tape,and chess boards all over california". Thats why I was originally interested in this guy. He did in fact look the sketch to boot,but I have his writing samples,and they look nothing like Zodiac’s

Here’s more on him:

The Riverside Youth Chess Association developed out of Riverside Rotary Club’s chess program at Bryant Elementary School and Association Representative Greg Taber’s chess program at Alcott Elementary School. The school clubs joined with Linda Smith’s citywide scholastic tournament, offered at Sierra Middle School as the “Lee Corbin Scholastic Chess Tournament.” The Riverside Rotary Club, along with others, now sponsor two tournaments as “Riverside Rotary Club’s Chess Tournaments.” A new development this year is a pair of day-long Chess Camps, fall and spring, for students to learn chess skills and get ready for tournament play. The Riverside Youth Chess Association also sponsors a U.S. Chess Federation Rated tournament in the spring, for students who are ready to gain national rating points. The R.Y.C.A. officially formed as a non-profit group, working through the Riverside Rotary Club in Spring 2002, with a mission to “use the game of chess to enrich lives of the youth of Inland Southern California

Again, I have seen this guy’s writing,and it does not look at all like Zodiac’s

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 13, 2013 7:24 am
Posts: 2598
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Well..maybe his name is Paul Bishop?

Paul G Bishop Jr
(Age 60-64)
Belvedere St
San Francisco, CA

is one of those living in SF..

There was one in Vallejo, however age data seems to be old or wrong. Cathy Sue Pethel lived around the corner at 1800 Oak Street, died about one month before the exorcist letter.

There also is a Bishop Rock scuba diving area..

http://www.surfacewatch.com/divesites/n … -rock.html



Posted : July 13, 2013 9:40 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

You are heading down a dark road if you are looking at people just bcause they are wearing glasses. Lots of dead ends!

….and blind alleys.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : July 13, 2013 7:17 pm
Posts: 2598
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Or dark alleys…well nobody would pick a guy just because of his glasses. But the hint with the scotch tape, bottom on the lid, name ‘Paul’ present there, makes me thinking.

The chess hint could in fact be some Bishop stuff, it indeed was speculated that Z’s motivation is mainly a religious one..

Was there any Bishop named ‘Paul…’ in the Riverside/Vallejo/Walnut Creek etc. area?



Posted : July 13, 2013 8:49 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

I honestly don’t remember Darlene or anyone ever using the name "Paul".

Can you refresh my memory?

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 13, 2013 9:30 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Ther’e s a PAUL P. I think in an unredacted report

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 14, 2013 12:40 am
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Notes: Toward a Preliminary reconstruction. (This is put forth in this forum as an effort to move from the rutted paths we all can fall
into during our researches. It does not imply there must have been a specific template for the Z attacks. It does represent an effort to
get away from those rutted pathways)

Z attacks as homage? Factual antecedent? (must finish Edward Ball ‘s recent book, Inventor & Tycoon.) Muybridge. Q: Accused murderer acquitted by jury? A: Yes. (Ibid, E. Ball, 2013) Q: What sort of legal defense?

Q: Stine’s shirt stained with blood? A: Yes.
Q: Didn’t Muybridge invent some kind of wash. machine? A: Yes. (Ibid, E. Ball, 2013)

Parallels with EJM and Zodiac:

Alter Egos
Helios (see Ball) Zodiac (see R. Graysmith)

Courtship of Flora at Calistoga, Fall, 1869 / Beryessa, Hartnell & Sheppard stabbed, 9/69
(Ibid,Ball) (Oddity: Z. Claims he is an escapee from
Montana–this when, San Quentin is much, much
Apology to Morf:There was a
palm print lifted from phone booth in LB attack.
(Ibid., Graysmith)

Murder of Larkyn by EJM, October 17th / (Ibid, Ball) Paul Stine, Oct. 11, 1969 (see Graysmith)

Indictment of EJM for Larkyn, December 14th (Ibid.,Ball) Faraday & Jensen, Shot, December 20, 1968

San Francisco Chronicle / San Francisco Chronicle (n.b. "Excessive postage on letters reference to telegraphic procedure?)

EJM Stereographic self-portrait as Charon / Reference to "paradice" (sic) , afterlife
(Ibid, Ball)
EJM Panoramic views of SF / Reference to Mt. Diablo world’s largest
[ i]viewshed (false?)

EJM development of zoepraxiscope / Z’s Repeated ref. to animation, films, visual signs, etc.

EJM self-portrait as "Chinaman" / Z’s reference to KoKo (Mikado) (see Graysmith)

13 letters: zoepraxiscope. 8 letters: zodiacal/zoetrope. by ‘rope,

by fire (light)(flash) light, bulb ?

by knife edit, splice (film)

by gun : refers to Stebbin automatic camera sight? Inventor Etienne-Jules Marey’s (1830-1904) "photo-gun"?
(Ibid, E. Ball)

Polysemy. Person. Place. thing.

General Vallejo. Street. Township

Telegraphist. Telegraph Hill. Telegraphy "Distant-Writing" (See website distantwriting.com.uk. [In memoriam Steve Roberts1950-2012])
Camera Obscura. SF Landmark. Optical Device.

Photographer. Selleck’s Photo Gallery (Montgomery Street). Photography "Light-Writing."
(Ibid. E. Ball)
Film group. Camera Obscura(Montgomery Street).

Remain baffled by "undecoded" letters EBEORIETEMETHHPITI. (Following principle of "topsy-turvey" )
If reversed, though, broken down into pairs, do they reveal (Marconi) wireless telegraphic, 1910 pre-government regulated call letter pairs, among other things? If so, Point Reyes, British Columbia, and Alaska, etc. is Z retracing Muybridge visitations? EJM after all photographed 23 lighthouses including (Punta de Los Reyes), and went to all those sites? (SF attorney Bart Lee has done much historical writing upon radio in Pacific Northwest. [caveat: If one is not a radio buff, it will be as lively as a visit to a mortuary])

N. CA (N.B. Greysmith claims Z. never abbreviates California? Same Latitude: Calistoga. Berryessa. Sacramento. (Gov.
Leland Stanford mansion, and EJM patron (Ibid, Ball)
"Elliptical billiard balls" "most crooked street in US?" Gilbert & Sullivan Baudot telegraph in Japan contemporary w/Mikado setting-1870s-80s.

Cinema. Cinematography. Z340. Edison MonkeyshinesSymbols run at x fps?
Crude, but effective animation? Eyes, which seem to be lunar phases. (Muybridge, too is fascinated by moon images.) note: V and Inverted V / U "lids" . Recall Edgerton experiments : when letters are spun, then photographed stroboscopically, they appear stationary. Following this reasoning then, …..

If this can be tested, it may indicate the use of, or at least, access to a film editing machine.

[added 2/1/14 My own efforts on zoetrope, a toy really, have proved inconclusive. At present, have no computer, or scanner to place images, in series, at contant speed.]

Posted : July 14, 2013 2:33 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Ther’e s a PAUL P. I think in an unredacted report

Yes…I am aware of him, but I’m talking about QT’s comment:

"Darlene Ferrin had mentioned a ‘Paul’ being the guy she had seen murdering someone. Police had searched for this ‘Paul’, however could never locate him."

I am wondering where in the police reports this is stated.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 14, 2013 8:50 am
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