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Z Stamp Licking?

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Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member
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Forgive if this is a dead topic.
It has been suggested that Z did not like to lick stamps, and/or used a dampened pad to tacky his stamps to his evil letters. [This has bearing on whether or not Z DNA has/can been recovered, obviously]. But what specific evidence is there that suggests Z did not lick the stamps? That a damp pad was use to moisten the glue and apply the postage instead of a human saliva? Did a law enforcement examiner determine that the stamp(s) were wet just with H2O?
Is it the lack of recovered DNA that implies no saliva was on the stamps?
Or is Z’s "stamp licking" behavior just speculation?

That was too much!

Posted : March 11, 2021 9:53 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Absolutely not. I wonder if his DNA has already been extracted or not. Police won’t be able to tell, I guess. Surely they might think about catching him this way, hopefully.



Posted : March 12, 2021 7:02 am
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

There’s document that lists the letters and whether or not they were able to retrieve cells from them. I believe that almost all of the letters lacked usable cells which indicates Zodiac used another method to wet his stamps.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : March 12, 2021 8:09 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

There’s document that lists the letters and whether or not they were able to retrieve cells from them. I believe that almost all of the letters lacked usable cells which indicates Zodiac used another method to wet his stamps.

Any link to that list? New to me..



Posted : March 12, 2021 9:05 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Any link to that list? New to me..

I originally shared it on June 8, 2001:

Posted : March 12, 2021 9:26 am
Posts: 541
Honorable Member

If there were no cells found, how does that square with Don Cheney’s story that ALA had other people lick his stamps? Shouldn’t the other person’s saliva be on it?

Posted : March 12, 2021 9:50 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

If there were no cells found, how does that square with Don Cheney’s story that ALA had other people lick his stamps? Shouldn’t the other person’s saliva be on it?

Don’t forget our questions in the "NO VALLEJO" thread.

Posted : March 12, 2021 10:03 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

Nothing but Government murderers running and using this site. Bait and trap you.

The Best Mystery Is An Unsolved Mystery….

Posted : March 12, 2021 11:44 am
Posts: 214
Member Moderator

But what specific evidence is there that suggests Z did not lick the stamps?

Any forensically aware killer was likely trying to avoid fingerprints, so would likely have avoided licking the stamps so not to get prints on them. I don’t know how much trace DNA would be on the envelopes and stamps simply from someone expirating on them. The main problem with DNA in the Zodiac case is that any samples, trace or otherwise are now over 50 years old and seriously degraded.

I believe there was a saliva test at the time that could be matched blood type. It was called a Secretor Status test and it preceded DNA testing. Yet I have no idea how widely known or practiced this was.

Blood typing and secretor analysis are not highly informative systems of information compared with existing DNA technologies such as STR analysis because of the limited numbers of different categories into which all people can be placed. Nevertheless, they played a significant role in the collection and analysis of forensic specimens prior to the advent of more informative DNA systems, and they continue to play a small role today. These kinds of evidence are far more persuasive as negative evidence (to rule out a suspect) than as positive evidence (to confirm a suspect) because many people can match by random chance.

https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sci … /secretor#:

Posted : March 12, 2021 4:33 pm
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

The chief DNA guy at SFPD in the late 1990s thought Zodiac probably used tap water.
http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … 31&p=80581

Posted : March 12, 2021 8:43 pm