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'Sandy' A suspect in the Domingos/Edwards case

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I obtained a new article regarding the Domingos/Edwards case. I say new, because I havent seen it before. The interesting things in this article are as follows:

* Teens reported being shot at in the area of the shack shortly before the murders

* For the first time, I see mention of possible real names of "Sandy"- may have been WILLIAM CARR or ROBERT COFFMAN, and he may have lived in the Oakland/San Fran area. Also mentions he was STOCKY (Z-like?). The stocky part threw me for a loop because his sketches that I have seen, made him look skinny.

*Also, at the time of the murders, multiple girls were "missing" around the area of the murders( I did not research any further to see if they were found alive)

All and all, an interesting article. I would like to hear some thoughts & ideas, and see if anyone read this article before. The article was from 6/7/63, but I forget the name of the paper, Santa Barbara or Lompoc area paper.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : March 30, 2013 11:08 pm
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

anybody know or remember how close "sandy" was to KJ description?

Posted : October 30, 2013 1:27 am
Posts: 367
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* For the first time, I see mention of possible real names of "Sandy"- may have been WILLIAM CARR or ROBERT COFFMAN, and he may have lived in the Oakland/San Fran area. Also mentions he was STOCKY (Z-like?). The stocky part threw me for a loop because his sketches that I have seen, made him look skinny.

There was a fellow student of Robert and Linda at Lompoc High by the name of Ronald Carr. Stocky-looking young man, spitting image of the Zodiac composite. No information on him apart from the fact that he was an avid golfer and graduated in 1963; nobody’s been able to track him down, either.

Posted : October 30, 2013 2:40 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

We actually had discussed the Coffman issue before..it apparently was written in a label inside his jeans or jacket, which Sandy had left in the car.

The problem with Sandy is that he was blond..

Sandy had mentioned that he wanted to obtain a .22 rifle, it’s also the time when Sandy was sketched (with the cigarette held close to his hand) and the ‘in absentia’ trial. The trial was made for the robbery mentioning the following witnesses: Junior Gene Smith (son), John Putnam Blanchard (physician), Idell Bud Olson (Deputy Sheriff), Careth Sampson (waitress, saw ‘Sandy’ in the Rickshaw restaurant and identified his sketch, she there was a colleague of J.C. Reeds’ mother, Belle Reed), Peter Signorelli Jr., Mabel Keener, Harry F. Looney. Reed and Coleman showed the police the place where they threw away the wallet of Vern as well as the murder weapon at Cuyama Road near Highway 101. Document available on the Sandy website.

Pamela Youngblood, Linda Ladd and Teresa Fant were among the missing from Lompoc/Goleta area..not so many others I know of, except those Simi Valley (Manson) girls..however many attacks and shootings in the LA / Long Beach area.

Linda Ladd and Teresa were missing after having been last reported seen at 4:30 pm walking from La Colina Junior High School (4025 Foothill Road, Santa Barbara) toward Five Points.

‘Pamela Youngblood was still missing at midday today after having left home at 7 last night to attend the Lompoc High School graduation.’ Her parents reported her missing, same school like Domingos/Edwards ‘senior ditch day’.

Vern Smith and the report of James L. Summer to be mentioned as well of course. Vern Smith was stabbed with a hunting knife of similar length to CJB’s, which was sharpened on both sides. The road from Vern Smith directly heads towards the Lompoc High school and is the shack of Domingos/Edwards and the Summer children as well only few miles away, towards the beach.

Lompoc (AP) Detectives say the slayer of two Lompoc High school students may have planned to burn their bodies in the crude beach lean-to shelter in which they were found. Robert Domingos, 18, and Linda Edwards, 17, were found shot to death Wednesday night on the eve of their graduation. Sheriff’s deputies said leaves and other debris were piled around the lean-to near Gaviota, 25 miles north of Santa Barbara. Burned matches nearby indicated the murderer may have tried to turn the shelter into a funeral pyre, investigators said. Domingo’s was shot 11 times and Miss Edwards 8 times, the coroner reported. Bruises on the youth’s face indicated he may have fought with the gunman. Investigators said the girl’s bathing suit had been ripped off and was found in the lean-to. Domingo’s was wearing abbreviated surfer’s trousers. There was no evidence the girl had been sexually assaulted, the coroner said. (Friday, June 7, 1963, Press Courier)

Coffman, Reed and Coleman later discussed about weapons/ammunition, possibly the one they had lost in the Domingos/Edwards shack. This actually had led to the arrest of Reed and Coleman, while from Coffman only some clothes had been left inside the car.

Name coincidence? A Sheriff John Coffman was later investigating in the Santa Rosa Marie Antoinette ‘Toni’ Anstey case (Eva Lucienne Blau and others might be connected to her, too), she was from – Vallejo. Worked in the El Emperador, 541 Benicia Road, lived at 10 Wilshire Avenue. And she was last seen in the Coronado Inn, where Darlene Ferrin is said that she used to go, too.

Sandy is an excellent suspect – and already had his trial, so he’ll go to prison as soon as he gets caught..

Ronald Carr? Interesting..reminds me of Blue Rock Springs (Z: ‘the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo’), also of ‘Clay Thomas Carlin’ who was dumped near Willow Park Golf Course with multiple stab wounds, later died.

If you got anybody else missing from Lompoc area, I’d be interested in..



Posted : October 30, 2013 2:54 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 20, 2015 8:00 am
Posts: 624
Honorable Member

Didn’t see this posted anywhere, this article has pictures of the teens who allegedly hooked up with "Sandy."

Posted : January 16, 2016 3:03 am
Posts: 2598
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Didn’t see this posted anywhere, this article has pictures of the teens who allegedly hooked up with "Sandy."

Best find ever..has been posted before, however in a bad quality (viewtopic.php?f=98&t=1680&hilit=sandy+smith). It supports the existing theory that Z could have been "Sandy". And it even tells us more about Sandy:

"The boy said he had run away from his home in the San Francisco Bay area."

According to this information, Sandy did not come from San Diego, but the SF Bay area. Too bad he wasn’t listed as a missing person there..

Some more articles linking Z to D&E:



Posted : January 16, 2016 4:01 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Someone posted on my site yesterday saying they are the son of Robert Lee Bell and that Bell moved to Spokane, WA in 1983 and passed away in 1992, and that he is NOT the Robert Bell that lives in Kansas as some people have mentioned.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : November 13, 2016 3:06 pm
Posts: 7527
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Someone posted on my site yesterday saying they are the son of Robert Lee Bell and that Bell moved to Spokane, WA in 1983 and passed away in 1992, and that he is NOT the Robert Bell that lives in Kansas as some people have mentioned.

Thanks for that info

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 14, 2016 7:11 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Ricardo and I went to Santa Barbara yrs ago to find information about the case and went to the library there to read all of the articles. Sandy is a very good suspect! However I think the name "Sandy" was not his real name , just a nick name used because of his sandy blond hair, that could have been lightened by the sun or peroxide which many used back then to high light their hair.
There is a lot of good information at Ricardo’s site MK- Zodiac ( I hope I have that site correct?)
Ricardo and I also went to the crime scene and actually found a part of a old shack that had burn marks on it. It is on You Tube and you can hear me yelling in the background to Ricardo : I found a piece of the shack! It shows how close the train tracks were to the scene because a train went past as we were there filming.

You are probably tired of my connecting my suspect every chance I get. But you can see for your selves that my suspect holds his cigarette exactly like "Sandy".

Has anyone noticed how many times the name Sandy has come up in the Zodiac case? Maybe I notice it because of my name LOL. First in the Santa Barbara case 1963, then the restaurant where Cheri Jo Bates went to after church the Sunday she was killed 1966. And again on a card sent to VTH , the Celebrity cypher card showed "Sandy beaches"on Sept 25th 1990. ( It probably was received on the anniversary of Lake B. Sept 27th?) If these were all connected to Zodiac , then there just might be a clue to that name?

Posted : November 17, 2016 11:11 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

The only Sandy I saw related to the Zodiac. Passed his face in FaceApp to make him young, add glasses. FaceApp is pretty good, tested it on different photos of old people I know to see if it did manage to make them look like their young selves and it works pretty well.

Posted : January 1, 2021 9:36 am
Posts: 418
Reputable Member

Goes to show not everyone looks like the Zodiac even in horned rimmed glasses.

Posted : January 1, 2021 12:34 pm
Posts: 144
Estimable Member

Goes to show not everyone looks like the Zodiac even in horned rimmed glasses.

Does look like the Sandy sketch though. But I don’t think Sandy has actually anything to do with Z.

Posted : January 1, 2021 5:24 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

The names WILLIAM CARR and ROBERT COFFMAN are related to Sandy (names were found inside / with his clothing). Assuming those people had lost their pants somewhere nearby, eg. Santa Moncia, Oxnard, Thousand Oaks, people with such names might be of interest:

One Robert Coffman had lived not so far away from at St. Paula:
https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/ … =121560200




Posted : January 1, 2021 8:48 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

The name Robert has shown up in the last 18 letters of the 408 and was believed to be the name of Zodiac according to what I read in one of the FBI reports. I gave a copy of the solution to David O, who helped solve the 340 cipher, he said yes that is a solution, but because Zodiac used so many letters for each symbol, it could also be another name.
This was not a solution that I solved, it came from my Zodiac suspect! It was:" It me thee hipi Robeet." ( Purposely misspelled obviously ) Remember Darlene said the man who was following and checking up on her was an ole hippie? The R in Robert works well with the RH at Riverside. I also found that name in the"my name cipher". I left out the three 8s which I think could be 38 the yr he was born or how old he was when he wrote the cipher? The K in the middle had a symbol of / but the mirror image was which became an R, the rest fell into place using the Harden’s solved 408 as my key. It came out to be R Hernandez. This is the name of one of my suspects, the other uses the name Anthony aka Tony, I am still looking for his last name? All I have to go by are the license plates I have seen on the cars and trucks he has driven. Anthony is the one who holds his cigarette in that odd way Sandy did, I believe Anthony likes to use knives, Robert prefers using a gun. The reason I believe Anthony holds his cigarettes that way, is his face is slightly paralyzed and he cups his hand over his mouth to get it inside.

One witness in Vallejo during the late ’80s said Anthony asked him about the book the boy was reading ( It was Graysmiths Zodiac book) and if he thought the Zodiac would ever be caught? Then the man said he was a fan of the Zodiacs! The boy thought the man was playing a joke on the boy. The boy said the man sat at the counter in a restaurant called Bob’s Big Boy in Vallejo. A few days later that same man gave a brown bag containing the Zodiac book and asked the waitress to give it to the boy the next time he came in. That boy opened the book and saw that the writing was: "I thought you might like an autographed copy". It was signed Zodiac and had the Z logo. That boy contacted Tom Voigt and asked about me? He said he didn’t believe 90 percent of what I had to say in my posts, but that my suspect was the man who he saw in Vallejo and who gave him the signed book! That boy also said that when the man drank coffee, it spilled out of his mouth onto his shirt and that it didn’t seem to bother him. Having a witness like this young man was like finding gold! Unfortunately, he said he had moved so many times over the years, he had no idea where that book was? I look for that book at every used book store, hoping to find it someday! I do believe this man as well as Robert Hernandez are the Zodiac killers and that Anthony was the killer of Domingos and Edwards. He is/was a construction worker and there was construction at the cafeteria at their high school at the time of their murders.

Posted : January 1, 2021 10:23 pm
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