Since there’s so much dispute over whether or not Kathleen Johns actually was abducted by Zodiac, I thought I’d try running a poll to get an idea of what people’s opinions are. Please vote! I’m really interested in hearing people’s thoughts and opinions, because I know they vary widely. Personally, I am inclined to think that she was an intended victim who got lucky and escaped–but I’m willing to change my mind if I find someone else’s reasoning more convincing!
Thanks, everyone!
You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.~~Vladimir Nabokov
Murder is always a mistake. One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner.~~Oscar Wilde
hmmm he does take credit for it in a letter, but her description of him if i remember was like he was 160lbs… different from the rest of the descriptions at the time.
so that’s why I said Possibly.
Zodiac took credit..after this article. He provided no added or separate proof other than what the Examiner provided him:
I vote, NO.
SF Examiner – March 23, 1970
Woeman and her baby letter:
Sure Zodiac could have gotten all of that information and claimed credit for something that he had nothing to do with. But the fact that she described everything about him and the way that he spoke. She could have been the person who told the detectives that he had a lazy eye. (That was kept secret)I was told about Zodiac’s lazy eye by DOJ in Sacramento in 1990.
Later in 1990,Kathleen picked out the same face that I had picked from a photo line up, as the man she rode with a couple of hours. That picture we picked looked exactly like the man I got away from in Vallejo in 1968. I don’t believe that is just a coincidence!
Zodiac kept taunting Kathleen years later and even sent her a Halloween Card that she gave to Paul Avery. Zodiac phoned her ,to let her know that he was watching her and wanted her to know that he knew she had had another baby girl.
Not many people know that the man she rode with, held his glasses on with a one inch rubber band. I have seen the man she and I picked out of the line up wearing a band exactly like that. He also has the scars she described along his jaw line, like pock marks and the two she said that he had on his chin, were actually one scar that was shaped like a Z. The one line that connects the two ,is so thin that she probably didn’t see it. I was able to see it when I blew up the picture I took of him, other wise I would have thought it was two scars as well.
I have absolutely no doubt that Kathleen Johns escaped being killed by the Zodiac and that he continued to torment her over several years. He did the same thing to Darlene’s mother as well.
One more reason to believe it was Zodiac who took Kathleen for that "interesting ride". I had forgotten that in a interview with Dr.Howard Davis, Kathleen told him Zodiac wanted her to know that it was he who picked her up that night. He described her car and it’s "color" to her to prove he was the one, that information wasn’t in the newspaper article.
I voted possibly but do think she was with z…i just cannot prove it as a definite..
I doubt it was him, it’s just so different from his known crimes. But it’s not impossible. My thinking could change.
Just so much different than the known Zodiac M.O., but the disabling of a lone female ‘s car is much like the Bates case
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Never believed a word of it.
I believe the only publication that mentioned the burning car was the Modesto Bee the following day. Hopefully I am correct about that or the rest of what I write will be of little value! Does anyone know how wide a circulation the Bee had? If the Zodiac wasn’t from Modesto, and I doubt he was or he wouldn’t have written about it at all, it would have taken some effort for him to view multiple news sources to acquire all of the information he provided, yet he seemed to put very little effort into making his claim convincing, as if he didn’t care whether they believed him. I don’t have much faith in Johns making an ID from the sketch or from a photograph years later, but it has always seemed like an odd and kind of embarrassing crime for him to claim. If Johns wasn’t involved in some kind of elaborate insurance scam at the end of her long drive in the middle of the night, the blaze makes me curious. I can’t see much gain in some vandal coming along and torching an abandoned car.
Oh, I just read that the car was reported burned in the Examiner – I was wrong about the Modesto Bee being the only one to report that. Sorry about that!
Not sure how anyone can say definitely yes or no to anything at all in the Z case. Based on the information available, I would say there is a very low probability that she was abducted by Z. But I would not say definitely not.
No. Completely different MO to the Zodiac killings, much higher risk, much longer and closer interaction with the victim, without any disguise of any kind. The weirdest thing is that she ends up not far from her car, so as I am not from the area, is there a map showing how that worked?
I don’t know if I took part in the poll or not when it first aired but will say that I don’t believe John’s was a z victim. My reasons are pretty much what marienbad states above.
I think it is likely she is a Zodiac target. The Good Samaritan ruse she described is the Zodiac and not something someone just conjures up unless you know about the CJB case and other things going on ‘down there’.
He said he would drive her to a service station (another theme popping up in the Zodiac case, his safe zone after a murder to make a call).
I think with all the stalking cruising he would need to refuel. Zodiac investigators checked out gas station purchases made around the times of all the Zodiac crimes to see if the offender could be cross-referenced with a card purchase. So unless he paid cash he is basically refueling his own vehicle. Which indicates he carries a gas tank around with him. Which would also line up with the BY FIRE possibility.
Also I really like her description of the band around his head and more recently it has gotten my attention after I found this.
Also remember the clip-on glasses at Lake Berryessa?
Wouldn’t surprise me if Rayex is his eyewear of choice.
I go with the idea that the Zodiac has done the Good Samaritan routine over and over. He only leaves the lugs off with women he deems candidates for not being particularly astute. Otherwise women have certainly met him and he has let them go again without tampering with the wheel more like he did with Johns.
He believes he is invincible because of who he is. After Presideo Heights and his face in the paper and yet nobody is thinking twice it is him.
I would consider some sort of sport related event having influenced the Zodiac’s journey. Maybe they lost.
Then there is that possible strange composite someone pulled awhile back which may or may not be related to the Zodiac case. has a 400 paged book for free containing the super solution with an overarching explanation of the cards and more.