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'Zodiac, your partner is in deep real estate'

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It is not for us to like or dislike suspects. It is for us to find the person who was Z. And only Z behaved like Z. If you don’t like KQ, who can you name who shared Z’s unique behaviors, like the ones I listed? I am waiting for that suspect to come along. I don’t think anyone can even name another suspect who they can prove (like I can) ever touched a piece of Monarch sized paper. When I can show that KQ shared those behaviors, you can say you don’t like him but who else did what Z did that makes an even better suspect?

There used to be a handwriting thread here that had KQ’s Soc Sec application but I don’t know if it is still up. He never hand printed anything he sent me.


Sort of getting a little bit over the "well, Walter said! And you are all idiots!" vein here. You told me in an earlier reply to go read "the Murder Room" which I have long ago, and I do respect Richard’s profiling. But you have not provided us a complete profile written by him, and from my understanding he hasn’t spent much time with the case. I mean, if he wrote a comprehensive profile, then that’s one thing. Well, where is it? If he just offhandedly said, "yeah, this is the guy, or this sort of guy", well, then I understand why there isn’t more documentation and YOU should understand if we don’t swallow this whole.

As much as I considered your point of view and even agreed with it, I don’t like the insulting tone you throw at towards anyone who questions you. I don’t think that’s very becoming and its quite dictatorial. I don’t care if I am some lowly poster, or anyone’s status on the food chain. This isn’t a country club. WE ALL want to catch Z, and discourse is important for that. Choking off dissension in a flurry of "Walter! Walter! Don’t question me!" is tiresome. You have done it often enough to make me realize there is a wall beyond which you refuse to hear anything. And that is disappointing. We all have our own minds here and if you want us to have a civil discourse on this, that’s one thing- but I am beginning to think that you simply DON’T. Well and good. I’m a big girl. I can take insults, but when it is couched in terms of choking off dissent, that’s what bothers me. I am a stubborn snotnose about that stuff. Can’t stand it. Its why I chose this board over others, to avoid that kind of poor sportsmanship.

Truth stands on its own. It shouldn’t have to be accompanied at every turn with "you guys are just amateurs". Til I see Richard Walter’s profile, which I recall explicitly asking you for a year ago, I reserve my right to disagree with you. Because I am not convinced.

And yesh that’s speculation and just my opinion and how dare I question someone who blah blah blah. I get it.

But its called manners bro.

Posted : June 9, 2015 1:54 am
Posts: 276
Reputable Member

I second what MM wrote. As much as I think KQ has more circumstantial evidence linking him to Z than any other POI I have ever seen discussed, there are still issues with him; physical description, age, no match with DNA, or simply expaining how he is murdering a cabbie one minute and a few minutes later he is walking his dog. I think all Ophion and MM are trying to do is offer possible scenerios that could possibly tie KQ with FM. I understand Mike’s frustrations all the same. He has so much that links KQ, but there’s just something more to it. We can see that, but he refuses to see it. If Manson could get others to do his killing for him, than why couldn’t KQ?

Posted : June 9, 2015 2:30 am
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

not picking on mike, but it’s emblematic of anyone who has a long-held poi – you hit a point where there’s no more information that points to your poi so you just push harder at the stuff that looks good, circumstantial or not. i think mike has a good poi in mr x but it’s not a lock. it’s someone who factually has a lot of circumstantial stuff that seems suspicious but there’s just no smoking gun.

Posted : June 9, 2015 4:15 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

mike has gotten closer then many..you have to almost entertain some multiple Z thought with X though…and yes age is a legitimate issue..that being said I do Like X a lot but was X the Z?..for now nothing will hold to cross examination in court,,but X is damn interesting..mike is still digging and I always have liked his posts..

Posted : June 9, 2015 6:39 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Maybe LE set it up to see if Z would notice it and write another letter. Perhaps they were attempting to coax him back to see if they could catch him or at least know his whereabouts? Who knows, perhaps they expected him to write back angry that they would associate him with the KKK movement or needing an accomplice? I kind of feel like it was bait for him, but then again I’m just basing this off of the personal ad. I don’t really know anything about the men people have been associating with the ad, but I do know the day before an article was released about Zodiac.

Or it was a hoax


Posted : June 9, 2015 6:57 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member


It is not for us to like or dislike suspects. It is for us to find the person who was Z. And only Z behaved like Z. If you don’t like KQ, who can you name who shared Z’s unique behaviors, like the ones I listed? I am waiting for that suspect to come along. I don’t think anyone can even name another suspect who they can prove (like I can) ever touched a piece of Monarch sized paper. When I can show that KQ shared those behaviors, you can say you don’t like him but who else did what Z did that makes an even better suspect?

There used to be a handwriting thread here that had KQ’s Soc Sec application but I don’t know if it is still up. He never hand printed anything he sent me.


All of those things seem like qualities a "partner" would have.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : June 9, 2015 8:45 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

He is the one who wrote the letter to the Chron.
He is the one who lived near the PH crime scene and was spoken to by AP after the Stine murder. He is the one who lied to me about his whereabouts that night at our 2006 tete-a-tete.
He is the one who wrote to me TWICE on Monarch sized paper. (Again, I am begging someone to tell me which other suspect ever wrote
even one letter in their lives on Monarch sized paper, so I can end my delusion of thinking that NO OTHER suspect can be proven to have even known what Monarch sized paper was.)
KQ had the car entered in Riverside on October 30, 1966. KQ is the one who used to autograph cars in felt tip pen. KQ fits the power-assertive profile of Zodiac.

And as for KQ being an "Imperial Wizard" or some such thing, prove it! Saying someone *could* have been something is useless. Lots of people could be or could have been lots of things…


Can I ask a couple questions? Q wrote a letter to the paper, one in particular that you personally thought, read like Z,is that the basic premise? If so,lots of People wrote letters to the Editor, we have a whole thread here of letters to the Editor, many of them read like Z.

He lived near the PH crime scene. So what, there may be multiple suspects that did that we just are not aware of.

He wrote on monarch paper,so what? Lots of people did,that’s why they made it and sold it.

He had a car entered in Riverside on the day of Cheri’s murder. Trying to connect your Suspect to Riverside…I totally understand it because I believe that Z lived in Riverside. But how does that get his writing on a desk in the RCC Library? Did he have cars entered in Riverside when the confession letter was mailed, or the Bates had to die letters?

Lastly, why have we not seen handwriting samples of your Suspect? Unless I am missing something, besides an autograph or two,I am the only person that has posted handwriting of MrX,and it didn’t lool much like Z’s writing. So,again, do you mean to tell me you don’t have writing for Mr X with all of your years of research? I’d like to see it.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 9, 2015 2:17 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Maybe LE set it up to see if Z would notice it and write another letter.

Yes, that’s a possibility. I think it’s more likely the article published the previous day was a ruse of sorts, though – an attempt to make Z communicate again.

And then some crackpot or joker responded in the form of that ad. It’s very hard to look past the fact that the ad follows on the very next day. I think there’s a connection there – which means it has nothing to do with Fred M. Or any other proposed Z suspect.

Just my opinion, as per usual. But I suspect the ad is just another red herring.

Posted : June 9, 2015 2:51 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

There is also a problem with this argument:

– You cannot find a better suspect, therefore mine is correct.

Mike, you use this argument a lot. The absence of a "better" suspect does not automatically make yours correct, even if your suspect truly IS the best of them all.

For example, a man with red shoes robs a bank. The police scour the entire town and only ONE man is found who owns red shoes, so they arrest him, because he’s the "best" suspect. But the actual perp lives in a neighboring town.

So, you frequently rely on two problematic arguments: 1) Appeal to authority ("A professional who is never wrong agrees with me"), and 2) The absence of a better alternative makes the current selection correct. Argument #1 is nice but the profile could still be wrong. Argument #2 might help with limiting the selections of suspects but you still have to get past reasonable doubt.


Posted : June 9, 2015 4:25 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Maybe LE set it up to see if Z would notice it and write another letter.

Yes, that’s a possibility. I think it’s more likely the article published the previous day was a ruse of sorts, though – an attempt to make Z communicate again.

And then some crackpot or joker responded in the form of that ad. It’s very hard to look past the fact that the ad follows on the very next day. I think there’s a connection there – which means it has nothing to do with Fred M. Or any other proposed Z suspect.

Just my opinion, as per usual. But I suspect the ad is just another red herring.

Agreed 100% Norse.

Posted : June 9, 2015 8:11 pm
Posts: 31
Eminent Member

try as I might I can’t find KQ’s letter to the editor, can someone please link it?

Posted : June 9, 2015 10:58 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

try as I might I can’t find KQ’s letter to the editor, can someone please link it?

Is this it?

From: viewtopic.php?t=1070&p=10218


Posted : June 9, 2015 11:03 pm
Posts: 31
Eminent Member


don’t see much Z in there at all :?

Posted : June 9, 2015 11:09 pm
Posts: 838
Prominent Member

Anyone who knows Mr. Walter knows he NEVER writes out his profiles. Ever. He spent time reading over all the details of the crime scenes in 2004 and developed his profile. He spent as much time as he needed in order to do so and has spent plenty of time speaking to me over the past eleven years. We speak all the time, most recently last weekend. So I am not, and KQ was not, a "flash in the pan" suspect or mere passing thought for him. The reason I keep bringing him up is that he solves cases and we don’t. Also, I know of no other suspect who has the backing of any of the elite profilers on the planet. If you had a suspect and Walter said he was Z, you’d throw that fact around, too. Why wouldn’t you?

I stand behind the statement that Z was an individual who demonstrated unique behaviors and KQ demonstrated most if not all of them AND (more importantly) no other known suspect does as far as I know. I was told by a published author earlier this year that "lots of people write on Monarch sized paper." But that is not the question. The question is which Z suspects, a very small pool of the population, wrote on that type of paper? THAT is the important question to ask yourself.

If I am able to claim the best of the KNOWN suspects, I’ll take that for now.

Lots of people write letters to the editor. But which Zodiac suspects did that, wrote on Monarch sized paper AND also wrote on cars? The air gets much thinner as you keep piling on the unique Z traits. If you believe that someone can demonstrate all of these unique Z traits, and be the only man who was spoken to by police after and of the Z crimes and still not be Z, then that is how you feel. I think there is fire creating this smoke.

Look, Walter was satisfied that had the police taken this case to court KQ fir the profile and his attorneys could not have developed an innocent explanation for the entirety of my circumstantial case.

I addressed the reason why KQ may have been seen by Fouke and then was out walking his dog a few minutes later. That was on this board and fairly recently.

SFPD distanced itself from its own 2002 DNA in 2009. If you know something about other DNA (not cryptic statements by an Insp. in 2013), please let me know. I know that as late as late 2013 SFPD was trying to get DNA out of some piece of evidence, probably Stine’s shirt. But as of the SUMMER of 2013, I do not think they knew that had Z’s DNA. As far as I know, the current DNA from letters that were not licked cannot rule anyone out. There are PLENTY of threads on this.

You have beaten me down and forced me to reveal something I was trying to save for another venue. I have never made this piece of info public before. I showed Fouke a photo of KQ from 1971 several years ago ad his only reservation (after saying he had the "right chin" and the "right hairline") was that KQ looked T-O-O Y-O-U-N-G to have been the man he saw that night. So KQ definitely was not too OLD looking. Stop saying he was "too old!" I obviously don’t agree with Fouke. Lindsey Robbins has NO such reservations when he looked at a photo of KQ. The point is that just because KQ was 50, he didn’t have to look 50. I keep saying that there is a big difference between chronological age and apparent age…how old someone looks to you, as opposed to what is on their birth certificate.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : June 9, 2015 11:21 pm
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


Oy. How about the specter of young people lying dead and wounded in the street? That is what had happened at Lake Herman just six months earlier. How about his issues with young people–militants and lawbreakers (AKA student protesters), the same kind of people you’d find in lover’s lanes? How about the reference to the Chron willing to print anything that sells more newspapers? Remind you of the Z letters at all that definitely increased circulation? How about the irony of a man who enriched himself selling VW Beetles railing against Hitler, who helped design them? He hated Hitler but was willing to sell "Hitler’s car." Z kind of liked irony.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : June 9, 2015 11:25 pm
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