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Zodiac: Playing the percentages

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Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

I suspect that the Navy / Government might have additional data for all male employees (government) employed by Mare Island. Additionally, The Navy / Government should have data on all male military using or stationed on the navel base. I know there was a commissary there so multiple benches of the military did have access to the base and were required to provide id and or sign in when making purchase.

I hope this is the case and that the armed forces have information available in bulk. Requesting data on individuals would be too time-consuming unless the list is small. The data I’m gathering now does contain some information on military service.

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:26 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been trying to explore the ideas in this thread in a practical way. I’ve written a webcrawler to scrape together information on people living in Solano or Napa County in the years 1967-1971. Of course, Z could have lived elsewhere, but Rossmo’s geographic profile points to Mare Island and American Canyon as hotspots for Z’s homebase. I may include Contra Costa County later, but there were way more people living there at the time than Solano and Napa, and the point of this exercise is to narrow down the list of possible POIs.

Currently, there are 163,441 distinct names in the database. Slightly over half are expected to be female, though I haven’t yet found a foolproof way to automatically identify gender. I’m also gathering up birth dates and whatever other information I can find. If anyone has web sources that might be good candidates to scrape for information, please let me know. All suggestions for this project are welcome!

Though I’m not a fan of the "RH" theory, one of the cool things I can do, is quickly identify all the RH’ers in Napa and Solano (there are 1026!) during the time period (see below).

And here’s a list of all the names with 13 characters as possibles for the "My name is…." cipher (Edit: I applied the rules 3==11, 5==7==9, 1==12, 8==13 and none of the names match the cipher). 13 Character Names

Once I finish gathering date and address info, it should be pretty easy to generate a list of interesting candidates for research.

RH Names in Solano and Napa Counties (1967-1971) RH Names
"Robin Haak"
"Ralph Haan"
"Robert Haberman"
"Ronald Haberman"
"Robert Haberstock"
"Richard Hacke"
"Richard Hackett"
"Robert Hackett"
"Rose Haddad"
"Robert Hadden"
"Ralph Haddon"
"Robert Haddon"
"Robert Haden"
"Ralph Hadoon"
"Rose Haemmerlein"
"Richard Haffner"
"Ralph Hagan"
"Robert Hagan"
"Ruth Hagemann"
"Rita Hagen"
"Robert Hager"
"Ralph Hagerman"
"Richard Hagerman"
"Robert Hagest"
"Ralph Haggard"
"Robert Haggard"
"Ruth Haggkvist"
"Raymond Hagler"
"Ralph Hague"
"Russell Hague"
"Robert Hagy"
"Robert Haight"
"Ruth Haim"
"Ralph Haines"
"Raymond Haines"
"Robert Hainey"
"Robert Hal"
"Rosita Hal"
"Russell Halcro"
"Rebecca Hale"
"Rockwell Hale"
"Roger Hale"
"Rona Hale"
"Ronald Hale"
"Ronia Hale"
"Roy Hale"
"Ruth Hale"
"Richard Haley"
"Robert Haley"
"Ronald Haley"
"Roy Haley"
"Ralph Halford"
"Robert Haliiwell"
"Ralph Hall"
"Ramona Hall"
"Randolph Hall"
"Reba Hall"
"Renee Hall"
"Rhoda Hall"
"Richard Hall"
"Robert Hall"
"Roland Hall"
"Rose Hall"
"Roxanne Hall"
"Ruby Hall"
"Russell Hall"
"Robert Hallead"
"Richard Hallett"
"Ruth Hallett"
"Rollin Hallford"
"Ruth Hallford"
"Ruth Halliday"
"Robert Halliwell"
"Robert Halls"
"Robert Haltom"
"Rosita Haltom"
"Ronald Halverson"
"Ralph Halvorsen"
"Raymond Ham"
"Rosie Ham"
"Roy Hamakar"
"Ronald Hamersley"
"Robert Hamil"
"Ruby Hamill"
"Rachel Hamilton"
"Randy Hamilton"
"Richard Hamilton"
"Rick Hamilton"
"Robert Hamilton"
"Roma Hamilton"
"Ron Hamilton"
"Ronald Hamilton"
"Rosalie Hamilton"
"Roselia Hamilton"
"Rosie Hamilton"
"Ross Hamilton"
"Rowena Hamilton"
"Ruby Hamilton"
"Ruth Hamilton"
"Rachel Hamlin"
"Ruby Hamm"
"Robert Hammaker"
"Roger Hammaker"
"Richard Hammer"
"Ronald Hammer"
"Ralph Hammersmith"
"Roy Hammond"
"Ruby Hammond"
"Ruth Hammond"
"Raymond Hammonds"
"Ruth Hammons"
"Rich Hammontree"
"Robert Hampel"
"Richard Hampton"
"Rita Hampton"
"Roy Hampton"
"Ruby Hampton"
"Richard Hamzy"
"Rick Hamzy"
"Raymond Hancock"
"Richard Hancock"
"Robert Hancock"
"Rupert Hand"
"Robert Handel"
"Ruth Hanek"
"Robert Hanes"
"Robert Haneya"
"Ralph Hangslebem"
"Richard Hankins"
"Robert Hankins"
"Robert Hanley"
"Ruth Hanley"
"Ruth Hann"
"Robert Hanna"
"Roy Hannah"
"Robert Hannum"
"Rosella Hanrahan"
"Randy Hansen"
"Raymond Hansen"
"Rebecca Hansen"
"Richard Hansen"
"Rita Hansen"
"Robert Hansen"
"Roger Hansen"
"Ronald Hansen"
"Rudolph Hansen"
"Ruth Hansen"
"Roberta Hansford"
"Ralph Hanson"
"Robert Hanson"
"Roger Hanson"
"Ronald Hanson"
"Ruth Hanson"
"Ruth Hansz"
"Robert Hantke"
"Rosemarie Hapgood"
"Rosemarie Hapgooo"
"Reida Harada"
"Ron Haralson"
"Ronald Haralson"
"Ray Harbit"
"Rosella Harbo"
"Richmond Harby"
"Raymond Hard"
"Richard Hard"
"Rob Hard"
"Robert Hard"
"Rosemary Hardcastle"
"Rena Hardee"
"Robert Hardee"
"Ruth Hardee"
"Rena Harden"
"Robert Harden"
"Ronald Harden"
"Robert Hardie"
"Richard Hardin"
"Ronald Hardin"
"Ruth Hardin"
"Richard Harding"
"Ruth Hardt"
"Richard Hardy"
"Robert Hardy"
"Rodger Hardy"
"Roger Hardy"
"Roy Hardy"
"Royce Hardy"
"Ruth Hardy"
"Robert Hare"
"Rose Hare"
"Ruth Hargadon"
"Ruth Hargaoon"
"Robert Hargis"
"Ronette Hargrave"
"Romie Hargrove"
"Roy Harkreader"
"Richard Harlan"
"Ridge Harlan"
"Ronald Harley"
"Robert Harlow"
"Ruth Harman"
"Ralph Harmen"
"Robert Harmer"
"Ruth Harmer"
"Ralph Harmon"
"Robert Harmon"
"Rose Harmon"
"Ruth Harmon"
"Robert Harmons"
"Ruth Harmony"
"Rea Harmston"
"Rosie Harn"
"Rex Harner"
"Rodney Harness"
"Robert Harney"
"Reuben Haro"
"Reba Harold"
"Rebecca Harold"
"Richard Harold"
"Rita Harold"
"Ruth Harold"
"Robert Harp"
"Ronald Harp"
"Ray Harper"
"Rebecca Harper"
"Richard Harper"
"Robert Harper"
"Roy Harper"
"Ruth Harper"
"Randy Harrell"
"Ray Harriman"
"Roberta Harriman"
"Ronald Harring"
"Richard Harrington"
"Ruth Harrington"
"Ralph Harris"
"Ramona Harris"
"Randal Harris"
"Raymond Harris"
"Red Harris"
"Reed Harris"
"Rex Harris"
"Richard Harris"
"Rick Harris"
"Ro Harris"
"Robert Harris"
"Ronald Harris"
"Roosvelt Harris"
"Rose Harris"
"Rosemary Harris"
"Roy Harris"
"Ruby Harris"
"Russell Harris"
"Ruth Harris"
"Richard Harrison"
"Robert Harrison"
"Ronald Harrison"
"Rosemary Harrison"
"Ruth Harrison"
"Ray Harry"
"Rebecca Harry"
"Rena Harry"
"Robert Harry"
"Roxie Harry"
"Ruby Harry"
"Ralph Harryman"
"Ruth Harshbarger"
"Robert Hart"
"Robin Hart"
"Rosa Hart"
"Ruth Hart"
"Ronald Hartdegen"
"Richard Hartle"
"Richard Hartley"
"Robert Hartley"
"Richard Hartman"
"Rita Hartman"
"Robert Hartman"
"Rudolph Hartog"
"Robert Hartshorn"
"Robinson Hartshorn"
"Raymond Hartsock"
"Rich Hartzell"
"Ralph Harvey"
"Richard Harvey"
"Robert Harvey"
"Richard Harville"
"Roger Haseltine"
"Richard Hasenpusch"
"Ruth Hasenpusch"
"Rafael Hasme"
"Raphael Hasmit"
"Ray Hass"
"Richard Hassel"
"Roberta Hastings"
"Ronald Hastings"
"Richard Hasty"
"Robert Hatch"
"Roger Hatch"
"Richard Hatcher"
"Ruth Hatchett"
"Robert Hatela"
"Ruth Hater"
"Richard Hathaway"
"Rita Haton"
"Richard Hatton"
"Ronald Hatton"
"Rafael Haubinstein"
"Rickie Haulman"
"Richard Haun"
"Ronald Haung"
"Ronald Haus"
"Rochelle Hauser"
"Regina Hauxwell"
"Ranson Haven"
"Richard Havener"
"Raymond Havens"
"Rob Havenstock"
"Robert Haverstock"
"Ronald Havner"
"Richard Hawk Dudley"
"Ray Hawkes"
"Robert Hawkes"
"Ray Hawkes Hawkes"
"Ray Hawkins"
"Richard Hawkins"
"Rodney Hawkinson"
"Robert Hawley"
"Roy Hawley"
"Robert Haworth"
"Roby Haworth"
"Rosetta Hawthorn"
"Ricky Hawton"
"Ronald Haycock"
"Roland Haydel"
"Ralph Hayes"
"Randy Hayes"
"Rheda Hayes"
"Richard Hayes"
"Robert Hayes"
"Ronald Hayes"
"Rose Hayes"
"Ruby Hayes"
"Rudolph Hayes"
"Ruth Hayes"
"Richard Haylofters"
"Rob Hayman"
"Robert Hayman"
"Ruth Hayman"
"Raye Haymans"
"Roger Haymans"
"Raye Haynes"
"Rita Haynes"
"Robert Haynes"
"Roger Haynes"
"Ross Haynes"
"Ruth Haynes"
"Ruby Haynie"
"Reba Hays"
"Rebecca Hays"
"Richard Hays"
"Robert Hayselden"
"Robert Hayter"
"Ray Haywood"
"Ronald Haywood"
"Robert Hazard"
"Richard Hazeltine"
"Richard Hazen"
"Reba Head"
"Rose Heading"
"Rose Headington"
"Rozina Heads"
"Rozina Heads-N-Threads"
"Ruth Heagerty"
"Ray Heald"
"Russell Healton"
"Ruth Healy"
"Rosa Heart"
"Rob Heasley"
"Robert Heasley"
"Raleigh Heath"
"Ross Heath"
"Robert Heavill"
"Ruth Hebard"
"Rowena Heber"
"Roger Hebner"
"Robert Hebuck"
"Rose Heckman"
"Ruth Hedemark"
"Robert Hedge"
"Ruth Hedghes"
"Rodger Hedner"
"Ralph Hedrick"
"Rose Heel"
"Robert Heffernan"
"Robert Hefley"
"Rose Hefner"
"Ruth Hefner"
"Ruth Hegeman"
"Robert Heibel"
"Robert Heid"
"Robert Heidenreich"
"Ruth Hein"
"Ralph Heinke"
"Reuben Heinrichs"
"Robert Heinzman"
"Robert Heiser"
"Roger Heisler"
"Ruby Heisler"
"Robin Heiss"
"Ralph Heitz"
"Roy Heiyford"
"Roscoe Heizer"
"Richard Heldberg"
"Ruby Helems"
"Ray Helen"
"Raymond Helen"
"Robert Helen"
"Roy Helen"
"Ronald Helgeson"
"Robert Hellams"
"Robin Helland"
"Robert Heller"
"Richard Hellgren"
"Robert Hellgren"
"Ralph Hellman"
"Robert Hellman"
"Ralph Helman"
"Robert Helmick"
"Richard Helms"
"Robert Helsel"
"Robert Helsey"
"Ruth Helsley"
"Raymond Heltzel"
"Ron Hemenway"
"Ruth Heminger"
"Richard Hempey"
"Ricko Henderson"
"Robbye Henderson"
"Robert Henderson"
"Roger Henderson"
"Ronnie Henderson"
"Roosevelt Henderson"
"Rosa Henderson"
"Rosemarie Henderson"
"Robert Hendra"
"Richard Hendricks"
"Rita Hendricks"
"Robert Hendricks"
"Ronnie Hendricks"
"Ross Hendricks"
"Ruth Hendricks"
"Ravena Hendrix"
"Ravenel Hendrix"
"Richard Hendrix"
"Robert Hendryk"
"Robert Henkell"
"Ronald Henley"
"Rock Hennagin"
"Richard Hennesey"
"Robert Hennessey"
"Rose Hennessy"
"Ralph Henning"
"Raymond Henning"
"Ruth Henning"
"Roselle Henrichson"
"Roselle Henrick"
"Roselle Henrickson"
"Rita Henriquez"
"Ralph Henry"
"Ray Henry"
"Raymond Henry"
"Rena Henry"
"Ricardo Henry"
"Rich Henry"
"Rick Henry"
"Ricky Henry"
"Rita Henry"
"Robert Henry"
"Roger Henry"
"Rolando Henry"
"Ronald Henry"
"Rosalind Henry"
"Rose Henry"
"Rosemary Henry"
"Roxanne Henry"
"Ruby Henry"
"Ruth Henry"
"Ralph Hensley"
"Ronald Hensley"
"Ruth Henson"
"Ronald Hentschel"
"Roy Hentzen"
"Robert Hepner"
"Ralph Herbert"
"Rosalee Herbert"
"Rudene Herbert"
"Ronald Herdebery"
"Robert Herden"
"Robert Hereford"
"Richard Herington"
"Robert Heritage"
"Robert Herlocker"
"Robert Herlt"
"Robert Hermon"
"Randall Hermosa"
"Rhodes Hermosa"
"Robert Hermosa"
"Rose Hernandec"
"Ray Hernandez"
"Raymond Hernandez"
"Richard Hernandez"
"Robert Hernandez"
"Ron Hernandez"
"Ronald Hernandez"
"Rose Hernandez"
"Rudy Hernandez"
"Richard Herndon"
"Richard Heron"
"Richard Herren"
"Ricky Herren"
"Rudy Herrera"
"Ramona Herrick"
"Robert Herrick"
"Richard Herring"
"Rodney Herring"
"Roland Herring"
"Ray Herritt"
"Rosemary Herritt"
"Robert Herrmann"
"Rachel Herron"
"Robert Herron"
"Romona Hersom"
"Roy Hertford"
"Roy Heryford"
"Roger Herzfeldt"
"Ruth Herzog"
"Robert Heslin"
"Robert Hess"
"Ronald Hess"
"Robert Hesse"
"Robert Hessee"
"Rachelle Hetland"
"Ronald Hetland"
"Richard Hett"
"Rose Hetzer"
"Rosie Hetzer"
"Richard Heun"
"Richard Hevener"
"Robert Hewitt"
"Rosemary Hewitt"
"Rosemarie Heyer"
"Richard Heyne"
"Robert Heyworth"
"Ralph Hgin"
"Richard Hibbard"
"Robert Hibbitt"
"Robert Hibbler"
"Robert Hice"
"Russell Hickey"
"Ralph Hickman"
"Robert Hickman"
"Reeves Hicks"
"Richard Hicks"
"Robert Hicks"
"Rodney Hicks"
"Ronald Hicks"
"Roy Hicks"
"Rubie Hicks"
"Ruby Hicks"
"Richard Hide"
"Richard Hieb"
"Ronald Higby"
"Raymond Higgins"
"Robert Higgins"
"Robert Higginson"
"Richard Highland"
"Rose Highsmith"
"Robert Hight"
"Robin Hight"
"Roy Hight"
"Roberta Higley"
"Renee Higman"
"Robert Hild"
"Ralph Hildebrand"
"Richard Hildebrand"
"Rebel Hildebrant"
"Rosemary Hildebrant"
"Robert Hildreth"
"Ron Hiler"
"Ronnie Hiler"
"Rebecca Hill"
"Regina Hill"
"Reuben Hill"
"Richard Hill"
"Robert Hill"
"Roger Hill"
"Roland Hill"
"Ronnie Hill"
"Ruby Hill"
"Ruth Hill"
"Robert Hill Dows"
"Robert Hillberg"
"Robert Hillcrest"
"Ron Hiller"
"Ruby Hiller"
"Randy Hilliard"
"Roberta Hilliard"
"Rosa Hillier"
"Richard Hillis"
"Robert Hillman"
"Russell Hillman"
"Robert Hillock"
"Robert Hills"
"Ronald Hiloenbrand"
"Robert Hilvers"
"Roderick Himelberger"
"Rachel Himes"
"Robert Himes"
"Rosemary Himes"
"Roy Himes"
"Ruth Himes"
"Robert Hinckley"
"Robert Hind"
"Rachel Hinden"
"Roma Hindman"
"Robert Hinds"
"Ronald Hinds"
"Ruth Hinds"
"Robert Hines"
"Rod Hines"
"Ruth Hingley"
"Robert Hinkle"
"Rose Hinkle"
"Rosemary Hinkle"
"Robert Hinojosa"
"Robbie Hinshaw"
"Robert Hinshaw"
"Reggie Hinton"
"Richard Hinton"
"Roger Hinton"
"Rose Hinton"
"Russell Hinton"
"Rhoda Hip"
"Robert Hippenstiel"
"Rita Hiram"
"Robert Hiram"
"Richard Hiromasa"
"Roney Hise"
"Ruth Hise"
"Ricky Hitchcock"
"Ronald Hiteshew"
"Robert Hiuborh"
"Ruth Hixson"
"Ray Hoag"
"Ruby Hoagland"
"Raymond Hoaglin"
"Ralph Hoans"
"Roberta Hobbs"
"Ronald Hobbs"
"Russell Hobbs"
"Ralph Hobson"
"Roberta Hoch"
"Roberta Hock"
"Ray Hockett"
"Roy Hockett"
"Raymond Hockin"
"Roswell Hocking"
"Raymond Hockman"
"Ritchey Hodge"
"Robert Hodge"
"Rosie Hodge"
"Randall Hodges"
"Rudolph Hodges"
"Richard Hodgson"
"Russel Hodson"
"Russell Hodson"
"Rudy Hoecker"
"Richard Hoehn"
"Ron Hoehn"
"Robert Hoellwarth"
"Robert Hoellworth"
"Ruth Hoev"
"Ruth Hoey"
"Randy Hoff"
"Ray Hoffman"
"Richard Hoffman"
"Robert Hoffman"
"Ruth Hoffman"
"Roy Hoffmann"
"Rita Hoffmier"
"Ray Hofmeister"
"Roy Hofmeister"
"Ralph Hogan"
"Raymond Hogarty"
"Ronald Hohen"
"Rebecca Hohler"
"Rachel Hohstadt"
"Ronald Hohstadt"
"Ronald Hokanson"
"Ricky Hoke"
"Robert Hoke"
"Robert Hoke Hoke"
"Robert Holbert"
"Ramona Holbrook"
"Richard Holbrook"
"Robert Holbrook"
"Raymond Holcomb"
"Robert Holden"
"Robert Holdener"
"Regina Holderfield"
"Ronald Holdsworth"
"Richard Holgate"
"Ray Holguin"
"Rita Holiday"
"Ruthie Holified"
"Ray Holland"
"Richard Holland"
"Robert Holland"
"Rosemary Holland"
"Ruby Holland"
"Raymond Hollar"
"Robert Holliday"
"Ron Hollifield"
"Ronny Hollins"
"Richard Hollister"
"Robert Hollister"
"Richard Holloway"
"Roy Holloway"
"Russell Hollowood"
"Ronald Holly"
"Rosa Holly"
"Rose Holly"
"Roy Holly"
"Rudolph Holly"
"Russell Holly"
"Ruth Hollywood"
"Ray Holm"
"Raymond Holm"
"Robert Holm"
"Roger Holm"
"Richard Holman"
"Ronald Holman"
"Roy Holman"
"Ruth Holman"
"Ralph Holmes"
"Raymond Holmes"
"Rita Holmes"
"Robert Holmes"
"Rose Holmes"
"Ruby Holmes"
"Rudolph Holmes"
"Ruth Holmes"
"Robert Holst"
"Rozan Holstead"
"Robert Holsworth"
"Rhea Holt"
"Richard Holt"
"Robert Holt"
"Rose Holt"
"Roy Holt"
"Ruth Holtog"
"Ralph Holton"
"Robbin Holton"
"Roger Holton"
"Rob Holzapple"
"Robert Holzapple"
"Rich Homback"
"Rosa Homer"
"Ralph Hon"
"Roberta Honadle"
"Richard Honda"
"Ralph Honeywell"
"Ralph Honor"
"Rose Honor"
"Robert Honsinger"
"Robert Honsmger"
"Robert Hood"
"Ronald Hood"
"Roseline Hood"
"Randy Hoodman"
"Robert Hook"
"Rebecca Hooker"
"Richard Hooker"
"Robert Hooker"
"Ruth Hooker"
"Ryan Hooley"
"Ray Hooper"
"Raymond Hooper"
"Richard Hooper"
"Ralph Hoover"
"Richard Hoover"
"Robert Hoover"
"Ron Hoover"
"Ronald Hoover"
"Russell Hoover"
"Ralph Hoover Red"
"Robert Hope"
"Richard Hopkins"
"Robert Hopkins"
"Rose Hopkins"
"Reed Hopla"
"Richard Hopman"
"Richard Hopp"
"Rowena Hopp"
"Richard Hoppe"
"Roberta Hoppe"
"Ralph Hopper"
"Richard Hopper"
"Roger Hopper"
"Ronnie Hopper"
"Rovena Hopper"
"Robert Hoppers"
"Robert Hopton"
"Richard Horace"
"Robert Horace"
"Rose Horace"
"Ruth Horan"
"Rose Horare"
"Robert Horine"
"Roy Horinouchi"
"Roy Hornback"
"Ruth Hornback"
"Ralph Horne"
"Reginald Horne"
"Robert Horne"
"Rose Horne"
"Robert Horney"
"Randy Horning"
"Reginald Hornlein"
"Rosemary Horrall"
"Ray Horrell"
"Rosemary Horrell"
"Robert Horrocks"
"Rich Horsley"
"Richard Horsley"
"Robert Horst"
"Ralph Horton"
"Robert Horton"
"Ronald Horton"
"Roosevelt Horton"
"Robert Horwath"
"Regina Hosburgh"
"Ralph Hosick"
"Ramona Hosick"
"Ralph Hosick Chat"
"Robert Hoskins"
"Richard Hosley"
"Ralph Hostetter"
"Robert Hoth"
"Robert Hottell"
"Robert Houchins"
"Richard Houghton"
"Ruby Houghton"
"Robert Houlder"
"Robyn Houlihan"
"Roscoe Houno"
"Richard House"
"Robbins House"
"Robert House"
"Rose House"
"Ruth Housefield"
"Rollin Houser"
"Richard Houston"
"Roxie Houston"
"Roy Houston"
"Raymond Houtman"
"Rudy Hovanesian"
"Robert Hoverson"
"Rueben Hoverson"
"Robert Hoverstock"
"Rebecca Howard"
"Richard Howard"
"Rinaldo Howard"
"Robert Howard"
"Ruth Howard"
"Richard Howe"
"Robert Howe"
"Ross Howe"
"Raymond Howell"
"Robert Howell"
"Robert Howisey"
"Ralph Howland"
"Robert Howson"
"Ruby Hoxie"
"Ray Hoyer"
"Robert Hoyle"
"Robert Hraba"
"Ron Huang"
"Reid Hubbard"
"Robert Hubbard"
"Ronald Hubbard"
"Russell Hubbard"
"Ray Hubbell"
"Rosa Huber"
"Robert Hubert"
"Ruby Hubert"
"Robert Huberts"
"Rose Hubler"
"Robert Huchins"
"Ruby Huck"
"Ruth Huckabee"
"Ruben Huckaby"
"Raymond Huddleston"
"Robert Huddleston"
"Ronald Huddleston"
"Ralph Hudgins"
"Richard Hudgins"
"Ronald Hudiburg"
"Ronald Hudiburgs"
"Robert Hudler"
"Raymond Hudson"
"Rex Hudson"
"Rob Hudson"
"Robert Hudson"
"Ronald Hudson"
"Robert Huff"
"Ron Huffaker"
"Ronald Huffard"
"Randall Huffman"
"Raymond Huffman"
"Retta Huffman"
"Richard Huffman"
"Robert Huffman"
"Rodger Huffman"
"Ric Hufnagel"
"Ruth Huggard"
"Ruth Huggnrd"
"Ralph Hugh"
"Robert Hugh"
"Ralph Hughes"
"Renee Hughes"
"Richard Hughes"
"Robert Hughes"
"Rodger Hughes"
"Ronald Hughes"
"Russel Hughes"
"Russell Hughes"
"Ruth Hughes"
"Ruby Hughey"
"Reba Huguenin"
"Robert Huguenor"
"Roger Hui"
"Roger Huijon"
"Ruben Huijon"
"Rose Hulce"
"Rolland Hull"
"Roy Hull"
"Ruth Hullen"
"Richard Hullender"
"Ronald Hullteen"
"Ray Hulmer"
"Richard Hulse"
"Ronald Hulteen"
"Raymond Hultz"
"Rex Humble"
"Roberson Humble"
"Rodger Humble"
"Roger Humble"
"Ruby Humburg"
"Ralph Hume"
"Robert Hume"
"Robert Humpert"
"Raymond Humphrey"
"Robert Humphrey"
"Ruby Humphrey"
"Robert Hundley"
"Ray Hunt"
"Raymond Hunt"
"Robert Hunt"
"Roger Hunt"
"Rosalie Hunt"
"Rosamond Hunt"
"Ruth Hunt"
"Robert Hunt Tape"
"Robert Huntccn"
"Ralph Hunter"
"Richard Hunter"
"Robert Hunter"
"Ronald Hunter"
"Rosemary Hunter"
"Roy Hunter"
"Richard Huntley"
"Robert Hunton"
"Robert Huntsman"
"Russell Hupp"
"Ralph Hurd"
"Rita Hurd"
"Robert Hurd"
"Ruth Hurd"
"Renie Hurlburt"
"Richard Hurley"
"Rodney Hurley"
"Raymond Hurricane"
"Randall Hurst"
"Robert Hurst"
"Rondalyn Hurst"
"Rose Hurston"
"Robert Hurt"
"Ruby Hurt"
"Ruth Husnick"
"Ramona Husted"
"Robert Husted"
"Raymond Huston"
"Ron Huston"
"Ronald Huston"
"Rick Hutchens"
"Ruby Hutchings"
"Richard Hutchinson"
"Robert Hutchinson"
"Robert Hutchison"
"Rita Huther"
"Robert Hutsell"
"Roberta Hutsell"
"Rosa Hutsell"
"Robert Hutson"
"Ruth Hutzler"
"Rodger Hvloran"
"Robert Hwang"
"Rutherford Hyatt"
"Rutherford Hyde"
"Ruth Hyder"
"Richard Hyland"
"Ruth Hyland"
"Ron Hyler"
"Rodney Hylton"
"Rosie Hynes"

I applaud your efforts compiling this data. The RH list impressive. Where did you ‘scrape’ these names from? And is there a way to tell which ones were white males in the right age group?

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 7, 2016 10:28 pm
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

I think the area in question is a very good start and I am really excited to see what you produce but I don’t think it should be all inclusive. I am quite partial to Sonoma given the highways he would have had to have traveled and (I’m sorry Seagull) its proximity to the Santa Rosa murders. Not at all saying that the Zodiac was involved in that. I really don’t know that he was but I do keep it in mind. Anyway, once you produce this information, I’m sure you will have people here to help you wade through the information. I am one.

I would like to eventually include data from Sonoma, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Mateo and San Francisco counties… but at the rate it’s going, it will take years, unless I can find a faster way. doranchak had a suggestion to speed things along, but I haven’t tried it out yet.

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:30 pm
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

I applaud your efforts compiling this data. The RH list impressive. Where did you ‘scrape’ these names from? And is there a way to tell which ones were white males in the right age group?

The RH list is a subset of the entire Solano/Napa County dataset taken from ancestry.com. It would probably be better to pull all the data from Riverside County for 1960-1966 and see what RH names pop up. I may do that after the current project is finished.

My current plan to identify gender and race is to use US census data. I have the frequencies of male and female names as well as surnames by race. The identification won’t be perfect, but will be a good start.

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:38 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Due to Z’s own clues, his first name might have been Paul..RH could stand for Ramona High, too. Is there any script or so to pull such names? If so, I’d appreciate to try it with those..



Posted : April 8, 2016 9:46 pm
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Due to Z’s own clues, his first name might have been Paul..RH could stand for Ramona High, too. Is there any script or so to pull such names? If so, I’d appreciate to try it with those..


Sure, I’ll pull together a list of Pauls this weekend.

Posted : April 9, 2016 12:23 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Due to Z’s own clues, his first name might have been Paul..RH could stand for Ramona High, too. Is there any script or so to pull such names? If so, I’d appreciate to try it with those..


Sure, I’ll pull together a list of Pauls this weekend.



Posted : April 9, 2016 1:40 pm
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Hi QT —

Here’s a list of Pauls living in Napa County or Solano County sometime between 1967-1971:

"Paul G Abrams"
"Paul E Adams"
"Paul Adams"
"Paul R Aguilar"
"Paul Aguilar"
"Paul Akuna"
"Paul Albrecht"
"Paul R Alexander"
"Paul M Allen"
"Paul F Allport"
"Paul Allport"
"Paul P Altman"
"Paul R Amen"
"Paul J Ames"
"Paul H Anders"
"Paul G Anderson"
"Paul C Anderson"
"Paul F Anderson"
"Paul H Anderson"
"Paul R Anderson"
"Paul D Andresen"
"Paul C Anthony"
"Paul Arbuthnot"
"Paul J Arens"
"Paul Ariin"
"Paul G Arnold Jr"
"Paul G Arnold"
"Paul Arnold"
"Paul H Arquette"
"Paul P Asher"
"Paul K Astorg"
"Paul E Atkinson"
"Paul Avando"
"Paul Avellar"
"Paul F Averill"
"Paul F Avevill"
"Paul Babin"
"Paul Bailey"
"Paul Baker"
"Paul M Baker"
"Paul Bakke"
"Paul E Balancier"
"Paul Baldy"
"Paul Bales"
"Paul A Balza"
"Paul Bandoy"
"Paul Barajas"
"Paul M Barajas"
"Paul Barber"
"Paul Barker"
"Paul C Barnes"
"Paul E Barney"
"Paul Barrozo"
"Paul Basford"
"Paul Bassham"
"Paul P Bates"
"Paul L Batto"
"Paul O Beeman"
"Paul Beeman"
"Paul L Bellemore"
"Paul Bellinger"
"Paul A Bellon"
"Paul A Bender"
"Paul R Bender"
"Paul Benjamin"
"Paul W Bentley"
"Paul Berger"
"Paul Berio"
"Paul Bertoli"
"Paul Bertolino"
"Paul Besrosiers"
"Paul Bestigo"
"Paul H Betts"
"Paul Betts"
"Paul Betz"
"Paul H Betz"
"Paul H R Betz"
"Paul Bevis Jr"
"Paul Bevis"
"Paul H Beyer"
"Paul Bezanson"
"Paul Biava"
"Paul Biederman"
"Paul J Billings"
"Paul Blakenev"
"Paul W Blakesley"
"Paul L Blythe"
"Paul Bnrrozo"
"Paul Bogosan"
"Paul Bogosian"
"Paul Bohen"
"Paul A Bohr"
"Paul Boloshin"
"Paul Bondi"
"Paul Borg"
"Paul Bork"
"Paul F Bork"
"Paul C Boyd"
"Paul Boyenger"
"Paul L Bracy"
"Paul R Brady"
"Paul Brady"
"Paul Braito"
"Paul E Braito"
"Paul Braun"
"Paul D Braun"
"Paul W Bray"
"Paul W Breedlove"
"Paul H Brehmer"
"Paul J Brewer"
"Paul K Brewer"
"Paul E Briggs"
"Paul Briggs"
"Paul Brinkman"
"Paul Brobden"
"Paul Brogden"
"Paul E Brown"
"Paul L Brown"
"Paul H Brown"
"Paul Brown"
"Paul C Bryan Jr"
"Paul C Bryan"
"Paul C Bryan Hansen-Bryan"
"Paul Buchheim"
"Paul Buchheits"
"Paul Bunch"
"Paul Burke"
"Paul J Burlingame"
"Paul J Burlirgame"
"Paul S Bush"
"Paul Butler"
"Paul K Buynes"
"Paul Byrd"
"Paul C Byrd"
"Paul Cabalan"
"Paul S Cain"
"Paul Callaway"
"Paul Camden"
"Paul Campana"
"Paul Cancino"
"Paul Canumay"
"Paul L Carlson"
"Paul L Caron"
"Paul R Carr"
"Paul Carr"
"Paul Carson"
"Paul D Carver"
"Paul J Casey"
"Paul Casey"
"Paul M Cassayre"
"Paul Castro"
"Paul L Cavanagh"
"Paul Chadd"
"Paul Chambers"
"Paul E Chambers"
"Paul Champion"
"Paul K Chan"
"Paul L Chaney"
"Paul W Charles"
"Paul Chastain"
"Paul C Chiabotti"
"Paul E Christensen Jr"
"Paul L Clark"
"Paul A Clark"
"Paul Clark"
"Paul Cleama"
"Paul Cleary"
"Paul A Clegg"
"Paul Cline"
"Paul Clontz"
"Paul F Cobb"
"Paul Cochran"
"Paul T Cogan"
"Paul M Cohen"
"Paul Concepcion"
"Paul Consecption"
"Paul T Contrell"
"Paul E Converse"
"Paul L Cook"
"Paul Cooper"
"Paul D Coppock"
"Paul J Corak"
"Paul E Corkrean"
"Paul M Coronado"
"Paul Cotner"
"Paul H Cotner"
"Paul G Coupland Jr"
"Paul G Coupland"
"Paul G Couplano Jr"
"Paul G Couplano"
"Paul R Cowell"
"Paul Coyle"
"Paul E Crabb"
"Paul Crabb"
"Paul C Craig"
"Paul L Craig"
"Paul Craig"
"Paul R Crandall"
"Paul S Crea"
"Paul Cripe"
"Paul Critton"
"Paul D Critton"
"Paul D Darby"
"Paul G Darske"
"Paul Davenport"
"Paul Davis"
"Paul E Dayel"
"Paul H Dealy"
"Paul W Dean"
"Paul Dean"
"Paul Dean Rea"
"Paul J Deiss"
"Paul Delong"
"Paul W Denison"
"Paul A Dennan Jr"
"Paul A Dennan"
"Paul B Dennis"
"Paul G Dentist Jacobs"
"Paul R Dentist Olsen"
"Paul E Denton"
"Paul Derrich"
"Paul D Desrosiers"
"Paul Desrosiers"
"Paul J Dillon"
"Paul L Dinsdale"
"Paul D Dinsdale"
"Paul Dodson"
"Paul A Doerr"
"Paul Domfcrt"
"Paul Domfort"
"Paul E Donahue"
"Paul Donato"
"Paul J Donohue"
"Paul Donovan"
"Paul C Donovan"
"Paul Donovan Jr"
"Paul M Dorothy"
"Paul M Doucette"
"Paul S Dougal"
"Paul Douglas"
"Paul A Dover"
"Paul Downey"
"Paul E Drager"
"Paul W Drager"
"Paul L Dressel"
"Paul Drinkard"
"Paul Duckworth"
"Paul M Duckworth"
"Paul Dudley"
"Paul Duffy"
"Paul A Duling"
"Paul A Dunn"
"Paul Dunn"
"Paul P Dybedal"
"Paul Dybedal"
"Paul W Dybedal"
"Paul E Echard"
"Paul L Edmonds"
"Paul J Edwards"
"Paul H Egan"
"Paul B Egy"
"Paul Elaine"
"Paul T Eleanor"
"Paul Eleanor"
"Paul J Elminger"
"Paul J Elmlinger"
"Paul H Emmons"
"Paul Engeli"
"Paul Epperson"
"Paul Erickson"
"Paul Espejo"
"Paul N Explanation"
"Paul Extort"
"Paul Fair"
"Paul W Faiy’oy"
"Paul W Fanjoy"
"Paul G Farnsworth"
"Paul J Fay"
"Paul K Ferguson"
"Paul H Fernandez"
"Paul S Fernandez"
"Paul Fernandez"
"Paul Fernando"
"Paul Ferrera"
"Paul A Ferrero"
"Paul Ferrin"
"Paul Ferris"
"Paul E Fetoho"
"Paul Field"
"Paul Fields"
"Paul R Fields"
"Paul Finer"
"Paul Finney"
"Paul E Finney"
"Paul Finni"
"Paul Finnigan"
"Paul O Flegge"
"Paul Flegge"
"Paul Flores"
"Paul G Flores"
"Paul C Flowers"
"Paul G Fossum"
"Paul F Foster"
"Paul V Fox"
"Paul Fpank"
"Paul C Frank"
"Paul Frank"
"Paul L Frank"
"Paul E Frasher"
"Paul Freitas"
"Paul E Fulbright"
"Paul B Fullert"
"Paul Fullert"
"Paul S Furness"
"Paul J Garcia"
"Paul C Garcia"
"Paul G Gardner"
"Paul G Garetto"
"Paul F Gelker"
"Paul H General"
"Paul D Georges"
"Paul S Gerace"
"Paul Gesswein"
"Paul E Gieselmann"
"Paul Gill"
"Paul Gilli"
"Paul Gilliam"
"Paul C Gillies"
"Paul Gillies"
"Paul W Girard"
"Paul L Givens"
"Paul Glass"
"Paul Godfrey"
"Paul C Goldberg"
"Paul Gomez"
"Paul Gonzalez"
"Paul G Gonzalez"
"Paul Gooch"
"Paul W Gooch"
"Paul R Gore"
"Paul Gosselin"
"Paul Gould"
"Paul Grammens"
"Paul Grange"
"Paul J Gratton"
"Paul Gravelle"
"Paul V Gravelle"
"Paul Green"
"Paul Greenleaf"
"Paul Griffey"
"Paul R Griffey"
"Paul F Griffin"
"Paul W Grilli"
"Paul Guiducci"
"Paul H Guillory"
"Paul H Guinn"
"Paul E Gutkowski"
"Paul K Guynes"
"Paul M Haase"
"Paul P Hackett"
"Paul C Hackmann"
"Paul Haffen"
"Paul Hagopoian"
"Paul Hahn"
"Paul G Hail"
"Paul M Haley"
"Paul Halliburton"
"Paul Hamm"
"Paul Haney"
"Paul C Hansen"
"Paul W Hansen"
"Paul C Hansen-Bryan"
"Paul G Harding"
"Paul J Harding"
"Paul A Harpley"
"Paul Harris"
"Paul D Harris"
"Paul E Harris"
"Paul M Harrison"
"Paul A Harry"
"Paul E Hartman"
"Paul Hartmann"
"Paul Harwood"
"Paul R Hausler"
"Paul E Hayes"
"Paul Hein"
"Paul H Helwick"
"Paul F Hemphill"
"Paul Henderson"
"Paul L Hennesey Jr"
"Paul L Hennesey"
"Paul R Henry"
"Paul T Henry"
"Paul Herkenrath"
"Paul Hermes"
"Paul Herron"
"Paul S Hight"
"Paul E Hilburn"
"Paul Hill"
"Paul V Hindman"
"Paul Hindman"
"Paul Hinton"
"Paul M Hinton"
"Paul Hirsch"
"Paul Hoffman"
"Paul S Hogg"
"Paul S R Hogg"
"Paul Hohman"
"Paul M Holland"
"Paul Holmes"
"Paul H Hoover"
"Paul Hoover"
"Paul H Horace"
"Paul Horswill"
"Paul E Houston"
"Paul Huber"
"Paul J Huffman Jr"
"Paul J Huffman"
"Paul Hunt"
"Paul Hurley"
"Paul Hussey"
"Paul S Hussey"
"Paul S Hussey Hussey"
"Paul W Huston"
"Paul Hustosky"
"Paul S Hustosky"
"Paul A Hutchinson"
"Paul I’hara"
"Paul J Ielacqua"
"Paul M Ifland"
"Paul M Ilsley"
"Paul E Imiev"
"Paul K Ingalls"
"Paul Isreal"
"Paul L Iurdig"
"Paul F Iurmser"
"Paul C Jackson"
"Paul Jacobo"
"Paul G Jacobs"
"Paul T Jacobs"
"Paul Y James"
"Paul F James"
"Paul D James"
"Paul James"
"Paul Janesko"
"Paul Jefferson"
"Paul R Jeffrey"
"Paul Jenson"
"Paul Jessup"
"Paul Jessup Jr"
"Paul R John"
"Paul H John"
"Paul Johnson"
"Paul R Johnson"
"Paul L Johnson"
"Paul E Jones"
"Paul W Jones"
"Paul L Jones"
"Paul Jones"
"Paul A Jones"
"Paul K Kaiser"
"Paul B Kanouff"
"Paul E Kara"
"Paul Karr"
"Paul E Karr"
"Paul Kascak"
"Paul Kay"
"Paul L Kech"
"Paul Kee"
"Paul Keeler"
"Paul E Keig"
"Paul E Keller"
"Paul E Keller Keller"
"Paul W Kelley"
"Paul Kelley"
"Paul S Kempfer"
"Paul F Kempfer"
"Paul C Ken"
"Paul E Ken"
"Paul G Kenney"
"Paul E Kernan"
"Paul Kerr"
"Paul R Kilbourn"
"Paul C King"
"Paul King"
"Paul King Jr"
"Paul C King Jr"
"Paul E Kinser Jr"
"Paul Kipsey"
"Paul E Kirkman"
"Paul J Klawitter"
"Paul Klein"
"Paul Kneeland"
"Paul Knerr"
"Paul R Knerr"
"Paul Knutson"
"Paul A Kolda"
"Paul Kowalczik"
"Paul G Kraemer"
"Paul Krueger"
"Paul LaCassayre"
"Paul Labins"
"Paul Lacey"
"Paul Lahman"
"Paul E Lahmon"
"Paul M Laird"
"Paul Lamm"
"Paul E Lamm"
"Paul C Landeros"
"Paul Landeros"
"Paul A Larocque"
"Paul Larry"
"Paul G Larry"
"Paul Lary"
"Paul V Lary"
"Paul J Lathrop"
"Paul Laufenberg"
"Paul O Laufenberg"
"Paul E Lauren"
"Paul L Lauren"
"Paul E Lawhorn"
"Paul Lawrence"
"Paul R Lawrence"
"Paul Leclair"
"Paul L Ledbetter"
"Paul Ledford"
"Paul Lee"
"Paul Leggett Jr"
"Paul Lejeander"
"Paul Lejeanoer"
"Paul Lesko"
"Paul R Lesneski"
"Paul E Lester"
"Paul L Lester"
"Paul Lev"
"Paul M Lewis"
"Paul Ligda"
"Paul W Lillian"
"Paul H Lindemann"
"Paul A Lindke"
"Paul V Lippolis"
"Paul A Loeffler"
"Paul W Lofton"
"Paul Logan"
"Paul Loomis"
"Paul W Louden"
"Paul Lowell"
"Paul A Ludwig"
"Paul C Lyons"
"Paul Lyons"
"Paul Machaffie"
"Paul S Mahal"
"Paul Mains"
"Paul J Malone"
"Paul D Manibusan"
"Paul E Manser"
"Paul Manuian"
"Paul Marcus"
"Paul Margt"
"Paul Marino"
"Paul V Marino"
"Paul Marishchen"
"Paul C Mark"
"Paul Marquez"
"Paul L Martha"
"Paul Martin"
"Paul H Martinez"
"Paul Mason"
"Paul Massucco"
"Paul B Maynard"
"Paul G Mc Comas"
"Paul Mc Connell"
"Paul Mc Fadden"
"Paul McKenzie"
"Paul McPherson"
"Paul Mecchi"
"Paul F Meier"
"Paul Meier"
"Paul Melnick"
"Paul Menkes"
"Paul Mensch"
"Paul Merlin"
"Paul R Merlin"
"Paul Merling"
"Paul Merriam"
"Paul Merriman"
"Paul W Meyer"
"Paul Meza"
"Paul B Middleton"
"Paul Middleton"
"Paul Midkiff"
"Paul Miederkofl’"
"Paul Miglavs"
"Paul Miller"
"Paul T Miller"
"Paul W Miller"
"Paul J Miller"
"Paul A Miller"
"Paul E Miller"
"Paul F Minasian"
"Paul E Moller"
"Paul R Mollinedo"
"Paul Morey"
"Paul Morgenthal"
"Paul Morris"
"Paul W Morris"
"Paul A Morris"
"Paul S Mott"
"Paul F Mott"
"Paul Munson"
"Paul N Munson"
"Paul A Murillo"
"Paul Murphy"
"Paul Murray"
"Paul E Murton"
"Paul Musante"
"Paul G Musser"
"Paul Mutch"
"Paul Muth"
"Paul O Muth"
"Paul G Muth"
"Paul R Myers"
"Paul A Myrtle"
"Paul Nabors"
"Paul Nageles"
"Paul Nakabayashi"
"Paul Napa"
"Paul Narbut"
"Paul Neasbitt"
"Paul R Neilsen"
"Paul A Nelson"
"Paul F Neville"
"Paul E Newman"
"Paul Newman"
"Paul B Newman"
"Paul Newton"
"Paul E Newton"
"Paul E Nickas"
"Paul M Nikitin"
"Paul A Noel"
"Paul Nordberg"
"Paul R Norman"
"Paul H Norman"
"Paul North"
"Paul E Norton"
"Paul W Nutting"
"Paul E O Lawhorn"
"Paul A O Noel"
"Paul A O Sanger"
"Paul O’Aigle"
"Paul O’Bannion"
"Paul F O’Clair"
"Paul F O’Hara"
"Paul E O’Hara"
"Paul M O’Hara"
"Paul O’Hara"
"Paul E O’hara Moelk"
"Paul E O’hara Partner O’Hara"
"Paul D Oliver"
"Paul R Olsen"
"Paul C Oomfort"
"Paul R Orel"
"Paul D Orel"
"Paul Ostermann"
"Paul Ovando"
"Paul W Oybedal"
"Paul Paasche"
"Paul Paene"
"Paul Paguette"
"Paul D Palmer"
"Paul Palomo"
"Paul R Pam"
"Paul Pam"
"Paul L Paniagua"
"Paul Paquette"
"Paul B Parkinson"
"Paul Parnak"
"Paul Partridge"
"Paul Pasche"
"Paul S Patton"
"Paul H Paul Jr"
"Paul H Paul"
"Paul L Paz"
"Paul Peake"
"Paul Pena"
"Paul Perea"
"Paul Peters"
"Paul R Peterson"
"Paul J Petri"
"Paul Petrie"
"Paul Pezzotti"
"Paul Phelps"
"Paul B Pickrel"
"Paul P Pierce"
"Paul Piner"
"Paul Pino"
"Paul M Pioneer"
"Paul Pitts"
"Paul U Pollard"
"Paul Pollock"
"Paul Pomeroy"
"Paul Ponce"
"Paul F Popik"
"Paul F Powell"
"Paul E Pratt"
"Paul R Precour"
"Paul E Pressley"
"Paul Prevost"
"Paul Price"
"Paul M Pritchard"
"Paul R Purinton"
"Paul B Pyshora"
"Paul W Quandt"
"Paul J Quick"
"Paul E Quimby"
"Paul Rader"
"Paul C Rahn"
"Paul W Ramsey"
"Paul F Rannigan"
"Paul Rannigan"
"Paul Ransdall"
"Paul Ransford"
"Paul C Rasmussen"
"Paul N Rasmussen"
"Paul Ray"
"Paul V Rea"
"Paul E Rector"
"Paul Rehder"
"Paul Reitan"
"Paul A Reitzel"
"Paul T Renzendes"
"Paul T Reome"
"Paul M Riccairdi"
"Paul D Rice"
"Paul H Rice"
"Paul H Rich"
"Paul Richards"
"Paul Richied"
"Paul E Rier Jr"
"Paul S Rigdon"
"Paul M Riley"
"Paul M Rivard Jr"
"Paul R Robbins"
"Paul G Rodgers"
"Paul E Rogers"
"Paul Rosal"
"Paul W Rosel"
"Paul Rosel"
"Paul Roshon"
"Paul Ross"
"Paul Rowe"
"Paul Royer"
"Paul C Ruble"
"Paul Rueckwald"
"Paul Rust"
"Paul J Rutledge"
"Paul Saastad"
"Paul Saavedra"
"Paul Sakack"
"Paul Salisbury"
"Paul Salsbury"
"Paul Sam"
"Paul Samuels"
"Paul Sanchez"
"Paul D Sanders"
"Paul A Sanger"
"Paul S Sarasin"
"Paul Sarasin"
"Paul L Sarolli"
"Paul E Saunders"
"Paul Saviez"
"Paul Sawyer"
"Paul R Say"
"Paul Scarpa"
"Paul Schaeffer"
"Paul Scheffer"
"Paul Schenderwin"
"Paul Schimpf"
"Paul Schmidt"
"Paul E Schmidt"
"Paul Schmiegel"
"Paul Schneidewind"
"Paul W Schrake"
"Paul M Schrake"
"Paul H Schultz"
"Paul R Schulz"
"Paul Schurndt"
"Paul L Schwindt"
"Paul E Scott"
"Paul R Scott"
"Paul Scott"
"Paul A Scott"
"Paul E Scott Ozark"
"Paul Scrapa"
"Paul D Sefdenberg"
"Paul D Seidenberg"
"Paul Seidenberg"
"Paul Selmi"
"Paul Seman"
"Paul P Seman"
"Paul Sewell"
"Paul Sexton"
"Paul Shaneyfelt"
"Paul K Shannon"
"Paul Sheffer"
"Paul Sheimys"
"Paul Shelton"
"Paul Shilton"
"Paul R Shirley"
"Paul T Short"
"Paul Siebert"
"Paul C Silveira"
"Paul Simmons"
"Paul Sitter"
"Paul J Skidmore"
"Paul W Slabaugh"
"Paul Sleeper"
"Paul Slooter"
"Paul Smigiel"
"Paul Smiley"
"Paul L Smith"
"Paul Smith"
"Paul Sokoloski"
"Paul R Sonoma"
"Paul Soussens"
"Paul M Spears"
"Paul R Spraetz"
"Paul A Springs Jr"
"Paul J Squicciarini"
"Paul K Staker"
"Paul Stambaugh"
"Paul Stanbaugh"
"Paul E Stance"
"Paul E Stange"
"Paul V Stange"
"Paul Stanley"
"Paul R Stanton"
"Paul Stasko"
"Paul L Steele"
"Paul Stephenson"
"Paul S Stewart"
"Paul D Stipe"
"Paul M Stirling"
"Paul Stirling"
"Paul J Stone"
"Paul E Stone"
"Paul E Stonebraker Jr"
"Paul E Stornetta"
"Paul Stornetta"
"Paul Stratthouse"
"Paul L Straub"
"Paul W Streeter"
"Paul H Streichan"
"Paul J Strong"
"Paul J Strover"
"Paul R Stuehn"
"Paul Stum"
"Paul Sturgeon"
"Paul Sturn"
"Paul Sunde"
"Paul E Tahsler"
"Paul P Tamburelli"
"Paul J Tannery"
"Paul A Taylor"
"Paul F Taylor"
"Paul Teed"
"Paul Tenbrink"
"Paul M Teso"
"Paul Tholmer"
"Paul E Thomas"
"Paul J Thomasson"
"Paul M Thome"
"Paul C Thompson"
"Paul Thompson"
"Paul R Thompson"
"Paul Thornburg"
"Paul Tiemann"
"Paul C Tippincott"
"Paul A Tipton"
"Paul B Tipton"
"Paul L Titus"
"Paul Tner"
"Paul Toch"
"Paul Toney"
"Paul Torzilli"
"Paul Trafk"
"Paul Treineds"
"Paul Treva"
"Paul Trisler"
"Paul Trujillo"
"Paul Tucker"
"Paul P Tufi"
"Paul Tumqiust"
"Paul Turner"
"Paul L Turner"
"Paul Turnqui"
"Paul Turnquist"
"Paul Turquist"
"Paul A Tyrrell"
"Paul A Tyrrell Jr"
"Paul Uliverri"
"Paul Utter"
"Paul E R Utter"
"Paul Vammen"
"Paul Varajas"
"Paul B Vercellone"
"Paul I Vernon"
"Paul O Vile"
"Paul Vonthum"
"Paul Voss"
"Paul Waderich"
"Paul T Wagner"
"Paul Wagner"
"Paul H Wall"
"Paul Wallace"
"Paul H Wallin"
"Paul Wang"
"Paul J Wardlaw"
"Paul R Ware"
"Paul J Warhover"
"Paul W Warhoves"
"Paul Warney"
"Paul F Warney"
"Paul M Watson"
"Paul T Watson"
"Paul Watts"
"Paul N Watts"
"Paul Waxman"
"Paul G Weber"
"Paul Weeldreyer"
"Paul D Weeldreyer"
"Paul N Wentz"
"Paul A Werner"
"Paul A West"
"Paul E Whaley"
"Paul Wheeler"
"Paul R Wheeler"
"Paul White"
"Paul D White"
"Paul L Whitely"
"Paul Whitt"
"Paul D Whitt"
"Paul Wiediman"
"Paul Wilaby"
"Paul S Wildermuth"
"Paul H Wilkins"
"Paul A Willemssen"
"Paul A Willennsen"
"Paul E Williams"
"Paul Williams"
"Paul D Williams"
"Paul T Williams"
"Paul M Williams"
"Paul T Wilson"
"Paul A Wilson"
"Paul Witt"
"Paul Wlediman"
"Paul Woicicki"
"Paul D Wolf"
"Paul Y Wong"
"Paul Wong"
"Paul E Woodall"
"Paul Woodard"
"Paul D Woodard"
"Paul R Woodruff"
"Paul Woods"
"Paul Woodward"
"Paul A Woodworth"
"Paul L Wright"
"Paul F Wright"
"Paul Wright"
"Paul S Wright"
"Paul L Wurdig"
"Paul Wurdig"
"Paul J Wurm"
"Paul F Wurmser"
"Paul Wurmser"
"Paul P Wyccff"
"Paul Wycoff Jr"
"Paul P Wycoff"
"Paul Wycoff"
"Paul T Wycoff"
"Paul A Wycoff"
"Paul T Wycoff Jr"
"Paul D Yealman"
"Paul A Yeiter"
"Paul H Yeoman"
"Paul H Yeoman Jr"
"Paul T Young"
"Paul Young"
"Paul Zibalese"
"Paul Zumwalt"
"Paul de Paul"
"Paul van Tesslar"

Posted : April 9, 2016 10:47 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Thanks for posting..not even one single name matching the my-name-is-cipher. Riverside area..?



Posted : April 10, 2016 7:20 pm
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Thanks for posting..not even one single name matching the my-name-is-cipher. Riverside area..?

Riverside will have to wait until I finish the current project on Solano and Napa.

Posted : April 10, 2016 9:41 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Although none was a match to the my-name-is, the name Paul P Bates was quite interesting..



Posted : April 11, 2016 3:05 am
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Just a quick update on this project. Currently at 183,924 names processed and 5,633,520 data points (e.g. address, birthdates, spouses) collected.

Due to my recent move to Riverside County, it’s taking longer than expected, but will hopefully (fingers crossed) be completed by the end of July.

Posted : July 3, 2016 8:22 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Just a quick update on this project. Currently at 183,924 names processed and 5,633,520 data points (e.g. address, birthdates, spouses) collected.

Due to my recent move to Riverside County, it’s taking longer than expected, but will hopefully (fingers crossed) be completed by the end of July.

Great..excited to get some results :D



Posted : July 5, 2016 4:33 am
Barry S.
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Hi everyone. This project took much longer than anticipated, but the data collection should be completed in the next week. My question is how to post the names? Should I start a new topic in the Secret POI thread? Of the approximately 260K names, only one (or zero) can be the Zodiac. I don’t want to give the impression that anyone in the dataset is a reasonable person of interest.

Also, while I plan to release the entire database, I don’t think people without a background in databases/sql will find it accessible. What subset of the names do people want to see? Males born between 1929 and 1949? Unmarried males? What criteria are of interest?

Posted : November 8, 2016 6:29 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Barry, if there are any names of living people on your lists please put your findings in the "secret POI" thread. Feel free to start a new thread.

Perhaps you could start by listing people that tick the most boxes as far as the criteria is concerned.


Posted : November 8, 2016 5:59 pm
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