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Friend of Allen?

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"Don Seawater" makes some bold claims about Arthur Leigh Allen:


Hello, I am new to this forum.
My name is Don Seawater. My older brother David, my older sister Connie, and my mother Phyllis, and myself were befriended by Leigh Allen, and stayed close to him from 1961 until his death in 1992.
This is cathartic to me. I have not been public with any of my thoughts, or my families thoughts on weather "Mr. Allen" was the Zodiac or not, but as many might get a sense of, we have constantly lived with the question in our minds.
I was interviewed by the Zodiac Task force some time in the early 1990’s at the Sherrif’s station in San Luis Obispo ca. The Task force at that time felt for sure the Zodiac was Leigh Allen. For some reason, they did not work hard to interview my older siblings David, and Connie.
We would like to help in any way possible with the exhoneration or not, of Leigh.
I have been tasked with copying a lot of vhs tapes, as well as many letters sent from him to my mother. I have these in my possession. And I will be copying them soon.
A few things about our lives with Leigh.
We spent countless days with him from when he befriended our family of six children and my mother, soon after he found out we were without a father.
We stayed in Valejo with him at his trailer, as well as visited with his mother briefly, who said to him as he led David, Connie and I into her house…."what are you doing with those!?". To me he was a great guy, looked like Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza, was an incredibly talented physical athlete, got me into scuba diving, water polo, and swimming from a young age, and taught us how to shoot guns. He could shoot a rabbit with a pistol, and once told me you have only two seconds to do so. Quite a feat.
Once in 1963? at the end of our school year, he took us down to Gaviota, where he told us to sit in the car and wait while he presumably went down the bluff to check the "water" for skindiving. My sister says she vividly remembers him coming back up, mad about or unhappy about something, with his arms covered in blood. I only remember that I got a soda at the train car cafe at the north end of buellton ca., after we were done.
He did have us lick stamps and envelopes. This is true of him, he did this for sure.
We wonder many things about him. One of the things most disturbing to me, is that he was able to hide from me his interest in snaring and trapping wood rats and mammals, then dissecting them. I was extremely precocious and very interested in the world around me, but somehow he was able to hide some incredible things, and very well indeed.
He was gifted in many ways, but so very troubled. There was not a time when we were with him that he did not have a quart of coors in a brown bag, not one time that I can remember.
Once again, this is a start for us. We want to contribute anything we have to either clear him or convict him at this point.
A word about my brother David. When Leigh was getting ready to die of a lot of complications of diabetes, my mother asked him to call Leigh. Cutting to the chase, leigh confessed to my brother but without any material evidence, such as locations of weapons etc….except some verbage. My brother is putting some recordings together to try to get a complete recollection. He did not want to go public with this discussion for a number of reasons, but we all know now he should have, and will.
There are many questions, please ask anything you want. Say anything you want, to me. I will try my hardest to respond, and help in any way. It has been a struggle over the years for our family in regards to both Leigh, as well as my blood father who was in prison when we met Leigh. That said, we all are older, and doing just fine I suppose. And I for one would like to see if there are answers for anyone in this.

I guess I will just keep adding to this.
I tried a few years ago to talk on another forum, and was "told" all kinds of stuff about what was true and not true and how much everyone knew about the truth of "it" and quickly bailed out (after talking one night for a half hour in their chat room), eventually being told I was "getting off" on it by the web master, when I told him I didn’t think it was appropriate to try to charge for signing up for the web.
From where our family sits…this is a very sensitive and charged up topic of course. We have that kind of family.
However, the truth is we were with Leigh quite a bit more than most people. During the 60’s. And beyond that.
And there are an extraordinary amount of coincidences.
One is that we were there, for sure, on a bluff by gaviota, if not exactly during the time the two kids were murdered, so close that it makes my skin crawl. We think he was possibly altering the scene or who knows, maybe it was the actual killing. We do not know. Maybe he was going to go diving.
How can that be so close. Granted that those murders have not been connected for sure, but give me a break, how can that timing exist?
He told my sister that if he told her he would have to kill her, and she really thought he meant it.
She basically lived with him on and off like a daughter (in his mind he wanted to marry her) and he gave her all his stuff when he died, or most of it. He had given her a sail boat and during the process of her and her boyfriend getting it squared away after the transaction, he went in a hurry to it when they were there one day, and he removed with great care, a fire extinguisher. And ran off with it.
Here is the deal.
If he was just messing with my brother during their conversation, close to 30 days prior to Leigh’s death, which in my mind is close to death bed, which isn’t exactly proof of anything, but compelling none the less….well, it is an issue. My brother will talk about that one day soon if anyone wants to hear that.
Or if he was telling the truth, without filling in a lot of details…..there is another issue.
I also think that Don Cheney knows something.
I am not sure why more extensive DNA testing wasn’t done, as Leigh really did have others licking stamps and envelopes. Seems straight forward enough to check all of Leigh’s known stamps for a match on the "partial" DNA footprint they have. With all the great works in forensics, there were quite a few "dang"’s in this whole investigation, it seems.
I watched a video of a profiler giving an opinion on Leigh, and the point was that Leigh was more sadistic than the Zodiac, I would love to know more about that, from what I know, he was dissecting the rodents, not torturing them, and stabbing two kids a bunch of times doesn’t seem like a medical treatment to me, so I kind of dissagree with her about him, in that regard.
Like I said, Leigh watched me because I was a watcher. That said, I caught him in some not so good activities, and ultimately one of the things he admitted to my brother was that he drugged us kids and kinda/sorta molested my sister when we stayed with him in Valejo. (as far as I know, he was a fondler, not a penetrator).
He passed a polygraph in Atascadero State Hospital. He easily could have drugged himself and passed that test, he had working knowledge of "jimmies" types of drugs it seemed.
I would never believe a person can have several individual personalities in them compelling those types of activities. However, recently I have seen first hand how a drinker can black out and remain amazingly functional and normal seeming. That is as close to multiple personalites that I can imagine, pretty spooky too. However, he was able to keep really strange secrets about himself, from us too.
So the short of it is, that my brother completely believes the Zodiac was Leigh Allen. I am 70/30 my sister is similar, my mother is 99.9 that it wasn’t Leigh Allen.
How can people be so mean…I caught Leigh with his hand halfway down the waist of my sisters little stretch pants, told my mother, Leigh denied it, my mother made me apologize. That was horrible in so many ways. But he never said a word about it. I am sure that is the work of an extraordinarily disturbed person. Once again, he seemed like a child in ways, however he loved to shoot guns and could shoot a rabit with a pistol. He told me "you have 2 seconds before they bolt"….that is very very hard to do.


Posted : November 7, 2013 3:49 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

At first it sounded legit, but the further down you went, the more it sounded like BS trying to make ALA look guilty of the D&E murders. Personally, I think it’s BS

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 7, 2013 6:03 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

Guess he needed something new after spending his lottery winnings?

http://www.ksby.com/news/los-osos-man-c … ry-ticket/


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : November 7, 2013 7:11 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

He sounds sincere enough in his own beliefs to me – but taking him as legit, two things:
1) How much of these recollections are useful and uncoloured by everything else he has learned read and assumed since?
2) What, among those facts, could you use as the basis of a criminal investigation, or as the basis of a murder charge, never mind FIVE charges? Eh?
Oh and btw he sounds a lot better of a shot than the guy with the .22 on LHR.

Posted : November 8, 2013 3:52 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

i have not totally ruled out ALA (Riverside connection)..not utterly convinced this letter is legit though..who ever this seawater guy is he needs to be vetted to the n’th degree.if this is found to be credible Mike M did pick the right guy out of the line-up..at least even if this is found to be garbage i do believe LomPoc is associated with the Z

Posted : November 8, 2013 10:58 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

The San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Office had a Zodiac Task Force? Why do I doubt that.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : November 9, 2013 8:07 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

Yeah, when I read that I thought maybe he had meant the Zk.com Task Force.

Posted : November 9, 2013 11:02 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Tom V sent me copies of this guys original emails to him from years ago that don’t seem to match what he is claiming now. Tom wrote-
"Back in 2002, Seawater didn’t consider Allen to be a true pedophile. However, in his recent post, he caught Allen molesting a little girl! Well,
which is it?

Back in 2002, Seawater didn’t really spend that much time with Allen. However, in his recent post, he was with Allen "countless" times! Well, which
is it?

And the big one…

Back in 2002, Seawater had no knowledge of anyone licking Allen’s stamps and envelopes for him. However, in his recent post, it’s an absolute fact
that Allen had others do such a thing! Well, which is it?

Today I also confirmed Seawater is writing a book about Allen"

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 9, 2013 6:09 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Tom V sent me copies of this guys original emails to him from years ago that don’t seem to match what he is claiming now. Tom wrote-
"Back in 2002, Seawater didn’t consider Allen to be a true pedophile. However, in his recent post, he caught Allen molesting a little girl! Well,
which is it?

Back in 2002, Seawater didn’t really spend that much time with Allen. However, in his recent post, he was with Allen "countless" times! Well, which
is it?

And the big one…

Back in 2002, Seawater had no knowledge of anyone licking Allen’s stamps and envelopes for him. However, in his recent post, it’s an absolute fact
that Allen had others do such a thing! Well, which is it?

Today I also confirmed Seawater is writing a book about Allen"

Ugh…not another one. Let’s just hope he spells "Valejo" correctly.

Another thing I have noticed, is when some people write about their POI, is their need to reiterate something to make it seem more factual. For example: "He did have us lick stamps and envelopes. This is true of him, he did this for sure."

He writes this again at the bottom. But as you say Morf, in an email to Tom, he had no knowledge of this. Red flag.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : November 9, 2013 10:15 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Yeah,it sounds as if he learned stuff along the way that may link to the Z case, and mentions it to bolster his case

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 10, 2013 1:11 am
Posts: 2614
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Topic starter

Another thing I have noticed, is when some people write about their POI, is their need to reiterate something to make it seem more factual. For example: "He did have us lick stamps and envelopes. This is true of him, he did this for sure."

Ah! The old "it’s true because it’s true" fallacy. Also known as "proof by assertion":



Posted : November 10, 2013 2:12 am
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

Although ALA is my favorite suspect, I believe more in the history of the lottery …


Posted : November 10, 2013 2:53 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Now this is idiotic. Why wait more that 20 yrs after his death to tell the tale?
Got one more Q: Is it true that Allen, at the time of his death, had a Volkswagen Karmann Ghia?

That’s a nice car.

Posted : November 11, 2013 8:26 pm
Posts: 97
Estimable Member
Posted by: @doranchak

Another thing I have noticed, is when some people write about their POI, is their need to reiterate something to make it seem more factual. For example: “He did have us lick stamps and envelopes. This is true of him, he did this for sure.”

Ah! The old “it’s true because it’s true” fallacy. Also known as “proof by assertion”:


There is a guy on youtube who does physics meme videos. In one he does a joke about “assuming the necessary assumptions” which made me laugh and would seem to apply here.


Posted : July 28, 2021 9:21 pm