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Pierre Bidou

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I get a kick out of Bidou suddenly being the expert on LHR. I guess most everyone else has died. Did he say on Aphrodite Jones that Faraday was "still in the car?" I’d love to see the date and time for the drug bust he did at the Lake Herman Cottage. He makes it sound as if he rolled past the scene just before things happened and there was no car there. His story doesn’t fit in with what anyone else said about that night. Maybe he was so busy with the pot they had confiscated that he didn’t notice a car?

LL tells a story about Bidou. He said that there was a crime that was committed in or around a car. Benicia took custody of the vehicle and Bidou supposedly searched it. When he returned the car to the owners, he had missed a huge machete or knife that was wedged next to the door and also a watch that was hanging on the PRNDL shift on the steering column.

What about interviewing Wayne Waterman? He was there and is younger than Bidou. I think he still lives in the area. He had some interesting observations about Benecia”s handling of the crime scene that night.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : June 17, 2013 10:17 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

I don’t know whether it’s a mistake I am making but I cannot get my head around Bidou’s account of that night. He’s made, what for the time was a major drugs bust..(his words) as was en-route to the station to log it in to evidence. Listening to him you get the impression that this was big deal and they were travelling directly to Benicia HQ…they even took a short cut (most likely reservoir Road). He claims they passed the scene and was adamant there was nobody there.
Regardless of that, the rest of the timing does not make sense. He claims as they pulled into the car park (station) word came over the radio and they turned around immediately and returned to LHR. If you go back over the timing, that message came close to 11:30. Borges came across other officers at 11:20 or 25, they relayed back to headquarters 11:25/28 and the dispatcher relayed on to all 28/30. (Apologies too lazy to go back again and get exact times but I’m not far out)

Here’s what I don’t get…. from LHR to benecia HQ via Reservoir Road is 3.9 miles. From LHR to Benecia HQ… long route…is 7 miles. We know for certain that the victims were at the scene by 11.05. Ergo, if Bidou passed and the victims were not there, it must have been before 11:05. If so, how come it would take Bidou the best part of 30 minutes to travel such a short distance? especially in the circumstances! In fact regardless what way we cut it, his timing doesnt tally with the victims not being there.
Yet we have them back at the scene so soon that Bidou claims he was the one examining the victims on the ground. Does it not also seem strange (maybe not) that having arrived at the station they would not at least check in the evidence before returning. I accept that last statement is debatable but overall, Bidou gives the impression that his drugs bust was a big deal at the time and they were doing all they could to get to the station ASAP

Posted : June 18, 2013 2:12 am
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator


I get a kick out of Bidou suddenly being the expert on LHR. I guess most everyone else has died. Did he say on Aphrodite Jones that Faraday was "still in the car?" I’d love to see the date and time for the drug bust he did at the Lake Herman Cottage. He makes it sound as if he rolled past the scene just before things happened and there was no car there. His story doesn’t fit in with what anyone else said about that night. Maybe he was so busy with the pot they had confiscated that he didn’t notice a car?

LL tells a story about Bidou. He said that there was a crime that was committed in or around a car. Benicia took custody of the vehicle and Bidou supposedly searched it. When he returned the car to the owners, he had missed a huge machete or knife that was wedged next to the door and also a watch that was hanging on the PRNDL shift on the steering column.

What about interviewing Wayne Waterman? He was there and is younger than Bidou. I think he still lives in the area. He had some interesting observations about Benecia”s handling of the crime scene that night.


I think interviewing Wayne Watterman is a great idea. Try to talk to as many people that are still around to learn as much as possible. Not alot on the net about him, Hmmm last name is a water sign.
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q= … 3778,d.cGE

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : June 18, 2013 2:14 am
Posts: 1588
Member Moderator

I don’t know whether it’s a mistake I am making but I cannot get my head around Bidou’s account of that night. He’s made, what for the time was a major drugs bust..(his words) as was en-route to the station to log it in to evidence. Listening to him you get the impression that this was big deal and they were travelling directly to Benicia HQ…they even took a short cut (most likely reservoir Road). He claims they passed the scene and was adamant there was nobody there.
Regardless of that, the rest of the timing does not make sense. He claims as they pulled into the car park (station) word came over the radio and they turned around immediately and returned to LHR. If you go back over the timing, that message came close to 11:30. Borges came across other officers at 11:20 or 25, they relayed back to headquarters 11:25/28 and the dispatcher relayed on to all 28/30. (Apologies too lazy to go back again and get exact times but I’m not far out)

Here’s what I don’t get…. from LHR to benecia HQ via Reservoir Road is 3.9 miles. From LHR to Benecia HQ… long route…is 7 miles. We know for certain that the victims were at the scene by 11.05. Ergo, if Bidou passed and the victims were not there, it must have been before 11:05. If so, how come it would take Bidou the best part of 30 minutes to travel such a short distance? especially in the circumstances! In fact regardless what way we cut it, his timing doesnt tally with the victims not being there.
Yet we have them back at the scene so soon that Bidou claims he was the one examining the victims on the ground. Does it not also seem strange (maybe not) that having arrived at the station they would not at least check in the evidence before returning. I accept that last statement is debatable but overall, Bidou gives the impression that his drugs bust was a big deal at the time and they were doing all they could to get to the station ASAP

Everything about that crime scene seems strange. Good post Wier!

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : June 18, 2013 2:18 am
Posts: 838
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I am not going to get too deep into the timing aspect of the put bust/murders. But I will venture to guess that for a small time force like Benicia, the opportunity to see two actual 187’s would override any other considerations, including a pound of marijuana, which was not going anywhere at any rate and could always be brought to the evidence room.

I was reading on, I think, the Benicia newspaper’s message board, a post by a relative of Dan Pitta reminding everyone that Bidou was not the first police official on the scene that night. He undoubtedly arrived at some point before the ambulance arrived (unless his account is not truthful) but I could sense that Pitta’s relatives felt they had to set the record straight lest Bidou push Pitta aside as the first responder. And after all, look who wrote the reports for Lundblad’s investigation–Pitta, not Bidou!


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : June 18, 2013 6:42 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

Regardless of timing, the actual times recorded in the police reports and Bidou’s own comments do paint a picture. These murders were not confirmed as 187’s until the first officers on the scene did so. This message was relayed to HQ and the dispatcher relayed to all at 11:28. This was the message Bidou responded to, which puts him at Benicia HQ after the first officers arrived at the scene.
His own words again…that they had just passed the crime scene minutes earlier, just does not seems correct in the circumstances. It implies what it implies and does not seems possible that there was no car there at that time. On the flip side the longer that time is, the more confusion there is, given the amount of reasonable time it would take Bidou to reach headquarters. Especially when he later has himself back at LHR so quickly.
I also wonder about the drugs bust and who was arrested….did they have this person in the car or was there another unit who took this person into custody?
perhaps there’s other officers out there who could be traced for comment about that night.

Posted : June 19, 2013 2:52 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

No doubt, Bidou’s account completely doesn’t add up. No way he went by the crime scene when he claims he did

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 19, 2013 3:06 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

He wasn’t alone.

The cottage WAS on the other side of the crime scene so we know they would have had to drive by. We know they were at both crime scenes in a given amount of time. This case throws out so many crazy curves…

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 19, 2013 7:25 pm