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Ross Sullivan is the Zodiac

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We know Ross was living in the San Francisco region (Santa Cruz) we know his brother Tim lived in San Francisco at that time
(I think near the Stine crime scene ?) so he could have stayed there from time to time.

We know Ross was accustomed to living at the YMCA hotel/apartments (there was a YMCA near where Paul Stine picked up Z)

If anyone has access to a Vallejo 1969 phone directory could you look up the address for the YMCA in Vallejo ?

The SF YMCA was close to city hall, where the wedding took place. You can even see the building from the steps of city hall.
If you leave that building at night, city hall is closed and there is only one direction one would walk (to get to an area with some nightlife), and it leads right to where Z picked up the cab.

Vallejo’s YMCA was converted into a hotel. In 1969 there was no YMCA in Vallejo to my knowledge. So it’s anyone’s guess where Ross was staying.
There seemed to be one in Richmond. I don’t think there was one in Napa.

*This is something I have been meaning to look into, but it would be pure speculation. The SF YMCA holds weight because it was right near the wedding Ross and CJB attended.

My speculative theory on Ross and his connection to Vallejo is that Ross in early 1968 was sent to Napa State hospital.
He got out mid-1968 and was helped by social workers to get some low level job, like washing dishes at Mare Island or some other civilian job on or near the base.

He might have bounced around YMCA locations including SF.

Mare Island is a big part of the geo profile:
https://www.scribd.com/document/1812896 … ossmo-Ph-D

Posted : December 8, 2017 2:18 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

We know Ross was living in the San Francisco region (Santa Cruz) we know his brother Tim lived in San Francisco at that time
(I think near the Stine crime scene ?) so he could have stayed there from time to time.

We know Ross was accustomed to living at the YMCA hotel/apartments (there was a YMCA near where Paul Stine picked up Z)

If anyone has access to a Vallejo 1969 phone directory could you look up the address for the YMCA in Vallejo ?

The SF YMCA was close to city hall, where the wedding took place. You can even see the building from the steps of city hall.
If you leave that building at night, city hall is closed and there is only one direction one would walk (to get to an area with some nightlife), and it leads right to where Z picked up the cab.

Vallejo’s YMCA was converted into a hotel. In 1969 there was no YMCA in Vallejo to my knowledge. So it’s anyone’s guess where Ross was staying.
There seemed to be one in Richmond. I don’t think there was one in Napa.

*This is something I have been meaning to look into, but it would be pure speculation. The SF YMCA holds weight because it was right near the wedding Ross and CJB attended.

Did Cheri Jo attend Bonnie & Tims wedding ?

Posted : December 8, 2017 2:42 am
Posts: 419
Reputable Member

I remember it being discussed about cjb at the wedding but not sure how solid that is…there is no question cjb and ross are associated/aquaintance though….

Posted : December 8, 2017 2:47 am
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

We know Ross was living in the San Francisco region (Santa Cruz) we know his brother Tim lived in San Francisco at that time
(I think near the Stine crime scene ?) so he could have stayed there from time to time.

We know Ross was accustomed to living at the YMCA hotel/apartments (there was a YMCA near where Paul Stine picked up Z)

If anyone has access to a Vallejo 1969 phone directory could you look up the address for the YMCA in Vallejo ?

The SF YMCA was close to city hall, where the wedding took place. You can even see the building from the steps of city hall.
If you leave that building at night, city hall is closed and there is only one direction one would walk (to get to an area with some nightlife), and it leads right to where Z picked up the cab.

Vallejo’s YMCA was converted into a hotel. In 1969 there was no YMCA in Vallejo to my knowledge. So it’s anyone’s guess where Ross was staying.
There seemed to be one in Richmond. I don’t think there was one in Napa.

*This is something I have been meaning to look into, but it would be pure speculation. The SF YMCA holds weight because it was right near the wedding Ross and CJB attended.

Did Cheri Jo attend Bonnie & Tims wedding ?

The answer to that question is in the yellow book. The first time I read that book, something jumped out at me. It was a short paragraph talking about how CJB (something like 3 weeks before her murder) was in SF to visit her boyfriend. I thought at the time, surely LE looked into this and who she was in contact with when she visited SF.

Regardless. The yellow book makes no mention of a wedding. However, member JeffP verified that Bonnie at CJB were still very close friends. So it’s safe to assume, Bates was in town for more than the reason to visit her boyfriend who was at SFSU. This would also explain how a much older Ross would know CJB and she might trust Ross more than if he was just a guy from RCC.

Posted : December 8, 2017 3:07 am
Posts: 338
Reputable Member

It’s going to be the letter Z by Ross that carries the most weigh it matches the Bates letter Z symbol

Great find and hope to see a full sample soon. But it’s no longer surprising. We had a very small sample to look at and we found all kinds of matches.

the nay-sayers, doubters, and critics can say what they want, but if it’s legit, it’s a match short and simple. How many more ‘coincidences’ with Ross must there be before it’s no longer all a coincidence?

We have reached the point where now we find a clear writing match, and we learn Ross was into crypto. However, LE could match his prints to the cab and there would still be people claiming Ross can’t be Z… Just wait for it!

1. Ross was in the radio club in high school (1958) and wrote a paper on ciphers in college (1966). He was probably into ciphers and crypto for almost 10 years.

2. And his z matches the z from the Bates 1967 letter. The thing about that z is that Ross writes in this half-cursive and half-printing style. Which means this isn’t taught and many of the letters develop naturally over time. Writing a z like that is unique, where the top part is cursive, bottom half is printed. Not only that. It basically confirms that the letter/symbol at end of the Bates letter was in fact a Z. Which means that the killer signed the letter with a Z. I wonder why.

This is very compelling evidence. We have to look even harder. We might be the only ones who really know/believe Ross is the killer. The witnesses are not getting any younger. This might be the last legit chance to solve the case.

P.S. Morf did you get my PM? I’m having trouble sending it out for whatever reason. If you don’t get it by morning, PM me your email address and i’ll give you his phone number.

Posted : December 8, 2017 11:27 am
Posts: 130
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Do we know for sure that Ross was in the ham radio club?

Also, as long as LE is ok with me posting the full passage in my yearbook I will do that today. Still waiting to hear back from the detective. I will post it to official Ross Sullivan thread that Morf has asked me to. Sorry to keep everyone hanging!

Posted : December 8, 2017 6:54 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Do we know for sure that Ross was in the ham radio club?

Also, as long as LE is ok with me posting the full passage in my yearbook I will do that today. Still waiting to hear back from the detective. I will post it to official Ross Sullivan thread that Morf has asked me to. Sorry to keep everyone hanging!

I don’t know if Ross was in the ham radio club. His friend he wrote the inscription to was. One thing I want to clear up, and one problem with responding too hastily,Ross did not write the letter Z in the yearbook. The sample we see in that comparison isn’t a Z, it’s from turning Ross’s letter h to the right and it closely resembles that Z symbol on the Bates had to die letters. Hang with me I’m hunting this week and trying to do this all from a tree stand on my phone. I’ll tackle this more and hope to have more clarity when I’m back in 2 days

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 9, 2017 3:03 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

As I rather believe that Ross Sullivan is not the Zodiac, this thread could be a good way to finalize the thoughts about him.

What exactly are the hard facts that could imply that Z was indeed the Zodiac?

1. He was a strange guy at the RCC library who – according to the author(s) may have escaped from a mental institution etc.
("A couple of years ago I called the police to call about our suspect and was told he had an alibi for that night")

As you can see, police is assuming that Ross had an alibi. Other assumptions in the RCC library letter accusing him to be a murderer may or may not be true (what he had said to other people; that he had changed his clothes; that he didn’t show up on the day after the murder; that he had left to Santa Cruz etc..).

IMO this is very vague. Is there any other hard fact linking Ross Sullivan to any of Z’s murders? I mean so far he may have been acting strangely but in fact was eliminated by the police due to his alibi. Such alibi most likely would have been confirmed by someone else, too. A simple accusation, years later, imo is not enough to make Ross Sullivan a ‘suspect’ (as already claimed in the letter).

Though, any other hard facts regarding Ross Sullivan?



Posted : December 9, 2017 3:35 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Using your logic, there isn’t enough to make ANY of the known Z suspects worthy of consideration then. I think where things started out with Ross was that he was in the RCC library where zodiac’s writing was found. We finally found his photo and low and behold he’s the closest likeness to the zodiac sketch we’ve seen. For some reason a good one or a bad one, his own brother thought he was Z. Recently, we find he took cryptography class. We already know he wrote a paper on how to write with various handwriting. Those are all good reasons to consider him as a suspect. The lack of a solid link to SF Bay Area has always been a sticking point

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 9, 2017 8:23 pm
Posts: 857
Prominent Member

Do we know for sure that Ross was in the ham radio club?

Also, as long as LE is ok with me posting the full passage in my yearbook I will do that today. Still waiting to hear back from the detective. I will post it to official Ross Sullivan thread that Morf has asked me to. Sorry to keep everyone hanging!

I don’t know if Ross was in the ham radio club. His friend he wrote the inscription to was. One thing I want to clear up, and one problem with responding too hastily,Ross did not write the letter Z in the yearbook. The sample we see in that comparison isn’t a Z, it’s from turning Ross’s letter h to the right and it closely resembles that Z symbol on the Bates had to die letters. Hang with me I’m hunting this week and trying to do this all from a tree stand on my phone. I’ll tackle this more and hope to have more clarity when I’m back in 2 days

That is a very unusual ‘h’ and it matches perfectly to the Bates ‘z’ like letter. Perhaps the ‘z’ on the Bates letters was an "h". It would line up with ‘r.h.’ from the desktop.

Back then anyone into crypto, would also be into Ham radio. The two go hand and hand.
Notice the cover and the mention to electronic components? Bus Bomb diagram used very simple electronics.

The Bus Bomb also calls for a 6v car batt. This was unusual since most car batteries were 12v. Only cars that used 6v were VW like Ross drove.

Posted : December 10, 2017 5:09 am
Posts: 62
Trusted Member

It’s a shame the letter isn’t a Z, but it’s still interesting that he uses the same type of ‘flourish’ on other letters. I would need to see the whole thing to have a real opinion on it though. Not that I’m any expert :P

Edit – Actually if that ‘flourish’ is just another letter, maybe a ‘U’, it isn’t that interesting at all? :roll:

Posted : December 10, 2017 7:41 pm
Posts: 45
Trusted Member

It looks like the word "hi" to me, rather than an individual letter. Hard to tell out of context, though. Still intriguing, but I no longer consider it the game-changer I first thought.

Posted : December 11, 2017 3:32 am
Posts: 207
Estimable Member

It may have been mentioned before … I may have mentioned it before … I have always thought that the Bates letter write turned the page to write the letters. All the letters look constructed to me as if none of them are natural flowing letters. Perhaps that is how the letter writer chose to disguise the writing.

Also – there has been mention of the paper that Ross wrote in regard to disguising handwriting or a paper on ciphers (it’s late and I forgot what the paper was on that he wrote) … I am wondering if that paper has been provided / shown on this site? Or it is just hear say? If it’s on this site or another – I’d love to see/read it.

Posted : December 11, 2017 7:21 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I have always thought that the Bates letter write turned the page to write the letters.

I remember back in school in the ’70’s a classmate showing me how if you turn the paper on an angle it makes your writing have a cool slant to it. That was on lined notebook paper and easy to keep neat and in line, doing it on unlined paper you will end up with your entire sentence angling down, like Zodiac’s does.

Posted : December 11, 2017 7:55 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

it’s going to be the letter Z by Ross that carries the most weigh it matches the Bates letter Z symbol at the bottom-the nay-sayers, doubters, and critics can say what they want, but if it’s legit, it’s a match short and simple. How many more ‘coincidences’ with Ross must there be before it’s no longer all a coincidence?

One squiggly line "matches" the Bates letters, which isn’t found in any of the dozens of Zodiac letters…and you think that not only carries the most weight, but actually solves the case.

I actually said before that I felt good about Ross’ writing, based on what little I had seen. The difference is that I actually look at the evidence, unlike you and Paul who have zero objectivity and nothing will convince you that Ross isn’t Zodiac, other than maybe having someone else be arrested for it.

Everyone else who is totally convinced that they know the Zodiac is and have produced hundreds of examples to support them are wrong, but this can’t possibly be the same thing because these things are right.

The number of "coincidences" don’t matter. That’s what you don’t understand. Every coincidence carries the same value: None. Adding up a million of them doesn’t equal one substantial connection. That’s what people who have no good information do to convince themselves that they are right, they twist everything to suit their purpose and blow up every meaningless thing because they think quantity matters over quality.

Robert Graysmith wrote 300 pages about Arthur Leigh Allen. Does anyone really think that he was a better suspect in 2000 than he was in 1990?

80% or more of the good information on Ross was uncovered within a few months, and since then hundreds of pages more have been said about him. Does that really make any sense?

If he really was the killer there should be LESS connections, not more to him. Zodiac’s criminal activities involved hours of his lifetime. Since you have hundreds of "coincidences" between him and the Zodiac, you should have millions of things that don’t have anything to do with him, right? Yet, Surprise! Almost everything that has been found connects him to Zodiac in some way.

I finally found something that’s not a coincidence.

I know you don’t want to hear this and it’s probably a waste of my time to say all this. Why can’t I just look at the evidence and shut up? I would love to and I would have welcomed this thread being what it should’ve been: some new Ross handwriting.

Instead we get the 50th thread saying that Ross is totally the Zodiac and everyone else is just too stupid to see it, including the real detectives and investigators on the case.

Posted : December 12, 2017 3:33 pm
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