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New Zodiac History Channel Documentary

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Wanted to bring you this info

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … RY?page=16

May 2nd 2017

Hello everyone. Well it is official. The History Channel has decided to include the Edwards/Domingos murders in the special they are doing on the Zodiac case. I will be flying to Santa Barbara to work on the special sometime late this spring. I do not know much about the special but they have secured a "significant" cold case detective to look at the evidence with fresh eyes. I have given them the names of the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Detectives I have worked with over the years so they can contact them. I will know more later and will share what I can. I plan to contact Bill Baker and see if he is interested in being involved. I would not give them his contact information directly out of respect for his privacy. I have no idea when this will be completed. All I know is that they plan to present a program on Z and some of his possible other victims. They saw my documentary and liked it. More to follow.


June 4th, 2017

Fifty-Four years ago today, about 3:00 p.m., California time, Bobby and Linda were murdered. I would have been getting out of class and going home for the day at that time. I did not find out they were dead until two mornings later when I went to school and saw a crowd gathered in the parking lot in the front of Lompoc Senior High school talking about them. I thought at first they were killed in a car crash or something. They had been found about 9 p.m. the evening before at the beach when Bobby’s dad had finally found them after looking for them for them for over a day. He found Bobby’s car parked in the pull off in the place across from the crime scene. No one had known where they had gone about noon the day before he found them. Now 54 years later we are still trying to find out who killed them. The last week of this month I am flying out to Santa Barbara to film a segment of a History Channel special on the Zodiac killer. The producer thinks, as do I and Bill Baker, that the cases may be related. They saw my documentary and know that knew them. I also got the producer and Tom in contact with each other. I hope they will use Tom as an expert in this special as well. As for today, I pause for yet another year to remember my friends and hope that we will soon know who killed them all those years ago.


Posted : June 10, 2017 1:16 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Thanks Wood! I know the documentaries can be a little frustrating when they are putting the show together, taping, interviewing and then editing. They couldn’t have a better person to work with than John Averitt. He knows the case inside and out.


Posted : June 10, 2017 1:39 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Thanks Wood! I know the documentaries can be a little frustrating when they are putting the show together, taping, interviewing and then editing. They couldn’t have a better person to work with than John Averitt. He knows the case inside and out.


There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 13, 2017 7:22 am
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

The History Channel has a new program on JTR, where they say H. H. Holmes committed the crimes. I wonder if they will have a new suspect or twist for Z.

Posted : June 13, 2017 7:18 pm
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

The History Channel has a new program on JTR, where they say H. H. Holmes committed the crimes. I wonder if they will have a new suspect or twist for Z.

If that’s the kind of fresh take documentary style they’re going for with JTR, then I’m seriously concerned about what they’re going to put out there for Z.

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : June 14, 2017 3:02 pm
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

The History Channel has a new program on JTR, where they say H. H. Holmes committed the crimes. I wonder if they will have a new suspect or twist for Z.

If that’s the kind of fresh take documentary style they’re going for with JTR, then I’m seriously concerned about what they’re going to put out there for Z.

Coming from the History Channel, I cannot think it will be something good or coherent: especially since that channel has been downgrading to the level of promoting documentaries about pseudo-history or shows about pawn-shops and mechanics. But I might wrong.

Posted : June 14, 2017 4:14 pm
Posts: 70
Estimable Member

When will all of this be available to watch? I don’t have a tv, just a computer lol so I’m wondering if you know when it will be available online to watch, or be on youtube for instance.

Posted : June 17, 2017 8:21 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

When will all of this be available to watch? I don’t have a tv, just a computer lol so I’m wondering if you know when it will be available online to watch, or be on youtube for instance.

I would think late 17 early 18

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 18, 2017 10:34 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

This is encouraging John. Robert Domingos and Linda Edwards murders should be given the close scrutiny and linkage to Zodiac that it sounds like this doc will provide. It should not be that Zodiac investigators have had to look a little harder to discover this case.

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance
George Bernard Shaw

Posted : June 24, 2017 12:25 pm
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

New update from "jbaveritt":

Source: http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … XYikojyuM9

I arrived in LA last Monday and spent the day at the studio talking about the program and my role. The crew drove up to Santa Barbara on Tuesday morning and I met with the cold case detective with the SB Sheriff’s Department by myself and offered that the History Channel would pay for DNA testing on articles from the 1963 crime scene materials. He agreed under some conditions and the team and the Santa Barbara detectives are working that out. I hope that will happen but the time line is short. I also hope that the two detectives hired by the History Channel will be able to see the evidence the department has. The SB detectives were not talking to the hired detectives until I got there so let’s hope that there is ongoing success there. The History Channel hired two impressive cold case detectives and they are working on the Zodiac murders in this special. One is from the LA area and the other is from back east. I will leave the information about them until the advertisements start in November. I looked them up and their histories are excellent. Wednesday morning we all met at 0500 and headed for the boats. It was cool and the trip took 2 hours up the coast to the crime scene. There were four cameras and two drones. It took 14 hours to film the shots they wanted. There will be six episodes (six nights) of one hour each. The Santa Barbara episode will be the second as I understand it. It will show on the History Channel in December of this year. For my part I showed the crime and how it happened. I actually showed more that has been presented in the past but refused to give information that is not officially released by the Santa Barbara’s Sheriff’s Department. I started wearing a jacket and they did not want me to wear the hat I took with me. It was not hot but the sun cooked my face. They had sun screen but it was left on the boat. At the end of the filming day the sea was too high to go back on the small transfer boat so we walked out up the trail. The crew hired two vans and a UBER to drive us back to Santa Barbara. There were three park rangers there. The site is closed to the public because of safety and because it is a historical location of the Chumash Indians. I was breaking the law when I filmed there in 2010. They explained that to me. While we were filming the rangers watched my documentary on there tablets. They were very nice and helpful. That is why we had to have permits to film there. We also needed permits to land by boat. I must say that the process was very professional. I focused on the facts of the case. I did speculate on a few points. The two retired detectives hired by the History Channel then processed the scene. We were able to climb up to the place where the shack was back in 1963. The rangers allowed us to do so. I also discussed the fact that Tom and this site were major sources of my information about the known Zodiac killings and told them what I knew about those crimes and crime scenes. Neither detectives had been there as of that point. I also quoted Bill Baker extensively. I hope they will include those quotes of this site and of Det. Baker. I also quoted the importance of this site in my work and my documentary. All we can do now is see how 14 hours of filming becomes in a 44 minute program later in this year (44 minutes plus commercials becomes an hour program on TV). Let me know if you have questions and I will attempt to answer them.

Posted : July 24, 2017 8:40 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Wood: Will the Cheri Bates murder be considered?

Posted : July 25, 2017 12:48 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I know that they are looking into Larry Kane, so I am assuming they will include the Donna Lass case? The documentary will be a 6 part series, it sounds like they are going to cover many suspects. I have been contacted by three people so far who were asked to be in the documentary, they had to sign papers to keep certain information under raps.
I am very excited by the upcoming series!

My Z group are planning on having a get together for the series. Meanwhile the Sept 27th Lake Berryessa anniversary is coming up. The water is pretty high , not sure if we can get to it with out a boat? Or perhaps the water level will be just like it was in 1969? We will be there regardless of how high the water is. Mark Hewitt will be there with his newest Z book "Profiled, The Zodiac Examined " . I bought his last one and I have to say it is one of the very best Zodiac books ever written! It is all about the cases not suspects, names of people I never heard of who were involved in the case. Anyone is invited to join us for the anniversary remembering the victims. We get there early to talk about the case, then around 7pm we head to the restaurant in Napa ,across the street from where Zodiac made his phone call.

I wonder if the History channel will be there at that time?

Posted : September 4, 2017 10:11 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Tom V received a email from the History channel yesterday, showing another close up picture of Cheri Jo’s pants. He saw what he thinks could be a hand print in blood on Cheri Jo’s pants !

Posted : November 7, 2017 2:57 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Tom V received a email from the History channel yesterday, showing another close up picture of Cheri Jo’s pants. He saw what he thinks could be a hand print in blood on Cheri Jo’s pants !

I think we will learn more about that in the episode.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 7, 2017 6:21 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Sounds like it will be pretty exciting, especially with the new DNA testing that they are doing on Cheri Jo’s pants! I wish Napa would do that same test on Bryan and Cecelia’s clothing.
I heard that VPD and SFPD refused to be a part of the show, but I don’t know if Napa will or not? Morf, can you tell us if you know,or does being under contract prevent you from that?

Posted : November 7, 2017 11:13 pm
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