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Faraday found inside the car.

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We see many times when a murder is solved several years after the crime, often with DNA in recent cold cases, the killer is already behind bars for either a lesser infraction or for another murder. The Zodiac as you say likely never lost his compulsion to kill but obviously the more you keep re-offending the more likely your luck will run out. The more you commit the more you risk. There is one notable gap in Zodiac communication between 1971 and 1974 and if you believe any of the later letters are real in 1974, after this nothing. He probably never lost his compulsion, moreover the compulsion was an avenue he was now deprived of. The simplest and probably the most likely answer to the Zodiac mystery, although not certain, is he was either arrested for a subsequent murder and lived out his remaining days in prison or he simply died of natural causes and was buried long ago, likely in the 1970’s. The reality is likely far less interesting than the fantasy of keeping the Zodiac alive and living in a neighbourhood near you to this day. The enigma of the Zodiac has lasted for nearly 5 decades, it is likely this sad pathetic individual lasted far less. He has morphed from a ruthless coward in the 1960’s and 1970’s into this fictionalized and evasive ‘caped crusader’ we see today, serialized in films and books and the only way he is kept alive is through the imagination of thought turning man into myth. The idea this man is still alive driving a Toyota Prius, walking the dogs in the park, attending the baptist church every Sunday, mowing the lawn every Tuesday and leering over the neighbors fence with a glint in his eye, having eaten popcorn at the local cinema watching Zodiac 2007 is worthy of a movie all by itself, I love a good fantasy.

I wish it were a fantasy and the man who claims he is the Zodiac, who is still doing his thing is only a hoaxer. Time will tell , his time is coming soon I hope.
Some criminals actually get better at getting away with they do, others get sloppy and caught.
Zodiac knows that killing people at random is much harder getting caught, than when there is a connection to the victim.
Unless of course the killer can make it appear to be a random killing like I believe he did with Darlene.
There are a few surviving victims of this person who claims to be Zodiac who are in hiding, not the one we all know he is not hiding. But two females who were left for dead , who were beaten, tortured , stabbed, they know he is not a fantasy.
They know he is still out there.

Posted : August 29, 2015 8:11 pm
Posts: 1772
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UKS: Don’t be so sure Z is fertilizing flowers. I’m 76, and far from wheelchair-bound. According to actuaries, the lifespan for the average white male American is 78.4 years. So, there’s every possibility your fantasy could be reality….
I’ve a non-Z related question to ask you, my British friend. You’re from Coventry, right? If my memory holds, that was the city that was ferociously bombed by the Nazis so that they wouldn’t discover the British had broken the Nazi code (Enigma?). What do residents of Coventry now think of that decision? And are they a bit upset with Churchill for having ordered it?

To be honest Dag you hear little about it, but for sure Coventry became the sacrificial lamb for the greater cause, it depends whether you believe in the bigger picture, although that is cold comfort for the victims, I’m impressed by your knowledge of Coventry being one of the less prominent cities in England. Are you from Arizona my friend.

Posted : August 30, 2015 3:00 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

The average male lifespan might well be 70 odd years but for a severely mentally ill person this is far less. Add the fact that he almost certainly had an abusive, traumatic upbringing and ran around with guns and knives taking massive risks and you have all the ingredients for a much shorter than average life.

If he didn’t see his days out in prison or in a care facility then I”m of the belief that he probably died within a decade of the known murders and probably – either intentionally or not – by his own hand.

Posted : August 30, 2015 3:33 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Something to think about, Borges came across the scene and immediately saw both bodies outside of the car

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : August 30, 2015 4:21 pm
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

In this interview, Butterbach says the class ring was missing from Faraday’s finger and that Z must have taken it as a souvenir. :roll: I really have no faith in what elderly cops say based on decades-old memories.

http://www.officialcoldcaseinvestigatio … #post22815

Posted : August 30, 2015 8:33 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

In this interview, Butterbach says the class ring was missing from Faraday’s finger and that Z must have taken it as a souvenir. :roll: I really have no faith in what elderly cops say based on decades-old memories.

http://www.officialcoldcaseinvestigatio … #post22815

I agree for the most part, Coffee Time, but I think what was written there might have been taken out of context. ??

While Butterbach stated the ring was removed, he didn’t say it was gone–possibly an attempt at a souvenir? If you note here (I recorded that segment), he stated David was (oddly) holding it and from what he states it doesn’t appear it was on his finger.

–Double click on the photos to watch the video:


In regards to Bidou easily seeing any cars parked in the turnout, I would have to agree with him about that. It’s a small turnout and he would have been coming from Lake Herman so this recorded view of his statement from the Fincher documentary does clearly show what would have been seen:

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : August 30, 2015 10:33 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Thank you for posting that portion the video–as if the Lake herman timeline is not complicated enough! I can’t see how Bideu missed the station wagon (sorry Sandy–just my opinion.) With so many other reports of it being parked there–the Yours, the hunters, Owens–he must be mistaken somehow. As I re-read some of the reports I saw another curiosity–one of the hunters was insistent that the station wagon was parked facing into the gate @ 1105. Also, found the report from the classmate "Helen" who said she the Rambler and knew it was David’s at 1015pm parked facing the gate, then at 1030ish facing the field. So many witnesses around the crime scene, but no one witnessed the crime itself.

Posted : August 30, 2015 11:50 pm
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Yes, the article makes it sound as though the ring was missing entirely…although, it seems a little odd that Butterbach would conclude that it ended up where it did because the killer wanted a souvenir. Perhaps he asked for the ring as a pretense and David was prepared to comply, ala LB, but that’s not quite the same thing.

EDIT: Oh — thought I’d seen Bidou’s "interesting version of events" before… http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … f=84&t=616

Posted : August 31, 2015 12:24 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

lt was me who said a while back about pierre bidous odd statements, which he also he carrys on with at the 11minute mark on the aphrodite show, the statements from that night do not match up ,some very good comments up above nice reading:)

Posted : November 10, 2015 7:27 pm
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


"Frenchy" Bidou is an idiot. LL told a story about him going over a car in a murder case and turning it back over to the owner with a meat cleaver still wedged between the driver’s side door and the front seat. There was also a watch hanging on the gear shift that he had missed. His story about there being nobody in the turnout seems sketchy unless David took the car out for a spin to get the engine warm for the heater.


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : November 13, 2015 11:36 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member


"Frenchy" Bidou is an idiot. LL told a story about him going over a car in a murder case and turning it back over to the owner with a meat cleaver still wedged between the driver’s side door and the front seat. There was also a watch hanging on the gear shift that he had missed. His story about there being nobody in the turnout seems sketchy unless David took the car out for a spin to get the engine warm for the heater.


Mike, I was told the same thing about Bidou and the car from a crime scene. I think that victim was Sheri Dine Bana ? I didn’t remember the part about a meat cleaver, I thought it was a long knife like what was used at Lake Berryessa?
Wasn’t the victims car found at Blue Rock Springs parking lot, parked across three parking stalls ? I have always felt that the killer put her car in the same spot as Darlene’s car was found. A way of saying he was the same killer as the one who shot Darlene and Mike. Her body was found off of Lake Herman rd only a few yards away from the Dec 20th 68 crime scene.

A Zodiac like taunting game of connect the dots and you will figure out who killed her ?

Posted : November 30, 2015 8:19 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

In regards to Bidou easily seeing any cars parked in the turnout, I would have to agree with him about that. It’s a small turnout and he would have been coming from Lake Herman so this recorded view of his statement from the Fincher documentary does clearly show what would have been seen:

Interesting that he mentions a ‘buzzle of shooting’ being reported by the Benicia Police Department. If Burgess had seen the body of Jensen and Owen not being sure if he had heard a shot – who reported the shooting then? Nobody knew it had been a shooting at that point of time…



Posted : December 1, 2015 9:39 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Perhaps Zodiac placed the call ?

Posted : December 1, 2015 10:17 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Perhaps Zodiac placed the call ?

If so, we don’t know about it yet, do we? Benicia PD is like opposite the direction of vallejo PD, too.



Posted : December 1, 2015 9:00 pm
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