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Zodic threat letter…
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Zodic threat letter against Steve McQueen 1977

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The thread is named this because I presented it as a topic of discussion as being a possible z letter, which is why it’s in the "unconfirmed" section

Okay, makes sense!

Below you can see a comparision of words from the threat letter and the same words written by Zodiac.

I don’t think it’s our guy that wrote the threat letter, sorry Morf!

Posted : May 9, 2014 5:48 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

The one word that is unlike Zodiac’s known printing, is the word Murder( done with the left hand ). But It looks to me that only some of the words were done with the left hand, the ones done with the right, which I believe was Zodiac’s dominate hand, look very much the same as Zodiac’s. The thing that gets me is the sentence: "The people of the united states" and the other similar sentence, that makes me think this person could have came here from another country ? That fits one of my suspects !

How many of you have ever used the word glorification ? I am pretty sure I haven’t.

I had mentioned that Steve McQueen was a demanding person, his close friend told me that Steve would "tell" the people working with him, to get this or get that and not ask in a nice way. He would only use blue tipped matches to light his cigarettes and had to have a special blend of coffee with the exact amount of cream and sugar or he would dump it out. If zodiac isn’t the writer of this threat to Steve, then perhaps it was one of the people he offended ?

Posted : May 9, 2014 7:50 pm
Posts: 7527
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The thread is named this because I presented it as a topic of discussion as being a possible z letter, which is why it’s in the "unconfirmed" section

Okay, makes sense!

Below you can see a comparision of words from the threat letter and the same words written by Zodiac.

I don’t think it’s our guy that wrote the threat letter, sorry Morf!

Thanks for the side by side.

We are comparing a zodiac writing style that is obviously disguised, at least in some small way most likely(slanting it, writing quickly, etc),against this McQueen letter that looks like the writer was very careful, and took his time, and compare to the McQueen letter.

Look at the samples below, and look how much the writing improves when Z takes his time:

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 12:24 am
Posts: 64
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What you have here is some crackpot who clearly watches to much TV..I mean come on,the hell with McQueen,when you threaten Charlies Angels ,The Six Million Dollar Man and Author Fonzerelli you’ve definitely checked out an are living on Fantasy Island… ;)

Posted : May 10, 2014 12:36 am
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The tell tale sign for me that this would be a z letter or not would be if this writer wrote any word with a GH in it, RIGHT,NIGHT,HEIGHT, etc,etc
Zodiac ALWAYS spaced out the g & h in his words such as:

rig ht
nig ht
heig ht
lig ht

Somehow, this write did not manage to use one of those GH words. One other thing that Zodiac always, or most always did, was to connect the top of the T to the h, when a sentence started with a capital T followed by a lower case h. This writer starts off with a word with Th and does NOT connect them,that is unlike z to me.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 12:38 am
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One other thing Zodiac did, that this writer did. He emphasized the TH in the word THE, almost as if the e or other following letters were not important, or as if they were an afterthought, like THe.

Here is the bleeding Knife letter, of course it’s an unconfirmed Z letter, but notice, THe in the word THE, just like the McQueen writer;

I think Z emphasized the TH in some of his words, I will go back and check for which ones, I recall RAND pointing it out because he thought it was a clue pointing to his suspect whose initials were TH

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 12:45 am
Posts: 955
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Zodiac ALWAYS spaced out the g & h in his words …..

Except in the Stine letter, Morf.
As usual with The Evil Murderous Zodiac, there are exceptions to the rule.
It’s been suggested elsewhere that the spacing is funny on some words because he left out the letter "g", then turned the letter upside-down and wrote in a "b". It’s certainly interesting to look at the Stine letter upside-down.

Posted : May 10, 2014 12:55 am
Posts: 7527
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Zodiac ALWAYS spaced out the g & h in his words …..

Except in the Stine letter, Morf.
As usual with The Evil Murderous Zodiac, there are exceptions to the rule.
It’s been suggested elsewhere that the spacing is funny on some words because he left out the letter "g", then turned the letter upside-down and wrote in a "b". It’s certainly interesting to look at the Stine letter upside-down.

Wow, that may be the only one where he did not space that G & H, good catch

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 12:57 am
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I am going to get around to doing these letter, by letter, word, by word, comparing the Z letter to this McQueen letter, and I am going to try the nice,clean Zodiac written letters, as opposed to his sloppy, all over the place writings.

First thing I see, is a matching capital letter J-formed exactly the same way, lines in same spot. If the Zodiac’s sample below was in ink, It would be identical. Look at the very first J I circled, and compare to the Zodiac sample below, it’s a match.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 1:40 am
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Now, compare the word, ‘ you ‘, paying special attention to the u on the end-

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 10, 2014 1:49 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Zodiac did a 3 stroke F, so did this person. It looks more like Zodiac’s writing than not. He also named names that he knew would get attention, he was the king of attention getters.

Posted : May 10, 2014 4:19 am
Posts: 180
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This to me reads like some attention seeking nut. But it really isn’t inconsistent with the zodiacs other writings.

Posted : May 12, 2014 6:10 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

This to me reads like some attention seeking nut. But it really isn’t inconsistent with the zodiacs other writings.

You are right it is like some attention seeking nut, That is why I think it could very well be Zodiac.

Posted : May 12, 2014 10:24 am
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After carefully reading this report, I believe that the person that wrote this letter, actually put his return address on the envelope and on the date this was mailed, was being sentenced/arraigned etc, for a threat against the President. Law enforcement apparently verified this and the US district atty decided not to file anymore charges against this person. This person was placed in some kind of hold/jail, under some sort of ‘youth’ law. To me that seems to indicate this person was under 18 in 1977 and could not be z, so it looks like a dead end

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 12, 2014 4:00 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I wonder how many more suspects we will go through before finding the real Zodiac ? There is one man who is the right size the right age, has the same habits that Zodiac did back in the day. He writes just like him, so much so that LE thought it was too much like Zodiac’s printing to be from him. He talks in a monotoned voice speaking slowly. He had a costume just like the one worn at Lake Berryessa and had it before it was described in the news paper Sept 28th or 29th 1969 ( The news paper didn’t give the correct description) so if he wasn’t Zodiac, he just happened to have a very good copy. Darlene Ferrin was afraid of him, he would watch her at Terry’s. Her father and sister saw him there. Others in her family have seen his picture and are very sure he is the man they had seen bothering Darlene.

This same man gave Robert Graysmith’s Zodiac book to a wairtess at a restaurant, in a paper bag and asked her to give it to the teenage boy he had spoken to a few days before in Vallejo late 80’s . Of which he signed on the inside cover: I thought you might like an autographed copy. It was signed Zodiac along with the Z logo.
That same boy , now a grown man, remembers the strange old man and thought about him when a report came on the news about Zodiac. He decided to google "Zodiac" and found Tom’s site. He looked to see if the man he had met yrs before, could be one of the Z suspects? He found that same man’s picture on one of Tom Voigt’s links.

The man wears a headband to hold his glasses in place, like what K Johns said her abductor wore ,sure that could just be a coincidence, even though that is not something very many men wear. Kathleen saw his picture and claimed this was the man who was her abductor.

If this man is not the Zodiac, it shouldn’t take as long as it took to figure this last suspect out .

Posted : May 18, 2014 9:32 am
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