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High Tech Family & Coed Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

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Re: the Valerie Percy, Robison family and Zodiac cases:

It’s long been theorized Zodiac was active during the six month span between the Lake Herman Road and Blue Rock Springs Park attacks.

Mike Morrison and Debbie Means, two high school students, were brutally murdered in early May, 1969, crimes that bear similarities to Zodiac attacks, confirmed and suspected.

The students disappeared hours after attending Morrison’s prom. Their car was discovered on a rural roadway the next day. Two days after disappearing, their bodies were discovered in an isolated area a couple of miles from where their car was found. Morrison was shot numerous times in the back of the head with a .22. Means was bound, and strangled with laundry line.

Their killer wrote a letter to Means’ mother (the envelope of which also contained Morrison’s IDs), called police and took credit for the crime. In recent years it’s been reported Means was raped. But a news story from 1969 quotes the pathologist who did her autopsy. In it he said there was no evidence of rape.

Note the handwriting in the letter to Means’ mother, on the envelope discovered with the Hautz letter, and in the note found on the door of the cabin where the bodies of the Robison family were discovered (the latter two previously discussed in this thread.)

Morrison and Means were killed in Illinois. I have documented connections between the Illinois murder of Valerie Percy (9/18/66) the Lake Berryessa and Stein attacks, and murder suspect William Thoresen III. You may recall he was from Percy’s neighborhood and lived in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights district from 1965 to 1970.

There’s more on this in a book I recently published, Zodiac Maniac, which is in many ways a sequel to the one I did on the Percy case. Cheers.

Posted : July 3, 2020 3:28 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Very interesting. Very strong similarities in MO. And I see the odd similarity between the Riverside "P", the Robison "B" and the Morrison – Means "P" in "Please".

Could you type the content of the letter? Do you have a copy of the envelope?


Posted : July 3, 2020 6:20 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

A K Wilkes.
type into google with quote marks " " as they lock in the exact sentence.

"give the cards to his mother"
it will take you to the typed out version. very disturbing.
or try below.
https://books.google.com.au/books?id=FY … sig=ACfU3U

Posted : July 3, 2020 7:00 am
Posts: 3
New Member

Have not seen the envelope. It reportedly survives. Though not written in cursive, compare the lower case Es here to those written on the door of Hartnell’s VW. Might be worth keeping in mind that if all three were written by the same person, and there are numerous reasons to believe they were, he was masquerading as a female when addressing the Press envelope. There are also similarities in verbiage and structure between the Means letter and Bates case related mailings.

Posted : July 3, 2020 8:23 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Replaceablehead started a very interesting discussion about why the Robison case is more compelling than most people remember. Go here for the start of that discussion and the interesting facts and evidence that make the Robison case very compelling to have been done by the Zodiac: viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5211

As part of that discussion, Nick, no Nora made a post that presented some very interesting links and patterns. I post that here, because it is very relevant to a specific POI. If you have POI specific comments or evidence, present them here. If you have more general comments or facts to present, do that at the original topic thread.

Very interesting work here by replaceablehead, Nick, no Nora and others. Yes I think the Midwest Murders, especially Percy and the Robison murders with a letter to the newspapers with inside knowledge of the crime by Zodius, have very compelling links to the Zodiac case. I was surprised, and disappointed, that the ZKS community for the most part showed little interest.

Even with the Zodius/Zodiac word link and both writing to newspapers with inside knowledge of the crime,, the police matching the ballistics of Michigan Zodius 6/25/68 and California Zodiac 12/20/68,and the (suburban Cincinnati) Hamilton County Major Crimes squad issuing a press release that the Zodiac Killer was now officially a suspect in the Bricca murders. This was one of the reasons I decided message boards were, with exceptions, often of little real value, and for the past few years, what time I have for the Z case I spend more on research and contacting authorities then I do posting.

When I gave the Bricca detectives evidence on the possible links to the other Midwest murders, the Zodiac Killer and Ted Kaczynski, they were very interested. Former FBI agent and serial killer profiler John Douglas noted that posing bodies in anyway occurs only in about 1% of homicides. The detectives were very interested when I told them that in the possible Zodiac crimes of the murders of Domingos and Edwards, the victims were bound and the female placed atop the male.

They said this matched what happened in the Bricca case and included this rare MO match in their press release announcing that the Zodiac Killer was now a suspect in the Bricca case. (As far as placement of the female atop the male, it also matches what happened in another Midwest Family Murders case, the Robison case).The (suburban Cincinnati) Hamilton County Sheriff Major Crimes Squad said they would try to match any evidence from the Bricca case with any available in the Zodiac case, including DNA. Of course it is still not known if any reliable DNA evidence was or has been developed in the Zodiac case. This video is no longer active, but you can still read the headline of the Bricca case detectives press release stating the Zodiac Killer is now a suspect in the Bricca case.

From Nick, no Nora:

OK, I found a possible link between the people in the Midwest crimes and the SoCal crimes that we study. It’s a weak link at the moment, only a six-degrees-of-separation sort of thing. I’m taking the names of the people out for right now, so a Zodiac site doesn’t pop up when a great-grandson is looking online for an obituary. This is an NYT article from 1985. I’ll leave it to you all to consider how serious to take this chain of people.

https://www.nytimes.com/1985/07/15/busi … group.html

… has announced the formation of a new joint venture to pursue venture capital opportunities in high technology, and has named [name redacted #1], a co-founder of TRW Inc., its chairman.

[Name Redacted #1] is not the only familiar name involved in the new operation ……. Indeed, the group was formed as a result of wide-ranging contacts in government and business made by [name redacted #2], a Commerce Secretary under President Nixon who also has been chief executive of Bell & Howell and chairman of Lehman Brothers.

”I have known [name redacted #2] for some years, starting with when he was at Bell & Howell,” [name redacted #1], who is 72, said …..’

To be very clear here: Name Redacted #1 is too old to be Zodiac. And I’m not saying anyone mentioned in the article is Zodiac.
I’m also not saying Z worked specifically for one of these companies. He could have worked for a third company involved in this line of business. Or McDonald’s.

But I am intrigued the companies possibly worked together in some way. At this point, however, it might be only that the CEOs played golf together.

Here’s how you get from A to B (or A to F):

1) Valerie Percy was one victim in the 1966 Midwest murder cases we’re discussing (that have not been definitively linked, but have some commonalities that AK Wilks has documented). Percy’s father was the previous CEO of Bell and Howell, and appears to have been the predecessor of Redacted Name #2. The company made photographic lenses, camera stuff, and business machines.

2) Name Redacted #1 founded the defense contracting company that Joyce Walker worked for- Space Technology Laboratories. STL worked in satellites and missiles (and maybe computers). Here’s a 2007 LA Times article looking back at STL, with NR1 reminiscing.

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm … story.html

3) Some background on the TRW company mentioned in the article: TRW, headquartered in Cleveland, was formed in a 1958 merger between Cleveland-based Thompson Products and California-based STL. STL continued its work in SoCal as a subsidiary corporation.

4) Vandenburg AFB, near Lompoc, was where they launched satellites. SLT might have had a field office there at some point, if the company history linked below is accurate.

Here’s an online TRW/STL company history of unknown origin:

https://tra-spacepark.org/wordpress/wp- … story2.pdf

Encyclopedia Britannica article on TRW:


5) I want to mention that reading around, the navy did weapons testing at the base where Joseph Bates worked in Corona. Obviously that brings up possibilities, none clearly established at this time, at least by us.

To expand ….

Walker worked as a secretary at Space Technologies Laboratories in El Segundo CA, near LAX, in a cluster of aerospace companies. It is a federally-funded consultancy involved in satellites. They work/ed with the National Reconnaissance Organization, with an office in El Segundo. The NRO ran/runs the US spy satellite program.

This 1987 LA Times article details the West Coast military intelligence system. It describes the NRO office. It describes Skaggs Island, near Vallejo, run by the NSA and the Navy, where a unit of code experts tracked Russian subs, used radians, and worked with teletype machines. It also says they launched the satellites at Vandenburg AFB, near Lompoc. There are a number of intelligence installations close or fairly close to Zodiac activity.

https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm … story.html

So with these details in mind …

Do I think Walker was killed by someone she knew?
Was that a person a co-worker/work associate?
Was that person involved in the West Coast intelligence network?
Was that person connected to Skaggs Island?

It’s speculation for now. But it would make a lot of sense.

Seagull’s posted upthread about Walker being found covered in a blanket and that often happens when the killer knows the victim. Also, she was chatting with the man at the scene of the car wreck.

AK Wilks: In the possible Zodiac murders of Domingos and Edwards, Santa Barbara, the victims were also covered with a blanket, which also happened in some of the Midwest Murders, like the Robison family murder.. Of course the use of a disabled car in the Walker case reminds one of the use of disabled cars in the possible Zodiac crimes Bates and Johns.

The suspect in the Joyce Walker murder was seen walking with a limp. At least two people described Zodiac having an unusual walk, possibly a slight to moderate limp of some kind. Officer Fouke said the man he saw at the Stine crime scene walked with a "shuffling lope", but further described it as a "lumbering gait…a semi-limp". A girl at Lake Berryessa said that a man watching her and her friends, who may have been the Zodiac, did not exactly have a "limp", but then described something very much like a limp, saying she observed he "favored one leg over the other".

Good work by replaceablehead and Nick, no Nora. It is very interesting that Joyce Walker worked for Space Technologies Laboratory, and that company was involved in spy satellites. Nick, no Nora explores these facts in that they might pertain to a possible POI being found who worked for one of these companies or in this field of high tech, weapons and satellites. For me it is most interesting when you look at a pattern of possible Zodiac Killer and Midwest Murders cases involving victims whose fathers worked for companies involved in high tech, computers, weapons and aircraft / satellite surveillance.

Cheri Bates father worked at a facility for testing naval weapons, that included missiles. Mr Robison had announced a plan to remove forestry near airports and build computerized warehouses for the airplane cargo industry. Mr Bricca worked as a chemical engineer at Monsanto.

Charles Percy, the father of murder victim in suburban Chicago on 9/18/66, Valerie Percy, was the CEO of Bell & Howell. They made business machines, the forerunners of computers. They also made cameras, including most of the cameras that were attached to US military aircraft.

Joyce Walker was killed on Thanksgiving in 1964, which was on 11/26/64.There were other Zodiac, Midwest Murders and College Girl Murders that happened around Thanksgiving. Of course Cheri Bates was killed the day before another Fall holiday, Halloween. The man who killed Cheri Bates outside the college library likely mailed the confession letter on 11/28/66. Betsy Aardsma was killed on 11/28/69 at the Penn State college library, with a witness picking from a photo lineup a picture of a Zodiac Killer and Midwest Murders suspect. And 12 years later, Joan Webster, Harvard student, went missing on 11/28/81, last seen in the company of an unknown bearded man, and was later found murdered.

Joan Webster’s father used to work for the CIA, and in 1981 was a Vice President at IT&T, of the military technology and weapons division. IT&T also did a lot of work for the CIA, and was exposed in late 1970’s Congressional hearings as having in the early and mid 1970’s helped the CIA overthrow Allende in Chile. IT&T having set up the communication networks in Chile, a clear asset to the CIA for spying.

We must consider Joyce Walker working at Space Technology Laboratories, a company involved in the space program and spy satellites, and the other victims or victims fathers links to high tech, computers, weapons and satellites that Nick, no Nora and I show. It is all particularly relevant to a Zodiac and Midwest Murders suspect who FBI files said had a noticeable limp, as did the killer of Joyce Walker. And this suspect hated technology and computers, had a legitimate reason to have a grudge against the CIA and had a particular paranoia about, obsession with and hatred for airplanes and for aircraft and satellites he felt the government used to spy on citizens.


Posted : January 26, 2021 6:55 pm
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

I posted on the Boles Family Murders, August 13, 1965, in Crestline, Ca. See http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … =37&t=5258 . Father worked as an aerospace engineer for Hughes Aircraft. Murder site in Crestline is 27 miles from bates murder site in Riverside, Bates father worked at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. And Boles murders site in Crestline is 92 miles from where Joyce Walker was killed, in November 1963 at Manhattan Beach, and she worked at Space Technologies Laboratory, involved in computers, missiles and spy satellites. Hughes Airrcraft was very involved in aircraft for the Defense Department, also involved in the space program and spy satellites.

At first I called these the "Midwest Murders," as initially I was dealing with the Percy murder, suburban Chicago, Illinois, Bricca Family, suburban Cincinnati, Ohio and Robison Family, Michigan.

But considering Joyce Walker was an employee at Space Technologies Laboratory in California, Sims Family Murders were in Florida and now the Boles Family Murders in California, I am now calling these crimes, involving victims or fathers of victims who work in computers, weapons, aircraft and spy satellites, the "High Tech Murders". What do people think?

"High Tech Murders" … I like it!

Posted : February 17, 2021 7:16 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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I posted on the Boles Family Murders, August 13, 1965, in Crestline, Ca. See viewtopic.php?f=37&t=5258 On August 13, 1965, the Boles Family, a father, mother and two sons, were murdered in Crestline, California. The father was an aerospace engineer for Hughes Aircraft. Aside from making aircraft, Hughes Aircraft was involved with computers, the Defense Department, the space program and satellites. Thus the Boles Family Murders would fit the possible pattern of “High Tech Murders”, which could include Joyce Walker (November 26,1963, Manhattan Beach, Ca, employee at Space Technologies Laboratory, involved in missiles and spy satellites) Valerie Percy (Suburban Chicago, Sept. 16, 1966, father worked for Bell & Howell, maker of computer like business machines and cameras for military aircraft & space program), the Bricca Family (Suburban Cincinnati, Sept. 27, 1966, father Jerry Bricca was chemical engineer at Monsanto & Linda Bricca’s father owned company with Defense Dept. contracts), Sims Family (October 22, 1966, Florida, father was as press noted a “nationally recognized computer expert”) and Robison Family (Michigan, June 25, 1966, father’s company was working on announced plan to clear forests near airports to build computerized warehouses for air cargo business). Cheri Bates father worked at the Naval Ordinance Laboratory. Also of interest, the Boles Family Murders cabin in Crestline, Ca, is just 27 miles to the Bates murder scene in Riverside, ca, and 92 miles to the Joyce Walker murder site in Manhattan Beach, Ca. At the old ZKS board, Morf noted the Boles Family Murders in Crestline is also just 15 miles from San Bernardino, site of the school of Patricia Hautz and Zodiac POI or more likely possible classmate of Zodiac nicknamed “Zode” aka MLZ. The Boles family were killed by .22 LR bullets, same types as used at possible Zodiac murder of Domingos & Edwards Santa Barbara 6/4/63, Zodius murder of Robison Family 6/25/68 and Zodiac murder of Faraday & Jensen 12/20/68. Police in the Boles case determined that the gun used had six right twists and grooves and the pistol used was most likely a High Standard, sold at Sears as a JC Higgins. Police in Zodius Robison Family Michigan murders on 6/25/68 and Zodiac Faraday & Jensen California murders on 12/20/68 also determined weapon used had six right twists and grooves, with most likely pistol being used was also a JC Higgins. Darlene Boles was found on top of one of her sons, and she either did this on purpose to shield her son or was placed on top of him. The female was also placed on top of the male in Domingos & Edwards, California 6/4/63, Bricca Family Murders, Ohio September 27, 1966 and Robison Family murders, Michigan 6/25/68. Boles Family: Boles Murder cabin in Crestline is 92 miles to Walker murder site in Manhattan Beach, and 27 miles to Bates murder site in Riverside: Boles murder site in Crestline is 15 miles to San Bernardino, site of school of Patricia Hautz, probable writer of letter to press in Bates case, and “Zode”, possible POI or more likely possible classmate of Zodiac. Info noted by Morf and graphic by Rand: I note that It is interesting how many victims in some prominent unsolved murders have ties to computers, high tech, aerospace and/or defense industries. The Boles father was an aerospace engineer for Hughes Aircraft. When killed in 1964, Joyce Walker worked for Space Technologies Laboratory, involved in missiles and spy satellites. The father of Valerie Percy was CEO of of a high tech business machine and camera company that made equipment for spy planes. Percy was killed September 18, 1966. A week later the Bricca family was murdered, Jerry Bricca worked as a chemical engineer for Monsanto Chemical, and the father of Linda Bricca owned a company that did contract work for the Defense Department. The bodies of the Bricca family were found on September 27, 1966. October 30, 1966 Cheri Jo Bates was murdered. Her father worked at a Naval Weapons facility. I mean, perhaps 2% or less of the population would have worked in these industries? It seems odd that all of these victims would have such ties. At first I called these the “Midwest Murders,” as initially I was dealing with the Percy murder, suburban Chicago, Illinois, Bricca Family, suburban Cincinnati, Ohio and Robison Family, Michigan. But considering Joyce Walker was an employee at Space Technologies Laboratory in California, Sims Family Murders were in Florida and now the Boles Family Murders in California, I am now calling these crimes, involving victims or fathers of victims who work in computers, weapons, aircraft and spy satellites, the “High Tech Murders”. What do people think?   Here are some key points. I consider the following series of home invasion murders where the entire family is present to possibly be related. I used to call these the “Midwest Family Murders”, as at first impression they all happen in the connected and contiguous Midwest states of Illinois (9/18/66, Percy Family, father worked in high tech business, entire family home, but stepmother hit burglar alarm after college coed Valerie Percy killed), Ohio (9/27/66, Bricca Family, father worked in high tech, father, wife and daughter murdered) and Michigan (6/25/68, Robison Family, father worked in high tech, father, wife, three sons and daughter killed). Possibly related murders are the college coed murders of Valerie Percy, Illinois (9/18/66), Cheri Jo Bates, California, killed outside college library (10/30/66), Betsy Aardsma, Pennsylvania, killed inside college library (11/28/69). Also perhaps related and expanding the scope further beyond the Midwest are Crestline, California (August 13, 1965, the Boles Family Murders, father worked as aerospace engineer at Hughes Aircraft), Manhattan Beach, California (November 26, 1964, Joyce Walker, worked at Space Technologies Laboratory) and Cambridge, Mass (November 28, 198, Joan Webster, Harvard student, abducted and killed, father was former CIA and then Voce President of IT&T, Weapons Division). Considering the possible murders have expanded beyond the Midwest to include Florida (Sims family), California (Bates, Walker, Boles family) and Massachusetts (Joan Webster, I now consider this possible series of murders the “High Tech Family and Coed Murders”. COLLEGE GIRL AND FAMILY MURDERS CLUSTERED IN 1966 – 1969: ALL OR SOME OR NONE OF THESE CASES MAY BE RELATED Sharon Bubes, Evanston, IL – Attacked in her bedroom with a hammer, 6/30/66 Valerie Percy, Kenilworth, IL – Murdered in her bedroom by hammer and long 10 – 12 inch knife, 9/18/66 Bricca Family, Cincinnati, OH – Found bound with female stockings and men’s ties, socks placed in mouth and murdered in bedrooms by knife, 9/27/66 Sims Family, Tallahassee, FL – Bound with female stockings and men’s ties, socks placed in mouth and murdered, 10/22/66 Cheri Jo Bates, Riverside, CA – Murdered at campus library by short 3 inch knife, 10/30/66 Confession letter in Cheri Jo Bates murder, Riverside, CA – probably placed in mailbox on 11/28/66 Robison Family, Good Hart, MI – All family members shot, mother and daughter beaten with a hammer, 6/25/68 Cecelia Shepard, Lake Berryessa, CA – Bound and murdered by long 10 – 12 inch knife, 9/27/69 Betsy Aardsma, State College, PA – Murdered in campus library by short 3 inch knife, 11/28/69 Joan Webster, Boston, MA – Harvard grad student abducted and killed, 11/28/81 East Coast cases: Nov 28, 1969 Betsy Aardsma, Penn State Nov 28, 1981 Joan Webster, Harvard College Girl Murders: Left: Valerie Percy Right: Cheri Jo Bates On September 18, 1966, Valerie Percy was brutally murdered in the mansion of her father, Bell & Howell CEO and Republican Nominee for Senate Charles Percy. With the next 34 days, two American families would be wiped out in horrorrorific home invasion slaughters. Father, mother, children. These were the Bricca Family in Cincinnati, Ohio found dead on September 27, 1966 and the Sims Family killed in Tallahassee, Florida on October 22, 1966. Just 8 days later, the probable first crime of the Zodiac Killer happened in Riverside, California, the day before Halloween. This was the murder of Cheri Jo Bates on October 30, 1966. On June 25, 1968, the Robison family would be killed in their Northern Michigan cottage, in Good Hart. Father, mother, daughter, three sons. Was this the work of five different killers? There is evidence to suggest that. But could these five murder sites be connected? Were there similarities between the victims, MO, geography and weapons to suggest that it was at least possible these and others were the work of one man? Yes. There is evidence and witnesses that say Valerie Percy and Linda Bricca knew each other, and they both came from the same upper class social circles in suburban Chicago. Valerie Percy, Cheri Jo Bates, Celia Shepard, Betsy Aardsma, Joan Webster – each young woman was a college girl. Percy, Bricca, Sims, Bates, Robison, Webster – in each case the father had multiple connections to the world of business, high tech, computers, government and/or defense contracts. Dr. Sims was a government official for the State of Florida Education Department and ran the computer division, and apparently was a top “nationally recognized” “computer expert”. Charles Percy was the Republican nominee for US Senate, and CEO of the high tech company Bell & Howell, that made camera’s and computer like business machines. Mr. Bricca worked for the high tech chemical company Monsanto. Mr. Robison was a magazine publisher and looking to do a major expansion by clearing forest near a rural airport to create “computerized warehouse operations” and cultural centers. He then wanted to expand this idea across the country. The Sims family being bound with stockings, mens ties and socks in their mouth matches exactly with what a Ohio detective told me was done to the Bricca family. The father of Cheri Jo Bates worked at the Naval Weapons Facility. The father of Joan Webster was ex CIA, and was at the time the Vice President at IT&T, Defense Technologies Group. The Percy mansion and the Robison cottage are both on or near Lake Michigan. The Shepard murder was confirmed work of the ZODIAC, the Bates murder was probably/almost certainly ZODIAC and ZODIAC certainly sent letters to the newspaper claiming knowledge of the crime and asked his letter be published in the newspaper, and ZODIAC has been mentioned in published books as a suspect in both the Percy, Aardsma and Webster murders. In the Robison Murders a tipster sent in clues to a newspaper with inside knowledge of the crime and asked for the name ZODIUS to appear in the newspaper. Also, the Bricca Family murder was husband-wife-young daughter. Sims Family murder was husband-wife-youngest daughter. Both were brutal overkill stabbings, as was Percy murder, as was Robison murder, gunshots also in Sims and Robison cases. The Robison Family were shot to death. In Bubes, Percy and Robison a hammer was used. In Bricca, Sims and Shepard victims were bound. Bates and Aardsma were killed in or at college libraries, on Fall Holiday periods, with a short 3 inch knife. In Percy and Shepard an approximately FOOT LONG knife/bayonet was used. In the possible early Zodiac crime of the Santa Barbara murders of Domingos and Edwards, the Zodiac murder on 12/20/68 of Jensen and Faraday and the Robison Family murders of 6/25/68 a .22 with rifling of six lands and grooves with a right hand twist was used, police concluding a JC Higgins pistol was the most likely weapon used. I think the evidence shows Bates and Shepard were killed by the Zodiac, but we don’t know who the Zodiac was. In some of these cases, like Robison, there are good local suspects, who while never charged have some circumstantial evidence pointing towards them. In other cases, like Aardsma and Webster, there are different suspects but none that really stand out and the evidence is not very compelling and they are unsolved. In many of the cases, like Percy, Bricca and Sims, there are no real solid suspects and the cases are unsolved. The murder sites in Good Hart, Michigan (Robison Family 6/25/68), Cincinnati, Ohio (Bricca Family found 9/27/66) and Tallahassee, Florida (Sims Family 10/22/66) all are in an almost perfect vertical line on a map. Add in Kenilworth, Illinois (Valerie Percy 9/18/66) and State College, Pennsylvania (Betsy Aardsma 11/28/69) and they all form a rough cross, actually more like the Yggdrasil Symbol/Algiz Rune. The Algiz Rune translates as the English letter “Z”. My POI spraypainted a Yggdrasil Symbol/Algiz Rune at the campus of a murder target. The Yggdrasil means “Tree of Life”, where marriages were held in the Norse village, but also means “Tree of Terror”, were enemies of the tribe were executed, under the tree but by a river so the blood could drain into it. The Algiz Rune (English letter “Z”) also means to “wound severely; to mark with blood”. ………………………………..…………………………


Posted : February 18, 2021 4:02 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin
Posted by: @ak-wilks

Yep just let me know. I am always happy to help with a FOIA.

Norse I don’ know if you saw this or not.

This is actual handwriting from the killer of the Robison Family. This note was put on the cabin to deter neighbors. It had to have been done by the killer.

AK, are you still around? If you see this, Druzer would like to check out your Robeson files

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 19, 2022 12:43 am
Druzer reacted
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Yep I am still around, though have not been very active lately. Let me see what I can find.


Deuzer send me a PM and I will give you my email.


Posted : August 19, 2022 3:30 pm
Druzer reacted
Posts: 229
Estimable Member

@ak-wilks Thanks! I was actually able to get the file from Dave. Cheers

Posted : August 20, 2022 3:33 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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On the left is the suspect sketch in the September 1966 murder of Valerie Percy and on the right is a picture of Ted Kaczynski.  Can someone please add glasses to the picture of Ted Kaczynski?  BTW in a book by his closest neighbors Waits and Shor they stated that despite not needing a prescription Ted often wore glasses to protect his eyes from the elements.  And as the Unabomber he wore glasses to break up the shape of his face and make accurate identification more difficult. 


And can someone make the sketch  –  picture comparison visible?

And also make visible this hood found in Ted’s cabin with a Zodiac like front bib chest piece?







Posted : February 16, 2023 11:47 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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L: Valerie Percy Suspect Sketch 

R: Ted Kaczynski with Glasses


Posted : February 17, 2023 10:09 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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Left is Percy Suspect Sketch Right is Ted Kaczynski With Glasses.


Posted : February 27, 2023 2:59 pm
AK Wilks
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First,  much thanks to Doranchak for setting this up to keep the best, most balanced and informative Zodiac site on the internet up and running. 


Now I have always had some mixed feelings when any member says ‘stay tuned, something is developing that will be publicly released in the months ahead, but I can’t publicly disclose in detail now.’

But that is what the situation is right now.  For years I have said that I think the next major development in the Zodiac case is more likely to occur in one of these High Tech Family and Coed Murders than in the canonical  California cases. And that is now coming true.

In a case not named here but which I think strong evidence suggests is part of this probable series of connected crimes,  there have been some significant progress. 


First in a unsolved serial murder case a letter written by the killer to a newspaper which contains a code, when deciphered reveals a seventeen letter name of a  convicted serial killer, in left to right read, correct spelling and no anagrams. 


Second, and even more importantly, in this serial murder case hairs were found on two victims not from the victims themselves or any of their family or friends.  The hairs came from the same unknown male and police believe that this unknown man is  very likely the killer. 


The seventeen letter name of the convicted serial killer revealed in the code is in the less than 1% of the U.S.  population that matches this mtDNA profile. 


I think that sometime in the next few months this case will break and hopefully police will announce an indictment in this case.  And when that happens not only will it bring justice and closure to the families of the victims in this case, and the other High Tech Family and Coed Murder cases,  it will cause police to take a whole new look at this suspect for the Zodiac Killer cases.


Because these are up close and personal murders,  were the killer sought publicity by writing to a newspaper that contained a code.


I think there is light at the end of the tunnel and good things are happening and will continue to happen.  I will keep everyone informed as  best I can.  All government bureaucracies including law enforcement agencies move at their own pace and rules and laws must be followed.  But I can say that the police here have shown an open mind and a strong desire to solve these cases.




Posted : May 12, 2023 1:52 pm
By Boredom reacted
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