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Bingo Wesher

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Bingo Wesher, Frank Gasser and Robert Connelly all agree that a White Chevrolet Impala (*59-60 hardtop) was parked up in the turnout at 9.00 pm. This was an extremely cold December night and the vehicle was unoccupied. Where was the occupant/ occupants of this vehicle. Could the killer have set up an ambush, hiding nearby, but probably realizing no lone couple were likely to park up beside an empty suspicious car, returned and drove off. 30 minutes later William Crow describes a car trailing him, but would later amend his early recollection stating ‘"I never told the sheriff who interviewed me that the car I encountered was a (Blue) Valiant. As I recall, as I was attempting to describe the car, the sheriff came up with a “Valiant”. In the years that have passed, when I have shared the events of that night, I have described the car as a four-door light-colored Chevy". This car eventually headed off towards Benicia. Had it circled and returned back up Lake Herman Road to troll for more victims, it would have reached the top of Lake Herman Road at about 9.50 pm. Here at 10.30 pm Stan …. saw a 1963 Chevrolet Impala (blue in color, 2 occupants). It appears that Zodiac may be connected to at least the white Chevrolet, but if he was, why was it left unattended, that late, on a cold night. Was the Zodiac originally preparing an ambush or is this a bit fanciful.

Posted : April 12, 2015 1:40 pm
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

There is a time discrepancy with respect to the white Chevy.

Hunters said they saw white Chevy (and Bingo) at 9:00
Crow was supposedly there between 9:30 and 10:00
Bingo said he saw white Chevy (and hunters) at 10:00

Either the hunters or Bingo (or both) are wrong on their time.

Posted : April 12, 2015 6:12 pm
Posts: 1772
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I noticed that unless Bingo saw it twice 9 and 10. Hunters only at 9.

Posted : April 12, 2015 6:26 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I trust Bingo knowing the correct time, because he was probably checking on the sheep and knew what time he had to do that.

Posted : April 13, 2015 7:18 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

One of the clues I received from my suspect , was that he did in fact have a 61 -62 white Chevy Impala. That he did stalk his second victim .
Was he telling me that his second victim was Darlene and that he separated his victim count from Southern Ca. to Northern Ca., Betty Lou being his first in Northern Ca?

I wish I could remember everything that Bingo use to talk to me about in 1968-69.

Posted : April 13, 2015 7:52 pm
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

I trust Bingo knowing the correct time, because he was probably checking on the sheep and knew what time he had to do that.

The question I’ve had for some time is, where did Ross get the sheep he skinned? Now I see a post regarding sheep in the vicinity of the murder in Dec. 1968. You can’t just buy a couple of sheep, put them in your car and drive away. Where would he skin the sheep? I’ve never heard of anybody skinning sheep in all my life.

Posted : August 29, 2015 4:37 am
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

I trust Bingo knowing the correct time, because he was probably checking on the sheep and knew what time he had to do that.

The question I’ve had for some time is, where did Ross get the sheep he skinned? Now I see a post regarding sheep in the vicinity of the murder in Dec. 1968. You can’t just buy a couple of sheep, put them in your car and drive away. Where would he skin the sheep? I’ve never heard of anybody skinning sheep in all my life.

you’ve never heard of sheepskin (chamois)?

Posted : August 29, 2015 4:57 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

I trust Bingo knowing the correct time, because he was probably checking on the sheep and knew what time he had to do that.

The question I’ve had for some time is, where did Ross get the sheep he skinned? Now I see a post regarding sheep in the vicinity of the murder in Dec. 1968. You can’t just buy a couple of sheep, put them in your car and drive away. Where would he skin the sheep? I’ve never heard of anybody skinning sheep in all my life.

you’ve never heard of sheepskin (chamois)?

I’ve seen sheepskin rugs and I’ve heard of chamois, but the question still remains, how did Ross get them? He told people he had skinned the sheep himself. Where did he skin these sheep? If he had purchased the sheepskins so be it. The point is there was a sheep farm very close to the murder site.

Posted : August 29, 2015 5:04 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

I’ve never heard of anybody skinning sheep in all my life.

It’s very popular in the southern hemisphere, apparently. They do it all the time.

Seriously, though – the sheep skin thing is…what? An anecdote without context? Some half-told story which doesn’t make much sense no matter how you look at it? Something like that, I’d say. Better ignored until some actual details have been provided.

Posted : August 29, 2015 5:46 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

I’ve never heard of anybody skinning sheep in all my life.

It’s very popular in the southern hemisphere, apparently. They do it all the time.

Seriously, though – the sheep skin thing is…what? An anecdote without context? Some half-told story which doesn’t make much sense no matter how you look at it? Something like that, I’d say. Better ignored until some actual details have been provided.

I read on the forum that some girls were very creeped out with the skins. They mentioned that Ross had skinned the sheep himself. If the story holds any weight, the question has to be, where did he get the sheep, and more importantly, where did he kill and skin two or more sheep? Sheep are rarely eaten, as mutton has a very strong taste and smell. Lamb is what people eat. Sheep are for shearing for wool.

Posted : August 29, 2015 6:01 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

For what it’s worth, Bingo’s last name is not Wesher, it’s Wesner, another error I found by Robert Graysmith, maybe he will give me a couple bucks, or a shout out in a book for some of my corrections of his errors ;)

Here’s a news story & photo of him http://www.news4nevada.com/Content/PERS … /161/23718

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 29, 2015 6:59 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

Semi-related …. the more into this I get, the more I really do wonder if the reported second occupant was ….. Darlene Ferrin. IF all we were working on were LHR and BRS with the babysitter statement, I think that would be the logical conclusion.

Posted : August 29, 2015 8:22 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

For what it’s worth, Bingo’s last name is not Wesher, it’s Wesner, another error I found by Robert Graysmith, maybe he will give me a couple bucks, or a shout out in a book for some of my corrections of his errors ;)

Here’s a news story & photo of him http://www.news4nevada.com/Content/PERS … /161/23718

Thank you Morf for that article , Bingo looks taller and thinner than I remember him. For the record when I tried to find Bingo , I was able to find him with the spelling Wesher as living in NV.age 79/80. he was also listed as Bingo G Wesner.

The curious person that I am, I just checked the police reports from Lundblad and Butterbach. They spelled Bingo’s last name Wusener then on another page they spelled it Wesher. That is probably where Graysmith got the spelling.

Posted : August 29, 2015 11:54 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

For what it’s worth, Bingo’s last name is not Wesher, it’s Wesner, another error I found by Robert Graysmith, maybe he will give me a couple bucks, or a shout out in a book for some of my corrections of his errors ;)

Here’s a news story & photo of him http://www.news4nevada.com/Content/PERS … /161/23718

Thank you Morf for that article , Bingo looks taller and thinner than I remember him. For the record when I tried to find Bingo , I was able to find him with the spelling Wesher as living in NV.age 79/80. he was also listed as Bingo G Wesner.

The curious person that I am, I just checked the police reports from Lundblad and Butterbach. They spelled Bingo’s last name Wusener then on another page they spelled it Wesher. That is probably where Graysmith got the spelling.

Yeah both the police & RG made some mistakes

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 29, 2015 5:34 pm