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Zodiac Message in a bottle?

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From the 5/11/73 Modesto bee

I tried to obtain a copy of this letter from both police and the FBI, but had no luck. It was found in May 1973,but had been dated Feb 2, 1973

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : March 29, 2013 8:04 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

This is most interesting to me!

Is there any way to determine if this had been thrown into the Pacific Ocean at Corona del Mar, CA on the date mentioned that currents could have carried it to the location found and that date?

Thanks so much for any efforts you can make re. this!

Posted : March 8, 2019 12:55 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Paradise Point. :shock:

Posted : March 8, 2019 1:10 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Wonder what Z had actually referred to ("The war is over".."Save the world"). Vietnam?



Posted : March 8, 2019 1:13 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Considering the dataes, I would certainly think he was referring to Viet Nam when he said "the war is over" as that is the war that had been going on.

My question about the bottle remains. Is there any way to determine if it could have been thrown the ocean at Corona del Mar and then traveled that far to arrive at the place and date found?

Or, could it simply have been thrown where it was found?

Posted : March 8, 2019 5:32 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Corona del Mar is too far away, imo. Even if it had been transported North over three months it had been smashed / caught at some rocks on its way (North and East at the same time).

It could have been thrown in at Vallejo area or Antioch, e.g. Antioch bridge, then over a period of three months, been transported East by the regular trade wind (mostly coming from the West).



Posted : March 8, 2019 1:13 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Wonder what Z had actually referred to ("The war is over".."Save the world"). Vietnam?


Thinking of the fact that Zodiac also used the phrase "Happy Xmass" maybe this:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Xmas_(War_Is_Over )

John Lennon – Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Released 1 December 1971

December 1969 as a protest to the Vietnam war.
Billboards said "The War is over….if you want it! Happy Christmas John and Yoko".
They later released the song titled "Happy Xmas".

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : March 9, 2019 7:10 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

"War is over" – roe v wade decision past january 22 1973 (letter dated Feb 2 1973)

"and going to kill a baby" The war was lost.

Harvey Colliver was at war against abortion, no one can read his documents and say otherwise. He explicitly states that he must become like them (a murderer) to understand them (abortion and murder are one and the same to harvey).

Of course it will be disputed if it really was the zodiac letter or not, But who ever wrote it clearly is speaking about Roe V Wade.

The threats against school children in a bus is a analogy used by the zodiac to teach. The whole of california was scared about the welfare of children riding in a bus, but what about the child riding in the womb? He shows this by utterly dismissing the notion that he would harm a child in later writings.

Targeting of teens in "lovers lanes" well that’s another hint that the zodiac was trying to teach something very specific.

All of this connects with everything i have ever learnt or read about harvey colliver.

He was near Lompoc (taught at santa maria) and probably driving south towards home on the same highway on the same day of the domingos murders. He was a teacher, students skip school he goes home.

It is possible that he was in riverside in late 66 – but irrelevant.

We have found a picture of his car with bald mismatched sized tires (highly likely dated mid 69) that seem to correlate to the LB tire tracks found at crime scene.

He was looking for investment property between 70-72, he is near lake tahoe during this period.

At one point he returns back from reno nevada after a (2 day trip) the same day the "my name is" letter is sent.

Then 8 days later the "dragon card" is sent which has imagery that has a strong connection with cards sold in the state of nevada.

His relationship with his partner seemingly breaks down temporarily days prior to the kathleen johns incident – who states the vehicle had a lot of writing on pieces of paper (what you’d expect from harvey) and kids clothing around the age of 12 – his daughter cheri is aged (11 or 12 that year)

Zodiac like symbols found in his documents circa 68-69

basically a rational to his murders found in his documents.

Physiologist states she could see him "shooting random people in public"

His ex wife states he is a murderer and implies multiple victims.

owned same caliber guns that were used.

im just saying :shock:

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : March 9, 2019 8:36 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member


Posted : March 11, 2019 3:05 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

@Foreigner – very good find…Z was music oriented..

Z = Culliver? Donno…just his wife claiming him to be a murderer? Reno, Lake Tahoe etc..many people have been there. Many murderers out there, too. Him shooting people at daylight outdoors actually doesn’t make him Z, yet. Z was not the only a..hole out there.

IF Z had killed a baby:

Tracy Lynn Davenport? Tracy was never found.

Tracy was last seen leaving on her way to school on April 27, 1973. She lived at the ‘Bermuda Palms’ motel (now a ‘Motel 6’) in the 700 block of east San Francisco Boulevard. She was a kindergarten student at Bahia Vista School. Tracy left home at 11:00 a.m. to walk to school. She never arrived. Her family didn’t realize she was missing until evening, when she didn’t come home from school. They reported her disappearance to police the next day. Tracy lived with her grandparents and other relatives at the time of her disappearance; her parents were separated. Little evidence is available in her case. A witness reported seeing a dark green or black car following Tracy as she walked on Canal Street, but investigators have never been able to prove she was abducted and they have no suspects or persons of interest in her case. In 2009, police searched a crawl space at the motel where Tracy lived in response to longstanding rumors that her body was buried there. The search didn’t uncover any evidence and Tracy’s disappearance remains unsolved.

Tracy got missing about two months after the bottle letter had been written. She was African-American, rather not like Z.

Other potential Z ‘baby’ victims could have been:

Cynthia Sumpter, April 27, 1974 (one year later), San Jose, 5 yrs. old
Anna Waters, January 16k, 1973, Half Moon Bay, 5 yrs. old

Anna Waters would have had been missing about two weeks before the bottle letter had been thrown into ‘WATER’. Sounds logic that Z had claimed her death via a bottle letter, after she had died (although claiming that he will kill a baby). IF Z had killed Anna Waters, I guess he had known her NAME, thus knew the family.

Anybody knows the address of the Waters family? San Mateo definitely is somehow Z area..uh..forgot there is no other (known) babies missing/killed during that time..



Posted : March 11, 2019 3:05 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

"Paradise Point". Where? Is this Mission Beach (Inlet), San Diego?

Posted : March 11, 2019 5:23 am
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

"Paradise Point". Where? Is this Mission Beach (Inlet), San Diego?

Paradise Point is a marina on the Sacramento delta near Stockton, Ca.

Posted : March 11, 2019 10:24 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

What i’m suggesting is the plausibility that this message is a true correspondence of the Zodiac even outside the realms of the Harvey Colliver narrative i suggest.

The rationale for this is seemingly a undertone of morality displayed by the Zodiac in regards to children / babies and i only need to point to a heavily pregnant Kathleen Johns escaping unharmed from the zodiac as evidence of this. Aswell as the Zodiacs own firm basically threatening rebuttal about actually ever harming a kid.

So what do we have? A sudden resurgence of the Zodiac only days after Roe V Wade passed the supreme court stating his intention to now kill a baby… A contradiction on top of a contradiction, so what’s happening here?

Could this offer a explanation for the name "Zodiac" or "Zodiac killer"? how is your own Zodiac sign determined? by birth. Who did he predominantly target? Young couples.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : March 11, 2019 10:25 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

The US signed a peace agreement Jan 1973. Message in the bottle was written one month later Feb 2 1973, I think there is a good chance that when Zodiac wrote the war is over, he was referring to that peace agreement. Our US forces withdrew from Vietnam in 1973. I have found a few young children who were murdered that he could be responsible for I list two of them below.

Had Zodiac been responsible for the murder of 5 yr old Doreen Heskett who went missing on "3-3-63" from down town Main st in Napa , then 10 yrs one month later close to that anniversary, mentions about going to kill a child? ( there are those threes again)

When I lived in Napa people were still talking about that little girl as possibly being a victim of the Zodiac. Thank goodness they have some DNA in her case that is being tested!

There was another young child 4 yrs old stabbed 17 times in Hayward Nov 1974, his name was Francisco Zuniga. The poor little boy was blind in one eye and going blind in the other, he weighed only 30 pounds. What sort of evil killer would do such a horrific crime? I know of one who is capable and threatened to kill young children, that would be Zodiac.
The murder map that was left for me by my suspect ( Probably Honcho) drew the areas where he claims he has killed, he drew one victim for Hayward. But then he also drew eight victims in Santa Rosa, so was he telling the truth or not?

Posted : November 4, 2019 4:29 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Could have been thrown in from the bridge near Antioch, wind does the rest of a month.



Posted : November 7, 2019 8:37 pm
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