Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: February 24, 2019 9:27 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 20
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

Was Lorraine Degroat ever contacted and shown a photo lineup? I actually did attempt to call her and inquire, but to no avail. I would like to attempt…

4 years ago
Re: Unsolved murders in Riverside and surrounding areas

But Z didn’t hide his victims, it was his purpose that the whole world could see his "work". Was the victim raped? If yes, to me that would …

5 years ago
Re: Unsolved murders in Riverside and surrounding areas

Extract from excel file: Unknown female 19 female Los Angeles / Riverside College students (University of California Riverside) A nineteen-year-old U…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

There is another POI was working at the Riverside library at the time. viewtopic.php?f=107&t=4108 I have no problem at with the possibility that …

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

Regarding the ‘incident’ described by ‘DeGroat’: The timing of it is quite nice…about half an hour before the murder had happened (same day?). A bl…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

There is another POI was working at the Riverside library at the time. viewtopic.php?f=107&t=4108 I have no problem at with the possibility that …

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

Your post was actually valuable, refreshing, but imo no need to connect it to Ross. Plenty of guys had crew-cut, horn-rimmed glasses that time. I wou…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

Not at all. Actually I am sitting in Budapest in front of my computer with my lovely dog, ready to go to sleep. Really, no intention to direct to you …

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

Regarding the ‘incident’ described by ‘DeGroat’: The timing of it is quite nice…about half an hour before the murder had happened (same day?). A bl…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

I agree. I’m for contacting her and putting a photo lineup in front of her if she’s willing. It needs to not just be photos of Ross. Absolutely. Pe…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

On the one hand her apparent job description would appear to make her a more credible witness. But why is her job so vaguely described in the article?…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

On the one hand her apparent job description would appear to make her a more credible witness. But why is her job so vaguely described in the article?…

6 years ago
Re: Descriptions by Riverside librarian and Lorrain DeGroat

This is a pretty interesting. The stranger’s story has some similarity to how The Most Dangerous Game begins. I too would be interested in a photo l…

6 years ago
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