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Another overlay theory, aka "The Golf Connection"

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Saw this on ZK.com:


I realize most people don’t want to spend 5 hours reading a blog. In a nutshell:

1. Through a staggering series of overlays, he connects the 340, diagrams et al to a series of golf courses in Northern California.
2. He has a POI and the name is not hard to discern.
3. Said overlays point to Oakland, where he believes Z lived/lives.

He does go off on a lot of tangents, and I’m not convinced by his name solution…but he does raise some interesting points (such as "PIGPEN" ciphers). Just not sure he’s come to the right conclusions. Whether the overlays are a valid approach, well, I won’t get into that. 8-)

Also, I’m not a Mr. X-er, but it’s worth pointing out that: 1) Mr. X was a golfer, 2) he was stationed in Oakland during his stint in the Navy. All the more interesting, since this guy’s POI isn’t Mr. X.

Posted : June 24, 2014 6:01 am
Posts: 628
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I’ll agree that Zodiac has a connection to Blue Rock Springs Golf Course. That’s one out of five, not bad.

My favorite part: "I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried." Yes you did! He drew a bunch of points on the map that Zodiac didn’t draw on the map. I can draw five dots and then tell you how they connect to the murder too.

I like how he even includes Graysmith’s wrong map.

Why do people take one detail out of thousands and then use that to extrapolate every possible synchronicity as if it exposes some revelation, and then the revelation isn’t even useful in any way? Like Really? Zodiac created the most elaborate puzzle of all time to tell us that he liked golfing?

Posted : June 24, 2014 2:31 pm
Posts: 7527
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Nothing to say regarding this cipher theory, other than to point out, there’s more than a couple people that suspect zodiac had a connection of some sort to golf or golf courses

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : June 24, 2014 3:59 pm
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I’m pretty sure too that, while BRS has a golf course, he was referring only to BRS park.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 25, 2014 2:57 am
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For his overlays to be valid, he’d have to verify the actual sizes of the letters, map and cards. I just looked at his 1st entry again and he never addressed this. I’d love to replicate his experiment, but I haven’t been able to locate that info.

According to the Diablo Creek website, the course opened in 1963:

While I immediately thought of Mr. X when I first read the blog a couple of weeks ago, it didn’t dawn on me till much later that he might have an Oakland connection. Regardless of his merits as a suspect, I’ve often wondered if Mr. X was/wasn’t the reason Z struck in that particular neighborhood (which could take us back to the "Car Connection").

If I guessed this blogger’s POI’s name right (I obviously won’t mention it here), I did NOT get the same results when I searched him. The "NAME" solution seems forced, I couldn’t follow it.

Posted : June 27, 2014 2:59 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
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No one ever answered this posts ?
if it was that way in 1969, it is odd.

Posted : June 27, 2014 8:05 pm
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"Zone Z" — that is an interesting find.

Posted : July 2, 2014 1:46 am
Posts: 12
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I made it up did I.. did you even see how i got the dots. smh.. you missed the whole point completely. I didnt just put a bunch of dots on a map because golf courses are there. In my main post i was making discoveries and posting them. Then i made 9 more posts breaking each part part down because the first one is full of speculation , ideas, was too long, ad it was confusing people. So i made a post for each section..did you even look at it. There is some stuff i can’t post. I cantell you this.. I was sitting here one morning when the phone rang. It was the authorities in california. He gave me some contact info and said to send anything else i had or might have in the future to them. The contact info he gave me was for the zodiac task force and i quote "who are currently and actively investigating this case". You know the word fry in the 408 letters…look at the map again…real hard.I included graysmiths map to show the two murder sites to save time..im sorry you got confused..i didnt force anything together. ducking..i am working on a video that shows all this in order..it is 55 minutes long.. 50 if i leave the POSSIBLE name out. I had no idea those were golf courses until i looked them up on google earth almost a month after i "made those dots up".

Posted : July 13, 2014 7:18 am
Posts: 12
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here is where i got the dots from. the rest come from the bus bombs. 13 of them.. awful strange in his letter he talked about torturing 13 victims.

Posted : July 13, 2014 8:29 am
Posts: 628
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I don’t allege that you came up with these dots and their placement out of nowhere. My point was that you choose to overlay them onto the map where they were not originally present. It is your assumption that the Zodiac wanted you to place them there, but the fact is that he did not place them there so there is no real basis to assume that he wanted them there.

But you’re the one who is part of the super secret Zodiac Task Force, so clearly you have the information that I don’t.

Posted : July 13, 2014 8:34 am
Posts: 12
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then what is the map for..

Posted : July 13, 2014 8:37 am
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Posted : July 13, 2014 8:38 am
Posts: 12
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Here is what i am working on. I am still researching and working on all of this. If this helps someone else out with their investigation or with their POI then great. Thats what it is for. To help. If you disagree or can disprove then go for it. I encourage it. Thats what needs to be done, but don’t be an asshole about it. I am respectful to everyone. Thats just how i was taught to be. I also won’t take any crap. Most have been pretty good about it. Here is the link and good luck guys. I hope it can help some one out.


Posted : July 13, 2014 9:53 am
Posts: 12
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to be honest with you i am not into the whole poi thing and i wish i could avoid it.the whole thing makes me nervous. for just that reason i’ve seriously considered deleting everything and walking away from it. That and having to deal with people who have a problem being respectful because they disagree. I am not above making mistakes. I’m a person just like you . I could be wrong. I even said that on my posts. I really don’t get some people, but i have went about as far into a name as i am going to go. I don’t take this stuff lightly. In fact it gives me a great amount of stress.I know exactly what the implications are. I may be right…i may be wrong.., and somewhere in there might be the key to all of this that one of you might be missing for your own purposes and if it can help you then i hope it does.

Posted : July 13, 2014 10:19 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

Fair enough rscflywheel.

There’s something to be said for constructive criticism. On the other hand, I understand that it’s hard to hear criticism about something you spent a lot of time on and not take it personally, because it’s personal to you. It’s not personal… but for my part, it’s also easy to be condescending and rude because it’s impersonal. To be honest I probably would not have been so blunt if the original idea was made by a member here, instead of linked to another site. And that is not really fair.

People on here are pretty fair and open minded and I wish that I would’ve shown that instead of starting things out with you on the defensive. It’s totally OK not to have a POI and people are not going to be pressuring you into one.

The reason that I talked about Graysmith’s maps is that they are not accurate since they are based on his own observations before we had precise satellite imaging like we do today. If locations are important to your theory, you have to make sure that you got them in the right place, right? I understand that you did use Google Maps and other things, I’m not saying that your locations are wrong, and I now understand you used them just for illustration purposes.

Posted : July 13, 2014 10:54 am
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