Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: January 4, 2018 1:57 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 28
Re: Midwest Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

I also believe TK was Z. But can we rule out Joseph James DeAngelo ("Golden State Killer")?

4 years ago
Re: Midwest Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

Have you considered the Golden State Killer as a POI? Same age and height as TK, and proven criminal record. Military veterant, etc.

4 years ago
Re: Kaczynski, the Harvard Experiments and MK- ULTRA

TK likely developed schizophrenia as a reaction to LSD

5 years ago
Re: limerick/letter

It appears as if TK/Zodiac was the first incel mass murderer, like George Sodini or Elliot Rodger. See:

5 years ago
Re: Atlanta Child Murders & Letters: Killer, Zodiac or Hoaxe

How would have TK been able to travel from Montana to Atlanta? It’s extremely far and he was dead poor and I am not sure he could afford bus + lodging…

5 years ago
Re: Atlanta Child Murders & Letters: Killer, Zodiac or Hoaxe

How would have TK been able to travel from Montana to Atlanta? It’s extremely far and he was dead poor and I am not sure he could afford bus + lodging…

5 years ago
Re: Handwriting Comparison

Of these two comps, which is the most similar to the sketch? Of the handwriting comps and letters, what do you think is most compelling? Honestly, t…

5 years ago
Re: Handwriting Comparison

I don’t understand this. Both letters are identical. Both letters are Zodiac letters. Where is Kaczynski’s letters? This is because the handwritings…

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

The FBI caught the Unabomber thanks to a linguistic analysis comparing the Manifesto to his letters and other writings. Perhaps we can adopt the same …

5 years ago
Re: Question about Unabomber Postmarked locations and dates

I did not know Graysmith had written book on both Zodiac and Unabomber. How does he react when presented with evidence connecting TK to Zodiac?

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

Shaqmeister – No problem, glad you found the information helpful. Daxide – Interesting observation. I think there is something to it. Other observa…

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

The shape of the Tylenol suspect’s shoulders and TK’s look extremely similar. They both have a slightly rounded, and highly bent down ( like this /), …

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

Yes I think Zodiac did have a thing for anniversaries and remembering specific dates. Almost every single point in the Zodiac case can and has been de…

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

I have also noticed that both TK and Zodiac seem to have a fetish for dates. Can AK help me compile a list of Zodiac’s obsessions for dates? For examp…

5 years ago
Re: Facts & Evidence – Ted Kaczynski As The Zodiac

Have any of you guys read Mark Hewitt’s latest book "Exposed"? Apparently he makes the case that Zodiac and Unabomber are one and the same….

6 years ago
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