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Zodiac symbols related to astrology?

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I am sure this has been covered already, if so, anybody familiar with this?

Some of these look like cipher symbols, and obviously #10 looks like the crosshairs symbol, found at:

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 21, 2013 3:40 am
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Well… these are obviously the planetary symbols- #6 representing the Earth and #10 presumably representing the Zodiac or path through which the planets travel in the sky. I honestly think it’s surprising that someone who calls himself Zodiac and used the astrological symbol for the Zodiac as his personal symbol really DIDN’T use any symbols that were undeniably related to astrology.

We have the #6 circle/dot combo which represents Earth but could just as easily be simply a geometric symbol as well (Z used dotted triangles and squares as well as all kinds of variations of circles, triangles and squares). We have his personal circle/cross symbol, which has about a million other symbolic meanings having nothing to do with astrology. And we have what appears to be an upside-down Aries symbol, which could be just a variation of the anchor-like symbol used in the 408 and 340.

That’s it… Out of hundreds of symbols used, only three really even have any conceiveable relation to astrology and none have any direct relationship. Z could have used any of those other nifty planetary symbols that have a direct "Zodiac" association but didn’t. Not exactly sure what that means but perhaps it’s an indication that astrology wasn’t necessarily his "thing"?

Posted : June 21, 2013 1:11 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

I’d also note that in none of his known communications did Zodiac ever use {Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto}

Nor did he ever use {Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo}


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : June 21, 2013 1:32 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Always liked the look of these Etruscan symbols, especially in light of the Bates letters and Halloween Card
Reversed K and palm of hand.

Posted : June 22, 2013 12:40 pm
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

What does he do, this man you seek?-Dr. Hannibal Lecter

Morf, thanks for your posting about about the symbols. Wow! How lucky was Z to live in the "Age of Aquarius"!" OK, I am needling you but no I do not think so. Nor do I think the symbols the person known as Z utilized are necessarily well known or handy, like astrological ones. But, specific, if somewhat obscure ones. (Note to poster above: thanks for the information on ancient scripts, I harbor an interest in that subject, but I don’t believe, on the basis of the extant evidence, it could be entirely random, historic or pre-historic images, but deliberately and methodically culled from(more than likely)more than one [visual source; *Added 9/6/13. Paging through a geography text from the late 1960s, Maps and Diagrams, for example, revealed an entire chart of all sorts
of symbols that could have been employed by the Zodiac. (Z, repeatedly demonstrated, to contemporary codebreakers at the FBI and NSA, at least, his skill in this somewhat arcane area), and thus, I dissent from Graysmith on this point. This would follow logically, does it not, if more than one optical device was used? Device number one would be an(Inverted image)optical projection device and? And….? Still, the relevant question remains: what sources? Also, while substitution schemes can be cracked from time to time, like the recent one of the religious dissident Roger Williams’ code, eventually unraveled by a student undergraduate at Brown, I have a hunch, just a non-expert, hunch there is no-one-to-one mapping here. (I readily admit I could be wrong. But, there you have it.)

Have returned from upstate (NY), having seen a large and interesting variety of predigital, photographic film cameras at Eastman house museum, extending fairly far into the last century or so. It may also be interesting to note cameras, like guns, especially on some of these very early varieties, had sights, not entirely dissimilar from those on guns, particularly one called a Stebbin (sic) automatic camera, was particularly suggestive. Z’s mention of specific things in his communications must mean either something….. or nothing. For example, the mention of the Beatles, film animation Yellow Submarine, music, and so on might reflect certain recurrent interests, and not necessarily deceptions as put forward by a few discussants. (EX: The Beatles ’64 LP cover HELP!, has the Fab Four extending their limbs in a particular form of communication[yes, semaphore)], the word "Beat" of course, can refer to more than one, but coherent, sensible, and possibly relevant things, the "Beats" of SF (and NY), musical beats, etc. )and so on. I suppose one must consider the divide between those who believe in coincidences, or a set of hypotheses (AKA DuhemQuine thesis )that are either correct, or not.

Posted : July 3, 2013 12:21 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

What if Zodiac was an Aries, and the fact that left out every other symbol besides the Zodiac symbol itself, is a clue?

Posted : July 3, 2013 4:06 am