Duckkiing2001 wrote:
Since it hasn’t been said, I guess I’ll mention it here.
FM’s "God save me – catch me before I kill more."
Made me think of fellow Illinoisian the so-called Lipstick Killer:
Thinking about it in the context of the message it’s in, he’s talking about how he’s not able to write or come up with anything creative. I think it could be a clever (demented) way of saying that he’s killing time.
Which made me think of: "In 1959 a lot of people were killing time. Kit and Holly were killing people."
Morf13 wrote:
Moving right along,yet another possible connection between Manalli & Zodiac….
In this statement by Manalli-
He mentions that his artwork would have made BLAKE envious. Is he talking about famed writer & artists, William Blake??? Because,if he is, William Blake’s name has come up before in Zodiac discussions.Here’s one example- … p?t=119051
In the link, AKWILKS is discussing Blake with other people. AK wrote:
" I never thought that the Zodiac 340 First Stage Solution (from Robert Graysmith-1979 FBI File-Kite And Other Old ZK Board Researchers) showed possible influences from poet William Blake, in particular from this poem, until you mentioned it"
Traveller1st wrote:
I was wondering about this.
The red what? uniform?
Anywho – thought shrinker was a slightly unusual term for a shrink so I googled. Found this. No connection and don’t think there’s anything that interesting about it other than it it’s from the right the right time period and "The Shrinker" is a villain.
CBS Saturday morning cartoon series from 1966
[flash(425,350)] [/flash]
Traveller1st wrote:
I’m half expecting to find proof that Manalli was in Londoon in 1888.
I don’t know about that, but maybe on the grassy knoll.
Funny you should say lol. Don’t tempt the Fredster – he usually has a reply.
Traveller1st wrote:
On a more serious note.
I wonder exactly what kind of painting. Splashing would imply large amounts of paint (larger than oils or watercolors). Possibly this little creative aside was inspired by the centrifugal stuff which would require large amounts of paint of a certain viscosity.
Speculation I know but splashing around with paint in 1966. Wonder if he kept his watch on. Wonder if he used cheap exterior paint. Wonder if he had a watch lol.
Traveller1st wrote:
Some more similarities in use of language. Lots of people have similar ways of saying certain things but in this instance I wanted to show that they are quite similar in context. For example in Mikado the line is actually just "leave it to you" no ‘up’. Also the same use here of "as to" after the word curious.
Zodiac or not, given Manalli’s career and writing and so on, it certainly useful to have an example of someone who uses language very similar to Zodiac and lends credence to the possibility that Zodiac, whoever he was, may have been of a similar ilk and surrounded by similar influences in his life – a similar background.
Morf13 wrote:
Manalli never fails to deliver the goods.
Here is another interesting factoid from Manalli,one that somebody calling themself, ‘THE ZODIAC’ may have been interested in-
"Apogee and perigee refer to the distance from the Earth to the moon. Apogee is the farthest point from the earth. Perigee is the closest point to the earth and it is in this stage that the moon appears larger"
seen here-
Traveller1st wrote:
Seriously. I can’t even look at Manalli’s writing anymore without finding something.
This shows use of language similar to Zodiac. "Please help me" and also "You will notice "(from the letter concerning the pencel (sic) flashlight).
Those are incidental though. The important bit is that ‘s’ on the end of ‘this’ and ‘was’. I think that’s the only instance that Zodiac does that because when I spotted in Manalli’s writing I immediately knew I’d seen it before and that means I must have made a note of it in my head as unique and therefore something to keep an eye out for.
Traveller1st wrote:
This is the second time Manalli mentions driving a taxi as a job. It is the first time he mentions the possibility of working in the Shipyard for a living. I wonder if he did either and where. Did he know anyone that was a taxi driver?
"Zodiac was pretty fond of the word ‘SHALL’. Finnegan’s wake uses that word 140 times by my count."
I’ve read quite a lot of official records from a few different sources in SF from the 60’s and as far as official documents go, I shall features far far more regularly than I will. I suppose in official writings this would be the case because I shall was actually the correct way to write and say it, it was….. politically correct shall we say?
That is one area he may not realise that he’s giving little details away about himself by using I shall. He may have had a fairly official position of employment that required him to type and send many documents. That would be the perfect plan then that while writing as ‘Zodiac’, he would do so with seemingly very low standards of spelling and punctuation because who’s going to connect this guy here who types official and public article/Documents with A1 English Reading and Writing skills with that guy over there who can’t seem to spell victim or women properly. They’d seem polar opposites.
"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.
Check out the "s" on "blocks" vs. "envelopes"
Traveller1st wrote:
Seriously. I can’t even look at Manalli’s writing anymore without finding something.
This shows use of language similar to Zodiac. "Please help me" and also "You will notice "(from the letter concerning the pencel (sic) flashlight).
Those are incidental though. The important bit is that ‘s’ on the end of ‘this’ and ‘was’. I think that’s the only instance that Zodiac does that because when I spotted in Manalli’s writing I immediately knew I’d seen it before and that means I must have made a note of it in my head as unique and therefore something to keep an eye out for.
Thanks for pointing them out
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Anyone try taking the Zodiac letters and Manalli’s stuff to a pro handwriting analyst and seeing what they conclude?