Atlanta Zodiac communications meet the criteria.
Until I hear otherwise, I’m assuming this is about authenticated letters.
Gonna be honest, you sound like an ass right now. You started in talking about one thing (which you can’t stop talking about) and then focused on another thing, never acknowledging the insult you made. If you want to just ignore him, then ignore him. But you brought it up, then you continue to respond, and you can’t acknowledge what you said. You sound like TejasRob or whatever his name is. That’s not good. Let it go. And in this case, acknowledge what you said as insulting.
By the way, were the hoaxer’s extremely menacing and terrorizing letters not themselves a crime?
Maybe, California Penal Code 132 PC and 134 PC cover the offering of false evidence and preparation of false evidence. Penalties include 16mo to 3 years in prison and $10k fine. I don’t know if said evidence has to appear in a court of law in order for the penalty to be enforceable though.
Of course, who knows. It may not be worth the DA’s time. I’m assuming these letters, if they are indeed hoaxes as Riverside PD has reported, then they’ve cost the city way more than $10,000, so it may not be worth the expense to them. But I don’t know. I just wish they wrote a better Press Release.
Given the passage of time I assume they gave him credit for owning up.
It’s fact that on at least one occasion Zodiac disavowed a hoaxer, in the Z340 he points out that it wasn’t him on the Jim Dunbar show. But in the Bates case, Zodiac gives an approving nod to this teenage hoaxer. A teenage hoaxer who just happened to presage the initial of the Zodiac. I’m going to read back over all the Bates evidence, I feel like there is a smoking gun of strong contradiction in there somewhere.
Zodiac also denied he had anything to do with blowing up a police station in San Francisco.
Then in the next mailings he says he would kill a cop and then alludes to shooting one in another.
Why isn’t he enjoying the destruction of a police station? Surely he should be doing cartwheels.
I think he has let something slip here. He has shown sympathy for an entire Police Station but he hates homicide detectives.
That is why he was trying to correct himself in later mailings.
Guess someone didn’t make detective.
Zodiac was a “fair” dude. Odd really. He didn’t seem to enjoy stealing credit for someone else’s work.
Yes. Z340 though was not something he expected to be cracked at least right away, so he was willing to let the Dunbar one roll on. For the Police Station bombing he was right onto telling them all it wasn’t him. I wonder if in some strange way that investigation may have actually got an angle on him he was afraid of, but I think we are seeing an emotional response.
Do you know something? What if someone who died there or was badly injured was someone he knew well and was upset by what happened? has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.
Atlanta Zodiac communications meet the criteria.
Until I hear otherwise, I’m assuming this is about authenticated letters.
If it was then I think that would be such significant news as to have it appear in press releases from out of SF but aside from that, the release does say that it was done to keep the case alive. So you can pretty much exclude everything up until 1971 because Zodiac was mailing each year a few times up until then. There is a pause of three years and then a run of more letters in 1974. Then it appears he vanishes.
There was the Toschi incident and the story about trying to keep the case alive with the disputed 1978 letter. So I think that may be the trigger for him to do it also. So I am looking at after 1978 and the Atlanta group of communications, particularly because one is signed off ZODIAC. The 1974 run of letters though don’t all include Zodiac. Exorcist (alluding to it but not explicitly stated) and SLA and Badlands aren’t signed off Zodiac. So I am just going by a process of elimination and a little deduction. has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.
Jacob, it says in 2016 that a man who obviously felt bad about sending in the 3 hoax scrawls sent RPD a letter telling them he did it. That guy left his DNA on the mailing. So they did some familial DNA testing and found him and obviously went through him with a tooth and comb because of what he put the family through and how it misled investigators. I think that’s why we can be confident he was cleared.
Not exactly. It does not say that DNA from the 1967 CBJ letters were matched to him or anyone. From the rather ill-chosen verbiage, it could mean they identified him from the very hoax letter he sent in 2016. In which case, he has no real connection unless more evidence is forthcoming.
That the Internet Diva himself refused to confirm that the CJB letters writer was found in this very thread, and that even today the RPD websites and the Riverside Press Examiner have nothing to say at all about this incredible breaking story lead me to suspect that the truth is quite different.
When the official press releases come forth trumpeting that the 1967 CJB letter writer is identified , then that should be indisputable and I will retire my skepticisms on the matter.
That was too much!
@russ-thompson You said:
“This breaking news coincides with certain products being offered for sale, too.”
“Also, nothing in the media to corroborate the claim at all. None to dispute it either. I think Uri is bending more spoons.”
So you accused TV of using this to sell stuff on his website and making this all up. Since it has now been confirmed on the RPD website are you now willing to apologise. You can dispute the validity of the exoneration all you like, but an apology is most definitely in order. You may not like TV (and who does lol – j/k Tom!) but you were in the wrong.
So you accused TV of using this to sell stuff on his website
That is not an accusation. That person profiteers from the Zodiac case. Go to his site – you will find the merch.
That was too much!
Jacob, it says in 2016 that a man who obviously felt bad about sending in the 3 hoax scrawls sent RPD a letter telling them he did it. That guy left his DNA on the mailing. So they did some familial DNA testing and found him and obviously went through him with a tooth and comb because of what he put the family through and how it misled investigators. I think that’s why we can be confident he was cleared.
Not exactly. It does not say that DNA from the 1967 CBJ letters were matched to him or anyone. From the rather ill-chosen verbiage, it could mean they identified him from the very hoax letter he sent in 2016. In which case, he has no real connection unless more evidence is forthcoming.
That the Internet Diva himself refused to confirm that the CJB letters writer was found in this very thread, and that even today the RPD websites and the Riverside Press Examiner have nothing to say at all about this incredible breaking story lead me to suspect that the truth is quite different.
When the official press releases come forth trumpeting that the 1967 CJB letter writer is identified , then that should be indisputable and I will retire my skepticisms on the matter.
First of all, I don’t think Tom is trying to be misleading here or trying to sell books of a hoax. Heck I read his book. Could do with someone to spellcheck it which is important because the Zodiac types a ton of stuff wrong. It shouldn’t be out in the form it is in because it looks like someone just used a computer scanner to convert the images into words and didn’t bother checking it. Anyway, I don’t think he is hoaxing stuff there. This is coming from someone who currently holds the status of thief, liar and buyer beware on his site BTW (even though my book isn’t on sale since Nov 2020 and previously had been up for the price of a whole $3, or whatever Amazon charges for the basic costs, to get the word out). :))
You are probably correct in your analysis that there is probably no forensic connection to the three Bates letters and that it depends on the admission. I say that because I think a lot of this early Zodiac stuff is just contaminated to no end. However I do think RPD, especially a modern one, probably did do due diligence in making sure his account of stuff lined up and the discovery of further later Zodiac communications adds to that work. I think it is a well done job under the circumstances and I see no reason to doubt it.
The Zodiac also gets away with things because of the constant bickering. He depends on it also. So let’s not let the Zodiac take us for a good ride, especially if he is able to do it even after death. I am not his slave. has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.
This is the blurb’s exact verbiage, which is not in “breaking news” area, but the ‘…/about-contact/operations/investigations-division/cold-case-unit’ directory – obviously the spot for world-breaking news in a famous local murder case:
…1967, Riverside Police Department received a hand written letter in the mail. This letter initially led investigators to believe the murder of Cheri Jo Bates may be associated with the murderer known as the “Zodiac Killer.” The letter and the interpretation of the signature on the letter generated much attention to the investigation and fueled many theories and much speculation regarding the case. In addition, sensitive information was released to the media which added to the curiosity and conjecture.
In April 2016, investigators received an anonymous letter postmarked from San Bernardino, California. This letter was typed and appeared to have been generated from a computer. The author of the anonymous letter admitted to writing the hand written letters. The author apologized for sending the letters and said it was a sick joke. The author admitted that he was not the Zodiac killer or the killer of Cheri Jo Bates and was just looking for attention.
In 2020, the Homicide Cold Case Unit and the FBI Los Angeles Investigative Genealogy Team, submitted the stamp from the letter for additional DNA analysis and subsequent interviews were conducted. The individual linked to the DNA evidence on the stamp admitted to writing the letter and sending it to Riverside Police Department. The author was a young teenager at the time and had a troubled youth. He said he wrote the letter seeking attention and was remorseful for his actions.
Investigators confirmed, the person was not involved in the murder of Cheri Jo Bates or involved in the murders associated with the “Zodiac Killer.” Additional information was developed regarding a separate set of letters sent to Northern California police agencies. The author claimed to be the “Zodiac Killer,” but the author ultimately admitted to sending the letters to keep the investigation going….
Paragraph 2: “In April 2016, investigators received an anonymous letter [SINGULAR] postmarked from San Bernardino, California…. The author of the anonymous letter admitted to writing the [CJB] hand written letters [PLURAL].” Anon author makes the claim.
Paragraph 3: “In 2020, the Homicide Cold Case Unit and the FBI Los Angeles Investigative Genealogy Team, submitted the stamp from the letter [SINGULAR – the 2016 letter] for additional DNA analysis and subsequent interviews were conducted. The individual linked to the DNA evidence on the stamp admitted to writing the letter [SINGULAR – 2016 letter] and sending it to Riverside Police Department.”
The letter, singular, he wrote is DNA tested. Not plural “letters” as in the CJB murder letters, but singular as in the letter he wrote in 2016. Which linked him to his own letter where he “confessed” to writing the CJB letters. Again, nothing but self-reporting in the CJB case.
It seems pretty clear the letter that got DNA analysis was the one the subject himself sent in 2016 where he made claims that he wrote the CJB murder letters, which he was forced to admit in 2020. RPD eliminated this lead, great work!
In paragraph 3, the letter, singular, he wrote is DNA tested. Not plural “letters” as in the CJB murder letters, but singular as in the letter he wrote in 2016. Which linked him to his own letter where he “confessed” to writing the CJB letters.
So the subject’s connection to the CJB letters, per the release, is based on his own self-confession. Not any known facts, apparently.
I am not even aware that the CJB murder letters have ever been DNA tested.
Unless another press release comes out clarifying this stuff I will take it for what it says. Which if you have no bias you should see does not claim that they did indeed find the writer of the CJB murder letters.
The found a guy who wrote an anonymous letter in 2016.
RPD maintains still on their website that “Bob Barnett” killed CJB, despite eliminating him via DNA evidence.
That was too much!
So you accused TV of using this to sell stuff on his website
That is not an accusation. That person profiteers from the Zodiac case. Go to his site – you will find the merch.
Merch? What merch? You mean a Zodiac book?
Jacob, it says in 2016 that a man who obviously felt bad about sending in the 3 hoax scrawls sent RPD a letter telling them he did it. That guy left his DNA on the mailing. So they did some familial DNA testing and found him and obviously went through him with a tooth and comb because of what he put the family through and how it misled investigators. I think that’s why we can be confident he was cleared.
Not exactly. It does not say that DNA from the 1967 CBJ letters were matched to him or anyone. From the rather ill-chosen verbiage, it could mean they identified him from the very hoax letter he sent in 2016. In which case, he has no real connection unless more evidence is forthcoming.
That the Internet Diva himself refused to confirm that the CJB letters writer was found in this very thread, and that even today the RPD websites and the Riverside Press Examiner have nothing to say at all about this incredible breaking story lead me to suspect that the truth is quite different.
When the official press releases come forth trumpeting that the 1967 CJB letter writer is identified , then that should be indisputable and I will retire my skepticisms on the matter.
First of all, I don’t think Tom is trying to be misleading here or trying to sell books of a hoax. Heck I read his book. Could do with someone to spellcheck it which is important because the Zodiac types a ton of stuff wrong.
We made the decision not to alter the original police reports in any shape or form.
That’s not me lol. Why are you trying to ruin Morf’s new forum?
Here’s a pic of me and Nancy Slover. Better luck next time.
Dude, I make valid points and your diva buddy comes in crying like a bitch begging for others to give him sympathy. If making valid, truthful points cuts him he better be prepared to bleed heavily.
That’s a messed up thing to say to anyone on a serial killer forum. He ain’t my buddy obviously from his current stance on me, lol. I just want the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything else just flack like the petty stuff. If anyone can double-check something for themselves, that’s good enough for me. If not, then skepticism over claims applies. So yeah we have to apply some faith in RPD but I see no reason to doubt the hoaxing finds. It seems pretty obvious that CJB’s family members are close to some researchers. If it’s good enough for them, it should be good enough for everybody else, period.
Just admit mistakes and apologize. Everyone has to do it some time and only some with the stuff of integrity get around to doing it. Believe me it won’t hurt you one bit, but stuff like describing someone you are criticizing as cut and bleeding heavily will especially on a serial killer forum. If others don’t admit mistakes and apologize then I let karma do all the work and guess what. It zappens. What comes around goes around and doubles each time.
I wade through swamps to find orchids and if I get bothered by the mud then either press on or get lost in the crap. You see plenty of them out there going around in circles looking at the sludge instead of turning around and watching a rare flower bloom. has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.
So you accused TV of using this to sell stuff on his website
That is not an accusation. That person profiteers from the Zodiac case. Go to his site – you will find the merch.
There are crime channels on youtube that sell merch. There are disaster channels on youtube that sell merch. When the television companies made those documentaries about Zodiac, BTK. Bundy etc they didn’t do so out of the kindness of their hearts, they did so for money. The film company behind Fincher’s movie didn’t do it for kindness, they did it for money. All those horror movies based on true stories are for money, Goodfellas is a true story, Casino is based on a true story, the film companies made them for money.
Yet Voigt is in the wrong for making money of something others have made money off of? Be serious. And you still have not apologised for what you said. You can argue the authenticity or the validity of the hoaxers identification all you like, but you accused Voigt of something he did not do – made this up to sell his book.