What is their obsession with this guy? They did two shows with him before actually establishing what the Zodiac case is (By having Morf "debate" him). There are so many aspects of the Zodiac case that are fascinating without bringing in a guy whose crackpot theory is it didn’t happen.
Horan asked if I want to debate him again on a different radio show, but once was enough. I don’t mind doing shows about the zodiac to bring attention to the case, but I’m not up for another debate.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
His crackpot theory changes every time. He now has 3 books, and 3 major changes to his BS.
It’s to much nonsense to even debate. But his biggest lie, is that he is the ONLY person to have ever read the police reports!
His crackpot theory changes every time. He now has 3 books, and 3 major changes to his BS.
It’s to much nonsense to even debate. But his biggest lie, is that he is the ONLY person to have ever read the police reports!
Yeah, that’s funny. If he read the reports he would get the names right
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
This week’s episode is on EAR/ONS. I haven’t listened to it yet.
This week’s episode is on EAR/ONS. I haven’t listened to it yet.
Such a interesting case. I only have a general knowledge of it, but seems like they have some solid clues to work with, and seems that the GSK was lucky like Z
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
Great episode. I never followed the ONS case, but the gen y podcast was a good intro to it.
They are still finding new evidence in the case. He might have been a painter for a construction company according to this article.
http://www.ocregister.com/articles/pool … alker.html
question about horan’s theory (sorry if it’s been answered but i couldn’t find it by searching) – he mentions on the generation why podcast that zodiac claims to be a suspect in the second letter. anyone have any idea what he’s talking about? the name of the person escapes me (nicholas or something) but he says several times that the letter writer claimed to be this person who he couldn’t be. i’ve never seen or heard anything like that and it seems insane to have made up whole-cloth. any ideas?
question about horan’s theory (sorry if it’s been answered but i couldn’t find it by searching) – he mentions on the generation why podcast that zodiac claims to be a suspect in the second letter. anyone have any idea what he’s talking about? the name of the person escapes me (nicholas or something) but he says several times that the letter writer claimed to be this person who he couldn’t be. i’ve never seen or heard anything like that and it seems insane to have made up whole-cloth. any ideas?
He’s referring to Andy Nickolatos (the Andy who was stopped by VPD shortly after the BRS attack, and who was considered a suspect in said case). Horan claims that "Zodiac" actually identified himself as Andy in his second letter. But I don’t remember precisely how he reaches that – on the face of it – remarkable conclusion. Ultimately, it has to do with a wider conspiracy theme, in which VPD, Andy, "Big Red" and various other shady characters all play their parts. If I remember correctly, however, it is not Horan’s view that Andy attacked MM and DF: Someone else, rather, tried to frame Andy – the real killer was (I think) Big Red (or Hal Snook’s evil twin, or something).
Horan presents his ideas in a manner which makes it very hard to search for relevant information on any of the sites he uses for distributing said ideas. His style is close to unreadable and he is seemingly incapable of anything resembling clarity.
His "theory" is ever changing. So it’s impossible to debunk, since he just changes everything if correct information topples his house of cards.
It might actually be a good thing he has done so many interviews. It allows a record of how inconsistent his ideas are and how his theory totally changes by the next recording.
Michael Butterfield on House of Mystery show talks about this at 41:15
Let me run this idea by a second time. I was roundly criticized after my first attempt, probably because I expressed myself poorly. Anyway, here goes:
I believe that if the Zodiac case is ever solved it will be by LE using the resources of this Forum. There are a number of serious, no nonsense amateur investigators here who not only have compiled data but also have advanced theories and logical POIs.
In short, there’s easily enough material for a book. This material might be compiled in a case-by-case basis (including "possibles," such as Cheri Bates), followed by POIs and their proponents’ reasons for selecting them.
I hope no one thinks I’m advancing myself as Editor-in-Chief. If anyone, Morf would be the obvious choice for this role, but I’m certainly not volunteering him. The mechanics of assembling the book material would have to be worked out, preferably by a kind of group consensus. As I said above, there are a number of serious, no nonsense amateur investigators here, and I have no doubt they could produce a publishable MS that, hopefully, would galvanize LE into re-investigating Zodiac’s murderous activities.
As for why – exactly – he claims that the letter writer identifies himself as Andy, I’d suggest (again, without recalling what he actually says about this) that it’s a variation on one of his favourite themes: The hoaxer very frequently (according to Horan) gives the game away in his letters, i.e. he provides details which prove (to Horan) that he is a hoaxer. This, presumably is what he refers to in this particular case also, i.e. that "Zodiac" slips up and makes it obvious (to Horan) that the writer is trying to pin the crime on Andy (by pretending to be him).
Of course, to anyone not familiar with Horan’s own fragmented musings, the statement makes no sense whatsoever – which is typical of his style. A serious researcher/theorist obviously wouldn’t appear in public and – simply – state that Zodiac identifies himself as a known suspect in his second letter without explaining what the hell it is he’s referring to.
Let me run this idea by a second time. I was roundly criticized after my first attempt, probably because I expressed myself poorly. Anyway, here goes:
I believe that if the Zodiac case is ever solved it will be by LE using the resources of this Forum. There are a number of serious, no nonsense amateur investigators here who not only have compiled data but also have advanced theories and logical POIs.
In short, there’s easily enough material for a book. This material might be compiled in a case-by-case basis (including "possibles," such as Cheri Bates), followed by POIs and their proponents’ reasons for selecting them.
I hope no one thinks I’m advancing myself as Editor-in-Chief. If anyone, Morf would be the obvious choice for this role, but I’m certainly not volunteering him. The mechanics of assembling the book material would have to be worked out, preferably by a kind of group consensus. As I said above, there are a number of serious, no nonsense amateur investigators here, and I have no doubt they could produce a publishable MS that, hopefully, would galvanize LE into re-investigating Zodiac’s murderous activities.
Not sure a bunch of amateur sleuths on a web forum like this will be enough to make Police re-open this case with fresh eyes,etc. The Police want cold hard evidence,proof,etc,prints,DNA et
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
The multiple books about the many POI’s have done nothing but hurt this case, imo.
There is nothing wrong talking about the case and bringing the subject back into the public eye. The cops have heard it all. If one has as suspect, present your case to LE, but enough of the "this guy, that guy, case closed" books.