Was Zodiac inspired by this July,1968 article?
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
But I thought he spelled it paradice?
Btw always thought it was interesting there’s a paraDICE motel in South Lake Tahoe (Donna Lass). Don’t know how long it’s been there, but it’s not far at all from where Lass was staying if my info is correct about where she lived. Not sure if Donna Lass is even a Z victim, but felt it worth noting.
Paradice – a play on the words/phrase "Pair of Dice". The word Paradice was on the Halloween card where the skeleton curiously looks as if he has "snake eyes" (when both die have only one)
I would be interested in finding more info on this writer. I looked into it and I can’t find any information on him. The only Richard Boone that comes to mind is the actor.
Wow, good find Morf!
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Morf, which newspapers did this article appear in?