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Connection Z and the Santa Rosa murders

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for a long time we had no connection at all between various SRHM and Z. Although small, there in fact exists at least one. All this happens in less than 10 days, shortly after the arrest of Charles Manson as well as the arrival of different Z letters, in March 1970:


1. Marie Antoinette Anstey disappears from the Coronado Inn, a place Darlene Ferrin used to go as well. She is later found dead near a hippie camp. Authorities are searching a VW bus with ‘church’ written on it as well as a dark blue sedan, which was painted roughly as if done with a broom.

2. About the same day, Eva Lucienne Blau disappears. Like Marie Antoinette Anstey, Mescaline is found in her blood as a cause of her death. Overmore she had been clubbed to death and did she have rope burns indicating she had been bound before death.

3. Two days later three separate women (three! separate!) report a white 1962-64 Chevrolet frightening them between 3-4 am. Police finally stops the man, whose car and license plates matched their descriptions. A Vallejo (!) resident, age about 23, was identified – and was let gone.

4. Again, two days later, in Vallejo/Fairfield, a Vallejo woman reports that a white Chevrolet had began to tailgate her, blinking lights and banging his horn, trying to get her to stop. She raced away and was able to outdistance the car.

5. Five days later, Kathleen Johns is abducted and reports a ‘white car that wasn’t as new as a ’68 model, with yellow lamps inside’. The car was messy, with children’s clothing as well as a black four-celled flashlight with a rubber grip inside.

So the first three incidents happened in Santa Rosa, with a white to light tan Chevrolet. Then police arrests a Vallejo man and let him leave town. Only two days later, an identical car is reported by a Vallejo woman and, finally, Kathleen Johns gets abducted.

After his police arrest in Santa Rosa, this guy in his white Chevrolet just went back to his hometown Vallejo, and continued to harrass in the Vallejo/Fairfield and Modesto area.

Not just a molester, he is from Vallejo and a prime suspect in the Marie Antoinette Anstey as well as Eva Lucienne Blau murder, as it must be assumed that their killer had tried to lure them into his car in a similar way.

One month later, Patricia May Tan is found, hanging a few weeks on a tree. Therefore she had disappeared around the same time. A day after she had been found, the next Z letter (My name is) appears.


– This suspect, a 23 yr old Vallejo resident, for sure is a prime suspect in the Anstey/Blau homicide as well as possibly other later SRHM homicides

– The owner of an identical car is, after he had been thrown out of Santa Rosa by police, a prime suspect in the Kathleen Johns attack and, according to various Z letters, respectively other Z homicides such as the one of Darlene Ferrin (a ‘light-brown Ford Mustang or Chevrolet Corvair’)

– Being 23 yrs. old in 1970, Z therefore must be approximately 66 yrs. with DOB sometime in 1946-1948, residential in Vallejo with a white to light brown Chevrolet. This would make him about 19 yrs. during the time of Cheri Jo Bates and about 16 yrs. during the Summer/Smith/Edwards+Domingos incidents (Lompoc area).

– There is a close connection between the Santa Rosa incidents, the Z and Kathleen Johns incidents and the cipher letters.


On the same day the My Name Is letter appears, another man is found dead. Robert Salem, a lighting designer, is killed in San Francisco. He had been rage-stabbed (27 times) and nearly decapitated (like CJB). His left ear was severed and carried away. Charles Manson had cut the ear off in the Gary Hinman homicide. At this time however, Manson was already arrested. Was Robert Salem involved in ‘The Lamplighters’? Well correct is, that with his blood the words ‘Zodiac’ as well as ‘Satan Saves’ had been painted on a wall. Stanley Dean Baker (22) and Harry Allen Stroup (20) confessed to this murder, referring themselves to Satanism and the cult of the ‘Grand Chingon’ as well as the ‘4-Pi-movement’, also mentioning three other human ‘sacrifices’. In 1979, David Berkowitz (‘Son of Sam’) smuggled a book on witchcraft out of his prison cell, with passages on Manson and the ‘Four Pi’ movement underlined. One page bore a cryptic notation in the killer’s own handwriting : "Arlis Perry. Hunted, stalked, and slain. Followed to California.". In subsequent conversations and correspondence, Berkowitz alleged that Perry was killed by ‘Four Pi’ members as "a favor" to cultists in her hometown Bismarck, North Dakota, whom she had apparently offended in some way. One alleged member, named by Berkowitz, was Frederick Cowan, a neofascist from New Rochelle, New York, who was suspended from work after quarreling with his Jewish boss in February 1977. Turning up at the plant with a small arsenal on February 14, Cowan killed five persons and wounded two others before turning a gun on himself. Maury Terry has also linked cult activity with the unsolved case of the "Westchester Dart man," who wounded 23 women in New York’s Westchester and Rockland Counties, between February 1975 and May 1976. Despite the testimony of reputed Four Pi members, authorities have yet to build a case against the cult. Some suspects, named by witnesses, have died in "accidents" or "suicides" before they could be questioned by police.


According to time, place, car, MO etc. I do believe in a Santa Rosa / Z connection. Overall, besides additional info such as cipher breaking or DNA results, an identification of Z might happen only through a few ‘information channels’:

– Janice Crum. She had signed a possible Z letter, therefore might have met Z at least once in her life. Until today, she was never interrogated by the police.

– The car. With a white to light tan Chevrolet, registered on a 23 yr. old Vallejo resident, it should – if documents still exist – be easy for the Vallejo car registration office to identify a list of names, one possibly matching various other ‘Z criteria’.

– Paradice Motel. One Z letter refers to the Sierra Club, north Lake Tahoe, another one refers to ‘Paradice’. After a long research why Z had written the word Paradise wrong, the motel was found close-by Donna Lass’ way between Sahara hotel and her apartment.

– Carol & Joe Stine. There is a need to clarify exactly the connection between Joe, Paul and Carol Stine and Darlene Ferrin. Only then it is possible to understand what happened in the Coronado Inn, who was on the painting party, who scratched Joe’s face, shot Paul etc.

– Ramona High. With CJB being on Ramona High, and RH signature under the desktop poem, it might have been a classmate who had sent the confession letter. The question is: Who were the two people missing when police reconstructed the case approximately four weeks later. And of course, who did later move to the SF area.

– California Maritime. If Z was the killer of Deana Hooper and possibly Elaine Ehtinen, he could have been a frequent visitor of the Enlisted Men’s Club or the California Maritime University in south Vallejo. This would match Robert Tarbox’ statement as well as the circumstance that Marie Antoinette Anstey’s home and working place were close-by of the California Maritime, too (Antoinette was a waitress in a restaurant at 541 Benicia Road and was from 10 Wilshire Avenue.).

– SLA. The Symbionese Liberation Army was explicitly mentioned by Z and is the SLA estimated to be involved in at least 12 killings as well as the abduction of Patricia Hearst, who is the daughter of the San Francisco Chronicle owner.

Luckily there are not many killers out there. But some. And to figure out more, imo we do need far more police reports of missing or killed persons’ witnesses such as from the Susan Lori Dye case.

In the Richard Radetich murder, a ‘white American car’ was seen speeding away on nearby Oak Street, too.

(dig the garden)


Posted : July 1, 2013 12:43 pm
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

The way I see it, the likelihood of the perp being someone other than Zodiac is far higher.

Posted : July 1, 2013 2:00 pm
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

A couple problems here. Marie Anstey and Eva Blau were not SRHM victims.

You said, "After his police arrest in Santa Rosa, this guy in his white Chevrolet just went back to his hometown Vallejo, and continued to harrass in the Vallejo/Fairfield and Modesto area."

But if he fled SR because of the arrest, how do you make for him going back there to continue the SRHM?

I think you make a good point about the vehicle harrassment and the matching cars, but I don’t see how this connects to the SRHM.

Actually, your post says SRHM, but your title just says "santa rosa murders", so was that just a slip up about the SRHM, or is that what you meant to say?

For me the most likely explanation for the connection between those murders and the Z, if any, is that he wrote the letters after reading about the murders precisley to make people wonder if he was involved, which makes a lot more sense than him actually going around and commiting all these different types of crimes in different places.

Posted : July 1, 2013 3:25 pm
Posts: 3583
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for a long time we had no connection at all between various SRHM and Z. Although small, there in fact exists at least one. All this happens in less than 10 days, shortly after the arrest of Charles Manson as well as the arrival of different Z letters, in March 1970:

It was March 1971 not 70.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : July 1, 2013 3:54 pm
Posts: 7527
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Oh, Mr. Manalli, where are you?

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 1, 2013 5:16 pm
Posts: 2598
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first of all, the incidents I mentioned were in 1970, not 1971.

In fact there is no proof that the white Chevrolet in Santa Rosa was the same like the one in Vallejo or Modesto. What appears to be more than strange, however, is that after leaving Santa Rosa – only two days later – a Vallejo/Fairfield woman and five days later Kathleen Johns is molested by a guy in a white Chevrolet. To me this sounds like a psycho or schizo who tries to lure women into his car all day long.

We did not have a connection between these Santa Rosa killings and Z until this issue with the white Chevrolet. And as far as I know, we don’t have any other yet, except the circumstance that Marie Antoinette Anstey, the girl that was found in Lake County just north from Lake Berryessa (where Z had killed Cecilia Shepard only few months earlier) was working at the Coronado Inn. In Vallejo, where she originally was from and where many of the other Z things had happened.

The connection with a white Chevrolet, the regional situation (Vallejo/LakeCounty/SantaRosa) and mostly important the highly-frequented timing of all those incidents, I personally see a Z connection:

Anstey was a waitress in Vallejo, near California Maritime. She was found near the place Eva Blau had been found. Two days later the white Chevy driver is arrested in Santa Rosa for molesting three different (!) women. Being forced to leave Santa Rosa, another two days later the white Chevy driver molests a woman in Vallejo/Fairfield. Another few days later, Kathleen Johns is molested by our potential Z, in a white/light tan Chevy again.

Now I have no idea how many serial killers go around in the bay area driving their white Chevy, but this seems to be more than accidential. Then, oops, another Zodiac letter arrives, with more to come, e.g. Radetich being shot with a white car speeding away.

It’s true, the SRHM might be something else, mainly because they have lasted until ’73-’76 at least. But in my opinion, we got some Z activity in the Santa Rosa area. After the arrest in Santa Rosa, it might have been easier to pick-up the hitchhikers then (‘I am crackproof’).



Posted : July 1, 2013 5:28 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Quicktrader you wrote:

– Janice Crum. She had signed a Z letter, therefore must have met Z at least once in her life. Until today, she was never interviewed by police.

Could you please explain this above statement?

I mean, who is Janice Crum?
and what Z letter did she sign?
And how do you know this?

Thanks in advance…

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : July 1, 2013 5:34 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Quicktrader you wrote:

– Janice Crum. She had signed a Z letter, therefore must have met Z at least once in her life. Until today, she was never interviewed by police.

Could you please explain this above statement?

I mean, who is Janice Crum?
and what Z letter did she sign?
And how do you know this?

Thanks in advance…

Janice Crum, was involved in the case of LINDY SUE BIECHLER, who was murdered in 1975,in Lancaster PA. Absolutely no proven connection to zodiac, although I personally believe that Zodiac may have been the author of a letter received in her case.

Here’s a piece I wrote about Lindy’s case for Michelle McNamara’s site:
http://www.truecrimediary.com/index.cfm … ses&id=206

Here is the text of that letter, I have boldened the things that stand out and sound Z-like to me, and my responses are in RED.-

hi sheeler (Police Chief Sheeler)

Just Eats up your heart knowing you havn’t caught me yet, still around, Lindy’s marker on her grave just turned me on like she did, and the way she looked all bloody, like the paint on her Marker, the scratch and nick marks represent the knife stabes.

Count them.

you wondered if the guy at the gas station in Mountville were related to Biechlers murder. forget it man, no way.

I’ll tell you what Chief Pig, (calling the cops PIGS)you print this Letter in the paper along with a Picture in Friday nights Lancaster Paper (sound like anybody we know?)and saturday mornings paper, and I might confesss (confession letter)When I get off my trip. You see the world owes me a living, (one possible z letter stated that they were going to live the GOVERNMENT LIFE)maybe I give you a few hints who I am.

got busted once for Drugs a few years back

Live in West end of Lancaster Suburbs

I am 5’10" tall 205 LBS fat and Beautiful (fits overall general zodiac description)
and capable of killing again without knowing it

Dec. 5, 1975 was under the stupor of amfetamines Like right know.

Well educated man in the Community, single, good job but god please chief help me I am loosing (Zodiac also misspeleld LOSE the same way)my mind help me before I kill again, the headaches kill me Every time (sounds like the whole Melvin Belli stuff)it aches, the Drugs only Calm it temporarily.

Will god forgive me ———

Please print this Chief in the paper so I know you got it. v then I write you again, god I need a priest what have I done.

Help me please

P.S. chief sheeler my friend has confess to the killing of Lindy Sue biechler, as god is my withness Do as he asks, print this letter on the front page,(again,just like Z) I am not aware of his intentions right now but contemplating murder is not his intentions, he is mentally sick. When the letter appears, then he will turn himself in, he described the relationship he and Lindy had before he killed her. He only realizes it now when your on Drugs your not responsible for your actions. Please he is asleep now. That’s why I finished the letter. All I can tell you my friend frequents manor shopping center in the Evenings and the fields around it. Mostly weeknights. He will contact you very soon and oh when he Does please bring a Catholic priest to the police station. Janice Crum"

Police in Lancaster looked all around for a Janice Crum that may be connected,but never found one. I found a retired Oakland CA teacher by that name, and another woman by that name in the Modesto area. We can not view the handwriting, because police lost the letter at their lab. It was said to be a mix of cursive & printed writing.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 1, 2013 5:42 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

Quicktrader you wrote:

– Janice Crum. She had signed a Z letter, therefore must have met Z at least once in her life. Until today, she was never interviewed by police.

Could you please explain this above statement?

I mean, who is Janice Crum?
and what Z letter did she sign?
And how do you know this?

Thanks in advance…

Janice Crum, was involved in the case of LINDY SUE BIECHLER, who was murdered in 1975,in Lancaster PA. Absolutely no proven connection to zodiac, although I personally believe that Zodiac may have been the author of a letter received in her case.

Here’s a piece I wrote about Lindy’s case for Michelle McNamara’s site:
http://www.truecrimediary.com/index.cfm … ses&id=206

Ok, thanks Morf:)

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : July 1, 2013 5:54 pm
Posts: 2598
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Topic starter

Quicktrader you wrote:

– Janice Crum. She had signed a Z letter, therefore must have met Z at least once in her life. Until today, she was never interviewed by police.

Could you please explain this above statement?

I mean, who is Janice Crum?
and what Z letter did she sign?
And how do you know this?

Thanks in advance…

– As far as I know is Janice Crum her true name.
– She signed the ‘Urgent’ or ‘Sheeler’ letter which arrived in connection with the Lindy Biechler case.
– Below I’ll give additional links about the letter. As far as I know police had searched for Janice Crum, however could not find her. Someone else later figured out where she had lived, talked to her, and in the same step ruled her out as a suspect due to her answer ‘that she would like to live in privacy’

The author of the letter claims to have killed Lindy Biechler and marked her grave. He calls Ltnd. Sheeler a ‘Chief Pig’ and asks him twice to print his letter in the Lancaster Paper. He describes himself as being fat, beautiful (making him sort of a homo) and being capable of killing again, also claims to have headache. In a dyslectic way, he uses words such as ‘confesss’.

Below the letter, a ‘Janice Crum’ writes according to forensic expert Fitzgerald in the same handwriting style :

chief sheeler my friend has confess to the killing of Lindy Sue biechler, as god is my withness Do as he asks, print this letter on the front page, I am not aware of his intentions right now but contemplating murder is not his intentions, he is mentally sick. When the letter appears, then he will turn himself in, he described the relationship he and Lindy had before he killed her. He only realizes it now when your on Drugs your not responsible for your actions. Please he is asleep now. That’s why I finished the letter. All I can tell you my friend frequents manor shopping center in the Evenings and the fields around it. Mostly weeknights. He will contact you very soon and oh when he Does please bring a Catholic priest to the police station.

It’s hard to rule her in or rule her out as the ‘Urgent’ has arrived at 5 January, 1977 and ist not proven to be a Z letter. Nevertheless: It should be clarified which friend of Janice Crum has confessed to the killing of Lindy Sue Biechler as long as Janice Crum is alive. What is missing is the link of the guy who had claimed to have found Janice Crum. As soon as i find it, I’ll post it in a separate post.

http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … f=15&t=500

In fact I’ll change my text to ‘who had signed a possible Z letter’, although this one could still be a lead to Z..thanks for the hint.



Posted : July 1, 2013 6:34 pm
Posts: 2309
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Quicktrader-3. Two days later three separate women (three! separate!) report a white 1962-64 Chevrolet frightening them between 3-4 am. Police finally stops the man, whose car and license plates matched their descriptions. A Vallejo (!) resident, age about 23, was identified – and was let gone.

This is an incident that I would like to see corroborated. As far as I know it originated with Graysmith with no documentation and has been repeated by others to the point that it is assumed fact. But is it?

There are more reasons to think that the SRHM were not Zodiac killing than reasons to think they were. If you recall the SRHM were connected to Zodiac initially by the Sonoma County Sheriff’s office with their Giant Z Theory. Many of the victims that comprised the Giant Z were, in time, found to be Bundy’s victims. Bundy and Zodiac’s MO’s were worlds apart.


Posted : July 1, 2013 7:31 pm
Posts: 7527
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I looked into this and contacted SR PD and was told that unless it was a murder, there would likely be no record of it, especially since no arrest was made. Seagull likely has more connections to SRPD then anybody else

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 2, 2013 2:44 am
Posts: 2598
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I looked into this and contacted SR PD and was told that unless it was a murder, there would likely be no record of it, especially since no arrest was made. Seagull likely has more connections to SRPD then anybody else

Is there a ‘Like’ button somewhere? Go for it, Seagull, fly..



Posted : July 2, 2013 4:32 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Oh, I’ve asked. Like Morf said unless it was a major crime it not going to be in the files any longer. They were not familiar with or aware of any incident like that, of course it’s been years and there is no one at the sheriff’s office that was around in the 1970’s. I liken the story to the so called "Sonoma Composite" which turned out to have been done in Denver Colorado by an artist who had no input from California law enforcement and it was created a couple of years before the SRHM happened!

I have looked in the local newspaper, the Press Democrat, for a story. Nada…..


Posted : July 2, 2013 5:05 am
Posts: 2598
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Seventh Day Adventists…the community of Cecilia Shepard. Bryan and Cecilia were on a market of the SDA, only hours before they died. The map below shows its – geographical – location compared to some SRHM victims found:

Carolyn Nadine Davis
Maureen Louise Sterling
Yvonne Lisa Weber
Kim Wendy Allen
Cecilia Shepard

Don’t even wanna know what someone may find when hiking through that area..



Posted : January 21, 2014 7:09 am
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