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Who's your favorite suspect(s) and why?

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Mine in no special order:

1- Fred Manalli, why? Because he wrote using the same words,phrases, subject matter,and odd habits that Z used,plus, the ad that ran the day after his death

2- Ross Sullivan,why? He’s a dead ringer to the sketch, was a regular in the Riverside library where the desk was found, was a schizophrenic, and was witnesses to write disturbing poetry like on the desk, and he was feared & suspected for the Bates murder by the women around him alot, the library staff

3- James Owen, why? He was confirmed to be at the 12/20 murder site in the very small window of time when the murders happened, he had multiple inconsistencies in his statements, and was ex-air force (wing walkers), he was a hunter, and owned multiple guns, something we think to be true of z

4- UNNAMED fellow student of Cheri Jo Bates, why? He looked alot like the Lake B sketch, was stocky, barrel chested,and sometimes wore glasses. He used an address in Vallejo from the late 60’s until 1974,when he moved back to Riverside,at that time, the last Z letter was received

5- My favorite ‘dark horse’ candidate, was George Saxberg, why? He looked very similar to the sketch. He told people he was zodiac. On the two days in a row following Saxberg being questioned, Z mailed two letters, he never did that before or after. His Mom lived near Deer Lodge in MT, and I think he once did too

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : April 11, 2014 8:30 pm
Posts: 276
Reputable Member

If I had to guess I would say none of the POIs. I got a feeling it’s someone we never heard of.

If it is someone discussed on this forum, I’d pick kjell Qvale first. I can’t give a strong, concrete reason why. He doesn’t fit the sketch, the age is wrong, handwriting doesn’t match from what I’ve heard, DNA ruled him out too. However, I can’t shake that letter he sent The Chronicle before Z started. Not only does he scapegoat The Chronicle for rising violent crime, he predicts, or even warns of blood shed on his own street. Not only was Stine practically killed on his doorstep, kjell happened to be out walking around that night, and was stopped by police. There are too many other odd coincidences. He also seems to be the kind of guy I picture Z to be.

The only other POIs I’d consider are Manalli and Sullivan. If Manalli was involved, he was only the letter writer, not the killer.

Posted : April 17, 2014 1:39 am
Posts: 180
Estimable Member

I don’t have one. Compared to most of the posters here I am a noob to the Zodiac Case. I have been reading about the case for years and still feel like I haven’t scratched the surface. At this point I am only familiar with a few of the suspects. That being said I am liking Manalli more and more with each morsel of info that comes out about him.

Posted : April 17, 2014 8:56 am
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

Ross Sullivan, although the one piece of writing we’ve seen of his has tempered my enthusiasm for him.

Equally, I’d pick James Owen. A very solid suspect, I think. I’ve never been "high" on him as I have (temporarily) with others, but he’s been at or near the top since I became aware of him (via Morph, thanks).

Every now and then, something will strike me about Manalli, and I think it has to be him. I eventually settle down, and he drops back to third. Fascinating guy, though.


Posted : April 19, 2014 12:53 am
Posts: 262
Reputable Member

It evolves, for me. Today:
Ross Sullivan
Lawrence Kane (Cane, Klein)
James Owen
George Saxberg

Posted : April 20, 2014 11:23 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

For me this is a two Horse race, the rest of the suspects have fallen at previous fences along the way. Still going strong is the favourite Larry Kane, with 2nd place runner Kjell Qvale gaining ground rather rapidly and is almost level pegging. I have never, in seveal years, come across a ‘Suspect B’ to make me question my own opinion on Kane being Z (Not that I was ever ‘adamant’ or decided I’d solved the case to my own satisfaction, certainly not) except for this Salesman who keeps sticking his foot in the door and refuses to go away! Of course this statement is nothing more than opinion, and a personal one at that.

I know the overwhelming majority of people will disagree more than likely but for me, if that FOIA comes back with the release of the suspects name that the eight year old witness identified and that named suspect is Kjell Qvale then, for me, that will change my two horse race scenario and will see Kane falling at the final fence, and Kjell crowned The Undisputed heavyweight champ of suspects that have good or hard/factual evidence for and not, as has always been the case to date, circumstantial.

I know some will be in disagreement with that and that’s cool, I am not asking nor seeking to convert the masses, or even the minority for that matter, this will simply be good enough for me personally based on the available evidence we have available to us. It will mean that not only does Armond confirm that Mr Q was out and about on Maple and/or Jackson that night, but that the young witness who saw the responsible for a good 30 seconds, maybe a minute or more even as he hung around the Cab both on the inside with the cab’s overhead light on and then as he exited and walked all round the cab like he’s giving the witness a look at him from all angles, identifies Kjell as the man who was at the cab wiping it down and rummaging through Stine’s personal belongings, I shall be happy to move on and retire to my beach house and put this case behind me (or the obsession, thereof lol). The Kid is not likely to know Qvale by name and recognise him, so the likelihood is if it is him he’s identified he’s done so after pointing him out in a line up of photographs, or while on the street on the night itself.

What are the odds that this kid would be asked to look at a photo line up of 8, maybe 12 similar faces and asked is the cab slayer among them and he points at Qvale’s photo independently of Armond also claiming to have seen Kjell just yards from the scene that night, and then have Kjell turn out to be completely innocent? I will reserve comment but I know what my opinion and answer is.
Anyway, for now its all if’s and maybe’s with a splash of hypothetically. See what the result is in the FBI’s reply.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 26, 2014 9:17 am
Posts: 198
Reputable Member

My favorite is KQ as well. Probably because I was involved with the research of him by Mike Rodelli (even checked Q’s building in Italy when on hollidays).
I know that the evidence against him is aquarate and possible.

Still the problem is that with all suspects the evidence is indirect. Z could be someone completely different.

Posted : April 26, 2014 10:41 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

My favorite is KQ as well. Probably because I was involved with the research of him by Mike Rodelli (even checked Q’s building in Italy when on hollidays).
I know that the evidence against him is aquarate and possible.

Still the problem is that with all suspects the evidence is indirect. Z could be someone completely different.

Yes I agree that I fully acknowledge there are a few factors that don’t seem to fit the concept of Kjell being Zodiac. I was trying to remain objective and subjective the other day and think of the reason/evidence that seems to point to someone other than Ka-Vah-lee and the most obvious one I can think of is description of build. Kjell is average height (from videos and photos anyway) but is of slim build and not anywhere near the "Real beefy heavy set guy" Mageau recalls or Fouke’s "Medium to Heavy." But, did Zodiac’s disguise surpass mere facial and fingerprint distorting? Did he wear something under that Navy Derby jacket that bolstered his size considerably and deceptively to any onlookers? Too far fetched? Well I don’t know, I’ve always found Fouke’s composite to appear to, at least in it’s facial construction, depict an averagely slim or medium built white male….

And the above does seem to eerily resemble the man below to the far left of the photograph….

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 26, 2014 11:59 am
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Chappie, referring to it as ‘Fouke’s composite’ is misleading. Fouke had NO PART in the making of that composite.

My favourite suspects at the moment are Owen, Manalli and this classmate of Cheri’s. Mike Kelleher’s mystery man is still floating around in the back of my mind, too.

Posted : April 26, 2014 5:52 pm
Posts: 276
Reputable Member

I cannot fully let go of Larry Kane too.

Posted : May 3, 2014 6:37 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

And the sketch is not the original pic, btw..it is more slim than the original one. Not really a good match to Qvale either, imo.



Posted : May 3, 2014 9:18 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

I still don’t have one.

Reading other’s comments and reasons I can see why some have preferences. I can also see why some have none. I’ve felt, and still do feel, from time to time that it isn’t any of them but that’s probably down to not having found (or identified) him yet. Just because we can’t nail any of them down doesn’t mean that one of them isn’t Z. Still, this is a long and arduous undertaking and who knows, we may revisit a POI at some point and see something or find something that we had previously missed, or not considered. Or someone may join and add some piece of info to one of them that none of us knew.

I’m also not organised enough to put a list together. :D

Onward and upward and sideways and diagonally and backwards.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : May 23, 2014 6:35 pm
Posts: 7527
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Trav, for those reasons, that’s why we can count on you to be unbiased ;)

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 23, 2014 7:45 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Trav, for those reasons, that’s why we can count on you to be unbiased ;)

Seconded. If everyone here had a POI preference, I’m afraid a lot of discussions would be an exercise in futility with everyone trying to prove their own points. That’s not to say you can’t have a POI and still be objective but those without keep those with honest, which is much appreciated. ;)

Posted : May 24, 2014 9:36 am
Posts: 116
Estimable Member

I just don’t have one, and I still haven’t fully discounted Ted Kaczynski – but he is looking less likely to me.

"If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl."

Posted : May 24, 2014 5:11 pm
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