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Unreleased Zodiac letter?

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About a year ago or so I remember reading a very good article by Mike Kellegher – I’m afraid I forget where but probably on zodiacrevisited.com – where he spoke about the problems a layman has with this case in terms of access to case materials. He stated that there were definite Zodiac letters/correspondence that had not been released to the public.
That sentence intrigued me greatly, but I’m not sure he wrote this before the valiant and persistent efforts of Morf, AKwilks and others paid off with the bulk of the FBI material released in recent times.
To cut to the chase, does anyone know if it is still a fact that there are Z communications that ‘we’ have not been able to see? I understand why LE would do that at the time but surely by now it’s safe to release everything. There are obvious implications of this that affect anyone’s attempts at solving any of Z’s riddles without all the available clues, it would be a real shame if something is being held back that could hold the final key one of us needs to make some headway.

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Posted : October 10, 2013 4:34 pm
Posts: 7527
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I think there may be some still out there, ones that the police chose not to release for one reason or another. I heard that Tom V. at Zk.com has a line on a letter sent by Z to the Director of the CA DMV,but he has not been able to get it if it exists. I wrote multiple times to the FBI requesting multiple letters, and I used multiple types of language,details,etc to get the letters released. there ARE some questioned Z letters I requested that I did not get.

Questioned ones I can think of include a letter entitled ‘Zodiac & The Riddler’, which I think was sent to a military sergeant. There was a questioned letter mailed to the New york draft board. A letter & cassette tape supposedly found in a phonebooth. There was supposedly the ‘In the woods dies April’ letter,and a few others I dont remember off hand. Don’t forget, there were also letters possibly mailed to the Sister of Donna Lass,from Z (I heard that authorities have that letter, the one Howard had at his site),and a supposed Halloween card sent to Kathleen Johns

No way to know which of these may be real,or legitimate letters, or copycats/forgeries. I am convinced that the FBI has released all letters they are able to release to this point. Also, I contacted the CA DOJ and asked for release of any letters they had,but they declined saying it was an open case. I miss getting new letters mailed to me by the FBI, opening them was like opening a present on Christmas morning when you are a kid ;)

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 10, 2013 5:16 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Here’s your article, James:

http://zodiacrevisited.com/a-zodiac-kil … -scenario/

The presentation honestly annoys me but it wouldn’t surprise me if Mike is correct that certain important case information (letters, pieces of physical evidence, key suspects etc.) is being purposely withheld. If it happened today, there is a whole lot more that would be withheld, if possible.

I certainly hope he’s correct and that we’re just not privy to this "end game scenario" playing out behind the scenes. I’m not holding my breath though…

Posted : October 10, 2013 6:51 pm
Posts: 7527
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Here’s your article, James:

http://zodiacrevisited.com/a-zodiac-kil … -scenario/

The presentation honestly annoys me but it wouldn’t surprise me if Mike is correct that certain important case information (letters, pieces of physical evidence, key suspects etc.) is being purposely withheld. If it happened today, there is a whole lot more that would be withheld, if possible.

I certainly hope he’s correct and that we’re just not privy to this "end game scenario" playing out behind the scenes. I’m not holding my breath though…

Maybe we get lucky(or unlucky if the case is not solved by then)and 20 years from now, every single Z case document, letter,etc can be released, since it simply woul not be possible that Z is alive. If Z was 18 yrs old at the youngest,which is a stretch,he would be 62 now,and 82yrs old 20 years from now. I think most of us agree Z was likely older than that, anywhere from early 20’s to 40’s during his crime spree, so it would be highly unlikely that Z could be alive 20 yrs from now. The case reports, evidence,etc could be released.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 10, 2013 7:02 pm
Posts: 7527
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I got a tip on the ‘tipline’ link on the front page here. It allows people to anonymously leave zodiac tips & info here. The person that left the tip must have read this thread because, their ‘tip’, was regarding this questioned ‘DMV’ letter. The tipster claims that the DMV letter DOES EXIST, and in their opinion, is an authentic Z letter. They go as far as to mention that people in Zodiac circles (I will not mention any names)have seen this letter, and at least one of those people actually has a photo of the letter. They mention the name of the person that allegedly has a photo of the letter,but I will not post it here,since there’s no way to know if this is true.

Anybody know any more details about this? Is it true? I personally have never seen the letter, but I think it could certainly be real. The tip included a bit more info about who the letter was mailed to at the DMV, but I think that’s already been discussed at zk.com

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 11, 2013 8:08 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

If you know who supposedly has it can’t you just ask them if they do and if they will share it? If they don’t want to answer, so be it. But I don’t see the point in even mentioning it. People always like to talk about this secret information that they want you to know they have but don’t want to tell you what it is. Why bother? Sounds like someone is just taking the piss.

Not you Morf. I know you are just passing along what you heard. I mean the other parties involved that are playing around here.

Posted : October 11, 2013 12:40 pm
Posts: 7527
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I’ll dig around a bit and see if there may be truth to this, I hope somebody isn’t sitting on this info

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 11, 2013 3:41 pm
Posts: 301
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Wow, thanks for all the replies, it’s quite depressing that this is indeed the case.
20 years ago I could understand LE holding some things back, but I think enough time has passed. If Z walked into a police station today and gave himself up there’s a whole lot he could say about material we’ve all studied which would convince us of his guilt. Saving back a couple of comms might speed the process up a bit but nothing more……… unless there’s other stuff within the letters that turns the case in a different direction, but I can’t think what that could be that makes LE want to keep a lid on it.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 11, 2013 4:15 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

I think there are both legitimate and illegitimate reasons for withholding information from the public (including us Zodiac flotsam ;) ). Information like a symbol or specific detail can be legitimately withheld to verify future communications, verify a later confession or eliminate a false one. More recently, in my experience, law enforcement prefers to control what is made public and is very selective about it, releasing only what they think will help with a case. I think there is also an unspoken attitude or desire of not wanting to give a communicating killer the satisfaction of publicity and general perception that a public forum like this will have nothing to contribute.

I’m honestly a bit put off by someone who created their own Zodiac website and message board as well as participated in forum discussions to turn around and essentially say that forums like this shouldn’t be trusted with case information and are a waste of time. Of course it’s a waste of time if information is withheld. I tend to doubt Mike is referring to the DMV letter but I have no idea why it would be withheld at this point. Sounds like that probably exists (who would make up something like that?) but if it’s a much later letter, I’m skeptical about its authenticity. If there is indeed an active shadow investigation going on, I certainly hope it’s successful.

Posted : October 11, 2013 6:02 pm
Posts: 2309
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A couple of weeks ago Tom asked me to find the person who is in possession of the DMV letter. Not sure if it is the original letter or a copy but most likely a copy. I was able to find the person and passed that info to Tom. The last I heard from Tom about ten days ago is that he had his fingers crossed that the person would share the letter with him. I do not know if this has happened, haven’t asked. I will not divulge the name of the person who has the letter, so don’t even ask.


Posted : October 11, 2013 9:13 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

It’s only been over 40 years with no break in the case…

Posted : October 11, 2013 9:23 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Thanks for that info Seagull,very interesting. Is the letter confirmed to exist?

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 11, 2013 9:24 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

As far as I know the letter does exist.


Posted : October 11, 2013 9:29 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

As far as I know the letter does exist.

Okay, just trying to see who,if anybody,has laid eyes on it

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : October 11, 2013 9:48 pm
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Seagull, why has this individual not made the letter public?

Posted : October 12, 2013 5:39 am
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